Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 85476 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2012, 02:35:58 AM »
What's the difference between Quasi-Modular Abilities and Modular Abilities, I couldn't find the former on Custom Powers list.

It's hard to find stuff, eh? That's why I'm trying to make a master list.

Anyhow, here's Quasi-Modular Abilities:

Description: You have the ability to alternate between multiple powersets.
Musts: You must "pre-pay" a number of refresh points equal to the total value of each set of powers that this power affects, plus a surcharge of one refresh.
Skills Affected: Varies.
Two Powersets. Pick out two sets of powers, each with a total refresh cost one less than the cost of this power. You may use either set of powers, although it takes a full action to go from using one to using the other. The GM decides what is and what isn't a valid choice for inclusion in the powersets provided by this power.
Item Of Power Collection [-0] You own multiple items of power. Design a number of Items Of Power equal to your Resources skill. At any given time, you may use or loan out items with a total refresh cost up to one less than the refresh cost of this power. You do not receive the Item Of Power discount. If you have the Tracing power, then you may summon and dismiss these Items Of Power out of and into thin air. If not, you must treat them as physical objects.

I guess I'd have to make a power to represent Cloak Mode if I was to put Modular Adaptations as a Modular Abilities.

Good idea.

Offline HobbitGuy1420

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #106 on: June 24, 2012, 04:35:50 AM »
I'm trying, and failing, to come up with a good writeup for the Dagger of Time for my Video Game RPG.  Wonder if brainstorming will help...

The powers it grants in the first game:
    The Power of Revival: The power to rewind time up to ten seconds, undoing almost everything that happened during that time (death, injuries, movement, etc.) Rewinding time cannot undo killing an enemy created by the Sands of Time, as doing so resets the timer.
-The hard one.  My first thought is that it just lets you reroll a failed roll, but that's something you can already do with a Fate Point.  I feel like the Power needs to be more impressive.   

    The Power of Delay: Time is slowed down for everything, with the Prince moving slightly faster than his enemies, allows for finer control and making attacks unblockable. It costs one sand tank to use.
-At its simplest, this could just grant bonuses (or negate penalties) to rolls, but once more this is way too simplistic an ability for the power it offers in the game.

    The Power of Restraint: Provided they don't block, most enemies stabbed by the Dagger of Time are frozen in time. Once knocked off their feet in this state, they can be killed in a single hit (the Prince's backflip move can do so instantly), the downside of which being that the Sands they possess cannot be absorbed by the Dagger. If left alone, the enemy returns to normal after a few seconds. It costs one power tank to use.
-A block against defense or motion?  Hard to balance an anti-mook power like this for a tabletop RPG

    The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.
-Another hard one for a tabletop RPG.  In the later games, this was replaced with an area attack which deals knockdown.  That might be a better option.

    The Power of Destiny: Shows the Prince visions of possible futures by standing in Sand Storms. These provide clues to how to proceed. These visions also act as save points, and cost nothing to use.
-The simplest power.  A pretty obvious Cassandra's Tears reskin.  Perhaps boost it to a -1 power and remove the penalty.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #107 on: June 25, 2012, 04:11:28 AM »
The Power of Revival: The power to rewind time up to ten seconds, undoing almost everything that happened during that time (death, injuries, movement, etc.) Rewinding time cannot undo killing an enemy created by the Sands of Time, as doing so resets the timer.

You could just make it an Aspect.

Or you could write a really unusual custom power that lets you restart an exchange. Which would be cool, but might involve a lot of book-keeping.

The Power of Delay: Time is slowed down for everything, with the Prince moving slightly faster than his enemies, allows for finer control and making attacks unblockable. It costs one sand tank to use.

Inhuman Speed and an attack stunt, perhaps?

Or maybe just an Aspect.

The Power of Restraint: Provided they don't block, most enemies stabbed by the Dagger of Time are frozen in time. Once knocked off their feet in this state, they can be killed in a single hit (the Prince's backflip move can do so instantly), the downside of which being that the Sands they possess cannot be absorbed by the Dagger. If left alone, the enemy returns to normal after a few seconds. It costs one power tank to use.

Take-out narration.

The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.

Extra actions are a bugger to write. Maybe Extra Appendages would work, I dunno.

The Power of Destiny: Shows the Prince visions of possible futures by standing in Sand Storms. These provide clues to how to proceed. These visions also act as save points, and cost nothing to use.

If you make it a -1 Power, I suggest adding a Prophecy trapping to Lore or to some other skill so as to give the player more control over the power.

Anyway, I've been planning to write a generic prophecy power for ages. The master power list has a few different powers that could and should be replaced with one Prophecy power.

I'll probably write that power sometime over the next few days, now that I've been reminded.

Offline ImpishMortal

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #108 on: July 09, 2012, 04:58:14 PM »
Here's an IoP I devised for a campaign I'm about to run. The player wanted some help building a gun that might be quasi-sentient/evil/vampiric so this is what I came up with.

The Peacemaker of Jesse James [-3]
Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James to inherit the Peacemaker, represented as a high concept. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, others.
All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) that ignores that target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a creature is successfully wounded with this gun, the target experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living creature from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living creature with this gun. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept.
It's a Gun. The Peacemaker of Jesse James always takes the form of a single action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six rounds.
Unbreakable. As an item of Power, this gun cannot be hexed and will never jam.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the gun already includes the one-time discount. If this is the second Item of Power carried by a character, the refresh cost is -5.

Any thoughts?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #109 on: July 09, 2012, 07:08:25 PM »
Discount seems too large. A pistol isn't that hard to conceal, is it?

I don't really like the mechanics for Shooting Frenzy. They seem to expect players to track bullets, which this game does not normally do, and taking social stress sometimes wouldn't logically lead to violence.

Also, the way it's implemented removes the FP cost from All Creatures... which seems dangerous to me.

A debt-Compel mechanic would be better, I think. It'd be more in keeping with the rest of the rules of the game.

Offline ImpishMortal

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #110 on: July 09, 2012, 08:53:51 PM »
I don't know why I messed up that discount part, you are totally right.

With regards to Shooting Frenzy, the bullet count was kinda iffy to me already, so I can scratch that. Also, I meant for that to read as a social consequence instead of social stress (oops). If the wielder gets unnerved or really intimidated they start shooting because it makes them feel better. I specified "living creature" in an effort to make the gun somewhat treacherous to use too much lest the wielder start shooting at their allies. Given that there will be lots of undead type creatures in my campaign, I saw that as an easy way to compel them against their nearby allies.

How would you suggest implementing a debt-compel mechanic?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:00:48 PM by ImpishMortal »

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #111 on: July 10, 2012, 07:47:07 PM »
The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.

Isn't this just a zone-wide melee attack? Seems the easiest way to do it to me without digging too far into simulation.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #112 on: July 10, 2012, 10:33:29 PM »
How would you suggest implementing a debt-compel mechanic?

Take a point of sponsor debt to activate the Toughness penetration for a scene. Later, that debt will be used to Compel you to shoot people.

Really, the Aspect system is perfect for this kind of thing.

The problem with triggering off of social effects is that it will only make sense most of the time. If the social attack is an attempt to ruin your reputation online, will you flip out and shoot your screen? What if you don't know about the attack?

What if the attack is a seduction attempt? Does the gun make people shoot then?

PS: Good idea, admiral.

Offline ImpishMortal

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #113 on: July 11, 2012, 12:18:56 PM »
Take a point of sponsor debt to activate the Toughness penetration for a scene. Later, that debt will be used to Compel you to shoot people.

Really, the Aspect system is perfect for this kind of thing.

The problem with triggering off of social effects is that it will only make sense most of the time. If the social attack is an attempt to ruin your reputation online, will you flip out and shoot your screen? What if you don't know about the attack?

What if the attack is a seduction attempt? Does the gun make people shoot then?

PS: Good idea, admiral.

Good point. I see what you mean. :)
I was trying to make it so that the weapon makes the character becomes unhinged over time (which works with the debt-compel), but there are social situations that I hadn't thought about that could make it silly to go crazy.

All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a target is successfully wounded with this gun, it experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living target from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), When the wielder's Sponsor debt gets too high, the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living target with this gun and will be compeled to do so. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept. also activate this ability if the wielder is outnumbered and has any Sponsor debt.

Do you think Shooting Frenzy looks better now, or should I just make it an ability that can only be activated from the debt getting too high?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 04:03:09 PM by ImpishMortal »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #114 on: July 12, 2012, 05:44:46 PM »
I dunno about the "debt getting too high" thing. Why not just use normal debt Compel rules?

Offline ImpishMortal

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #115 on: July 12, 2012, 06:38:28 PM »
I wanted to leave a little leeway in there, but the ambiguity isn't really a good thing. Upon further consideration, I figured this needed more fleshing out, and a means to get out of the frenzy if the target is an ally and the wielder has no FP and the party does not want to kill them.

Shooting Frenzy. When the wielder has Sponsor debt equal to the refresh spent on it, they feel an uncontrollable urge to kill. The GM may compel the wielder to attack the nearest living target with this gun. This effect may be negated by paying an amount of Fate Points equal to the current level of debt. Otherwise, the wielder will attack only this target until it is dead, or until the wielder is disarmed of this gun. If the wielder does not kill the designated target, they will be unable to access the abilities of this weapon for a number of scenes equal to half of the debt used to compel them, or take an equivalent mental consequence.

Do you think the last sentence is unfair? I don't want the player to be able to cheat their way out of not having some sort of consequences for failing to achieve the compel.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #116 on: July 12, 2012, 06:41:18 PM »
I seems unnecessarily weird and complicated.

Offline ImpishMortal

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #117 on: August 17, 2012, 01:35:37 PM »
I'm currently running a game and one of the players wanted to play a weapons engineer who powers his gadgets with a magical artifact.

I came up with this IoP as a result.

Sphere of Unknown Origin [-3]
Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following: Guns Akimbo* [-1], Flight [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards** [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1].
Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the Modular Abilities pool.
Energy Discharge. You may take a point of Sponsor Debt in order to unleash a powerful torrent of energy at one target for a Weapon: 4 attack.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken, and any technology powered by this item gains is resistant to the effects of magic.

*Guns Akimbo: You have the ability to effectively wield a gun in each hand. When attacking a single target, you may add half of the second gun’s damage bonus on a successful hit (round up).
**The Whole Nine Yards: Your level of skill with your guns is such that you can fire quickly, creating a veritable hailstorm of rounds. You may use your Gun skill to make spray attacks (page 326) with your gun of choice against opponents up to one zone away. You may not combine the benefits of any other stunt with the effects of The Whole Nine Yards.

Given that the sphere shines with an unnatural light that can't be concealed, I gave it a rebate of +2.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 01:42:56 PM by ImpishMortal »

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #118 on: October 07, 2012, 08:52:38 AM »
Aegis of Magahal [-6]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.

I'm doing a one-shot adventure with some friends over the weekend so I'll be posting any ideas that come to my head.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 02:56:20 PM by KnightOrbis »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #119 on: October 07, 2012, 02:23:49 PM »
Aegis of Magahal
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:5)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[+2] The Catch, (Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-3] Incite Emotion, Awe (Lasting, Potent).

I'm doing a one-shot adventure with some friends over the weekend so I'll be posting any ideas that come to my head.
The rebate on the Catch can't completely negate the cost of power it's attached to, and you only get the stacked catch bonus if one of those powers is Physical Immunity.
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