Author Topic: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!  (Read 5389 times)

Offline bibliophile20

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 02:05:06 AM »
Being actually blind with no alternative to sight would likely be a fate point gold mine, but that really would be balanced out by the fact that they are going to have difficulties a lot.

Resources compel: "Um, yeah, you mixed up your singles and tens last time you did the 'unique fold by value' thing.  You just overpaid by an order of magnitude."
Lore compel: "Two words: Braille.  Spellbooks.  Not. Common."
Contacts compel: "Uh, yeah, apparently your clothing clashes so bad that it can induce glaucoma at twenty paces.  Nobody really wants to talk to you."
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#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline sinker

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2011, 05:48:51 AM »
Resources compel: "Um, yeah, you mixed up your singles and tens last time you did the 'unique fold by value' thing.  You just overpaid by an order of magnitude."
Lore compel: "Two words: Braille.  Spellbooks.  Not. Common."
Contacts compel: "Uh, yeah, apparently your clothing clashes so bad that it can induce glaucoma at twenty paces.  Nobody really wants to talk to you."

All things that could be compels, but I would not likely make those compels unless they related to another aspect or situation. It's usually best to assume that someone is capable of living as they have for years, unless there is something that says otherwise.

Otherwise you're just being a jerk (compelling for no real good reason and in a way that actually detracts from the story), and jerks don't usually stay GMs if your players have any alternative.

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2011, 06:11:56 AM »
All things that could be compels, but I would not likely make those compels unless they related to another aspect or situation. It's usually best to assume that someone is capable of living as they have for years, unless there is something that says otherwise.

Otherwise you're just being a jerk (compelling for no real good reason and in a way that actually detracts from the story), and jerks don't usually stay GMs if your players have any alternative.
I was giving examples of possible complications, yeesh, not saying that I would just drop them for the hell of it.  I wouldn't make those compels willy-nilly either; I was just making some oddball suggestions for possible compels that would, of course, be used in a proper context.  It's no different than saying to the were-wolf that some hobo has made off with his spare clothing stash and giving them a fate point against their high concept for the complication--or giving a wizard a compel against their high concept for hexing the car--again.  In this case, the fact that the character has to function within a society designed for the sighted will cause them issues--on everything from the fact that US dollars are all the same size and texture, to the fact that people often treat the handicapped with reluctant reticence.   

(Sorry if I seem a little oversensitive on the "jerk" point, but it hit a nerve; going through some old emails recently brought up an old game that cost me my friendship with the GM and the other players precisely because of that sort of behavior). 
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2011, 09:02:55 PM »
Okay, using his character was mistake :p I meant, what if doesn't have such super-powered senses? He couldn't target his spells normally, to me this sounds like 'auto-compel'. That is why I would find it fair to give a +1 discount to Supernatural Senses at -2/-3 so a character is more capable in such respects. I will admit that I have no actual game experience, so there might be an easier solution, but I just don't think an aspect to be compelled is going to cut it. I am just curious on how you woul deal with a character who is As blind as the proverbial bat?
There's no such thing as an auto compel. The GM has to find the complication compel worthy. So, "golly gee willikers, it's so hard to cast spells...again." Isn't a compel. the compel is when the RCVs have grabbed your girlfriend and you stumble over a root, allowing her to be captured and infected with RC venom.
So, if your blindness is an easy source of compels for the GM, I say awesome! Better gird your loins. ;)

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2011, 04:46:13 AM »
How I'd handle a blind character in Dresden Files RPG.

Trouble: Blind (spice this up...simply using a bland aspect as an example) 

This will lead to lots of comples and fate points.  If you can stomach being blind (played a blinded character in D&D and V:TM before (all short term however), it can be quite rewarding.

This would still allow you to use your other sense just fine.  Supernatural senses works well to offset it.  Go for a radar sense Matt Murdock (Daredevil style).

I see no problem with taking powers so that being blind is just for flavor... (but then I wouldn't take it as a trouble aspect...since it won't be compelled often since you can basically just "see" anyhow). Also most GM's won't let such things fly.

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2011, 11:21:24 AM »
One word: Daredevil. Ok maybe two words, or one? Dunno.

He is blind, but his other senses are stronger, but one is twice as useful: his hearing.

You can make a sound wizard, concentrating on Air magic and Spirit for light(if you make everybody blind, you are in advantage because you are adapted to it). As minor tricks you can do the sonar thing out of combat. In combat, just get compelled as hell by the GM for missing with your discipline and rack in those delicious, succulent FP. Do aoes like firebreath and team buff/block.

Or pump your Lore to max, get 1 stunt for more powerful third eye, and 1 stunt for more control over the third eye, its a pain to close it. Pump discipline too for closing it. When in combat you can open your Third Eye to see the world magically :) just like Daredevil sees with his sonar.

Or same air deal, but with Earth and sense vibrations, depends on the flavor.
Frank Power: Picture
High Concept: "Emissary of the Crystal Dragon, Crystalax", Trouble: "A debt I will never afford to pay."
Aspects: "Modern-day Gladiator.", "Authority p

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2011, 03:56:34 PM »
Thanks for all the information and ideas.  I have been away from a computer for the weekend so haven't got aa chance to respond.  I DO want it to be a factor in the game.  I chose the Disability superpower as flavor more than anything - so he can still get around and be a wizard - but did not ever intend for it to completely take away the disability.  I liked bibliophile20's idea of being overwhelmed by sound and smell and actually thought earlier that it would make for a good compel opportunity, but still being able to be a viable character.  I like all the other comments and suggestions as well.  Thanks again.

As for aspects the disability power says that your disability and superpower it is linked to must be in your high concept.  So I got nothing.  All I came up with was Blind Wizard with Supernatural Senses.  Kind of bland - any ideas?

Offline sinker

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Re: Has anyone played a blind character in a game? If so please help!!
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2011, 04:59:29 PM »
If you're having a hard time with your high concept then just build the character and as you go it should become more defined.

Questions that might help:
Why is he blind?
How does he feel about his blindness?
What does he do? (and more abstractly what is his purpose?)
Why is he doing it?
Is he connected to anyone else?