I don't believe in Chapter titles, I guess. I do use marker titles so I'll remember what scenes are where. In the YA, I used the scene locations, since it was along the line of the DaVinci Code and each chapter was a different location.
I do admire authors who have them; it just has never been me. I think most add them later, don't they?
Anyway, I'm in agreement. Just start plugging away. For me, that's every morning for an hour or two before work. Some people have weekend marathons, which works to, but it's pedal to the metal now. Go for it!
I borrowed someone's idea here on the forum that works well. I read what I wrote the day before and roughly edit it, which gets me back into the story and warms up the brain cells, then I move into the new scene. I work until the scene is done.
One writer suggested that you should always end at a cliff hanger, thus tricking yourself into returning as soon as possible the next day. I couldn't do that... I like feeling that I've checked a scene off in my head, wrapping up the work with a number put into my chapter word count excel doc.
I'm in sales and I've used a similar device when I was under 'produce or get fired' training pressure. I'd wear a bracelet on my right wrist--one that I couldn't write up the application while it was on. Once the sale was made, I'd switch the bracelet to my left wrist. The game became how fast I could shift that bracelet over during an interview. Sick, right? Once I was through my two years of training (60 hours a week as a single mom with two kids at home!) I took that damn bracelet and threw it into a lake filled with goose poop.