Guys I have to say, thanks for your help on this one, it's really coming together; the various characters are all turning up links into the faction in the city which will make this a great way to bring bits of the back ground in.
In summary so far we have:
Rocko, qualified priest back by the power of GOD now returning back to the Rare breed. And who life has been overseen by Father Paul MacKenzie.
Frederick Mathers, squad leader experiences at tackling the problems the white court leve behind, and with connections to the Royal Court via his 'Uncle frank' (There is a whole Meta plot going on there around why the lord protector of the faerie city would be mentoring some one bred to face the White court given Longarms apparently friendly connections with Elijah....)
Abraham, who despite not quite making the standards required to be recognised as a wizard, has spent his teenage years out at the Arch Mages home at Speke learning to control his psychometry and sight talents.
(Would you be heart broken if I changed his surname to Cavendish? Only that ties in with bits of the back ground better - the
Cavendish' have always had a more scientific and enquiring mind than the military minded
Molyneux )
And Terry the team mascot ...

who I'll be gutted if no one plays as he has so much potential.
So in the pipe line - Sister Mary Catherine (Assuming Raphael is not totally blocked)
Also I have the aspect "There is no Law 'cept those we make for our selves" stuck in my head, which is beginning to feel rather vigilante like, or that scouse brand of Liverpool socialist anarchy... May be a Pym?
For balance it would be good to have
some one dealing with the spirit world - the Roscoe family have ghost speaker and ectomancy lurking in their line.
And some one that can go up against the Changelings - a clayton maybe?