The DF section is getting huge. I'd like to reiterate my recommendation that the acronyms for the books get broken out into their own section.
Maybe brake up the rest into Characters, Groups, and Places.
Also there are some that are outdated. The one I have in mind is GG for Grey Ghost. That pretty much went out of fashion shortly after everyone had finished Ghost Story.
Here's what the DF section would look like with my suggested edits: (I didn't get rid of GG, and I lumped places and groups together because appart the catagories would be half the size of the others)
Dresden FilesThe Books (and other works)
AM = Depending on context of post either Aftermath (short story) or Ancient Mai
BAT = Big Apocalyptic Trilogy - The final 3 books of the Dresden Files (should be books 23, 24 & 25 if I remember correctly)
BR = Blood Rites (book 6)
CD = Cold Days (book 14)
DB = Dead Beat (book 7)
DF = Dresden Files
DFRPG = Dresden Files Role Playing Game
DM = Death Masks (book 5)
FM = Fool Moon (book 2)
GP = Grave Peril (book 3)
GS = Ghost Story (book 13)
PG = Proven Guilty (book 8 )
SG = Skin Game (book 15)
SF = Storm Front (book 1)
SK = Summer Knight (book 4) (or the actual summer Knight)
SmF = Small Favour (or Favor, depending on region
) (book 10)
TC = Turn Coat (book 11)
TDF = The Dresden Files
WN = White Night (book 9)
WttJ = Welcome to the Jungle, the original DF Prequel Graphic Novel.
CharactersAl - Alfred (Demonreach)
AM = Depending on context of post either Aftermath (short story) or Ancient Mai
BM = Bolshevik Muppet
CF = Chlorofiend
DR = Demonreach
DV = Dresdenverse
Eb = Ebenezar
EBG = Eldest Brother Gruff
Eeb/s = Red Court Assassins
GC = Depending on context of post either Grey Cloak or Grey Council
GG = Grey Ghost
GK = Gatekeeper
HWWB = He Who Walks Behind
HWWB4 = He Who Walks Before
LtW = Listens to Wind (Injun Joe)
SK = Summer Knight (book 4) (or the actual summer Knight)
TTH = Time-travelling Harry
TWG / WG = The White God
WK = Winter Knight (rarely used for White (vampires) King)
Groups and PlacesAT = Arctis Tor
BC = Depending on context of post either Black Court (vampires) or Black Council
BCV = Black Court vampires
Blampires = Black Court vampires
DR = Demonreach
GC = Depending on context of post either Grey Cloak or Grey Council
Jampires = Jade Court vampires
JLC = Justice League of Chicago
KotC - Knight(s) of the Cross
LC = Little Chicago
LoOn = Lords of Outer Night
LtW = Listens to Wind (Injun Joe)
NH = Nickleheads (The Denarians)
NN = Nevernever
Rampires = Red Court vampires
RCV = Red Court vampires
SC = Senior Council
WC = Depending on context of post either White Court (vampires) or White Council
WCV = White Court vampires
Whampires = White Court vampires
WK = Winter Knight (rarely used for White (vampires) King)