I actually statted out Harry Dresden for Amber DRPG
Psyche: -15
Strength: -24
Endurance: -20
Warfare: -24
Bad stuff: Too much.
A few points invested in sorcery and misc artifacts.
Made me smile.

I assume your scale was with zero representing "Amber" level.
I was thinking of running something where zero would be "human standard" level so that I wouldn't need to have all of those negative numbers. I also was looking at using the system but not all of the Amber NPCs -- the point would be to run a Dresden campaign and not simply insert Harry into an Amber campaign.
With "human" level at zero, "exceptional" (Chaos) might be at 15 and "supernatural" (Amber) more like 25, Slife's example would stat out more like this:
Psyche: 10
Strength: 1
Endurance: 5
Warfare: 1
Bad stuff: Too much.
A few points invested in sorcery and misc artifacts.To set up characters, one would need some sort of baseline:
Vampires would have "supernatural" strength = 25.
Weres would have "supernatural" endurance = 25.
I would put most Wizards with "supernatural" psyche = 15 (so Harry's would likely be more than this).
Mercs like Kincaid might be close to "supernatural" in Warfare, maybe 10.
Pretty much all of the ADRP powers would be gone, as they are not part of the Dresdenverse, but some system for spellslinging and shape shifting would clearly have to remain. Many of the item costs (for things like Michael's sword) could remain, and the basic conflict resolution process would remain intact as well.
So ... just some quick off-the-cuff thoughts for generic critters:
* Vampire = P 10, S 25, E 15, W 0. (50 point template)
* Loup Garou = P 0, S 15, E 25, W 0. Shape Shift 35. (75 point template)
* Generic Warden = P 15, S 0, E 10, W 5. Power Words 10, Sorcery 15. (55 point template)
* Better Warden = P 15, S 0, E 10, W 5. Power Words 10, Sorcery 15, Conjuration 20. (75 point template)