Author Topic: Break my character! Part 2!  (Read 4318 times)

Offline JayTee

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Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:31:48 PM »
After my disastrous attempt to make a Wizard, I scrapped that idea and decided to make a pure mortal (once again, I apologize for that the thread and my inept handling of it). So, here he is, my pure mortal

This is my first (official) character that i've built for the game, and would like people's feedback on it. Be merciless, its the only way i'll learn.

Name: Ryan Green
High Concept: Supernatural Surviver and Thriver
Template: Pure Mortal.
Trouble: My problems are my own.
Aspects: Trial by Fire; Prep and skill trump magic; From all walks of life; Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass; Don't mess with me and mine.


5 Superb - Alertness

4 Great - Athletics, Discipline

3 Good - Contacts, Resources, Endurance

2 Average - Lore, Scholarship, Deceit, Stealth

1 Fair - Conviction, Rapport, Empathy, Presence, Invetigation


Fast and Deadly Use Athletics for combat rolls, provided you are unarmed or useing a weapon that can be held in one hand.

Small Weapons Expert when using a weapon that can be held in one hand, inflict 2 extra stress.

Support Network  +2 to getting a Tip Off regarding things that could have an impact on your life.

Be prepared +2 to declarations about having a wearable or pocket-sized object on hand.

Occultist +2 to Lore rolls made involving knowledge of magical defenses and countermeasures.

Trust your Knowledge use Alertness when making Declerarions or Assesments, so long as its something that could have been researched or read up on.

Social: 000
Physical: 0000
Mental: 000

Refresh: + 6 (pure mortal)

« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 11:47:08 PM by JayTee »

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 10:39:37 PM »
Friends across the social spectrum - sounds good but you may want to say "from all walks of life"
Gives the Gm a chance to get you into high scoiety, slums, and everywhere in bewteen...also lets you have a bonus to contatcs everywhere also with a fate point.

Anticipate stunt and Custom Gear stunt - depending on your GM, they may not like those.

Sounds good to me otherwise.  May want to come up with a way he'll react to finding out what the Accords are and how he'll deal with Wizards and minor practitioners as opposed to more obvious monsters...not necessarily in need of an aspect regarding it, but somethign to think about role play wise and may change decisions in game.  "Hunters" are dangerous things to play in any system... sometimes you wind up hunting your own party members.

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 01:35:40 AM »
This is perhaps my inexperience with the system, but the way you've phrased "All walks of life" is how I imagined "Friends across the social spectrum" to be used. How would the difference of phrasing have an impact?

I don't think the stunts will be an issue, but if worst comes to worst and I have to replace them would it be better to just take the extra Fate points or build a substitute stunt?

Dealing with Wizardly Shenanigans is represented in "Prep and Skill trump Magic", I figured that since a bullet to the head from 500 yards off takes care of the mage-types more easily than a creature, the stunt "Supernatural Anatomy" would be more useful. Does this make sense system/story wise?

On the subject of Hunters being an issue for their party members, I figure that would be an good story hook. He gets a tip that one of his allies is doing crazyfaced and has to either (depending on the GM's presentation) find the person who is framing his friends, or investigate if his friend really IS doing all the nastyness. Good idea/bad idea?

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 01:39:25 AM »
This is perhaps my inexperience with the system, but the way you've phrased "All walks of life" is how I imagined "Friends across the social spectrum" to be used. How would the difference of phrasing have an impact?

I don't think the stunts will be an issue, but if worst comes to worst and I have to replace them would it be better to just take the extra Fate points or build a substitute stunt?

Dealing with Wizardly Shenanigans is represented in "Prep and Skill trump Magic", I figured that since a bullet to the head from 500 yards off takes care of the mage-types more easily than a creature, the stunt "Supernatural Anatomy" would be more useful. Does this make sense system/story wise?

On the subject of Hunters being an issue for their party members, I figure that would be an good story hook. He gets a tip that one of his allies is doing crazyfaced and has to either (depending on the GM's presentation) find the person who is framing his friends, or investigate if his friend really IS doing all the nastyness. Good idea/bad idea?

I was simply making sure you and your gm knew what to make of "all walks of like or social spectrum...the wording means little so long as the GM knows what it means.

stunts will likely be better, with enough compels the fate points will flow fast anyhow.

I didnt mean how you would fight them...i wondered if you saw them as something to hunt.  Also will you hunt supernatural threats simply becasue they are/exist or do they have to be evil/do something wrong first?

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 02:19:16 AM »
The Character is very much of the "lawful good" persuasion, sort of a combination of Doctor Who and Jason Born. So long as something isn't a threat to people, or can be solved an a way that leaves everyone happy, he's more than willing to try that method. For example, a lighting spirt that is eating the electricity of a hospital to survive would likely be moved to a place less threatening to mortals and has a nice surplus of electricity. On the other hand, a Black Court Vampire turning people left and right is going to get the "torches and pitchforks" treatment.

In short, he (and his government contacts) knows the supernatural is out there, but only the ones posing a threat are dealt with. The rest are largely ignored, or at least have an eye kept on them.

Offline toturi

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 02:27:12 AM »
This is perhaps my inexperience with the system, but the way you've phrased "All walks of life" is how I imagined "Friends across the social spectrum" to be used. How would the difference of phrasing have an impact?
You can look at the differences between the two Aspects. "All walks of life" could mean that he has broad experiences dealing with different kinds of people, it could also mean that people from different walks of life know him or of him good or bad. "Friends across the social spectrum" could mean those people that know him are friends, not guys bearing a grudge or negative stuff like that. So you may want to stick with "Friends across the social spectrum" if you want the Aspect to be more positive.

While wording can take a back seat as long as the GM and player are on the same page as to its meaning, sometimes the GM or player or even other players may take a new spin on its meaning based on the wording.
With your laws of magic, wizards would pretty much just be helpless carebears who can only do magic tricks. - BumblingBear

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 02:35:58 AM »
That is a good point, when thinking of my Aspects I tired for something that could easily be compelled or invoked for good or ill. If I can't think of a few easy ways for my GM to compel "Friends across the social spectrum" I may exchange it for "From all walks of life" instead, thanks.

Offline SunlessNick

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 05:58:54 AM »
All walks of life might also imply areas of expertise as well as social classes, which might be useful for hitting them up as contacts.  (I do wonder if the Contacts skill ought to be higher).

Is "Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass one Aspect or two?"  If the former, you're missing one, there should be seven.

How do you envisage "My Problems Are My Own" working?  Do you have specific problems in mind, or are you after being surprised, but having a character who won't ask for help until things become near-untenably bad?

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2011, 06:52:50 PM »
Custom Gear and Anticipate look excessively powerful to me. I wouldn't allow them as stunts, and I'd be hesitant to allow them as powers.

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2011, 12:54:04 AM »
Modified the a few things based on suggestions. "My problems are my own" is a trouble that can be handled in whatever way is easiest for my GM, be it a long term issue or just a long series of surprises that we think would be a fun addition to the game. I can be very flexible with how my character gets played, so long as everyone is having fun!

Offline Becq

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2011, 01:51:39 AM »
The 'Assault' stunt should probably be changed to 'Armed Arts' which is a skill straight out of the book.  It allows two weapons (in your case, knives and clubs, which in turn would include bats and lead pipes) to be used with the Fists skill.

As to the rest ... well, you cerainly have a large base of skills, but I wonder if you will regret not having a 'speciality' skill at 5?  (Note that I'm assuming you are playing a Submerged game based on the skill points spent.)

Also, you probably want to note that your refresh is 8 (again, assuming base 10 plus 2 for pure human).  You might also want to consider a few more feats to give you that extra edge in what is likely to be a world filled with nasty things with lots of powers...

Offline toturi

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2011, 02:56:39 AM »
The 'Assault' stunt should probably be changed to 'Armed Arts' which is a skill straight out of the book.  It allows two weapons (in your case, knives and clubs, which in turn would include bats and lead pipes) to be used with the Fists skill.
I see Assault as a reskinned Extensive Training further limited to "urban" type weapons.
With your laws of magic, wizards would pretty much just be helpless carebears who can only do magic tricks. - BumblingBear

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2011, 03:01:39 AM »
Changed the stunt.

My main fear with skill-based RPs is that I'll overspecialize in one thing and be totally useless in others. He's got a combat focus to be sure, but I don't want him to be useless in anything other than that.

Refresh is something thats always been somewhat confusing for me to calculate. By my knowledge its 10 (Submerged level) + 2 for pure mortal, totaling 12, - 4 for each stunt, leaving him with +8, This correct?

As for the lack of other stunts, I'm fairly new to the game (haven't actually played yet) but from what I can tell a pure mortal's biggest advantage is their large refresh level. That, and I just do not have a confidant understanding of the system to buy the extra stunts.

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 03:14:23 PM »
Have you thought about what said character would likely do to a "threat"?  is he going to eliminate them?  handcuff them?  You  might look for a stunt that helps you "deal" with them.  The other question is if he's a Fist user, why have your guns so high?  Or if he's a gun user.. why no stunts for that as well?

I personally tend to  run a much smaller fate pool.  I can always bring up one of my "interesting" aspects to get some during a game, so I can use them during a challenge.  8 floating seems like a boatload of potential stunts that could be alot more useful than a pile of fate in some circumstances.

  As to the chracter being one dimensional... yes  it does seem like that.  But both the examples you listed are equally one trick ponies.  With any character, there's a balance between being a focused professional, and a jack of all trades.  How's your party set up?  how easily can you as a player trust them to cover your weakspots?  Are you  one of the only character focused on combat?  or one of 5?

Offline JayTee

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Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 08:48:06 PM »
Thank you everyone for all your help, I believe its back to the drawing board for me and this character, but I appreciate you willing to take your time and help me. Your suggestions were most helpful and I will keep it in mind when I create my next character  :)