Author Topic: An Update on Literary Works!  (Read 2299 times)

Offline RodimusGT

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An Update on Literary Works!
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:52:10 PM »
How's it going everyone? It's been awhile since I posted anything fresh, and I thought I'd make this topic and ask how all your works are coming along? Mine is slow, but sure!
Right now I'd say my biggest hurdle is that I'm not a writer. This is my first go at a book, but my imagination runs wild with ideas, and I figure why not give it a try? The worst that can happen is...nothing! But it's tough for me to dedicate a certain time of day to writing at the moment, so I usually just write when ideas flow or I have a lot of down time. Anyway let me take you on a tour without divulging any details per JB's requests of sharing ideas:

1. My current story is a supernatural noir story very much like TDF, but I think I have a very unique approach and a lot of original ideas.  It will be set during modern day on the east coast and will deal with a lot of elements in the supernatural and with historical mythology. I can tell you that the main character doesn't know what he is. He begins showing signs of being a supernatural entity, and throughout the story he will find out what that is. This series, if successful, can go as long as the reader wants it to. I have enough ideas for quite a few books! I'm currently about 1/4 through my skeleton draft, which in my world means the story and side stories minus details of people and places.

2. This story is a blossoming idea between a friend and I. It's going to be a fantasy tale set in a fictional world. All I have right now is the plot of the book, the hero and the villian. I still need to create the world, characters, and landscapes. The story I thought up for this is amazing in my opinion, although I guess I'm biased. It will be either a trilogy or 5 books long, and will essentially deal with the aspects of growing up, learning courage and honor. I'm VERY excited about this one.

3. My final idea was actually one of my first, and that's a sci fi space story. I had about 61 pages of this written but essentially lost interest when I thought up my supernatural one. I think my second problem was reaching too high, thinking I could create a brand new universe. If I dedicated myself I probably could but ultimately I decided to put it on hold. My entire life I've loved the Star Trek series. Especially TNG. I enjoyed the new movie but I know a lot of people didn't like it. Anyway if I ever become a succesful author I plan on transorming my sci-fi story into a star trek story and submitting it to the powers that be. During the airing of the TNG series I lived and breathed ST, and it saddens me that it's not mainstream anymore. I would love a chance to help reignite it!

Anyway that's what I've been up to! I'm really excited for these ideas I have, and I wanted to thank all of you for your help on my many topics I've created here. Let me know how you're doing!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 04:04:54 PM by RodimusGT »

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: An Update on Literary Works!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2011, 02:04:58 AM »
Hang in there and keep typing.  Best wishes!
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