Author Topic: Enchanted Item Stunt  (Read 1793 times)

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Enchanted Item Stunt
« on: May 28, 2011, 02:06:38 AM »
So, I posted this in another thread but I wanted to start a different thread to discuss it rather than derail that one.  What is it?  It's a mortal stunt that allows you access to enchanted items.  Discuss:

Magic Black-Market (Contacts):
You know some people who know some people who make magic items.  You have two enchanted item slots that can be filled with single use enchanted items (such as potions) by spending a fate point (one fate point for two items).  These items have strength equal to your contacts roll (this must be rolled separately).  Unlike a wizard's potion slots, these slots cannot be left open for declarations and must be determined before the scene where you intend to use them.

Procurer of Enchanted Goods (Resources):
You know that money can buy anything, including magical goods.  You have two enchanted item slots that can be filled with single use enchanted items (such as potions) by spending a fate point (one fate point buys both items).  These items have strength equal to your contacts roll (this must be rolled separately).  Unlike a wizard's potion slots, these slots cannot be left open for declarations and must be determined before the scene where you intend to use them.

I know the wording is awkward.  I'll revise.  I also know it's underpowered, but I figured a mortal stunt shouldn't be the same as Crafting (Ritual), or even half that.

What do you think?

Offline BumblingBear

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Re: Enchanted Item Stunt
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 02:58:52 AM »
Why not make a stunt that gives a character permanent enchanted item slots for items too?

That way whenever a character wanted to upgrade or get something different, they could have a story about it.

If a PC is getting an enchanted item from someone else (perhaps someone in the party), the person who made the item should be the one determining the strength of it as well - at least for the stunt I am thinking of.
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Enchanted Item Stunt
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 03:10:17 AM »
Yeah, I guess that's not bad.  I'm looking for a way to make a character not dependent on another character's use of item slots.

According to the rules, they need to spend a fate point to have an effect greater than those explicitly listed.  

Finally, an enchanted item must be recharged and maintained.  I figured the one use items would be more fitting as a 'Nella probably wouldn't be able to recharge them.

I'm okay with things like one shot shield bracelets, magic bullets, etc. being statted as potions.

EDIT: First revision

You start each session with two open Enchanted Items slots.  These slots may be filled with single use Enchanted Items (effectively potions) at the beginning of the session, or left open to be declared during a scene using a Fate Point.  The strength of the Enchanted Item is equal to your Contacts/Resources skill.  You may invoke aspects or take compels to increase the strength when filling the item slots at the beginning of a session (but not when declaring them during a scene), as a practitioner would when brewing potions.  Unused Enchanted Items at the end of each session may either be carried over to the next session, taking up an open slot, or discarded, leaving the slot free.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 03:29:26 AM by InFerrumVeritas »