Too many Urban Fantasy novels are porn with supernatural elements - Dresden now stands out as odd because of the lack of explicit sex scenes.
While there may be "too many", I would definitely not say that the Dresden Files is odd in that respect. Or, if it is, then you haven't been reading enough Urban Fantasy. I can name four series off the top of my head where it isn't over the top.
First up, Harry J. Connolly's Twenty Palaces series, which are the best books that I've read this year. Seriously, the man is an amazing writer who has chops that practically put Jim Butcher to shame -
and he's only on his third book. That's right, he starts at an equitable caliber and he's only on his spiritual Storm Front and Fool Moon. Sex scenes to date? None.
Second story, Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson novels. A solid contender in new Urban Fantasy that I actually thought was going to go the way of Sookie Stackhouse and Anita Blake, but has an awesome even keel now. Heck, I struggle to think of as many sex scenes as the Dresden Files have in a comparable number of books. And it has a nice, real,
married relationship for the main character. Grade-A.
Third verse, KA Stewart's Jesse James Dawson books. I don't have as much experience here, having only picked them up to day, but, from the get go, the author proves that she has some serious chops. A married, male protagonist who kills demons to save people's souls. It's almost like reading a story where Michael is the main character, less the whole sponsorship of the White God.
Lastly, Thomas Snogieski's Remy Chandler tales. Although I don't find them as immediately gripping as the previous three (who now make my perfect trifecta of Urban Fantasy), the tale of an angel that came to earth and becomes a PI is a pretty gripping and compelling one. Never a sex scene so far and he talks to dogs! You can't beat that.
And I didn't even touch on PN Elrod's Vampire Files.
So, there's a good handful for ya.