Terry Easton (Up To Your Waist)
High Concept: Rare Breed Beta Wolf-Were
Trouble Aspect: Pack Mentality
Other Aspects: Animal Magnetism; I am Dominant, Respect Me; I Obey My Alpha (Frederick Mathers); The Human World is Fascinating and Scary;
Only has 2 refresh but that can be mucked with by dropping the stunt etc.
Also, could be made female with a name change if you need/want more females.
At first I wasn't sure about this, but the more I look at it the more he grows on me. I can see the Breed using him as something of a Mascot.
In shattered realities Red Watch had a member who was a highly intelligent dog that could eat demons called Ermine, and though he was never a PC, he was a useful foil and appeared as a secondary character in a lot of other people's stories.
Also as I'm providing 8 characters he'll be a fun option should I have any 'Looney' type players signed up
BackgroundTerry was born in a squat in toxteth, his mother had worked her way into the affections of a group of drop out students and he grew up on a diet of discarded pizza, forgotten beer cans and even the 'dog'-end of splits and Hash brownies. He learnt that the way to get what you wanted was to be cute and keen; the twist of a head, the half whine or raised paw would provide.
Aspect: Animal Magnetism
Rising conflictEventually the squat was broken up and it was clear it was time to move on. Terry was shocked as hell when his mother first transformed into one of the 'two' legs. He had no idea that she was one of them. It took a while for him to work out how to follow her and get the hang of walking and talking. But by then she had vanished off into the city and he was alone. Even though he can fake it most of the time there are still moments when he really does not get these creatures at all. Still he knows they are as much a part of him his 'cute dog' life, and he wants to be part of it.
Aspect: The Human World is Fascinating and Scary;
First storyTerry was picked up by a Rare Breed sweep of the city parks by Harrison Stanley. Harry brought him into the cavern literally by the scruff of his neck. There was a debate as to what to do with the young wolf-were, who had technically not breached any laws, but seemed all to likely to do so in the future. Frederick Mathers suggested that may be they should explain it to him. To most people's surprise Ream agreed with the idea and the Mathers family gained a 'pet/guest'. Soon Terry was seen every where with Fredrick's young son Alban. This proved crutial one day when Alban was attacked on the way home from school. Terry shifted to his human shape and drove the attackers off. From that day on it became clear Terry had a new and very perment place in both the Mathers household and the Breed.
It probably helps that his 'wolf' form is not vastly different from the dog used in the Rare Breed logo.
Aspect: I Obey My Alpha (Frederick Mathers*);
* if Fredrick Mathers is not a PC, pick another PC to be your alpha. Note you do not need the players permission to pick them- nor do you need to tell them that they are your alpha, but you should tell the GM.
additional informationTalbot dog that appears on rare breeds shoulder badges.

Talbot is an old English hound, breed to hunt stag and other 'difficult game'. It is now thought to be extinct (Though that suggests the Kennel club have never visited Ream kennels out at Calderstones park). It was long associated with the Shrewsbury family, important landowners in northern England and very influential in the city; Both the Stanley's and the Cavendish families are descended from them.
The dogs are usually White or had a small number of black spots and are similar to bloodhounds.
Terry on the beach at Formby.
edited to put in better talbot image and add a picture of Terry himself.