Author Topic: Dresden Files Forum Sim?  (Read 19884 times)

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« on: April 14, 2007, 02:07:07 AM »
Hey all,
Been absent from the boards for awhile, but had a question and figured if anyone had the answer out there it would be one of you folks. I've been playing on a Star Trek based Forum Sim for over a year now, been a lot of fun, but looking to change it up. Wondering if anyone knows of a Dresden Files sim group out there? If not wondering if there is any interest from people to start one up.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about check out my Star Trek sim here:

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 05:28:08 AM »
To be honest, I found out about the forthcoming RPG (and through that, this board) while searching for a good Dresden Files forum-based RPG.  I haven't found one yet.  If there isn't one, it's a sin against man and God.  The setting screams to be played in.  We should start one immediately! 

Or, after I finish the books, even.   :-\

If you get a lead, please, post it.  I'll do the same.

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 06:33:39 AM »
As it just so happens I've started up a new board in the hopes of getting a game started. Figured if there wasn't one out there then one needed to exist!

So far I've got the basics up, but no players and no story started (kinda need players to get it rolling). It's about 48 hours old from the time of this posting, so don't expect too much at the moment.

Here's the link

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 03:08:43 PM »
Rock on!  I'll check it out tonight.  *dances like Snoopy*

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 04:08:25 PM »
I've closed it out to registration at the moment.

Anyone that is interested can IM me at Kaoswzrd on AIM

or email me at dresdenadmin (AT) gmail .dot. com (email address edited to avoid spambots).

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 04:33:46 AM »
Just a quick update. I've been getting nibbles of interest via email, but I wanted to let the rest of the board know that the Simm is open for registration. Those that are interested are welcome to come and sign up. Admin (me) validation is still required, but that's mostly a formality to try and weed out flakes. The link is still listed above.

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2007, 06:19:54 AM »
I'm a flake.  But you'll like me.  ;)

Your format is unfamilliar to me.  That block of bookkeeping info (time, place, etc.)  that just goes at the start of a new thread, not at the start of every post, right?  If it's in every post, that would put me off.

Do you have a character limit that I haven't noticed?  I usually play more than one on small boards.  If you need an NPC mod or anything, I'll be your single-serving friend...or enemy.  Also, doctor, lawyer, or indian chief.  Whatever the scene calls for, I'm in.

I admit, I have my doubts about playing DF totally free form.  Once you have a lot of people onboard representing the various supernatural factions and can bring politics into play, free form's fine.  But as long as it's small, how do you keep the occult mystery theme on track with everyone doing their own thing? you have something up your sleeve?

San Francisco is an EXCELLENT spot for forum fun and frolics, BTW.  All those bridges, I bet there's trolls aplenty.  Colma's gotta be a trip in the Dresdenverse.  If you can't use the Second City, SF makes a good second choice.  I'm anxious to See what it's like.   ;D
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 06:27:35 AM by Rock Me Asmodeus »

Offline Brodie

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2007, 11:40:56 PM »
I'm tempted, but I'm involved with other SIM work (didn't even know it was called that; my friends and I always refer to it as 'RP') that commands my attention most of the time.

The bookkeeping block is a minor turn-off for me, though; I've spent the past seven years or so not doing that. Another - but not a negative aspect, though - is the mostly free-from nature. My friends and work within a story, working towards the final resolution (we all know where the story's going, but only a small number know exactly what's behind everything [it's a superhero setting]).

But, like I said, I'm tempted. I want to play around in Dresden's world and being a writer, I want to 'play' by writing stories in that setting.
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Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 12:25:18 AM »
The block of bookkeeping is a hold over at the top is a hold over from my Star Trek sim. Just how I'm used to keeping track of posts. I've had a couple of people who weren't thrilled with the format. So I've decided to knock it down to Post title, and Timeframe only. The bare essentials basically.

Hope that helps some of you that would otherwise be interested.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 12:29:59 AM by Kaos Wizard »

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2007, 06:46:35 AM »
If the story and players are good I don't care if we have to post our Social Security numbers at the top of every post.   ;D 

I think Brodie and I are probably coming from a similar type experience and we're just as set in our "RP" ways as you are in your "simming" ways.  No worries.  We just get out of our comfortable ruts and try something new.

On most boards where I've played, a story would play out in several threads, each of which would be set in a different location in the gameworld represented by subforums on the board.  When a character enters a thread, the player generally notes the location/title of the thread they're entering from and does the same should they leave for another thread.  So, looking at your book keeping info block from my rut... er... perspective, it presents a jarring break in the narrative as I read a thread.  However, I understand now that in your sims you keep all the In Character posts in one thread, regardless of a character's location in the story.  In that case, that info block seems vital.  Without it, reading the posts of a "split party" or about things happening at different times would make my head hurt.  So, I'm cool with it. 

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 07:01:50 AM »
That's why I've boiled it down to the essenital of what's needed. Since the authors sign the bottom of each post, it doesn't need to be at the top too. The "Date" information I had was just a transfer of what was "Stardate" on my Star Trek format. Not really necessary since the game date is pretty much irrelevant. The only thing that really matters is whenthe post takes place in relation to other posts. That's why I've boiled it down to "Post Title" and "Time", I figure anything labeled "Current" in time can be assumed to be the actuall date. Otherwise a post can be referenced in game time by placing it before or after a specific post.

I've seen the other format of having different threads for different locations, but that just seems needlessly complicated when you've got an entire city to deal with and the post could be located anywhere. There aren't necessarily too many "common areas" I would probably start up seperate threads if other cities started becoming important

Offline Brodie

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 07:38:39 AM »
How I'm used to doing these is having everything in one thread, and everything and everyone contributing to the overall story in their own way (using info they have that others may not have). Everyone has their own character - their central character - and usually a cast of supporting characters (like a superhero who happens to be in a team book but has his own solo book). The supporting cast - npcs - fall under the same sort of honor system as the person's main character.

Over the past few years, we've become so interested in our little world and come up with story ideas that didn't fit into the main story. This led to 'solo threads' where the person would tell their story without it distracting the others from the main story/thread.

I guess it sounds a little more complicated than it seems to me.

But really, it's more like a collaborative writing effort. We're all conversing, discussing all the things we do and brainstorming (via private messages, instant messanger, etc.). Like I said before, usually only a few people have all the pieces of the puzzle while everyone else has a handful that the others don't. Keeps everyone interested. Theoretically, anyway; it's been slow lately aside from the solo stuff.
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Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2007, 07:54:37 AM »
That format sounds very similar to how I hope the Dresdenverse Simm will progress. I'm not sure if solo threads will break out, or if other threads will start up for other locations/cities, but I'm open to a lot of things.

I figure B,C and other archs will develop naturally through a lot of the free form play. Especially since some players might not find a role for their character in the current A story line. I also anticipate that some players will be running secondary characters if they have an interest in it. These wouldn't be NPCs exactly since the secondaries would be dedicated to the player that created them, just like another PC. NPCs would be up for grabs for anyone to use in their posts. I'm working on the cast of starting NPCs at the moment, and more will appear as the storylines require.

I also anticipate that there will be a core GM group that will help develop the mysteries of the A storylines. They'll have most or all of the pieces, and clues will be dished out to the appropriate characters if they already have the appropriate information, or as they follow the investigation to find other clues.

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2007, 08:31:13 AM »
But really, it's more like a collaborative writing effort. We're all conversing, discussing all the things we do and brainstorming (via private messages, instant messanger, etc.). Like I said before, usually only a few people have all the pieces of the puzzle while everyone else has a handful that the others don't. Keeps everyone interested. Theoretically, anyway; it's been slow lately aside from the solo stuff.

That's the way my two favorite boards are right now.  When I'm talking about it I usually call it "collaborative fiction" because, face it, it sounds a lot less dorky to mundanes than "roleplaying game".  I've got a good group now that not only pitches ideas and plans where the story's headed, but can also pick up and run with subtle cues from each other's IC posts.  It's taken me years to find writers with the right...let's call it 'chemistry,' for lack of a better word.  Now, I want it to happen again, with brand new people. 

KW, you sound like you're pretty on the ball.  Concider me totally not "put off" any longer ;D

BTW, I understand your concerns about Faeries and I share them.  The challenge of their limitations is exactly why they seem like an attractive prospect to me.  Well, that and the opportunity to take a well known figure from folklore like Jenny Greenteeth or the Leanaunsidhe and stick 'em in a hard-boiled detective story (That is SO wrong. I wish I'd thought of it first).  But I'm not sold on anything, yet.  The brain is leaping in many directions.  I won't have a character until it settles down.

Offline Rock Me Asmodeus

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Re: Dresden Files Forum Sim?
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2007, 03:47:14 PM »
Is this still happening?  The board seems to be, uh... "resting."