Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 85624 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #150 on: January 07, 2013, 08:35:59 AM »
Again, thanks.

No problem. Happy to help.  :)

I really have no idea what the correct cost for the random Powers is. I guess I'll go with your suggestion unless somebody argues otherwise.

My thought process is (at least partly):

1. Having to activate Modular Abilities every scene and not being able to shift them more than once per scene without FP is totally a +1 disadvantage. That removes a lot of their utility.
2. Getting random powers is also clearly a +1 disadvantage (since that's the minimum level of meaningful disadvantage available).

These have both downsides, which makes their particular form of randomness at least +2 as downsides go.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #151 on: January 07, 2013, 06:01:00 PM »
I'm familiar with Dr. McNinja...but if it's not an item, it's not an Item of Power, just a power. Y'know?
Eh, I don't see a problem with it--it's something that can be removed, after all, even if it grows back. I've constructed a couple characters who have, for example, a transplanted arm as an Item of Power.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #152 on: January 07, 2013, 11:43:12 PM »
Alright then, here are the last four edits. If nobody posts a complaint, the list will be updated before I go to sleep tonight.

Explanations after statblocks, as usual.

In ascending order of edit size:

Description: A deck of cards. Drawing one causes you to gain abilities both magical and mundane. This is pretty useful, but since there's no way to predict what abilities drawing a card will give you it's not the most reliable item.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A deck of cards is a small item and an easy one to hide.
[-3] Luck Of The Draw. Every card in the deck, including the jokers, has a unique set of abilities attached to it. The abilities of a card always cost 3 Refresh total, if a skill at your skill cap is worth 1 Refresh. As a standard action, you may draw a random card from the deck. You are granted the abilities attached to the card you draw for the rest of the scene. Drawing a second (or a third, or a fourth, etc...) card in the same scene costs a Fate Point and erases any abilities a previous card may have given you. At the end of a scene in which you drew a card, you may spend a Fate Point to retain the granted abilities for an additional scene.

Example cards:
  • Evocation (Elements are air, water, and earth. The specialization is in air power, and the card is a +1 offensive and defensive air control focus)
  • Gaseous Form
  • Channelling (fire) + Refinement (the card is a focus giving +2 offensive fire power and control)
  • Driving + Scholarship + Ghost Speaker
  • Diminutive Size + Inhuman Strength
  • Investigation + Psychometry + Quick Eye (stunt)

Changed cost and explained more of what the Evocation card does. Boring, I know.

Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift for Marci, the spoiled neice of a powerful wizard. They're cursed to torment their wearer in humiliating ways, because Marci's uncle was incredibly petty.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. It's going to be compelled in curse-related ways. A lot.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Performance
[-0] Purpose. The skates were created to punish their wearer. As such, they occasionally move around (bringing their wearer with them) in whichever way is most likely to hurt and humiliate the wearer. The skates also resist removal; before they can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in a public fountain consecrated with an American coin from 1972 (since they were made during 1972 in America) and dried off with werebear fur.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of roller skates. You can skate with them.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. These roller skates might be easy to hide if they were removable. But they're not, so they're really obvious.
[-2] Magical Skating. When sprinting, the wearer of Marci's Roller Skates adds three to their Athletics and may rollerblade over all terrain, including water, as though it were flat smooth concrete.
[-1] Skate Pro. The wearer adds two to their Performance skill when using it to rollerblade, thanks to the awe-inspiring skate tricks enabled by the magic of the rollerblades. Of course, a curse-related Compel could easily turn any performance into a humiliating fiasco.

Tried to resolve the contradiction between embarrassing curse stuff and awesome skate tricks. Tell me if I failed.

Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity. Tread lightly when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power and an Aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a really big book. In fact, it probably wouldn't fit in a backpack.
[-1] Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age. The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights. It grants two Thaumaturgy specializations which must be spent on Crafting strength or frequency. These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses, and the resulting set of specializations must be legal both with and without the specializations from the Grimoire.
[-1] The Mind of a Madman. This Power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot. The demon is Jabir, and his agenda is the acquisition of unlimited knowledge and power.
[-1] Methods of Madness. Whenever you use an enchanted item or potion, you may choose to increase its strength (for that one use) by any amount equal to or less than your Lore. (This bypasses the normal limit of Lore x2 on enchanted item strength). Doing this allows the Grimoire to make a mental attack against you, with an accuracy equal to the total power of the item and a weapon rating equal to the amount you added to its power. Mental consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.

Tried to clarify Methods Of Madness. Again, tell me if I failed.

Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James, represented as a high concept, to inherit The Peacemaker. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a six-shot revolver. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Furthermore it cannot be hexed and will never jam.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A revolver is fairly easy to hide.
[-3] All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of The Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. Debt taken this way will generally be discharged by Compels to shoot someone.
[-1] Shooting Frenzy. If The Peacemaker inflicts a consequence on a character, subsequent attacks against that character get +1. Once per scene, when the Peacemaker kills a character, the wielder may clear any stress track and erase a mild consequence. If the Peacemaker runs out of bullets or is used against foes that outnumber the wielder, the wielder must roll Discipline against a difficulty of the GM's choice to avoid shooting the nearest person uncontrollably.

Hosed this one up on the first pass, I admit. I undid some of my changes, hopefully making the item work properly. Read it and tell me what you think.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #153 on: January 08, 2013, 12:49:56 AM »
Those all look good to me, though Methods of Madness still looks a bit weak. Maybe reverse it, with an attack equal to shifts added at a weapon rating of the original item's effectiveness? That'd let you add just a little fairly often, while still being risky as hell to use on big items.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #154 on: January 08, 2013, 01:55:32 AM »
Hm, maybe. That'd be pretty cool...but I think I'll leave it as-is for now.

I'm kinda paranoid when it comes to breaking the Lore x2 cap, honestly. Even if doing so is mostly suicidal...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #155 on: January 08, 2013, 05:52:25 AM »
Update complete.

Twenty-six items were added in this update, bringing the total list length to 62 items spread over 47 pages of text. 96408 characters not including the new title and introduction.

Which might be a problem, since I'm not sure I can fit that much text in the five posts I reserved at the start of this thread.

I'll try, at least. But from here on out the text document is probably a better place to look for items than the start of this thread.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #156 on: January 08, 2013, 06:10:07 AM »
Okay, I actually fit every item into the first five posts. Somehow.

That's the limit, though. Each of those posts has more than 19000 characters, and the forum rejects posts that approach the limit of 20000 too closely.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #157 on: January 10, 2013, 12:11:32 AM »
A Blinker Stone from Gunnerkrigg Court, which is meant to focus one's latent magical ability. It's meant for use by wizard's apprentices who are having trouble with Channeling or Evocation, and is meant to be taken with either Channeling or Evocation. Always At Hand might be overpriced and empirical evidence suggests i'm horrible at Limitation rebates, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #158 on: January 10, 2013, 03:51:07 AM »
Ignoring the usual Lore limitation on foci both makes it overpowered, and breaks the fluff you appear to be going for - if it were the case, even the greatest wizard would want a blinker stone, not just their apprentices.

Astral Sight - I'm assuming that as per the rules for The Sight, someone with the blinker stone would be able to get Soulgaze for free as well?

Always At Hand - based on Santacphrax's Item of Power Collection and Tracing, I'd say [-2] is right. Still, I'd personally price it as [-1].

Item Limitation - I'm not quite sure how it works either, but if you get the ability to summon it back whenever you want, I'm not sure it's worth [+2]

Btw, I should note that there may be balance issues with IoPs granting foci slots.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #159 on: January 10, 2013, 04:07:27 AM »
Hey, Gunnerkrigg Court. You earn points for trying that, in my book.


It's not really very fair to have both an IoP rebate and an Item Limitation rebate. They both do the same thing.

What's the condition for lending or stealing the stone? Just holding onto it? How does that work with Always At Hand? And how does Always At Hand interact with the stone's rebate Power anyway?

Also, what skill do you use when trying to call the stone past a ward?

I don't think it's wise to let the stone bypass ordinary focus limits.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #160 on: January 10, 2013, 05:17:39 AM »
I really need to stop using limitation like it's a thing i'm good at. I was not at all aware it's meant to replace that. Stealing a stone requires a really simple ritual involving a circle, some candles, and possibly some blood. It just cuts the Stone's user off from it, Mechanically represented as a "duel of wills" similar to Harry and Duke Ortega- a couple of opposed Discipline or Conviction rolls. Because the stone basically becomes an extension of your will, you can will it to someone in order to lend it to them. Conviction is the skill used to bypass wards and circles. The Stone is meant to be used as a control focus. Hrm. Perhaps it could act as a +4 Control Bonus to the element of one's choice, with all the similar caveats? It drops the Refinements to 2 and makes it more playable as an apprentice wizard.

What is the issue with IoPs granting focus slots, sensei?
*lotus position*

Here's the edited version.

Description: Blinker Stones are essentially "blank slate" focus items, meant for use by apprentices or wizards who have problems with Evocation.
Must: You must have an aspect relating to your posession of a Stone, or an aspect related to your difficulty with combat magic.
Skills Affected:Discipline, Conviction
It Is What It Is: A gemstone of any type, color, or cut, that can easily fit in a palm.
Crystalline Focus [-2] Power resonates through the stone. It turns a flamethrower into a laser, a lightning bolt into an arc welder. Gain a +4 bonus to the control roll of one element, chosen upon receiving the stone. This does not stack with Specializations-those are meant to replace a blinker stone.
Astral Sight [-2] You may peer into the Nevernever and see spiritual beings while projecting your consciousness through the Stone. Treat as The Sight and Ghost Speaker.
Always At Hand [-2] You can return the blinker stone to your hand from any distance, no matter where it is. A sufficiently powerful Circle or Ward turns this into an attempt to generate shifts equal to the Ward strength, using Conviction as the key skill.
Item Limitation [+2] Spells of the element affected by the blinker stone can only be cast while the stone is in your posession. the Stone can be lent with a simple effort of will. It can be stolen in a Conviction vs. Conviction duel of wills with the attempted thief (Represented as an extended contest.).
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 05:37:11 AM by Hick Jr »
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #161 on: January 10, 2013, 05:23:58 AM »
The problem is that focus items come with a drawback - they can be lost or stolen. Ditto for IoPs. So by combining the two, you're essentially mitigating some of the downsides.

Btw, it should be noted that I personally do not have a problem with it. It's just that I have observed quite a few who do.

Also, Crystalline Focus - Maybe if it only boosted the control roll, but does not add to accuracy of an attack. Right now, it's very... weird. And probably overpowered, given how it grants a flat linear bonus (Which the system discourages and is rather boring, to boot), and ignores the pyramid for specializations, and stack with foci and specializations. Also, all the fluff issues I mentioned earlier still apply, thought I'm not sure how much you care about that.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #162 on: January 10, 2013, 05:36:07 AM »
Eh. The fluff is flexible. And i can see some of the problems, now. Changing it to a flat control roll bonus.

Oh, and on a secondary note, thinking about Gunnerkrigg Court in the context of the DFRPG is interesting. Reynardine is easily stattable, Ysengrin is weird, and Coyote is a heavyweight.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #163 on: January 10, 2013, 09:03:18 AM »
Statting Gunnerkrigg Court characters actually seems kinda hard to me, since Tom tends to leave a lot of stuff vague.

Given the free-form nature of Limitation, I think you could fold Always At Hand and Item Limitation into a single Item Limitation.

Something like "The attached Powers are lost if the character is unable to call the stone to their hand, which generally only occurs if they willingly give the stone up or if it is stolen by a character who defeats them in a contest of will. (The stone must first be stolen in a mundane sense for such a contest to occur). Taking the Powers of the stone on is as easy as picking the stone up after the original owner has lost control of it."

That's a pretty small limitation, but it could definitely be worth +1 in some games.

Does Crystalline Focus stack with normal foci?

PS: I'm not totally sure if Ghost Speaker and The Sight involve peering into the Nevernever or not. I think they might, but I figured I ought to mention my uncertainty.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #164 on: January 10, 2013, 09:04:52 AM »
Also, before I forget:

I completely forgot about the price discount on Soul Fire. I just associate it with the reduced cost, being that it seems like that's how it's used in play most often. I've made those changes that you suggest, as well as updated the Skills that are affected by the staff.

I'd also like the Seid Stones to do something different but I'm not sure what they could do at -1 that's both fluffy and any better than a level of Refinement for a Wizard who no longer has a Warden Sword.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4]Supernatural Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3]The Catch: Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1]The Seid Stones: Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3]Banefire: This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.