Author Topic: Question on WC Feeding  (Read 1793 times)

Offline JediDresden

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Question on WC Feeding
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:25:44 AM »
So I think this might have been answered on a thread somewhere, but I cannot find it now.
When a WC Vamp incites emotion and feeds (I believe the rules say that they can) with feeding touch does he heal himself?  Because from the description in the book it sounds like he can, and if so how much?

From the book:  (Sorry if I am not suppose to qoute from the books directly, not sure of the protocol.)

"Feeding Touch. Physical contact is where it’s at for a satisfying, long-term meal. When a victim is in the throes of an eligible emotion (usually easy for a White Court vampire using his Incite Emotion ability, page 172), you may draw some of his life force out of him to sustain you. This is done as a psychological attack with an appropriate skill (usually Deceit or Intimidation). If you have the Incite Emotion ability, inciting the emotion and feeding on it may be done as a single action, based on a single roll. On subsequent exchanges, if the emotion is still in place you may continue to feed, gaining a +1 on the roll.
The Taste of Death. Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate “free” recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences (page 220), and possibly larger consequences if you have an ability that lets you heal quickly (page 184)."

It is spelled out pretty clearly in the when using the ‘taste of death’ he can heal.  I was just wondering because in the novels Thomas feeds to replenish himself, but does not kill the women who come to his salon.  I was thinking it would make sense that one could ‘top off the tank’ so to speak with feeding touch and not kill the victim, but it does not say that in RAW.  So how have others handled this in their games? 

I do not have any WC PC in my game, but they will be going up against some in the next few adventures and I need some help.
I just do not think that a WC PC should have to kill every time he feeds and recovers.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Question on WC Feeding
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 04:08:17 AM »
I believe he is feeding enough to clear his hunger track but not enough to get the recovery bonus...  With the exception of Justine that time (when she took a severe or extreme to help him heal).


Offline mithrandirthewhite

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Re: Question on WC Feeding
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 04:45:29 AM »
And its not so much that they NEED to kill to recover, but its more satifying to most of them if they do.

Offline JediDresden

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Re: Question on WC Feeding
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2011, 04:33:18 PM »
Makes sense, thanks guys.