I think Binders minions could be created as some sort of multiple entity construct, much like the snakes in the book. I would probably do them like this:
Add 1 shift of power for each creature you want to summon and maybe 1 shift of power to let them last longer than a scene. Since you usually just need them for 1 scene, that is not going to do much.
Then, every single one of them has every skill on average (+1). If they act in unison (and if it makes sense), they add up their skills, and the summoner can use that skill to replace his own (again: if it makes sense).
For example: There are 6 of those creatures working for Binder at the moment.
If they are spread out, they can make an alertness roll at 6, or rather Binder can make an alertness roll using his minions combined skill of 6 instead of his own, representing how they can cover much more ground. Their strength literally is in numbers.
If they are running to catch someone, they can't combine their skills, of course, but if they are placed strategically to cut of anyone who tries to run, they can add up to get a combined roll.
Or the summoner could use them to form a block in front of him at strength 6.
Of course you could also have some of them put aside for other tasks, so you could have 4 of them
This would probably work for everything, although a group of them attacking would be really tough. But given the scene in TC, I guess that is accurate. You would not simply charge into a group like that, you would have to limit the number of goons that can attack you at any given time or take different measures all together.
Of course, they are going to be pretty fragile, because individually, they have any defence skill at 1 and just 2 stressboxes with no consequences, so any half decent attack is going to drop one of them (great use of the spray attack option here

And to answer Question 7:
The threshold would most certainly hold up. The rules for thresholds are pretty much (like) the rules of hospitality, and that means, an invitation has to be spoken out to the subject in order to have an effect, even if the invitation is extended under false pretences (aka some in disguise). Just getting dragged along would not qualify for that.