I'm a flake. But you'll like me.

Your format is unfamilliar to me. That block of bookkeeping info (time, place, etc.) that just goes at the start of a new thread, not at the start of every post, right? If it's in every post, that would put me off.
Do you have a character limit that I haven't noticed? I usually play more than one on small boards. If you need an NPC mod or anything, I'll be your single-serving friend...or enemy. Also, doctor, lawyer, or indian chief. Whatever the scene calls for, I'm in.
I admit, I have my doubts about playing DF totally free form. Once you have a lot of people onboard representing the various supernatural factions and can bring politics into play, free form's fine. But as long as it's small, how do you keep the occult mystery theme on track with everyone doing their own thing? Or...do you have something up your sleeve?
San Francisco is an EXCELLENT spot for forum fun and frolics, BTW. All those bridges, I bet there's trolls aplenty. Colma's gotta be a trip in the Dresdenverse. If you can't use the Second City, SF makes a good second choice. I'm anxious to See what it's like.