Author Topic: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)  (Read 7756 times)

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2011, 07:26:44 PM »
I would be worried about the continual twisting of aspects more than the mechanical cost of Lawbreaker.  Assuming the PCs have relatively limited power sets along the lines of telekinetic, telepath, ESPer, and/or Precog they probably wouldn't qualify for more than one or two types of Lawbreaker.  After maxing it out they'd have 2 or 4 points in Channeling and Ritual, plus 2 or 4 points of Lawbreaker at most.  On the other hand, if the telepath has to twist another aspect every three times he invades someone's mind the character would become one-note pretty quickly.
90% of what I say is hyperbole intended for humorous effect.  Don't take me seriously. I don't.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2011, 09:27:07 PM »
The aspects have to be twisted, but do not have to center around the law itself. One can still have similar aspects before and after they're twisted, and I imagine soldiers aren't going to have a hard time linking their aspects to lawbreaking.

As a secondary I've always houseruled that once all seven aspects have a bit of lawbreaker in them, then there's no need to change aspects any further (unless we're leaning towards a new broken law). They already are the monsters they have become.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2011, 09:30:35 PM »
Are you sure that that's a houserule?

I thought that that was canon.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2011, 09:41:53 PM »
Meh, it was never clear one way or the other. The RAW literally states that one has to change an aspect every three times one breaks a law. It doesn't say when to stop. That said it just makes sense to stop when all of your aspects are twisted.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2011, 09:50:45 PM »
Or you could twist each of the aspect further each time you go over them, so first time you kill someone you get the killer aspect and the 8th time you get the cold eyed monster aspect instead.
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I think.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2011, 12:46:11 AM »
Meh, it was never clear one way or the other. The RAW literally states that one has to change an aspect every three times one breaks a law. It doesn't say when to stop. That said it just makes sense to stop when all of your aspects are twisted.

It says a *different* aspect.  So after all 7 aspects have been twisted the RAW becomes impossible to follow.

Offline BumblingBear

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2011, 06:39:44 AM »
I would go about it 1 of 3 ways.

1. Either this:

Why not just replace the seven Lawbreaker powers with one?

That way, it costs two refresh at most. Which is affordable.

2.  I would not require the PCs to take lawbreaker... reasoning that they found magic /after/ being killers, and that as long as they don't try to time travel and just stick to killing and torture, they are being true to themselves and they believe it's ok.

3.  I would model their powers based on actual powers rather than magic.  For instance, a breath weapon with more ooomf for pyrokinesis etc.

Since a real evocator would need to be taught, and since the person teaching them would know about the white council, I would actually tend to lean towards option 3.

Just like the shape shifting Alphas, the powers that the team manifests could be a display of discipline, a little knowledge, and a lot of hard work.
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

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Re: Military black-ops warlocks (no law talk...sort of)
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2011, 06:52:18 AM »
Thanks for the thoughts Bear. I was hoping you might have some response to this.

I've been thinking about tech, and I had a question for those of you who are/have been in the military (I haven't seen Bear around lately). How much tech does your average soldier deal with when out doing something? How much standard equipment is high tech? Right now the only issue I can think of is communication, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

That seemed like an area you had some expertise with.