No way.
The same logic that lets you automatically take someone out with chloroform would let you automatically take someone out with a gun. After all, it's quite unrealistic to survive a bullet to the forehead. In fact, it's probably more unrealistic than remaining concious with chloroform over your mouth.
That's comparing apples and oranges. You don't have to be within arms distance, undetected, and holding a delivery system for a powerful drug to shoot someone.
That said, if a PC wanted to shoot someone in the head and did a similar set up for the "Chloroformed" aspect, I would allow it.
Why? Because with any sort of decent guns roll a shot would surpass a standard vanilla mortal's stress track and they'd be taken out anyway.
Personally, I'd straight-up laugh at a player who tried to knock someone out with a maneuver. If it can knock someone out, it's an attack. Because being knocked out is a form of being taken out.
We can agree to disagree I suppose. But keep in mind that I am not talking about knocking out a BCV. I'm talking about knocking out a regular person. Hell, it's not that hard to do. I can do it in RL - why the hell can't my souped up, supernaturally powered PCs do it?
Not all NPCs have Fate Points. Even really powerful ones don't always have them. So this would end a lot of interesting fights too easily.
I keep an NPC fate point pile in the middle of the table.
If the PCs are trying to drug and then kidnap a crime boss (for instance), he would definitely use a fate point to cry out or throw something to alert his goons before he passes out.
Also, it shouldn't be that easy to drain someone's FP.
Who said anything about easy? To sneak into a hideout, get a badguy alone and then chloroform him is not exactly buying a DVD at Best Buy.
Plus, this attack would obviously be seen in a public venue and the PC who did it would be a wanted criminal.
I am not understanding why everyone keeps calling this attack "easy".
It's far easier to just snipe someone from 400 yards away. With enough NGM and a high guns skill, that's a one shot kill on almost anything. I can do that in RL.
Sneaking into a bad guy's hideout to drug him, slit his throat, and then extricate myself without being killed - that I CAN'T do.
So where is the level of difficulty less for a chloroform attack?
If it strains your suspension of disbelief to have people remain standing with a a CHLOROFORMED aspect, then don't allow it as a maneuver.
Or, since it's my game and my word is law, I DO allow it, and I let the PC tag the aspect for effect.

Would you let someone create a DECAPITATED aspect with a Weapons maneuver?
Yes I would. A swordsman with a weapons skill of 4+ with anything larger than a hunting knife would get that ability in my game... VS a mook regular human.
Against a fairie warrior - hell no.
I think one has to look at what is allowed and what is not through a lens of what is thematically appropriate.
If a 10 refresh badass wants to kill a 14 year old babysitter, it should not take 3 rounds due to bad rolls. That is just silly.