'Specializations' are another option when you take refinement. So, if you have a +1 fire control specialization and a +4 offensive fire control focus, you have a base control of your discipline +5.
So, for example, a submerged wizard build might look like:
Superb: Discipline, Lore
Great: Conviction, etc
Base magical control 5, base magical power 4.
Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit) (+1 Spirit Power)
You get 1 specialization point 'for free' with full Evocation. That makes our base spirit evocations (without foci) look like: Control 5, Power 5.
Then, we take a point of refinement, and choose specializations (we get 2 points of specialization per point of refinement). We put one of them in 'Spirit Control' and the other one in 'Spirit Power'. So now our evocation looks like:
Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit) (+2 Spirit Power, +1 Spirit Control)
Note that our specializations must follow 'a pyramid', just like skills. So we couldn't, for example, go for +3 Spirit power without a +2 and a +1 to prop it up.
Next, we can't have a total specialization bonus higher than our lore, which isn't much of a hindrance for wizards, since they tend to have a high lore skill anyway.'
Our spirit evocations now look like: Control 6, Power 6.
The 'tree' cost (in refresh) for specializations is as follows:
1 point: +2, +1 (remember, you get 1 point of specialization for free)
3 Points: +3, +2, +1
5 points: +4, +3, +2, +1
7 points: +5, +4, +3, +2, +1
So, for example, if we have a wizard with 7 points of refresh sunk into evocation specializations, their evocation might look like:
Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit) (+5 Spirit Power, +4 Spirit Control, +3 Air Power, +2 Air Control, +1 Earth Power)
So their base evocations now look like:
(assuming the same skill spread as the earlier example)
Spirit: Control 9, power 9
Air: Control 7, Power 7
Earth: Control 5, Power 5
The first point of refinement spent on specializations (which gets you a +2) is effectively worth 4 points of foci, since. After that, if costs 2 points of refresh to get you to the next higher plus, so specializations are roughly equivalent in power, but can't be taken away. In general, the only reason you want to take foci over specializations are if you want to focus your power toward offense or defense more, and that's only after you have the first point of refinement in specialization already.
[currently editing to show crazy pants power wizard example]
Submerged wizard:
Superb: Discipline, Lore
Great: Conviction, etc
[-1] The Sight
[-4] Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit) (+2 spirit Control, +1 Spirit Power) (note point of refinement spent here)
[-3] Thaumaturgy (+1 Crafting Strength)
[-1] refinement (2 more focus item slots)
Enchanter's Loupe (+2 crafting strength)
Focus item: +1 Offensive Spirit Control
Defensive item power 8, 3 uses (2 slots)
2nd Defensive item, power 6, 3 uses (1 slot)
Mook swatter offensive item: power 5, 4 uses (1 slot)
2 Potion Slots (base power

So, our wizard makes control 8, power 5 evocation attacks
Or can swat mooks with a targeting 5 (discipline) weapon 5 enchanted item
and defends with a power 8 defensive item, plus a power 6 item to provide armor:3 if the power 8 block is broken.
And has 2 power 8 potions on tap
A wizard who doesn't go in for the enchanted items as defense can get base evocations of control 7, power 6 and has 6 focus items to beef it up.
Assuming they are happy with a +1 defensive power item so that them can throw up shift 7 blocks as a rote for 1 stress, then can then get a +4 offensive control, +1 offensive power focus (would have gone for +5 offensive control, but only have great lore). So on the offense, you are looking at control 11, power 7 evocations (and you have the control to easily squeeze out more powerful evocations as your stress bar fills up).
This isn't a great idea though, as both your offense and your defense come out the the same (very limited) pool of mental stress. People who present arguments
for[b/ this build point out that if you can't solve a problem with 1 or two control 11, power 7+ evocations, it's probably time to consider negotiation instead.