@noclue: It's a bit more complex, mostly because who / what the aspect is "attached" to also matters.
If someone uses a personal aspect to increase a zone wide attack (or anything else) the victims don't receive a fate point. If it was an invoke and not a tag, the fate point simply goes into the pot. When you invoke someone's aspect to use against them, they get the fate point. Though you do get one free tag on new assessments, consequences*, and declarations. So the first use of someone's aspect may not get them a fate point.
One more thing, you don't get a fate point if the aspect, even your own, is used to your benefit.
*You do get a fate point from taking the consequence at the end of the scene. Assuming you made it through. I would count a death scene as a separate scene...so a wizard would have those points to use in his death curse. Perhaps that's one reason death curses are so feared...
@devonapple: The jargon isn't your fault! I simply think labeling it "free invoke" and "free compel" would keep things simpler. And avoid some confusion. Calling those "tags" and "invokes for effect" just muddied the waters. For the record, I still think Dresden Files RPG is the best translation of fiction to RPG I've seen. Bar none. I simply dislike jargon.