Ah, I should know better than to just fire things off without going into enough detail about what I've already got; that's what I get for being in a hurry and posting from work!
Campaign is Chest-Deep. Inserting a new PC into an ongoing game.
In a nutshell, he is a research student at a museum (
Aspect: Room 501: Antiquities Lab, British Museum) who walked in on a robbery in the lab - a supernatural perpertrator was trying to steal an artifact. In this backstory, another PC was (trying to) prevent the robbery, and the student intervenes without knowing what he's getting into. Long story short - he gets the pendant away from the thief, but in the process he is blasted across the room and lays dying while the fight continues. (
Aspect: I Can't Just Stand By And Do Nothing)
A voice offers him a choice: live, and take on a responsibility far greater and more important than what he is doing now, or... die.
It'd be a short backstory if he said no, so he accepts, in the process becoming a
Aspect: Knight For An Unknown Power. He rises from the floor, unleashes a <insert special effect> that ends the robbery attempt. But as expected... his new life is a complicated one (
Aspect: Research Student By Day, Vigilante By Knight). The other PC feels responsible for this turn of events, but even he is having a hard time giving the newcomer an intro to the local Who's Who In The Supernatural.
Aspect: Unseelie Accords... Huh! What's That?Basically, the voice has fallen silent for a while, and he seems to have access to some magic. They'd rather not bother the White Council right now, or attract its undue attention, so he has been on improv as far as flinging magic goes.
In game terms, he has Sponsored Magic and an unusual item of power - a large tatoo of the pendant that imprinted itself on his chest.
The magic appears water-based.
So I guess we're looking for Aspects with issues of control, non-training and power leaks

Y'know, stuff that ensures much hilarity and unintendedly violent consequences