And as with anything customer service, one phone call turned into three. And the rudeness. Ugh.
[Repeating for linking purposes]
Barnes and Noble has moved the online availability date of GS from the release date (today) to August 4th. Why, I don't know. I couldn't get an answer, straight or otherwise, to that. I called the B&N store where the signing will be held, and the sales rep told me that the site was "correct" for the site, but that the stores were physically releasing the book today. He said that my best option would be to call Customer Service and *attempt* to cancel the order, and then just pick up a copy on the signing date. So, after about three phone calls, I finally got through to a Customer Service rep, and am attempting to cancel my online order. It's not a guaranteed thing, though, so keep that in mind.
Basically, if you ordered a copy of GS from Barnes and Noble, double check your order. Make sure that you're getting the book when you specified, instead of sometime next week. If you aren't able to cancel your order, remember you can always go to the signing, pick up another copy, and then once your pre-ordered book comes in, take one or the other back to a B&N store with the receipt from the signing to get a refund.
The moral of this story is: Garrett doesn't like Barnes and Noble, and this is an example of why.