personal thought? work this out yourself. generally, people don't share until they are past the fifth rough draft of a completed manuscript.
also, I think writers might be fearful that your ideas might meld into theirs if they are good ideas, or that they finally get their own work published and then deal with fallback because something is similar to your idea.
Remember an idea isn't covered under copyrights, only completed manuscripts.
So anything you post would literally be open market if someone wanted to take it, twist it, and publish it. Same with private e-mails. use caution.
We don't have anyone that would do that on JB..but it's wise to start good habits now.
Also--there are tons of ideas out there, but ideas aren't manuscripts and not copyrighted. Your initial idea is going to change a great deal. Use your good will for someone to read your completed manuscript when you get there.
We'll see what others think.