It seems to me that in this book Harry is starting to really THINK about what he's doing, about the situation(s) he gets into, and looking/planning more than a few minutes into the future. I expect he'll still rush off half - cocked into bad situations, but perhaps not as often. Eventually, if he continues learning and thinking, he'll have the knowledge, skill sets and experience to truly be able to use the vast amounts of power he seemingly can tap in a far more effective and efficient manner.
There were parts of this book that made me cringe, like Murphy's reactions to Harry's telling her about locating Areside's gang. I can understand WHY she has changed, and suspect this is going to be a fairly major continuing character thread for a while. I just hate seeing the character turning into a less likable, less ... Well, noble isn't quite the word I want, more like she was willing to try to see the good in even not-so-good folks. More able to see shades of gray in life, in people, and not mostly in terms of black and white, you're either good or evil, once you'vevbeen turnedvto evil there is no turning back...hope this makes some sense, I know I'm not being as clear as I'd like.
Yeah, there are ghosts / spirits I wish Harry would have encountered, but you can't have everything. As far as folks reacting to finding out Harry is still alive, well, that just makes the wait for the next book that much more...excruciating! Perhaps not the best book in the series, but even the not-best of such a grat series is still pretty damn good. And there were some really great moments in this book, too. I especially enjoyed 'meeting' the reaper / angel of death that was guarding Father Forthill - or rather, guarding his soul. Seeing the growth and maturity Mortimer has experienced was a pleasant surprise, as well as meeting Sir Stuart and the fact Uriel was able to 'heal' him and more or less take him into his service. The Mollyprise was an imaginative detail I would never have expected. And the whole scene of Harry's 'rebirth' and the three way argument / discussion between him, Mab and Deathreach was fantastic.
Yeah, I really liked the book and yep, it's due for a re-read after I go back and read the st of the series again so I can see more of the places where various plot and character threads are intertwining and weaving such a sumptuous story...