Author Topic: Potential Power  (Read 3182 times)

Offline gojj

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Potential Power
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:00:55 PM »
I was thinking about giving my Autumn Knight (who was a rancher before his knighthood) a power to "summon" a horse no matter where he was. It will tie in his previous occupation as a rancher well I think. The horse isn't going to have stats or anything so it's not a summoning spell per-say,I'm thinking more along the lines of how Gandalf summons Shadowfax in LOTR. Something like the second or third turn after I call the horse appears. Firstly, do you think this is possible? And secondly, do you think this will be a -1 spell? The only real benefit will be increased movement via the switch from Athletics to Survival as the movement skill. The reason that this will be a spell is because the horse will be unique like Shadowfax, so it's not like I'm just whistling loudly hoping for the nearest horse to hear and come running.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 11:36:59 PM »
Sure...I'd consider it the Speed power discounted due to limitations inherent in your trappings.  I might ask for a related aspect...and then compel for the occasional stolen horse.  But I like complications.   ;D
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Offline Haru

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 12:40:04 AM »
Well, you could say you open up a quick portal to your masters staples in the nevernever, so the horse can come to you and assist you. A simple maneuver spell should be good enough, if you invoke for effect. On the other hand, it might even be a -1 worldwalkeresque power to do this properly, but that would be up to you.

I do see some problems with the "horse without stats" thing, because sooner or later, you might want to trample someone with your horse.

Another way I could see it work would be with an "Echo of the Beast". The Echo would let the character roll survival at +1 to move around, as long as he spends one exchange opening his mind for the horses spirit, or something like that (a discipline roll against a number depending on the disturbances around him). That way, the horse would only help him in spirit, without actually being there, and the mechanical effect would be the same.
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Offline gojj

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 12:56:08 AM »
I'd handle all of the horse's actions with maneuvers. If I wanted to trample someone I'd Roll Survival against their Athletics, if I win they get "getting charged by a horse" or something. If someone tried to shoot it out from under me, they'd roll Guns against my Survival, if they win I'd get a "horse shot out from under me" aspect. It's not perfect but I think it's a whole lot simpler then giving the horse stats. And I think I've figured out a more specific wording (I have yet to actually figure out a name for the horse):

-1: Summon Autumn's Horse: The first or second (up to GM) turn I'd get an "Astride Autumn's Horse" aspect and I'd roll Survival instead of Athletics for sprinting.

Some other things in addition I was thinking of (but these may make this too strong for a one point power, I'd pick one more from the following:
-The aspect "Astride Autumn's Horse" comes with one free tag
-I get to modify my Athletics (Dodging) with survival due to the fact that I'm now harder to hit
-I can move 1-zone without out taking a penalty (like Casual Movement from Inhuman Speed)

I know this power will be stronger than a stunt, but not much. My goal is something close to the power of Cloak of Shadows.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 04:38:57 AM »
An attempt at riding rules:,24744.15.html

Kinda complex, but does a fair bit of what you want.

Spending a FP to Declare the presence of a horse is probably reasonable in most cases.

Hope this helps.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2011, 02:25:09 PM »
You could probably conjure or summon a horse like thing with an enchanted item...

Enchanted items can do anything that Thaumaturgy can do - so you could set one up to conjure a horse.  I'm thinking maybe 5 steps for a base horse and then more for duration and to make it a better horse (i.e. putting extra steps in quality to get an average or better horse).

Or you could have a magic item that summons a horse like thing from the nevernever - you'd have to work out a deal with it in advanced though....

Then there's another option - since the character is a fairy knight he could invoke his high concept and get a fairy steed when needed.

No, these suggestions have nothing to do with crafting a new power - just offering work around that won't cost refresh (as long as he has an enchanted item slot open).


Offline polkaneverdies

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 01:19:26 AM »
The problem with a statless horse is that eventually someone will be smart enough to shoot it. Or failing that what happens when you are hit by a zone attack?
Other than that the power would probably work. I would suggest either going with option 1 or 3 from your potentials. Adding to dodge would probably push it into -2 range for me.

Offline gojj

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 04:55:31 AM »
Like I said if someone wanted to kill the horse they'd roll against my survival to but a maneuver on me, if successful I will have a "Horse shot out from under me" aspect and loose the benefits. The zone attack could be a problem, the easiest answer to me is that it would hit me and not affect the horse. I know this doesn't make much sense but you are able to dodge zone attacks in the wide open with no cover with athletics (outrunning an explosion doesn't make much sense either), my argument for this is that if I'm able to doge the zone attack than I'd just have to explain it so that the horse was fine too. Like I said it's not perfect, but I just don't want a one point power whose explanation takes up half of the power sheet. However I appreciate the criticism, I hadn't thought about a zone attack before.

And just out of curiosity why would the dodge (option #2) be more over powered than the other two? It's only a one point shift to a trapping and (unlike most other powers) I can loose the bonus at any time in the middle of combat.

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2011, 12:50:27 AM »
Like I said if someone wanted to kill the horse they'd roll against my survival to but a maneuver on me, if successful I will have a "Horse shot out from under me" aspect and loose the benefits. The zone attack could be a problem, the easiest answer to me is that it would hit me and not affect the horse. I know this doesn't make much sense but you are able to dodge zone attacks in the wide open with no cover with athletics (outrunning an explosion doesn't make much sense either), my argument for this is that if I'm able to doge the zone attack than I'd just have to explain it so that the horse was fine too. Like I said it's not perfect, but I just don't want a one point power whose explanation takes up half of the power sheet. However I appreciate the criticism, I hadn't thought about a zone attack before.

And just out of curiosity why would the dodge (option #2) be more over powered than the other two? It's only a one point shift to a trapping and (unlike most other powers) I can loose the bonus at any time in the middle of combat.

Wouldn't their "attack roll" just be a manoeuvre to remove your mounted on a steed aspect (YS207-208)?

I actually just got done with my weekly game and we played aspect jockey during the conflict, and it was a blast! Trying to out manoeuvre the other is fun times!

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Offline CaptFisher

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2011, 02:15:04 AM »
I find all of these interesting options of how to stat this to be a great part of the DFRPG, for my part I would just give him a horse, i don't think that the advantage of a horse is worth any refresh...make it a fairy horse and compel his High Concept occasionally for its use.

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Offline gojj

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Re: Potential Power
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2011, 03:27:27 AM »
Hm, this could work. His high concept is currently "Rugged rancher turned Autumn Knight" so I could easily reword it a bit to make it fit better.