I can tell I've let posting here slide when the author timecard thread times out.
Not that I've had much done recently. Two out of the past four weeks I got nothing done at all, from a combination of massive work overload, helping family move house, and an unpleasant infestation in the apartment; last weekend I got nothing done because it was Fringe and I needed a break for sheer sanity maintenance. (It got me oysters, and commedia del'arte, and Aeschylus. This helped.)
Two holiday weekends coming up, though, which means lots of writing time. And at the moment I am working on line edits on an older project, which have reached the difficult stage that the interested party wants to fix things that I knew were wrong with it when I put it down and would have fixed then if I could, while I am on fire with a newer project I am pretty sure is better but that's not a priority to anyone not me, so.
edit status: seven chapters have had initial pass, out of a total of thirty plus five plus epilogues. Some small things and one big thing fixed. task looks really daunting from here.