Author Topic: Request a Character...  (Read 18733 times)

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2011, 04:55:07 PM »
Lets make it
-2 IoP- Saint Peter's Crucifix
     (-1) Guide My Hand
     (-2) Righteousness
     (-1) Bless This House
     Item bonus discount +2
Rocko's faith powers focus through the crucifix given to him at his conformation by Father MacKenzie. Although interlectually he knows it is 'just' a block of sculptures silver the fact it was from his mentor means it means a lot to him. Father MacKenzie always said "As long as you hold that you are closer to god." And Rocko certainly feels that way.

So that would bring his 'cost' up to -3 and leave him with plenty of in game fate points.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2011, 04:56:52 PM »
So you don't want so many characters?

No I do, but I'm hoping that as we get going more people may join in...
So lets do one at a time each...
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Raphael

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2011, 06:42:03 PM »
Okay well Rocko has been modified to your liking I hope. I am currently in the process of making another True Believer type named Sister Mary Catherine. I've seem have hit a writers block though.
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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2011, 07:00:11 PM »
How about a Yule Tide Knight...  Santa's Knight.  Like the Knight of Summer or Winter, but for Santa.  How would you stat him?  Assume a pretty powerful version, been around a while.  He does what Santa needs doing.  Thanks.

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2011, 07:58:05 PM »
Here is a character who is a little on the silly side if you ever get desparate.

Kieran Foreshore
Template: Emissary of powers
High Concept: A Knight of The Morrigan, Trouble: Women... just Women
Aspects: Hero Complex, Constantly Broke, Never give up

Great (+4) Weapons, Athletics
Good (+3) Intimidation, Endurance
Fair (+2) Rapport, Conviction, Fists
Average (+1) Driving, Scholarship, Presence, Craftsmanship, Investigation

(-1): Berserker (Weapons): Kieran may choose to go berserk in a fight. Once he enters this mode, he must attack her foes until she or they are dead. While berserk, he gains a +1 to his attacks and his attacks all do +1 stress if they hit, but all his defence rolls are made at –1.
(-1) Sex Appeal (Rapport): Kieran receives a +2 to the roll on any seduction attempts he makes with Rapport, provided that the target is someone who could be receptive to his advances.

(-1) Marked by Power (The Morrigan/Winter)
(-2) IoP- Gae Bulg (The Spear of Ulster)

Description: The Spear of Ulster is not pretty it is a long stick with a broad metal head and nasty looking Barbs protruding (Weapons 3)
(-1) True Aim: Your Sword skill counts as +1 when used in lines with the purpose of the Spear (killing things, being heroic)
(-4) Supernatural Toughness
(+3) Catch of Cold Iron and the Trappings of summer
(-2) Inhuman Strength

Refresh Spent: -5
Total Remaining: +1
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 10:42:16 PM by ways and means »
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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2011, 10:28:38 PM »
Here is a character who is a little on the silly side if you ever get desparate.

Kieran Foreshore
Template: Emissary of powers
High Concept: A Knight of The Morrigan, Trouble: Women... just Women
Aspects: Hero Complex, Constantly Broke, Never give up

I like him.

Can't see him being in Rare Breed- he is too 'powerful'@ but I do see him wandering around Liverpool, especially with the strong Irish community and the "Women... just Women" makes him an excellent foil for the rabid feminism of the river witches

One for the NPC list- or may be the Submerged level game that I might run at Dragonmeet if we can afford to go down there this year.

@I imagine Rare Breed only having 1 or 2 points of powers and more Fate to play with at the table. It's that flexibility that gives them the edge over the more 'defined' supernatural.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2011, 03:38:50 AM »
Abraham Molyneux (Up To Your Waist)

High Concept: Rare Breed Investigator
Trouble Aspect: I Know Too Much
Other Aspects: Friends Are The Greatest Treasure, Sees More Than Most
Great: Investigation, Lore
Good: Conviction, Discipline
Fair: Alertness, Guns, Burglary
Average: Endurance, Presence, Athletics, Fists, Rapport
Expert In Psychometry (Investigation): +2 to Psychometry.
The Sight [-1]
Psychometry [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2011, 03:45:35 AM »
Frederick Mathers (Up To Your Waist)

High Concept: Rare Breed Squad Leader
Trouble Aspect: In Charge Of White Court Killing
Other Aspects: Crack Shot, A Father To My Men
Great: Presence, Guns
Good: Conviction, Discipline
Fair: Athletics, Fists, Intimidation
Average: Endurance, Might, Alertness, Empathy, Rapport
Excellent Coordinator (Presence): May use Presence +1 to make assessments and declarations related to teamwork.
Emotional Resistance (Discipline): +2 to defend against mental attacks.
Pack Instincts [-1]
Dedicated To The Cause [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2011, 09:43:16 PM »
Thanks Sanctaphrax, these are great,
I'll start working on the backgrounds over the weekend.
I can see fredrick facing off against Elijah in the court meeting, desperately trying to get that last piece of evidence he needs to prove Elijah is behind the games being played in clubland, despite his Teflon coated reputation and layers of self sacrificing minions.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2011, 07:10:11 AM »
Frederick Mathers (Up To Your Waist)

High Concept: Rare Breed Squad Leader
Trouble Aspect: In Charge Of White Court Killing
Other Aspects: Crack Shot, A Father To My Men
Fredrick Mathers was the eldest of four. His 2 twin brothers and sister were always going to be a handful, but the situation was complicated by his fathers death when Fredrick was only six. (As a child Fredrick believed his father had been killed in a car accident, but discovered he was killed by a Loup Garou whilst working with the Breed.) as the eldest even though he was only a child a lot fell on his shoulders. By nine he was doing most of the cooking, by eleven he was dealing with all of the house hold bills, including faking his mothers signatures on the cheque books. The only thing he did for himself was a regular Saturday afternoon with "Uncle Frank"* playing paint ball. He had no idea how important those games were until one day Frank took him to meet Sherrif Ream.
*Uncle Frank being Frank Stanley - The Blue knight in the Court of the fisher king or  "Lord Protector of The Faerie city" to give him his full title.

Crack Shot - Hmmm... that has interesting possibilities :)
Rising conflict.
Having proved himself more than competent on the rifle range, Ream instructed the teenage Frederick to provide sniper cover for a bust on a clubland drug mage. Unfortunately separated from the rest of the squad he was attacked and bundled away. During interrogation the gang shot him full of Cocaine in an attempt to get him to talk. Fredrick was tracked down and rescued, and he was helped to over come the physical effects of the drug addition, there is some small part of him that recalls how Good it felt.
Still, as Ream reassured him, he had DID resist them and did not give them the information they wanted. If he had not been a Mathers the situation would have been very very different,
Aspect Crack Shot

First story
Despite, or may be because of, his shaky start to active service with the Breed, Fredrick has risen through the ranks. His determination and attentiveness has impressed the sheriff who has pushed him into more senior roles, including assisting the younger cadets in developing thier skills and abiliites (Ream knows that Fredrick is never going to make the mistakes that almost cost hm his life with them).
Now in his mid thirties Fredrick is having to face the fact that his own son is coming up to cadet age. He is trying to to feel too old, but surounded by all these 'kids' it's hard.  
aspect:A Father To My Men
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 08:35:39 AM by Team8Mum »
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2011, 03:30:25 PM »
Terry Easton (Up To Your Waist)
High Concept: Rare Breed Beta Wolf-Were
Trouble Aspect: Pack Mentality
Other Aspects: Animal Magnetism; I am Dominant, Respect Me; I Obey My Alpha (Frederick Mathers); The Human World is Fascinating and Scary;

Great: Fists, Survival
Good: Alertness, Endurance
Fair: Intimidation, Discipline, Athletics
Average: Conviction, Stealth, Investigation, Lore, Rapport

Second skill set for human form, may not be very different

Lightning Fast Change –1 supplemental to beast change

Beast Change –1
Claws –1
Pack instincts -1
Echoes of the Beast-1 (track by scent in human form)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Only has 2 refresh but that can be mucked with by dropping the stunt etc.
Also, could be made female with a name change if you need/want more females.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 04:29:36 PM by Silverblaze »

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2011, 07:24:37 PM »
Abraham Molyneux (Up To Your Waist)

High Concept: Rare Breed Investigator
Trouble Aspect: I Know Too Much
Other Aspects: Friends Are The Greatest Treasure, Sees More Than Most

Back ground
Like many of the breed, Abra grew up with little knowledge of his father. He knew Molyneux was an important name in the city; after all there are streets and buildings that carry it; but he never really connected it to his own existence in the rundown terrace houses of the dingle. But what he and his mother lacked in financial support they more than gained form the tight knit community around them. Whist others in his class may have gone with out coats or even food, Abra knew that would never happen to him. There was always a steady supply of hand me downs, a seat at a neighbour table when the dole check was late, and, perhaps most importantly, a gang of kids around him to stand with him against any bully.
Aspect:Friends Are The Greatest Treasure,

Rising Conflict
As Abra reached his teenage years the problems started; He would see things. Scary things lurking at the edge of his vision. Memories would arrive in his mind that count not be his. Some of his mothers friends said he was on drugs, but she knew he was not. She took him to see a man with striking blue eyes and an official air who checked him over and made him say "Ahh" and asked him all sorts of questions. Some he had no answers for, but his mother encouraged him to be honest as best he could. That was the day he found out what 'Molyneux' really meant. He discovered his father had 'run with the breed' and that he was going to join them too. He moved out of his mothers home and into the apprentices quarters at Callum Doyle's house in Speke. With the mentorship of the Arch Mage, he started the long hard road towards controlling his powers and learning his skills.
Aspect:Sees More Than Most

First story
Having finished his 'Basic training' Abra was teamed up with James Calverton. Although James 'talents' were nothing like Abra's psychometry, their skills complemented each other. Ream asked them to investigate a number of missing persons cases amongst students in the city. Abra's skills proved crucial in uncovering the sorcerer who was responsible. James encouraged the quiet book worm to stick with the investigation and help with the final assault, despite Abra's fears that he wasn't good enough for combat. After at the celebration drink in the Swan, Abra discovered most of the response team were also Molyneuxs and discovered cousins and even a half brother he had no idea existed.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 08:39:10 AM by Team8Mum »
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2011, 08:10:19 PM »
Huh. You took that "Crack Shot" aspect to places I didn't expect.

For a third aspect, why not try something related to the attitudes and demeanor of the characters. Maybe SOFT-SPOKEN BOOKWORM for Abraham and GRIZZLED VETERAN AT THIRTY for Fred.

Alternatively, maybe something relating to the character's family. Like MOLYNEUX PRIDE for Abraham or MAN OF THE HOUSE for Fred.

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2011, 08:51:23 PM »
Huh. You took that "Crack Shot" aspect to places I didn't expect.
well if thought just being good with guns was too obvious :)
If he is White courts in Hangover City he will have had a run in with 'illegal substances' at some point. This helps to define it, and makes it some thing that can tagged to cover the fact that he understands the addicts motivations.
Or it can just be used when heis using a gun...
For a third aspect, why not try something related to the attitudes and demeanor of the characters. Maybe SOFT-SPOKEN BOOKWORM for Abraham and GRIZZLED VETERAN AT THIRTY for Fred.

Alternatively, maybe something relating to the character's family. Like MOLYNEUX PRIDE for Abraham or MAN OF THE HOUSE for Fred.

I like MOLYNEUX PRIDE for Abrahams first story. The idea he grows into himself and his abilities and respects his heritage more.

Fred needs a background MAN OF THE HOUSE fits in well with the breed's problem with the mothers often bring up the kids withnout the fathes around, so let's run with that.

I'll edit them in above.

I've also filled In the details on Rocko on the 1st page.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Request a Character...
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2011, 10:07:27 PM »
Terry Easton (Up To Your Waist)
High Concept: Rare Breed Beta Wolf-Were
Trouble Aspect: Pack Mentality
Other Aspects: Animal Magnetism; I am Dominant, Respect Me; I Obey My Alpha (Frederick Mathers); The Human World is Fascinating and Scary;

Only has 2 refresh but that can be mucked with by dropping the stunt etc.
Also, could be made female with a name change if you need/want more females.
At first I wasn't sure about this, but the more I look at it the more he grows on me. I can see the Breed using him as something of a Mascot.
In shattered realities Red Watch had a member who was a highly intelligent dog that could eat demons called Ermine, and though he was never a PC, he was a useful foil and appeared as a secondary character in a lot of other people's stories.
Also as I'm providing 8 characters he'll be a fun option should I have any 'Looney' type players signed up

Terry was born in a squat in toxteth, his mother had worked her way into the affections of a group of drop out students and he grew up on a diet of discarded pizza, forgotten beer cans and even the 'dog'-end of splits and Hash brownies. He learnt that the way to get what you wanted was to be cute and keen; the twist of a head, the half whine or raised paw would provide.
Aspect: Animal Magnetism

Rising conflict
Eventually the squat was broken up and it was clear it was time to move on. Terry was shocked as hell when his mother first transformed into one of the 'two' legs. He had no idea that she was one of them. It took a while for him to work out how to follow her and get the hang of walking and talking. But by then she had vanished off into the city and he was alone. Even though he can fake it most of the time there are still moments when he really does not get these creatures at all. Still he knows they are as much a part of him his 'cute dog' life, and he wants to be part of it.
Aspect: The Human World is Fascinating and Scary;

First story
Terry was picked up by a Rare Breed sweep of the city parks by Harrison Stanley. Harry brought him into the cavern literally by the scruff of his neck. There was a debate as to what to do with the young wolf-were, who had technically not breached any laws, but seemed all to likely to do so in the future. Frederick Mathers suggested that may be they should explain it to him. To most people's surprise Ream agreed with the idea and the Mathers family gained a 'pet/guest'. Soon Terry was seen every where with Fredrick's young son Alban. This proved crutial one day when Alban was attacked on the way home from school. Terry shifted to his human shape and drove the attackers off. From that day on it became clear Terry had a new and very perment place in both the Mathers household and the Breed.
It probably helps that his 'wolf' form is not vastly different from the dog used in the Rare Breed logo.
Aspect: I Obey My Alpha (Frederick Mathers*);
* if Fredrick Mathers is not a PC, pick another PC to be your alpha. Note you do not need the players permission to pick them- nor do you need to tell them that they are your alpha,  but you should tell the GM.

additional information
Talbot dog that appears on rare breeds shoulder badges.

The Talbot  is an old English hound, breed to hunt stag and other 'difficult game'. It is now thought to be extinct (Though that suggests the Kennel club have never visited Ream kennels out at Calderstones park). It was long associated with the Shrewsbury family, important landowners in northern England and very influential in the city; Both the Stanley's and the Cavendish families are descended from them.
The dogs are usually White or had a small number of black spots and are similar to bloodhounds.

Terry on the beach at Formby.

edited to put in better talbot image and add a picture of Terry himself.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 04:26:12 PM by Team8Mum »
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!