Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 85541 times)

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #90 on: May 14, 2012, 04:58:18 PM »
Please critique this IoP for me.

Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire [-1]
Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity.  Tread lightly on when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power.
Skills Affected: Lore, Varies.
Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age.  The Grimoire grants +2 to the strength and frequency of any enchanted items or potions the caster makes. Any compels applied to increase the strength of potions made with this must be in line with Jabir’s Agenda.
Methods of Madness.  Upon complete discharging (using all of the uses per session) any enchanted items or potions made with the Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age effect, you must roll Discipline against the strength of the item, as if you were defending against an attack.  Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.  Additionally, extra uses of these enchanted items cost 2 mental stress instead of one.
The Mind of a Madman.  You gain +1 on any skill roll made in keeping with Jabir’s agenda (often having to do with seeking out knowledge and magical power at all costs).  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result, as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
It’s a Book. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the Grimoire already includes the one-time discount (YS167). This means that if you possess more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire is the second or subsequent artifact the you gain, the refresh cost is -3.

NOTES:  I see Greatest Artificer of Merlin's Age as being roughly equal to taking two Refinements.  However, I think IoPs for Refinements are broken so I added Methods of Madness as a balancing factor.  Still strong.  Very strong, but I don't think it'll break out table.  Mind of a Madman is just a renamed Demonic Co-Pilot without shapeshifting.  So GAoMA -2, MoaM -1, IoP+2.

Offline eri

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #91 on: May 22, 2012, 02:57:32 PM »
I made an item of power and thought I'd add it here for critique.

Eye of the Graeae from [-1] to [-4]
Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus who intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. Therefore, in order to make use of the Eye of the Graeae, a character must lose an eye and place the Eye of the Graeae in its stead. Like the original, you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. However, to do this, it needs to be attuned to you by resting in your eye-socket. The eye does not grant standard vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception or mundane vision, depending on whether your other eye works properly or not. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real. Needs to be activated, like the normal Sight power.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch.
The One-Time Discount does not apply until there is at least a -2 cost of powers to link it to.
Thaumaturgy may be bought as Ritual first. If so, it is restricted to something traditionally witchy, like Craft Potion or Enthropomancy.
The Eye does not grant normal vision. You cannot read with it, tell what colour something is nor any number of little things that you need normal non-metaphoric vision to do.

edit: Don't know who the Graeae are? see here.
edit 2: Modified.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 08:15:47 PM by eri »
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #92 on: May 23, 2012, 05:28:08 AM »
If you want Thaumaturgy to be an add-on, why not make it one?

What skill do you use with the Supernatural Sense?

And if you can see through both it and your other eye, how do you not have binocular vision?

Otherwise looks good.

PS: Would you give the actual eye the same traits?

Offline eri

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #93 on: May 23, 2012, 07:29:45 PM »
If you want Thaumaturgy to be an add-on, why not make it one?

What skill do you use with the Supernatural Sense?

And if you can see through both it and your other eye, how do you not have binocular vision?

PS: Would you give the actual eye the same traits?

Hm, actually, I think I'll make most of it apart from The Sight add-ons.
You use Alertness, Investigation and Lore as far as I can tell.
And you don't see through the eye. Not normally. You can use the sight, you can see magic, possibly, and you can see the future occasionally. Normal vision, however is not something it grants. It would be kind of like seeing normally with one eye and seeing only heat (in that thermography way) with the other. Not true binocular vision. I should specify that.
And no, I wouldn't. Except possibly The Sight, because that seems like something that you don't really use your eyes to see, but your soul or something. They're always describing it as opening your third eye.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #94 on: May 24, 2012, 03:12:59 AM »
Makes sense.

Generally, Supernatural Senses are supposed to be classified as mystical (using Lore) or as physical (using normal perception skills). Which one is this?

Offline eri

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #95 on: May 24, 2012, 08:46:59 AM »
Oh, right! I forgot that. Hm, not sure actually. I want to say physical, but it's magic, you know. That's usually something you sense mystically. And it doesn't actually correspond to a sense that humans normally have, but it basically translates as vision. Or heat vision, rather, where the more magical you are the more you glow. I'm gonna say physical, but this is one of those things a GM can easily change without much impact.
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Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #96 on: June 03, 2012, 10:31:57 PM »
Tactical Extreme Environment Battle Suit[-6 to varying]
Description: An advanced battle suit that was made to enable the driver to survive in inhospitable environments and situations;extreme heat and cold, underwater,poisonous gases, and even the vacuum of space for a limited time. Invented by Novatech in 2058 for 893,700,000 per suit, only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces are permitted usage.The main component is malleum, a protean, pseudo-biometal that reacts to the the hosts brainwaves. It's properties include cell amplification and multiplication of organic cells by injecting itself into the user's body,bending light waves, and increasing it's own density and durability.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a high tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. The carbon-titanium multi-weave provides a lightweight and durable armor (Armor:3 vs all).And the pressure gauntlets allow for a powerful weapon in hand-to-hand combat (Weapon:4).
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicted upon perverting it's purpose.
[+3]One-Time Discount.As it is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. It is quite conspicuous.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness.Besides the suit's built-in armor, the malleum enters the driver's bones and incorporates itself into them increasing bone density and strength.
[-2]Inhuman Recovery.The malleum repairs the driver's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[-7]Modular Adaptations.the suit can switch from different modes to adapt to the situation at hand.Can switch in combat as a supplemental action.
Amp Mode:The malleum increases the muscle cells number, potency, and working speed enabling the driver to perform superhuman feats of strength and speed, Gains Supernatural Strength and Supernatural Speed.
Cloak Mode:The suit bends the light around itself allowing for a degree of invisibility. Gains +4 to Initiative,+5 to Stealth rolls, and +2 to accuracy rolls while stealthed.
Armor Mode:The malleum hardens greatly to a degree to defend against even some explosives.Gains Supernatural Toughness and increases suit armor to Armor:5 vs all (ignore the Superhuman Toughness armor bonus.
[+2]The Catch.Anti-Tank Weaponry

Charging. The maximum Charge is 300%, this can be spent on other things, but the way to recharge is by absorbing large amounts of energy be it magical, electrical, solar.
The first way is by taking stress from an energy-based attack, you get 10% for each 1 stress taken. The second way is through taking a basic action to charge from an large energy source (no batteries), the most common electricity, each source has a Charge rating
and if you charge from it you gain 10% per point of Charge rating (Charge:4 gives 40%). You also have Armor:2 against all energy-based attacks. You can only Charge from each energy source once.
Energy Overload. You can spend up to 60% Charge to make an energy-based attack. Roll Weapons to attack, and the Weapon rating is 1/10% ( 10% makes Weapon:1). This can also be a zonewide attack as long as you pay more then 30% Charge (Weapon:3 Zonewide) , It can also be range but only as long as you pay 40% ( Weapon:4 Range, maybe Zonewide).
Cellular Augmentation. By infusing the excess energy into your cells you can increase their growth rate, efficiency, and strength by enormus amounts. You can pay to increase any physical abilities (Strength, Speed, Toughness, Recovery) by one step for each payment, you can increase them from, Nothing to Inhuman-40%, Inhuman to Supernatural 70%, Supernatural to Mythic 120%. These abilities purchased only last for the duration of the scene unless canceled.
Dead Battery. You need at least 40% Charge to use this ability, if you have under 40% or 0% then you cannot use any of the abilities except Charging, if this is put on an Item of Power, the IOP or anything to do with it except Charging  won't function.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 02:12:02 AM by KnightOrbis »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #97 on: June 03, 2012, 11:31:18 PM »
I've edited it so when Charge goes to 0% it stops functioning. And added True Science as a upgrade.

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #98 on: June 05, 2012, 01:11:24 AM »
Aion, Immortal's Edge[-4]
Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. It's purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against it's enemies of any shape and colour,protect the innocent and greater good. It's edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur and Kusangi.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon:4
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverted it's purpose.
[-0]Purpose.This weapons purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good.
[+2]One-Time Discount.It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people.
[-1]True Aim.As long as it's wielder is using it in it's purpose they get a +1 to their Weapons skill.
[-2]Searing Edge.The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. +3 to stress to attacks made with it, and it satifies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3]All Creatures Are Made Equal.When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Aion, Immortal's Edge may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point .

« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 02:04:06 AM by KnightOrbis »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #99 on: June 05, 2012, 05:56:43 AM »
Both are interesting but flawed.

The sword's base weapon rating is too high.

All Creatures... is a bit cheesy on something as damaging as the sword. It's more or less in accordance with the rules, though.

The armour's Modular Adaptations Power is way too strong.

The armour's It Is What It Is is pushing things a bit.

Connecting Catches directly to weapon ratings is rarely a good idea.

That Catch should probably be worth more.

The armour's One-Time Discount is too big.

Artificial Intelligence is just dull. Powers should generally not be +X to a skill.

Energy Purge is vastly too complex for a Power that only exists on an IoP. I suggest you post it to the Custom Powers thread first, it needs a real looking-at.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #100 on: June 05, 2012, 06:17:30 AM »
How would you suggest I handle Modular Adaptations, Increase price , Lower some benefits?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #101 on: June 05, 2012, 06:24:03 AM »
I'd just use ordinary Modular Abilities. Or maybe Quasi-Modular Abilities from the Custom Powers list.

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2012, 02:15:53 AM »
I changed Modular Adaptations cost to 7 because at it's most the powers cost 8 but Cloak and Armor cost 4 at average ( Armor with the armor:5 would be worth more I think). And adjusted Aion to make it a bit less strong.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #103 on: June 07, 2012, 02:19:42 AM »
Modular Adaptations is still too strong. I don't see any way to balance a flat +4 to initiative +5 to Stealth +2 to accuracy. Generally, big straight numerical bonuses are bad news.

Weapon 4 on It Is What It Is is more than I'd be comfortable with, but some GMs will let you get away with it.

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #104 on: June 07, 2012, 02:28:16 AM »
What's the difference between Quasi-Modular Abilities and Modular Abilities, I couldn't find the former on Custom Powers list. I guess I'd have to make a power to represent Cloak Mode if I was to put Modular Adaptations as a Modular Abilities.