Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 85515 times)

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2012, 07:09:02 PM »
The rebate on the Catch can't completely negate the cost of power it's attached to, and you only get the stacked catch bonus if one of those powers is Physical Immunity.

So you're saying i can only have one catch for either of the toughness powers?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #121 on: October 09, 2012, 03:59:28 AM »
You can have one Catch that applies to both Toughness Powers.

Also armour 5 is way too much for It Is What It Is.

And it seems weird that the Incite Awe requires you to touch people.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #122 on: October 09, 2012, 05:24:54 AM »
Does that Catch give a bigger rebate or same price and apply to both? I'm still a little iffy with Catches as I myself don't use toughness powers very often.

Do you think Armor:4 is acceptable considering it's forged from adamant?

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #123 on: October 09, 2012, 01:37:26 PM »
Same price, applies to both.

And no. If the armour is somehow more awesome than normal armour, you have to pay for that.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #124 on: October 09, 2012, 03:04:53 PM »
Aegis of Magahal [-9]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness, Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.
[-1] Demesne (Grannash Territory).

« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 10:27:54 PM by KnightOrbis »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #125 on: October 09, 2012, 08:22:25 PM »
2 Refresh for 2 armour, eh? Bit sketchy, but I'd probably allow it.

The Catch can't just be for the Mythic Toughness, though.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #126 on: October 09, 2012, 10:28:14 PM »

Offline Arcane

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #127 on: October 27, 2012, 08:34:00 PM »
Inspired from the one in Charlie Wiseman's artifact collection.  This version is a little different from his because it has A Catch (Necromantic Magic), gives Supernatural Recovery as opposed to merely Inhuman, and has an offensive power also. 

Phoenix Feather
Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life.  It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destory by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.

Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Eternal Flame. It shall burn always, unquenchable.
[-0] The Flame Harms Not. The flame does not burn or harm beings and objects it touches
[-0] Brightly Burning. The flame brings light to dark places (Light Source as per Pixie entry on page 48 of Our World).
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze which grants one Supernatural Recovery
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death. (Limited Class Of People: +1; Specific Research Material: +1).
[-2] Wrathful Blast. By a focused act of will, the wielder can direct a blast of flame as one would from a wand that does potentially inflict damage (Reskinned Breath Weapon that uses Discipline for the skill to hit).
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 2 Refresh
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #128 on: November 05, 2012, 02:08:07 AM »
Another item inspired by an artifact from the Charlie Wiseman Collection.  This version differs from the original by giving Inhuman Strength in addition to all of the original benefits.

*Thirst (aka The Blade That Drinks)
Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap was bound after it had offended a powerful sidhe noble.

Skills Affected: Weapons, Athletics, Rapport, Empathy, Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline,
[-0] Purpose. To imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is.  A claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword (Weapon:3)
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose..
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. The wielder can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit.  However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while doing so one's ability to persuade and relate to people suffers.  (Reskinned Skill Shuffle trapping of Beast Change; Weapons and Athletics change places with Rapport and Empathy respectively).
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. (Inhuman Strength)
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities (Supernatural Recovery).
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron (Easily Accessed +2; Specific Research Material necessary to realize the sword imprisons a redcap's spirit +1)
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength.  If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder (Feeding Dependency: Blood attached to Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Recovery).
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the Communion of Vitality between it and the wielder allows him to receive a portion of the benefit.  The downside is that while Channeling The Warrior Spirit the wielder may have to resist the compulsions to feed (draw blood with the sword) experienced by the redcap spirit (Blood Drinker)
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 2 Refresh
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 08:43:21 PM by Arcane »
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #129 on: November 05, 2012, 05:43:53 AM »
The Feeding Dependency isn't valid. With The Catch, Supernatural Recovery costs only 1. So Feeding Dependency can't cut the cost further.

Besides, Feeding Dependency is pretty broken if it's not attached to an appropriate number of Powers. Make it apply to Beast Change and Inhuman Strength too, I say.

That aside, I'd make it Weapon 3. It's a broadsword, and an Item of Power to boot.

Offline Arcane

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #130 on: November 05, 2012, 08:46:38 PM »
Edited it so Feeding Dependency was attached to both Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Strength and made it Weapon 3.
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #131 on: November 06, 2012, 04:21:51 AM »
Yet another item from The Charlie Wiseman Collection.  This differs from the original by the addition of Inhuman Speed.

The Winged Sandals of Perseus
Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes that allow one to fly.

Skills Affected: Athletics
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] One Size Fits All. These sandals adjust to fit any foot size.
[-1] Flight.  These sandals allow the wearer to fly.
[-2] The Swiftness of Hermes.  Inhuman Speed.
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 1 Refresh
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #132 on: January 03, 2013, 03:10:24 AM »
I haven't updated this list in almost a year...I'd better get on that.

First, I'll collect all the items not on the list in this post and maybe the next one.

Had to hunt a bit to find some of these, and there's no guarantee I found everything. Please let me know if there's an item I missed.

Description: There are many lucky charms in the world. Most of them do nothing. But when one of them is used by many people, many times, to do very important things, it can acquire power. Such is the case with Mythbane, a magical ring that protects against the supernatural.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Furthermore, you must be a human being. A real human, not a half-human or another such edge case.
Skills Affected: Fists, Endurance, Conviction, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring, the kind you wear on your finger.
[-0] Unbreakable. The ring cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+1] One Time Discount. Gloves and pockets, 'nuff said.
[-2] Ward against the Weird. Mythbane grants a subtle but potent protection to the wearer, granting them armour 2 and four additional stress boxes against physical or mental attacks. Nonmagical attacks bypass this protection.
[-1] Mythbreaker. The ring is violently incompatible with inhuman entities, and inflicts 1 point of physical stress to anything of supernatural ancestry that touches it. This adds 1 to the stress inflicted to such beings by attacks using it. Furthermore, any such being that owns or carries Mythbane will suffer this stress repeatedly until it relinquishes possession of the ring.

Description: There are some societies where the body parts of slain animals are used to make supposedly-magical charms. Generally, the animal chosen is dangerous and the body part used is symbolic of them somehow. At some point in the past, some psycho tried something similar using Wardens Of The White Council and their famous Cloaks. This is what that psycho made.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. And realistically, you're probably pretty damn evil if you've got this.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cloak made of Wardens' grey cloaks, woven together and soaked through with the blood of their former owners.
[-0] Unbreakable. The cloak cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a cloak covered, and still wet, with blood. People are going to notice.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The Bloodied Cloak offers complete and total protection from the swords of the Wardens of the White Council.
[-1] Unseverable Spells. No spell cast by or on the wearer of this cloak may be countered by the effect of a Warden's sword.
[+6] The Catch. Anything other than a Warden's blade will not be affected by the cloak's protection. Also, the cloak must be kept wet with blood or it will become powerless.

Volendrung [-3]
It is what it is, A 5ft Glowing magic hammer created by a god of war. Weapons 5 [-1]
+2 Extremely Obvious item of power
Drains Stamina [-3] Upon a successful attack with this weapon as well as doing stress this item places the 'drained stamina' aspect on the target.
[-1] Daedric Artefact, the hammer counts as holy and as true magic for the purpose of creature catches.

The Glaive [-2]
Description: A 5 point throwing star with retractable blades Weapons 2
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. A 5 pointed throwing star with retractable blades it is about a foot in diameter. [+1]
[-0] Unbreakable.
[-1] Boomerang - The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters: +4 Weapons Rating vs Non-Humans

Red Marble Sword [-1]
Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: Must dedicate an aspect to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect the wielders relationship with the sword. This aspect may be compelled when acting against the sword's morality, at which point it may jump from its wielders grasp, draw his own blood or similar effects. This aspect may also be invoked if another grasps the sword, at which point the sword will ensure it strikes to make the scoundrel regret his choice.
[-0] Purpose: To seek justice, in the hands of a worthy knight.
[-1] It is what it is: Longsword made of red marble, weapon: 5
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. The wielder of the blade receives +1 to his defense on a Full Defense.
[-1] Riposte. As per the Weapons Stunt.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.

Ranger Morpher [-4]
It is what it is?
The ranger morpher is a portable device like a mobile phone which allows you to turn a superhuman ranger.
+1 Item of Power
Ranger Transformation (-1) Like Beast change for rangers
Human Form (non ranger form) +1
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed   [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Catch of Plot Devices [+0]

[-4*]Mustache of Authority
Description: A well-groomed mustache, with the style varying from person to person.
[-0] Purpose: To give the wearer the utmost authority and leadership.
[-0] It is what it is: A mustache.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. However, when shaved, the powers recede until it grows back.
[-0] One-Time Discount: Varies. Adult males will get no discount. Boys clearly too young for a mustache get +1. Females--or creatures that should by no rights have facial hair--get +2.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So: With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Mustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence scores to establish themselves as an authority figure.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache: Such a magnificent mustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One: Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer has Armor:1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.

Sentient Sword Amos [-2]
Description: A two handed great sword, inlay-ed with guilt with a name inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos bound to a sword because of a wizard who just didn't get the joke.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To enjoy itself and to be the best sword ever (a matter of professional pride).
[-0] It is what it is: Weapons 5 Incredibly Sharp Great Sword (-1)
[+2] Obvious Item of Power
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge: Amos is an ancient demon and has pretty good lore and scholarship (equal to the wielders Weapons skill) if he feels like it he may share that knowledge with his owner. (you can use his lore or scholarship for a point of sponsor debt).
[-1] Sentient Sword: As a sentient sword Amos can supplement his owners weapon skill when they are lacking. Add 1 to weapons skill when Amos is in a good mood (such as when you are killing things or burning down villages).
[-1] Parry the  unparry-able : Amos can be used to parry anything physical including physical magic and sun stroke.

Marci's Roller Skates [-0]
Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift to a powerful wizard's spoiled neice.
[-0] Purpose: To punish the person who wear's the skates.
[-0] It is what it is: A set of magical roller skates
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] Removing Skates: Before the skates can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in public fountain that is consecrated with a coin from the year and country the skates were made, 1972 America, and they need to be dried off with werebear fur.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A set of roller skates
[-2] Magical Skating: The rollerskates add +3 to athletics rolls when used to determine number of zones moved, and negates difficult terrain.
[-1] Skate Pro: The wearer recieves +2 to any performance check regarding advanced techniques, or tricks on roller skates.

The Eye of God [-3]
Description: An eye that when surgically implanted, can give true sight, seeing through all veils, and lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To see things for what they really are.
[-0] It is what it is: An eyeball that looks vaguely human.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing: The owner receives a +5 bonus to perceive veils, shapeshifts, and glamours.
[-1] Added Insight: Gives a +2 bonus to empathy when trying to discern the truth.

The Staff of Phibus [-3]
Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and buissnessman. A man who was said to at one time own all the farms in the world, but that was a myth, or was it?
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It is what it is: A six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and un-hideable.
[-4] Staff of Growth: All Plants in the zone the staff occupies and all adjacent zones increase rate of growth multiplied by the wielder's conviction score, and if concentrated on the rate of growth can increase by 20 times the wielder's conviction roll.
[-1] Nature Channel: Gives a +2 bonus to any spells used to interact with or enhance nature.

Eye of the Graeae from [-1] to [-4]
Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus who intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. Therefore, in order to make use of the Eye of the Graeae, a character must lose an eye and place the Eye of the Graeae in its stead. Like the original, you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. However, to do this, it needs to be attuned to you by resting in your eye-socket. The eye does not grant standard vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception or mundane vision, depending on whether your other eye works properly or not. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real. Needs to be activated, like the normal Sight power.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch.
The One-Time Discount does not apply until there is at least a -2 cost of powers to link it to.
Thaumaturgy may be bought as Ritual first. If so, it is restricted to something traditionally witchy, like Craft Potion or Enthropomancy.
The Eye does not grant normal vision. You cannot read with it, tell what colour something is nor any number of little things that you need normal non-metaphoric vision to do.

Tactical Extreme Environment Battle Suit[-6 to varying]
Description: An advanced battle suit that was made to enable the driver to survive in inhospitable environments and situations;extreme heat and cold, underwater,poisonous gases, and even the vacuum of space for a limited time. Invented by Novatech in 2058 for 893,700,000 per suit, only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces are permitted usage.The main component is malleum, a protean, pseudo-biometal that reacts to the the hosts brainwaves. It's properties include cell amplification and multiplication of organic cells by injecting itself into the user's body,bending light waves, and increasing it's own density and durability.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a high tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. The carbon-titanium multi-weave provides a lightweight and durable armor (Armor:3 vs all).And the pressure gauntlets allow for a powerful weapon in hand-to-hand combat (Weapon:4).
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicted upon perverting it's purpose.
[+3]One-Time Discount.As it is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. It is quite conspicuous.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness.Besides the suit's built-in armor, the malleum enters the driver's bones and incorporates itself into them increasing bone density and strength.
[-2]Inhuman Recovery.The malleum repairs the driver's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[-7]Modular Adaptations.the suit can switch from different modes to adapt to the situation at hand.Can switch in combat as a supplemental action.
Amp Mode:The malleum increases the muscle cells number, potency, and working speed enabling the driver to perform superhuman feats of strength and speed, Gains Supernatural Strength and Supernatural Speed.
Cloak Mode:The suit bends the light around itself allowing for a degree of invisibility. Gains +4 to Initiative,+5 to Stealth rolls, and +2 to accuracy rolls while stealthed.
Armor Mode:The malleum hardens greatly to a degree to defend against even some explosives.Gains Supernatural Toughness and increases suit armor to Armor:5 vs all (ignore the Superhuman Toughness armor bonus.
[+2]The Catch.Anti-Tank Weaponry
Charging. The maximum Charge is 300%, this can be spent on other things, but the way to recharge is by absorbing large amounts of energy be it magical, electrical, solar.
The first way is by taking stress from an energy-based attack, you get 10% for each 1 stress taken. The second way is through taking a basic action to charge from an large energy source (no batteries), the most common electricity, each source has a Charge rating
and if you charge from it you gain 10% per point of Charge rating (Charge:4 gives 40%). You also have Armor:2 against all energy-based attacks. You can only Charge from each energy source once.
Energy Overload. You can spend up to 60% Charge to make an energy-based attack. Roll Weapons to attack, and the Weapon rating is 1/10% ( 10% makes Weapon:1). This can also be a zonewide attack as long as you pay more then 30% Charge (Weapon:3 Zonewide) , It can also be range but only as long as you pay 40% ( Weapon:4 Range, maybe Zonewide).
Cellular Augmentation. By infusing the excess energy into your cells you can increase their growth rate, efficiency, and strength by enormus amounts. You can pay to increase any physical abilities (Strength, Speed, Toughness, Recovery) by one step for each payment, you can increase them from, Nothing to Inhuman-40%, Inhuman to Supernatural 70%, Supernatural to Mythic 120%. These abilities purchased only last for the duration of the scene unless canceled.
Dead Battery. You need at least 40% Charge to use this ability, if you have under 40% or 0% then you cannot use any of the abilities except Charging, if this is put on an Item of Power, the IOP or anything to do with it except Charging  won't function.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:36:41 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #133 on: January 03, 2013, 03:28:11 AM »
Aion, Immortal's Edge[-4]
Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. It's purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against it's enemies of any shape and colour,protect the innocent and greater good. It's edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur and Kusangi.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon:4
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverted it's purpose.
[-0]Purpose.This weapons purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good.
[+2]One-Time Discount.It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people.
[-1]True Aim.As long as it's wielder is using it in it's purpose they get a +1 to their Weapons skill.
[-2]Searing Edge.The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. +3 to stress to attacks made with it, and it satifies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3]All Creatures Are Made Equal.When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Aion, Immortal's Edge may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point .

The Peacemaker of Jesse James [-3]
Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James to inherit the Peacemaker, represented as a high concept. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, others.
All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) that ignores that target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a creature is successfully wounded with this gun, the target experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living creature from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living creature with this gun. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept.
It's a Gun. The Peacemaker of Jesse James always takes the form of a single action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six rounds.
Unbreakable. As an item of Power, this gun cannot be hexed and will never jam.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the gun already includes the one-time discount. If this is the second Item of Power carried by a character, the refresh cost is -5.

Sphere of Unknown Origin [-3]
Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following: Guns Akimbo* [-1], Flight [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards** [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1].
Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the Modular Abilities pool.
Energy Discharge. You may take a point of Sponsor Debt in order to unleash a powerful torrent of energy at one target for a Weapon: 4 attack.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken, and any technology powered by this item gains is resistant to the effects of magic.
*Guns Akimbo: You have the ability to effectively wield a gun in each hand. When attacking a single target, you may add half of the second gun’s damage bonus on a successful hit (round up).
**The Whole Nine Yards: Your level of skill with your guns is such that you can fire quickly, creating a veritable hailstorm of rounds. You may use your Gun skill to make spray attacks (page 326) with your gun of choice against opponents up to one zone away. You may not combine the benefits of any other stunt with the effects of The Whole Nine Yards.
Given that the sphere shines with an unnatural light that can't be concealed, I gave it a rebate of +2.

Aegis of Magahal [-9]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness, Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.
[-1] Demesne (Grannash Territory).

Phoenix Feather
Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life.  It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destory by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Eternal Flame. It shall burn always, unquenchable.
[-0] The Flame Harms Not. The flame does not burn or harm beings and objects it touches
[-0] Brightly Burning. The flame brings light to dark places (Light Source as per Pixie entry on page 48 of Our World).
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze which grants one Supernatural Recovery
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death. (Limited Class Of People: +1; Specific Research Material: +1).
[-2] Wrathful Blast. By a focused act of will, the wielder can direct a blast of flame as one would from a wand that does potentially inflict damage (Reskinned Breath Weapon that uses Discipline for the skill to hit).
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 2 Refresh

*Thirst (aka The Blade That Drinks)
Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap was bound after it had offended a powerful sidhe noble.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Athletics, Rapport, Empathy, Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline,
[-0] Purpose. To imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is.  A claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword (Weapon:3)
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose..
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. The wielder can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit.  However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while doing so one's ability to persuade and relate to people suffers.  (Reskinned Skill Shuffle trapping of Beast Change; Weapons and Athletics change places with Rapport and Empathy respectively).
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. (Inhuman Strength)
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities (Supernatural Recovery).
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron (Easily Accessed +2; Specific Research Material necessary to realize the sword imprisons a redcap's spirit +1)
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength.  If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder (Feeding Dependency: Blood attached to Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Recovery).
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the Communion of Vitality between it and the wielder allows him to receive a portion of the benefit.  The downside is that while Channeling The Warrior Spirit the wielder may have to resist the compulsions to feed (draw blood with the sword) experienced by the redcap spirit (Blood Drinker)
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 2 Refresh
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:54:27 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #134 on: January 03, 2013, 03:29:05 AM »
The Winged Sandals of Perseus
Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes that allow one to fly.
Skills Affected: Athletics
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] One Size Fits All. These sandals adjust to fit any foot size.
[-1] Flight.  These sandals allow the wearer to fly.
[-2] The Swiftness of Hermes.  Inhuman Speed.
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 1 Refresh

Lore:  A powerful staff rumored to have been crafted by the Goddess Hecate and stolen by her daughter Circe in her greed for power.  The Archmage Staff is an extremely potent focus item which infuses the owner with magic.
Arcane Recovery: The infusion of magic into the Wizard enhances his Wizard's Constitution ability to the levels of Supernatural Recovery.  The Catch is mundane electricity, which interferes with the magic infusing the wizard (doesn't quite fit I know, but best I could come up with so far).
-I chose this option because I wanted a bit of 'oomph' to the staff beyond just saying "it gives you refinement slots for cheap", since Wizard's Constitution is a result of the magic the Wizard channels I felt that upgrading that effect would be an interesting spin.  I'm really not sure about the catch, I was trying to think of a decent one and it was either this or Cold-Iron, which is already overdone with the Fae.  I'm interested in more ideas though.
Arcane Power: The staff grants the wizard enhanced power, granting him 3 Refinement skills worth of bonuses which can only be utilized for the first two options (New Elements or Specialties).  Though the staff adapts itself to the wielder and they can choose their specialties (one time only, not changing except perhaps as part of a milestone) but they must use points to gain access to any Evocation element they don't yet have.
-Using the staff to gain different focus items or enchanted items didn't make much sense, so I limited it to new evocations types and specialties (which can apply to Thaumaturgy).  I considered allowing focus item slots and making them bound to the Staff, but in the end I decided that Specialties better suited the theme of the Staff since they aren't as easily stacked and tend to be more spread out.  The 'Archmage' ideal is someone who is very good at all types of magic after-all.  This is also why I required that points first be spent to purchase elements.   To simplify this, a new element or a specialty costs 0.5pts, buy new evo elements first, then specialties, to a total of 3.
Attunement: The staff attunes itself to the wielder, consuming two focus slots.  These slots can still be used as normal but are bound to the staff.
-I felt the staff needed a bit more 'investment' from the character beyond refresh levels so I added in this, it also fits in nicely with the alternatives listed below.
Law Abiding: The staff will not allow it's owner to intentionally break one of the Laws of Magic.  Attempting to do so automatically results in backfire for the full effect of the spell and severs the bond until the end of the next session.
-The staff needed a bit more non-refresh based lore and restrictions attached to it.  Being crafted by the Goddess of Magic (I chose Hecate, but you can choose any) I felt that having the rules of magic 'built-in' was a nice touch.  However I made it 'intentional' uses only since I didn't want to overly restrict characters freedom.  This is sort-of a play on the Sword of the Cross restriction, never mind a nasty surprise for a villain who gets his hands on it.
Now for the point break-down:
When wielded by a Wizard:
Item of Power: +2
Supernatural Recovery: -4
Catch: Mundane Electricity +3
3x Refinement -3
Refresh Total: -2
Which brings up the question of, what if a non-Wizard grabs the staff?  On the one hand, I think I prefer that mortals can't use the staff.  However, it also might be interesting try to apply it's effects to a mortal, so I created the alternate version for non-Wizards which follows the same rules and even has the same refresh level.  I actually sort of like it because while it's powerful, it's not quite as potent as it would be in the hands of a true-wizard.  And, of course, it's still limited by that player's Discipline and Conviction.
When Wielded by a Mortal (or someone without Evocation):
Item of Power: +2
Evocation -3 (two free focus item slots are automatically attuned to the staff)
Refinement -1 (Grants access to the two other elements without any specialization bonuses)
Wizard's Constitution -0
Refresh Total: -2

Deck of Tricks [-3]
It is what it is: And that's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
One Time Discount [+1]: A deck of cards is a small item.
Luck of the Draw[-4]: As a standard action, you may draw a card from the deck. You are granted the powers attributed to the card. The powers last for 1 scene.
You've got to know when to hold 'em...: You may spend a fate point to have your current card last for one more scene.
...know when to fold 'em: Once per scene, you may spend a fate point to immediately draw a new card from the deck, after you just drew a card as a standard action.
Luck of the draw is modeled after modular abilities. Since you can't choose your power, I reduced the modular base cost by 1 point of refresh. You'd have to have powers worth approximately 3 refresh on any card, but not all of them have to be very useful or work together very well.
Example cards:
  • evocation (offensive air specialization)
  • Gaseous Form
  • Document Forging (stunt) + superb deceit + "Mimic document" (the card acts as psychic paper)
  • channeling (fire) + focus item (+1 offensive fire power and control)
  • superb driving + superb scholarship + ghost speaker
  • Diminutive Size + inhuman strength
  • superb investigation + Psychometry + Quick Eye (stunt)
Well... you get the idea. You can easily change the 3 refresh, if you want more or less refresh on those powers. The superb skills are based on the mimic abilities power and can be replaced by higher or lower skill levels if you like, but I would always grant the maximum skill level your campaign allows. And of course those skills are not subject to the pyramid, they are extra.

(-?) Silver Strings:
Description: The Silver Strings are a set of musical strings made of pure, untarnished silver that glitter faintly with a holy light.
Skills Affected: Performance
Protective Muse: ***This needs to be cleaned up.*** The Strings are a subtle weapon against evil. By playing an instrument using the strings, their bearer can use Performance to ward off malign supernatural influence. The bearer spends a fate point, and for the scene can use Performance to create blocks against psychomancy, possession, incite emotions, or similar mind-affecting or physically controlling supernatural abilities at GM discretion. This can be done as a supplemental action to other uses of Performance.
Divine Purpose: ***This needs to be cleaned up.*** They're a less aggressive item than the Swords, but still have a purpose. That purpose is to spread peace and to protect the innocent from supernatural evil. The weilder can use them for personal gain (IE, playing for money), but they cannot be used in a deceptive manner, or be used to harm someone who has not harmed an innocent in the bearer's sight (including, say, using Pointed Performance to hurt someones' reputation). Also, the bearer cannot use them to forge a mortal contract (so no recording deal). If the bearer uses them in a manner against their purpose, they immediately produce a discordant twang, the Performance roll fails, and they unstring themselves but do not break. The bearer will not be able to restring them until he proves his faith again.
Holy: The Strings are a powerful holy symbol. The touch of a weapon strung with them is like a cross, holy water, or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of their wielder.
They're Strings: The Silver Strings always take the form of a set of strings for a musical instrument. Their number, length, and the exact key of each string vary, but always fit the chosen instrument of their current wielder.
Good Vibrations: The Silver Strings are of exceptional quality. When played in keeping with their purpose, they add +1 to any Performance roll made using an instrument stringed with them.
Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, the strings cannot be broken except through a specific ritual dedicated to subverting their purpose. This protection extends to the instrument they are currently in.

Jabir ibn Hayyan’s Grimoire [-1]
Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity.  Tread lightly on when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power.
Skills Affected: Lore, Varies.
Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age.  The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights.  Gain 2 Specializations which must be spent on crafting (strength or frequency).  These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses.  Enchanted items lose these bonuses if you don't have the Grimoire available.
Methods of Madness.  You may boost the power of an enchanted item or potion upon use.  This bonus may not exceed your Lore skill.  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the total power of the item, as if you were defending against an attack.  Failure to do so results in mental stress as if from an attack plus additional mental stress equal to the bonus from this effect.  Psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
The Mind of a Madman.  You gain +1 on any skill roll made in keeping with Jabir’s agenda (often having to do with seeking out knowledge and magical power at all costs).  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result, as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
Keep a second specialization pyramid "Without Grimoire" for reference incase you lose it.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
It’s a Book. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the Grimoire already includes the one-time discount (YS167). This means that if you possess more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire is the second or subsequent artifact the you gain, the refresh cost is -3.

Item of Power: Eye of Vengeance
Cost: -1
Description: A highly polished black spheroid made of some sort of gemstone the size of a human eye.
Must: Must have a high concept or template appropriate to being chosen by Nemesis.
  • Your Purpose is Not Yet Fulfilled: Grants the wielder Inhuman Recovery (-2)
    Catch: XXXX is thy Bane
- Bypasses Inhuman Recovery, preventing more than mortal healing.
  • The Guilty Cannot Hide: Grants the weilder The Sight (-1)
  • Discount Already Applied: +2
So... if i understand this correctly. The overall Possible catches....
  • Weapons made from non-terrestrial materials.
  • Penitence: An attack by someone who is genuinely sorry for their transgressions
  • Serenity: 'Truly Serene' - not sure how to word this
  • Forgiveness: 'Truly Forgiving' - not sure how to word this

Item of Power: Sword of Justice
Cost: ?
Description: Each bearer of the sword finds that when he or she first touches it, it conforms to the bearer's tastes, skills and aptitudes but it is still a finely made sword at least the size of a gladius and no longer than a claymore.
Must: Must have a high concept or template appropriate to being chosen by Nemesis
  • All creatures fear justice: (same as All Creatures are Equal before God)
  • Divine Purpose: The sword was created to bring balance to the scales and therefore can only be wielded against creatures who have seriously wronged someone. The sword will not harm an innocent at all and if the 'wrong' does not merit death (as determined by the Goddess herself), the sword will not kill them.
  • Holy: While the deity that created the sword may not be the Christian one, the weapon is no less a holy artifact and acts like holy water  or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the wielder.
  • Its a sword: In it's current form it is a beautiful swept hilt rapier (Weapon: 2)
  • Unbreakable: It cannot be broken save through a ritual designed to pervert it's purpose.
That brings me to the last two powers Cloak of Shadows and Inhuman Agility. For lack of a better idea I just attached them to the sword. Frankly though I'm not sure they fit the sword itself. Should I internalize those powers? Or would something like Modular Powers make sense: like the sword grants X points of abilities that vary based on the wielder to make the job he is going to do possible?
1Inhuman Agility - Just made this one up based on the other Inhuman X traits. Effectively this would give you Peter Parker level agility.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:53:54 AM by Sanctaphrax »