Author Topic: Healing with enchanted items?  (Read 5621 times)

Offline easl

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Re: Healing with enchanted items?
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2011, 08:14:00 PM »
As winter magic can only do entropic things through thaumaturgy at evocation speeds i drew the conclusion that summer magic should be equally devastating when used in such a way. That makes quite a lot of sense to me, since evocation speed magic (that is not used by plot devices) tends to be on the destructive side of things.

Its you're game, but I think the paragraph on YS290 starting "In addition, Summer magic..." is pretty clear that it allows biomancy effects at evocation speed.  It specifically says it allows evocation spell effects that encourage renewal. AKA, healing.

Totally agree with most of the other comments here about limitations on healing.  But, the greater point is, whatever healing you allow thaumaturgy to do (be that a lot or a little), IMO YS is saying summer beasties can do it at evocation speeds.

Its all part of that natural cycle/opposites thing the fae have going: Summer fae make the best friends...and winter fae make the worst enemies. :)

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Re: Healing with enchanted items?
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2011, 09:15:46 PM »
Its you're game, but I think the paragraph on YS290 starting "In addition, Summer magic..." is pretty clear that it allows biomancy effects at evocation speed.  It specifically says it allows evocation spell effects that encourage renewal. AKA, healing.

Totally agree with most of the other comments here about limitations on healing.  But, the greater point is, whatever healing you allow thaumaturgy to do (be that a lot or a little), IMO YS is saying summer beasties can do it at evocation speeds.

Its all part of that natural cycle/opposites thing the fae have going: Summer fae make the best friends...and winter fae make the worst enemies. :)

Please, don't get me wrong. I'll again state that I have nothing against summer magics healing powers. I agree that it's implied in it's renewal aspect. I agree that most fey are probably capable of doing it at evocation speeds. That said I find it a little far fetched to equalize the terms renewal and healing too.

I was not talking about what the fey may or may not been capable of. What I was talking about was what a mortal would be able to do if gifted or burdened with summer magic. That is why I'll stand by my statement. Summer magic as sponsored magic for a mortal in my opinion can hardly be what it is for the fey. For them it's as natural as breathing is for us. As a stand alone power or even as a booster no wizard or practitioner will ever come close to what the fey can do with their power ... at least that's the way I see it.
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Offline ryanshowseason2

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Re: Healing with enchanted items?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2011, 09:18:56 PM »
Just some GM meddling stuff here take it or leave it.

I like to subvert pc actions by making unintended consequences quite a bit, the healing realm is no different. Summer magic enhances the body's faculties for healing by speeding recovery to breakneck speeds... The energy for the body to do that has to come from somewhere... Healing regularly takes time and you probably don't even notice the drain it takes to heal, but doing the entire process in seconds? Some might argue that the magic itself is the power source, I'd say magic is the catalyst that allows the process to go this fast, I picture healing like building a wall of legos summer magic speeds your hand in placing those blocks but doesn't supply the blocks itself.

So for my games any evocation speed healing immediately removes a targeted consequence, bumps other and inflicts a consequence in the next slot of "suddenly exhausted". If there are no other slots open the consequence is still cleared and the character loses consciousness for the scene.

"suddenly exhausted" cannot be healed by magic, but can be healed by recovery powers.

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Re: Healing with enchanted items?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2011, 12:11:49 AM »
Of note, if we are using the Reiki healing spell as the only method of healing in the DFRPG then it is fact that one can not heal moderate or severe consequences mid-combat. Here's why; the spell only speeds natural recovery and no one can heal consequences mid-scene without recovery powers. Further since it only makes the consequence recover as if it was lower without making it actually lower (I.E. a moderate is still a moderate even if it recovers as a mild) recovery powers still can't recover any consequence that they wouldn't normally be able to recover. However that does assume that the Reiki healing spell is the only way to do healing.