Author Topic: TimeLordesque Template  (Read 3064 times)

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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TimeLordesque Template
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:28:39 PM »
Sorry I keep Making new topics I keep having questions, my players are going nuts on me this week :\
They were wondering about a 'magical' version of aTimelord. I'm trying to build it, and wondering about suggestions I already have one of the powers.

"Some new man goes sauntering away." (-1) If at any time your character would "Die" you begin to regenerate. So long as you don't take enough damage to kill you within the next hour you "Regenerate" you keep your stunts skills and powers, but must change atleast 3 (can't change high concept)
But i'm not sure if there should be other powers or something I'm thinking probably homebrew stuff but I can't think of it at the moment any ideas
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 01:38:58 PM by Taskill_Mckennan »

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 02:18:19 PM »
This sounds like a reflavoring of Living Dead.

If you can work out any balance issues it may have on your game it shouldn't be a problem.

You can always bump up the refresh cost to fit what the table likes the power to do.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2012, 04:56:17 PM »
I would treat this as a concession, really. 

Maybe make a power that says that when you make a concession like this, you must change one aspect for every consequence you clear away (cannot change high concept, but may change trouble).  I'd probably cost this at -1.

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2012, 05:07:53 PM »
I think I've got it mostly:
Chronomancers/Fae Time wielders:
Chronomancers are not by any means a "minor talent" They are terrors to behold and un-behold. While they may not be able to bend the forces of nature to their will they need not to. They control time. Their magics or technology rip the universe apart and allow them to them to step on the through the resulting tear.
They can use their powers to stop time, rewind it, speed it up. When they go to sleep time stops. Unfortunately their powers don't always work as intended
 Whether they we're born in the never-never to mortal parents who have been held prisoner, or we're the result of an outer-god and a human's unfortunate mating, or an alien from a far out planet and time, these spell casters are typically sub-mortal. Not quite human...not quite something else.
They're born with two hearts, which allows amazing regenerative abilities, more so than a regular wizard. Due to the two hearts and the effect of time upon them they can-and do- Regenerate from Lethal attacks.
Due to this they are generally very old with lots of past memories and relationships (Great compels possible there)
Given enough time to recover from a lethal attack they will regenerate their entire person, become new and old at the same time. Due to this most are amazingly long lived.
They are a secretive group rarely even finding each other. Unfortunately they are also considered abominations and threats to the world by the Council and are typically executed (It is unclear as to how or why they're able to be captured.)
If you look carefully at the historical records you can find mention of a certain Chronomancer who travels inside a little blue box

Musts: A Chronomancer/Fae time wielder must have a high concept that declares it's nature (E.G. Traveling Time-Mage, Time Traveling Genius) in addition, the character must take the following supernatural powers:
  • Time watches my path -1:  Reworded version of Guide my hand. what ever Means The Chronomancer employs to travel through time can cause a malfunction taking them from the time they want to go to where they NEED to go.
  • Marked by time: -1 Reworded version of Marked by power. Time Travel has lasting effects on the body even if your resistant to any lethal side effects, you still end up with a changed "out of place" aura on you
[li] Item of power: -3; the chronomancer must take an item to allow them to travel through time, whether it's a dagger or a police box or otherwise. Time travel is -1 and they must take -2 refresh worth of powers for it as well.
In addition they must also take one of the following forms of this power:
  • "Some new man goes sauntering away." (-1) If at any time your character would "Die" you begin to regenerate. So long as you don't take enough damage to kill you within the next hour you "Regenerate" you keep your stunts skills and powers, but must change atleast 3 (can't change high concept)
  • when you make a concession like this, you must change one aspect for every consequence you clear away (cannot change high concept, but may change trouble). (-1)

Will finish later

Offline Katarn

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2012, 06:05:40 PM »
Remember the 6th Law  ;D

I would go -4 for Focused Practitioning, and then refinements to have a better/nuanced control of their power.

Offline Orladdin

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2012, 06:11:38 PM »
I'm personally not a fan of this gish. 

This setting/system isn't what you need to run a Doctor Who kind of game.  There's plenty of others that would do the job much better, IMO; ones with far more spacey-themed equipment, technical depth and/or detail.

There is never a blanket answer to an ethical question.  This includes the Laws of Magic.

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Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2012, 07:19:31 PM »
Remember the 6th Law  ;D

I would go -4 for Focused Practitioning, and then refinements to have a better/nuanced control of their power.
Yeah I forgot to add law breaker as a must and that -4 i think will replace the IOP maybe or as a optional replacement

Offline polkaneverdies

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2012, 08:25:23 PM »
I am not familiar with the source material so I have no comment about the power.
 I just wanted to say that asking and discussing questions about the game is one of the main purposes of the dfrpg section of the forums. There is no need to apologize for starting a few threads and giving us more things to talk about. :)

Offline Orladdin

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Re: TimeLordesque Template
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2012, 08:41:29 PM »
I am not familiar with the source material so I have no comment about the power.
 I just wanted to say that asking and discussing questions about the game is one of the main purposes of the dfrpg section of the forums. There is no need to apologize for starting a few threads and giving us more things to talk about. :)

Indeed.  I know a lot of people here love the mental exercises and creative problem-solving/thinking that unique situations bring up.
There is never a blanket answer to an ethical question.  This includes the Laws of Magic.

Perpetrator of The Cold Days Release FAQ

"I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones."
-- The Doctor, Timewyrm: Genesys