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  • Signing in Washington, D.C.: August 01, 2011

Author Topic: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1  (Read 78975 times)

Offline paul_Harkonen

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2011, 04:04:26 AM »
I will absolutely be there, and I would be perfectly happy to meet-up before or after.  I would strongly suggest eating at one of the restaurants in the mall itself rather than trying to find a place nearby and hoping you get back in time.  As has been mentioned, traffic in the area of the mall is really bad between 3 and 7 (sometimes its ok, but I always triple the amount of time it takes to get there when going to the mall around then).

I should also note that you need to give yourself a huge window of time if you are planning on driving into the area from somewhere else.  Traffic is generally hellish for the entire area, and so while it might take you 20 minutes to get from the 95/495 interchange to the mall, it could also take you two hours.

Offline Myyrdn Eopia

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2011, 04:04:58 AM »
Oh my!  Anyone interested in trying to do a one-shot while we're there?

Maybe.  If I can get in some GMing practice between now and then, and if we can find a space for it.

Offline Zheryl

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2011, 01:09:51 PM »
Oh my!  Anyone interested in trying to do a one-shot while we're there?

I would be interested in giving it a shot, but we're comming from central NC and I'm not sure when we will arrive.  Do you the the folks at B&N would mind if we took over an area in order to play?
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Offline paul_Harkonen

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2011, 03:33:14 PM »
Do you the the folks at B&N would mind if we took over an area in order to play?

This one has a cafe\coffee shop type area on the top floor that usually has empty tables, but it might be a bit tight for space simply because the tables are fairly small.  I think they probably wouldn't mind if you\we moved a couple of tables together, but they're still the little round type (if memory serves and they haven't changed them recently) so they won't make a flush table even if they're together.

Offline Zheryl

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2011, 09:39:33 PM »
Well depending on how they plan on doing the line, we could just set up where ever we would have to wait anyway. Those cafe table tend to have a bit of wobble and I'm not to sure about them.  Although it would make staying caffinated easy.  Then again if we meet at a restaurant before hand, we might be able to play there.
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Offline Aine

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2011, 05:11:04 AM »
Well depending on how they plan on doing the line, we could just set up where ever we would have to wait anyway. Those cafe table tend to have a bit of wobble and I'm not to sure about them.  Although it would make staying caffinated easy.  Then again if we meet at a restaurant before hand, we might be able to play there.

That is what we did when we played Munchkin at the Independence signing.

Offline Myyrdn Eopia

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2011, 10:52:21 AM »
Well, seeings as I need to make a call to the B&N about a thing or two, may as well ask about appropriating a small space for a possible gaming session as well.

Offline GraveyardKing

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2011, 11:32:33 AM »
GK, I hope to see you there.  I'd love a chance to pick someone's brain about the DFRPG.   :D Where are you comming from and when do you aim to arrive?

We're coming from Stafford, about an hour's drive away.  We're going to try to show up early.  Not exactly sure when, though.

Offline Zheryl

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2011, 03:16:37 PM »
Well, seeings as I need to make a call to the B&N about a thing or two, may as well ask about appropriating a small space for a possible gaming session as well.

If you haven't called yet would you mind asking them how they are going to do the line up.  Whether they are going to do arm bands, have us take a number or something so you're not stuck in line for hours or if you just have to show up and wait?

We're coming from Stafford, about an hour's drive away.  We're going to try to show up early.  Not exactly sure when, though.

We have (according to the google mappy directions thingy) about a five hour drive, however the friend that is driving will most likely pull it off in three or four.  We're hoping to get there around 12 or 1ish so that we'll have plenty of time to check into our hotel, explore and make a general nuisance of ourselves (in strictly entertaining manner of course). 
The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault.

Offline Serack

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2011, 05:28:51 PM »
ohh i suppose i should ask my boss if i can leave early to go. 

hey, kb, can i leave work early?
well, kb, i think that might be alright. can you get all your work done in time?
ofc, kb, that shouldn't be a problem in the slightest.
well, kb, then i think you can leave early.

yup. boss confirmed, i can leave early.

(i love being the boss)

Will your boss let you leave early enough to join up for a forum meet and eat?

Waiting to see if there is a fare sale (like the one they just had) that can put me in DC for the signing at a reasonable price. Gryph only lives about 15 minutes from Tyson's Corner...we've been there a few times and never had trouble finding parking in the big parking garage at the mall. 

Unless someone else is closer and wants to do the legwork, I'll be happy to check around the next time I'm there (end of June) for a venue where we can meet and dine either pre- or post-signing.

So is it confirmed that you will be coming/coming early?
DF WoJ Compilation
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Offline GraveyardKing

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2011, 12:36:02 AM »
Oh, uh.  On the topic of playing the RPG with everybody, there may be one small problem.  My group has sort of been interpreting the rules as best we can, but not as should probably be interpreted.  So, we may be playing radically different games...

Offline Zheryl

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2011, 12:49:23 AM »
Oh, uh.  On the topic of playing the RPG with everybody, there may be one small problem.  My group has sort of been interpreting the rules as best we can, but not as should probably be interpreted.  So, we may be playing radically different games...

Considering that I've heard that Jim himself will change the rules if he doesn't like them I think we'll be OK.  Unless of course there is a "Rules Lawyer" in the group, then we may be in for some issues.  However, this is supposed to be a fun exciting day (centered around Harry) so hopefully no one will take themselves too seriously.  And if they do we should refer to them as "Morgan" for the duration.

Also, it looks like there will be quite a few of us.  When it gets a bit closer we might want to pick a restaurant and make some reservations.  Frankly, inspite of being in TCCII, I think Maggianos is looking really good.  Speaking of which, how many are in your group GK?
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Offline Serack

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2011, 02:30:04 PM »
Oh, uh.  On the topic of playing the RPG with everybody, there may be one small problem.  My group has sort of been interpreting the rules as best we can, but not as should probably be interpreted.  So, we may be playing radically different games...

The way I understand it, the creators of the game have every intent for the players of the game to play the game according to rules that the "table" finds enjoyable.  Here's an example of Iago's (the guy most responsible for the DFRPG, and the owner of these forums) perspective on the topic.

Hey, folks. I've had a few people from the forum email me directly asking for an official word on Lawbreaking. We hate doing official word stuff in general, because we believe in folks getting to own their own version of the setting with each campaign. [snip]


[/snip]It's your table. Figure it out on your own so you're all happy. Talk honestly, openly, and clearly. Mind the fun. That's what matters. But remember:

This forum isn't about just one table. That means what works at your table might not work at someone else's. That doesn't make your table wrong, and it also doesn't make their table wrong. So quit acting like either is the case. This is a big tent. Make some room for each other, and focus on the areas where you agree.
DF WoJ Compilation
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Offline SkinsFanVJ

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2011, 02:51:03 PM »
I live in the Northern VA area and have been to Tysons more than a few times.

That entire section/wing of the mall is a newer addition.  There are a lot of restaurants right in that wing.  That wing is also where the movie theater is, so its usually pretty heavy in foot traffic so they have large open/communion areas on each floor.

There is a Coastal Flats and Gordon Biersch on the first floor.  A Fridays on either the 2nd or 3rd floor.  And a few other eateries all right there. 

In my opinion, the Gordon Biersch or Fridays would both be good places to meet up before the signing.  Both have bar areas that will be easier to coordinate the initial meeting up and both are less than 3 minutes from the B&N.

For post-signing, the Tysons area has a lot of bars/restaurants inside and outside of the mall itself. 

I'd be happy to help coordinate pre or post meetup venues and be a local contact for anyone coming from out of town.

Offline Serack

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Re: Signing in Washington D.C. (McLean, VA) on 8/1
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2011, 03:34:50 PM »
I live in the Northern VA area and have been to Tysons more than a few times.

That entire section/wing of the mall is a newer addition.  There are a lot of restaurants right in that wing.  That wing is also where the movie theater is, so its usually pretty heavy in foot traffic so they have large open/communion areas on each floor.

There is a Coastal Flats and Gordon Biersch on the first floor.  A Fridays on either the 2nd or 3rd floor.  And a few other eateries all right there. 

In my opinion, the Gordon Biersch or Fridays would both be good places to meet up before the signing.  Both have bar areas that will be easier to coordinate the initial meeting up and both are less than 3 minutes from the B&N.

For post-signing, the Tysons area has a lot of bars/restaurants inside and outside of the mall itself. 

I'd be happy to help coordinate pre or post meetup venues and be a local contact for anyone coming from out of town.

You're hired.  Will you accept payment in the form of a beer?
DF WoJ Compilation
Green is my curator voice.
Name dropping "Serack" in a post /will/ draw my attention to it

*gnaws on the collar of his special issue Beta Foo long-sleeved jacket*