Author Topic: Generic NPC master list  (Read 2744 times)

Offline zaczane

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Generic NPC master list
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:00:09 AM »
The Master List of NPC's

Don't post here what so ever, the people who already have below have apologized but please do not continue posting

I will post any and all NPC that are created and posted on the Generic NPC's thread made by sanctaphrax in the resorces board

If you are a creator of an NPC message me personally and tell me what NPC and who was involved in its creation so i may give you credit

Otherwise the credit is going to sanctaphrax

Mainly because i know he created most of them

The NPC's on this thread will be posted by power level starting at Hydrophobic and going to Deep one level

each level will correspond to a list of just the names

I will first post a list of NPC names then a list of the full write ups of the NPC's
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 03:29:16 AM by zaczane »
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 02:08:33 AM »
list of Hydrophobic NPC by name(part 1)

Sales Associate (Hydrophobe)
Street Thug (Hydrophobe)
Prostitute (Hydrophobe)
Trust Fund Brat (Hydrophobe)
Musician (Hydrophobe)
Taxi Driver (Hydrophobe)
Hacker (Hydrophobe)
Speaker For The Mighty (Hydrophobic)
Bartender (Hydrophobe)
Security Guard (Hydrophobe)
Waitress (Hydrophobe)
Fisherman (Hydrophobe)
Imp (Hydrophobe)
Slaver (Hydrophobe)
Kamikaze Zombie (Hydrophobe)
Bouncer (Hydrophobe)
50$ Bruiser (Hydrophobe)
Banshee (Hydrophobe)
Traffic Patrol Cop (Hydrophobe)
Forensics Specialist (Hydrophobe)
Smuggler (Hydrophobe)
Ork (Hydrophobe)
Vampire Poser (Hydrophobe)
Child Ghost (Hydrophobe)
Reporter (Hydrophobe)
Guardian Angel (Hydrophobe)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 03:24:32 AM by zaczane »
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline BumblingBear

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 02:14:38 AM »
I'm really not trying to be snarky here but I don't understand the purpose of this thread.
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.


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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2011, 02:16:51 AM »
I kind of see this thread as unnecessary.  Finding what you need is literally a forum search away. Besides the Generic NPCs thread are being added to everyday, and it would be a pain in the ass to constantly update.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 02:39:21 AM »
I dunno about anyone else, but I will find this helpful.

When I (finally) perform my long-planned revision of the wiki's character section, a list of characters will be a great thing to have.

Offline BumblingBear

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 02:45:22 AM »
I dunno about anyone else, but I will find this helpful.

When I (finally) perform my long-planned revision of the wiki's character section, a list of characters will be a great thing to have.

Mmmmk.  Well, if you think it will be a good idea I retract my comment.

My explanation of why I said what I said:
I just don't see how a list with no stats is very helpful - especially when one can just scroll through the actual thread to see what is there and find an NPC that is similar to one they are looking for.

I personally have done this before.  The NPC thread has been a /phenomenal/ resource for me.

Until everything is organized by type or alphabetically (like on a wiki), I'm not sure how the list posted here is beneficial.

What would be great is if a mod could go through the NPC master list and erase the posts where people request characters (after the character has been posted, the request is not really needed anymore) or try to stat God.  I think the thread would be 50% of the size and much less cluttered if that were to happen.

Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2011, 02:55:53 AM »
Honestly, I don't know if I'd have any use for this if not for my character-organization project.

Which you aren't doing, so...

Your disinterest makes perfect sense to me.

Anyway, I've never had trouble finding stuff. But I have forgotten about stuff I've written. This list ought to cure that.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2011, 02:58:14 AM »
first i'm going to add the stats the list is first so you know were to find the monster when looking at most of them and thanks for listing to me and replying on this thread when i said not to guys
o well now just don't keep posting i guess
and it does take time to organize all these NPC's there i approximately uhh well this is odd i count exactly 199 generic NPC's
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 03:00:46 AM by zaczane »
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline BumblingBear

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 03:01:38 AM »
Honestly, I don't know if I'd have any use for this if not for my character-organization project.

Which you aren't doing, so...

Your disinterest makes perfect sense to me.

Anyway, I've never had trouble finding stuff. But I have forgotten about stuff I've written. This list ought to cure that.

Point taken.

first i'm going to add the stats the list is first so you know were to find the monster when looking at most of them and thanks for listing to me and replying on this thread when i said not to guys


I think the problem is that I usually only understand about 20% of what you write.

This is my last post in this thread. If I could I'd delete my initial post.

Apologies again for intruding.
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPC master list
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 03:18:15 AM »
Sales Associate (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: That Guy Behind The Store Counter
Other Aspects: The Customer Is Always Right, Probably A Really Boring Person
Fair: Rapport, Deceit, Discipline
Average: Resources, Presence, Empathy, Driving
Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline): +2 to Discipline to control emotions.
Salesmanship (Rapport/Deceit): Pick Rapport or Deceit. Get +2 to that skill when using it to sell something.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Street Thug (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Random Mugger
Other Aspects: Tough Guy Act, Street Trash
Good: Weapons
Fair: Intimidation, Athletics
Average: Endurance, Alertness, Stealth
That Ain't A Knife... (Intimidation): +2 to Intimidation while holding a weapon.
This Is A Knife! (Weapons): Inflict 2 additional stress with knife attacks.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Prostitute (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Hooker
Other Aspects: Steetwalker, Drug Addiction, Crappy Life
Fair: Rapport, Deceit, Contacts
Average: Endurance, Presence, Survival, Alertness
Sex Appeal (Rapport): +2 to Rapport when using it to seduce.
Urban Survivalist (Survival): +1 to Survival in cities, may use all survival trappings in cities.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Trust Fund Brat (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Trust Fund Brat
Other Aspects: Do You Know Who My Father Is?, No Idea How To Take Care Of Himself, Slacker, Spoiled Rotten
Good: Resources
Fair: Contacts
Average: Scholarship, Empathy, Rapport, Deceit, Performance
Windfall (Resources): Spend a fate point for +4 to Resources for one check.
Lush Lifestyle (Resources): You may be assumed to have items that cost up to your resources.
In Over My Head (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when seeking advice or assistance.
Total Refresh Cost:
-1 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Musician (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Club Musician
Other Aspects: Never Made It Big, My Own Sound
Good: Performance
Fair: Presence
Average: Contacts, Resources, Endurance, Rapport, Empathy
Musician (Performance): Pick an instrument and a genre. +1 to each.
Working Artist (Performance): Use Performance to determine Lifestyle.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Taxi Driver (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Taxi Driver
Other Aspects: You Meet The Weirdest People In This Job
Good: Driving
Fair: Alertness
Average: Contacts, Resources, Investigation, Endurance, Scholarship
City Driver (Driving): +1 to Driving in cities and ignore 1 point of difficulty increases due to traffic.
Like The Back Of My Hand (Driving): +2 to Navigation.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Hacker (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Computer Hacker
Other Aspects: All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Good: Scholarship
Fair: Investigation
Average: Alertness, Contacts, Burglary, Discipline, Conviction
Computer Scientist (Scholarship): +2 to the Computer Use trapping of scholarship.
Programmer (Scholarship): May use scholarship to write programs, decrypt data, etc.
Cracker (Scholarship): May use Scholarship instead of Burglary to defeat computerized security.
Total Refresh Cost:
-1 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Speaker For The Mighty (Hydrophobic)

High Concept: Mouthpiece Of A Godlike Being
Other Aspects: Disposable Weakling, Empty Shell of A Man, Speaks With Grandeur
Good: Presence
Fair: Deceit, Intimidation
Average: Empathy, Rapport, Conviction
Excellent Speaker (Presence): +1 to public speaking, not modified by Performance.
Marked By Power [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Bartender (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Bartender
Other Aspects: A Shoulder To Cry On
Fair: Empathy, Rapport, Contacts
Average: Performance, Presence, Endurance, Resources
Mixed Drinks (Performance): +2 to Performance when using it to make alcoholic drinks.
Bartender's Ear (Empathy): +2 to Empathy when dealing with people who are under the influence of alcohol.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Security Guard (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Security Guard
Other Aspects: Rules Are Rules, Comes Off As A Prick
Good: Alertness
Fair: Guns, Fists
Average: Endurance, Athletics, Might
Armed Arts (Fists): Wield a baton or stunner with Fists.
Sentry (Alertness): May take an action to add 2 to Alertness until he takes another action.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Waitress (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Waitress
Other Aspects: This Is Just My Day Job, At The Mercy Of Stupid Customers
Fair: Performance, Presence
Average: Endurance, Athletics, Rapport, Discipline, Empathy, Deceit
Artist (Performance): +1 to play rock music, +1 to play drums.
Professional Attitude (Presence): +1 to all social skills when "on the job."
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Fisherman (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Fisherman
Other Aspects: Working Man, The Troubles Of Everyday Life
Fair: Survival, Driving
Average: Endurance, Craftsmanship, Athletics, Might, Resources, Alertness
Sailor (Driving): +1 to operate a boat, further +1 to operate a fishing boat.
Fisherman (Survival): +3 to getting food from the sea.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Imp (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Demonic Imp
Other Aspects: Limitless Source Of Bad Advice, Infernal Pest
Fair: Intimidation, Fists, Deceit
Average: Athletics, Presence, Alertness, Lore
Incredibly Annoying (Intimidation): +2 to all attempts to make someone angry.
Wings [-1]
Diminutive Size [-1]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch (Holy Stuff) [+1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Slaver (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Slave Trader
Other Aspects: Irredeemable Sadist, The Banality Of Evil, Smuggler
Good: Resources
Fair: Intimidation, Contacts
Average: Presence, Weapons, Deceit
Prepping The Merchandise (Intimidation): +2 to Intimidation when using it on slaves.
Torturer (Intimidation): May use Intimidation to inflict mental stress if given the chance to inflict pain.
Slave Owner (Resources): +2 to Resources when dealing with slaves.
Slaver's Network (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when dealing with slaves, slave traders, or slave owners.
Total Refresh Cost:
-2 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Kamikaze Zombie (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Zombie Bomb
Other Aspects: My Drum Beats Like A Heart, Strength In Numbers
Fair: Endurance, Fists
Average: Athletics, Alertness, Intimidation, Survival, Stealth, Investigation
Living Dead [-1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Selfdestruct [-1] (May make a weapon: 4 zonewide attack using Fists by sacrificing self. Multiple Selfdestruct uses in the same zone are counted as one attack with a +2 bonus for each Selfdestruct after the first)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Bouncer (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Bouncer
Other Aspects: Very Large Man, Takes His Job Seriously
Good: Intimidation
Fair: Fists, Might
Average: Alertness, Athletics, Endurance
Imposing Attitude (Intimidation): May use Intimidation for social defence.
Professional Manhandler (Might): +1 to grapple.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
50$ Bruiser (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Low-Level Thug
Other Aspects: Tough Talker, Organized Crime Minion
Good: Fists
Fair: Intimidation, Might
Average: Athletics, Endurance, Burglary
Armed Arts (Fists): Wield baseball bat and switchblade with Fists.
Brutality (Fists): May use maneuvers to inflict consequences. See Homebrew Stunts thread for explanation.
Threats Of Violence (Intimidation): +2 to Intimidation if the target is has been physically hurt by the 50$ Bruiser recently.
Total Refresh Cost:
-1 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Banshee (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Banshee
Other Aspects: Harbinger Of Death, Ghost Or Faerie?, Connected To The Great Gaelic Families, Washerwoman
Good: Performance
Fair: Intimidation, Lore
Average: Presence, Stealth, Deceit
Mourning Wail (Performance): +2 to Performance when singing for someone who is about to die.
Improved Supernatural Senses (Lore): +2 to Lore for Supernatural Sense.
Supernatural Sense [-1] (Foretelling death)
Spirit Form [-3]
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch (cold iron, salt, possibly other things) [+4]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Traffic Patrol Cop (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Traffic Cop
Other Aspects: Just Doing His Job, Bottom Of The Totem Pole, Spends All Day In A Car
Fair: Driving, Alertness
Average: Endurance, Athletics, Contacts, Intimidation, Guns, Fists
Police Driver (Driving): +2 to drive a police car.
Traffic Watcher (Alertness): +2 to car-related Alertness.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Forensics Specialist (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Forensic Examiner
Other Aspects: Pretty Nebbish For A Cop, Disturbingly Comfortable With Corpses
Good: Scholarship
Fair: Craftsmanship, Contacts
Average: Guns, Alertness, Investigation
Forensic Eye (Scholarship): May use Scholarship to examine evidence.
Forensic Training (Scholarship): +2 to Scholarship for forensics.
Police Ties (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when dealing with other police officers.
Total Refresh Cost:
-1 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Smuggler (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Smuggler
Other Aspects: Ratlike, Easy Money
Good: Deceit
Fair: Resources, Alertness
Average: Burglary, Guns, Driving
Palm Greaser (Resources): +2 to Resources when using it to bribe someone.
Smuggler (Deceit): +2 to Deceit when using it to smuggle.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Ork (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Ork
Other Aspects: Tribesman, Brutish But Not Monstrous
Good: Weapons
Fair: Fists, Might
Average: Endurance, Athletics, Intimidation
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch (Fire) [+1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Vampire Poser (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Vampire Impersonator
Other Aspects: Might Well Think That He's The Real Thing, A Real Vampire's Lunch, Drama Monarch, Creature Of The Night
Good: Performance
Fair: Rapport, Presence
Average: Scholarship, Stealth, Empathy
Method Actor (Performance): May use Performance instead of Deceit to impersonate a vampire, may create vampire disguise that will stand up to inspection.
Vampires Are Scary (Performance): May use Performance to intimidate when impersonating a vampire.
Vampire Poser (Performance): +2 to Performance when Impersonating a vampire.
Total Refresh Cost:
-1 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Child Ghost (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Ghostly Child
Other Aspects: Absolutely Pitiful, Surprisingly Strong-Willed
Fair: Conviction, Rapport
Average: Discipline, Alertness, Stealth, Empathy, Deceit, Burglary
Pitiful (Rapport): +2 to Rapport when making maneuvers to create aspects based off of pity.
Spirit Form [-3]
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch (Anyone the ghost has acknowledged, ghost dust, etc) [+2]
Swift Transition (No Mortal Home) [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Reporter (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Investigative Reporter
Other Aspects: New To The Job, Very Friendly, Just Keep Digging
Good: Investigation
Fair: Rapport
Average: Presence, Empathy, Alertness, Deceit, Scholarship
Investigative Reporter (Investigation): May use Investigation instead of Performance for journalism.
Interviewer (Rapport): +2 to Rapport when using it to extract information.
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:
Guardian Angel (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Guardian Angel
Other Aspects: Not A Full Angel, Partially Intangible, Protector Of Children
Good: Conviction
Fair: Alertness
Average: Empathy, Rapport, Lore, Discipline, Investigation
Divine Protector (Conviction): May use Conviction to create blocks against physical harm.
Improved Divine Protection (Conviction): +2 to Conviction when using it to create blocks.
Threshold Guardian (Conviction): +3 to Conviction when using it with Bless This House.
Spirit Form [-3]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Unholy Stuff) [+3]
Wings [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Bless This House [-1]
Sponsored Faith [-1] (May take sponsor debt instead of paying fate points for True Faith powers)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?