Author Topic: Timeline for Changes  (Read 6168 times)


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Timeline for Changes
« on: July 02, 2011, 11:08:16 PM »
I have decided to calculate a timeline of the events in Changes.

Day 1:

1:00 PM: Harry recieves call from Susan.

1:00 AM: Susan and Martin arrive

Early morning:

Late Evening: Harry arrested but released

Martin and Susan fall prey to sleep wards

Day 2:

Afternoon: Conduct Raid on Nevada Storehouse

Late evening: Asks sources of info for help.

11:00 PM: Harry meets with Marcone, who secures meeting with Odin

11:30-12:00 PM-AM: Journey to Norway and wait to meet. During this time, Odin may procure information through a spy network (he mentions that he has resources to find things out and if the Fellowship can get spies Odin presumably can as well.

12:00-12:20: Harry recieves information

Morning-Late Morning: Harry makes contact and tells Susan where Ritual is being held

Day 3:

Late Afternoon: First confrontation with the Eebs.

Night: Harry meets Sayna after the Eebs firebomb his house. Gets injured in process

Early morning: Harry makes contact with Uriel then with Queen Mab; becomes the winter knight.

Day 4

2:30: Flees into Nevernear

9:30: Leaves Nevernear

9:31: Lea arrives and picks them up

9:43: arrive at Church

9:56: Leave Church and head to first waypoint

10:12: Arrive at first point:

10:15: Leave

11:45: Touch down in Yucatan

11:53: Arrive at temple complex

11:58 Susan begins recon

12:02: Susan arrives back

12:05: Big battle begins

12:10: Harry challenges Arianna

12:11: Alamaya comes out
12:13: Head to main temple
12:16: Arrives at temple
12:17: Enters the main temple and begins negotiating with the red King
12:19: Deal to have Harry face off with Arianna is solidified, and Harry meets Maggie. Given that the Red King was on the penultimate sacrifice it is safe to assume that Maggie's sacrifice was originally scheduled for 12:21 or 12:22. Because of harry's arrival and the fact that he had as legitimate a claim to collect a blood debt as Arianna (which changed the game entirely), the Red King was forced to push the ritual back in order to ensure that Harry and Arianna can have a clean fight because if he let arianna go ahead he would essentially be guilty of preventing the collection of a blood debt (which benefits him from both a legal standdpoint since a compromise is the one option that will theoretically allow both parties a chance to collect their debts since arianna would only be prevented if harry bested her while harry's debt would be sebtled the moment the dust cleared and the victor won, and a political standpoint since if harry wins he has a powerful political enemy out of his hair hence why he subtly stacks the deck in harry's favor by ensuring that the battle is purely magical power.)
12:28: Harry and Arianna face off
12:33: Harry kills Arianna via impalement, sending her to a well deserved demise and ending her plans for good.
12:34-12:35: Battle begins

1:04-1:05: Harry kills Susan, destroying the Red Court and ending the battle.

12:45-1:00: Harry dies.