After my disastrous attempt to make a Wizard, I scrapped that idea and decided to make a pure mortal (once again, I apologize for that the thread and my inept handling of it). So, here he is, my pure mortal
This is my first (official) character that i've built for the game, and would like people's feedback on it. Be merciless, its the only way i'll learn.
Name: Ryan Green
High Concept: Supernatural Surviver and Thriver
Template: Pure Mortal.
Trouble: My problems are my own.
Aspects: Trial by Fire; Prep and skill trump magic; From all walks of life; Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass; Don't mess with me and mine.
5 Superb - Alertness
4 Great - Athletics, Discipline
3 Good - Contacts, Resources, Endurance
2 Average - Lore, Scholarship, Deceit, Stealth
1 Fair - Conviction, Rapport, Empathy, Presence, Invetigation
Fast and Deadly Use Athletics for combat rolls, provided you are unarmed or useing a weapon that can be held in one hand.
Small Weapons Expert when using a weapon that can be held in one hand, inflict 2 extra stress.
Support Network +2 to getting a Tip Off regarding things that could have an impact on your life.
Be prepared +2 to declarations about having a wearable or pocket-sized object on hand.
Occultist +2 to Lore rolls made involving knowledge of magical defenses and countermeasures.
Trust your Knowledge use Alertness when making Declerarions or Assesments, so long as its something that could have been researched or read up on.
Social: 000
Physical: 0000
Mental: 000
Refresh: + 6 (pure mortal)