Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 215525 times)

Offline Lavecki121

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #735 on: December 26, 2012, 03:38:49 PM »
I actually like the quasi-modular power mainly due to the IoP collection. Maybe that could simply be its own power?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #736 on: December 26, 2012, 07:54:19 PM »
I'd really rather just use Variable Abilities + Item Limitation.

What does IoP Collection do better than Variable Abilities + Item Limitation?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #737 on: December 27, 2012, 05:14:21 PM »
The loan out part. im not sure if your skill has that. If it does then nevermind. I didnt like the Resource restriction that much anyways.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #738 on: December 27, 2012, 10:23:48 PM »
Item Limitation allows lending and stealing.

And yeah, I didn't like the Resources thing either.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #739 on: January 07, 2013, 05:22:13 AM »
Another Power for the list.

The Lord is my shepherd [-1]
Description: As a fighter for the good cause, you are protected by your faith when facing dangers greater than yourself.
Skills affected: none, really
I shall not waver: You may spend a fate point to grant you armor:2 for a scene. This armor stacks with other sources of armor but only affects additional damage from supernatural sources (eliminating claws and strength powers for the most part, you know: the nasty stuff).
He restores my soul: If you need to take a mental consequence, you may take 1 more shift off the attack than the consequence is usually worth (for example a mild consequence would be worth 3 shifts instead of 2).
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 06:36:49 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #740 on: January 07, 2013, 06:33:40 AM »
As mentioned in the recent thread where that power was brought up, armour from that power is intended to stack, yet the default interaction for multiple sources of armour is that they do not stack.  If this power is to work as intended, then, it requires explicit wording to exempt itself from that general rule.

'Armour gained in this fashion stacks with any other source of armour which may be applicable against a given source.'

Or something of that sort.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #741 on: January 07, 2013, 06:35:31 AM »
Damn, I knew I was forgetting something. I specifically planned to add a clause like that.

Editing now...

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #742 on: January 11, 2013, 07:11:15 AM »
greetings, all... I've got a player looking to play a shadow caster (but not a mage), so I compiled all of the shadow based powers I could find here into one suite of powers.
I'd love any feedback/criticism, as I'm planning on rolling these out in the next few weeks.

Shadow Mastery [-2]
You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, and wrap yourself in a mantle of twisting, grasping darkness, ultimately becoming a master of the shadows themselves…
As your power over the shadows grows, they become ever more tangible, eventually nearing the solidity of the objects that spawned them. As your mastery progresses, the shadows may become deep enough to open gateways into the Nevernever, or even approach a life of their own…
Musts: the Character must have a High Concept involving Shadow or Darkness
Options: The base ability costs 2 Refresh and has multiple upgrades.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Fists, Might, Stealth


Shadow Call
You can increase and deepen shadows within a zone. You may add the sticky aspect Deep, Dark Shadows to any scene with appropriate aspects already present.
Veil of Shadow
Increase stealth by +2 when in shadow.
Shadow Play
You may use your Discipline skill to control your shadow, as well as other any other shadows within a zone, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against Perception.
Shadow Vision
Your Perception rolls are not penalized by darkness.
Hand of Shadow
Your Shadow becomes tangible, allowing you to manipulate objects or make attacks. This functions with a range of 1 zone, as Weapon 0 attacks.
Your Shadow’s attack roll is based on either Discipline or Fists, and its Might is based on  Conviction. It can be used for anything that a normal limb could be used for, including Grappling.
Attacks made to ambush your enemies use your Stealth roll, modified by Veil of Shadow (+2).
If you possess Inhuman Strength, Claws, or similar Stunts or Powers, your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Note: Your Shadow tends to move independently of your body from time to time, in a generally noticeable fashion.
Upgrades replace the required power, ‘refunding’ the cost for that power, up to +1. For example: when upgrading from Deep Shadow to Deepest Shadow, the -1 refresh for Deep Shadow is refunded, allowing you to purchase an additional -1 refresh of powers, if desired. When upgrading from Deepest Shadows to Grasping Shadows, +1 refresh is refunded, allowing you to purchase an additional -1 of powers, if desired. Each level must be purchased independently prior to any refunds being allocated.


Deep Shadows [-1]
 Increase the Weapon Rating of attacks made with your shadow by +1, as well as your Veil of Shadow by +2. This power may be taken multiple times, and stacks.
Note that each level of this power increases the independent motion of your Shadow.

Deepest Shadow [-1]
Requires Deep Shadows. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should.  Add +1 (stacks) to your Shadow’s weapon rating, and it can make a spray attack (at -2).

Grasping Shadows [-2]
Requires Deepest Shadows You can manipulate additional shadows within a zone, attacking or manipulating multiple targets.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns, others.
Multiple Targets You may make spray attacks with your shadow, with a range of one zone.
Mix and Match You may use multiple different actions in a single spray attack. Use the lowest applicable skill. You may also make attack-like (offensive, not navel-gazing) maneuvers and blocks as part of a spray attack. In order to grapple as part of a spray attack, you must invoke an Aspect for each character grappled.
Flurry Of Shadows You may direct multiple attacks (or maneuvers, or blocks) within a single spray at one character.
Coordinated Shadows  For each purchase of this trapping, add 1 shift to each attack, block, or maneuver within spray attacks that you make with your shadow. This cannot increase the number of shifts for any action beyond the number of shifts that you had to split up between actions in the first place. This trapping may be purchased up to twice.

Long Shadows [-1]
Your shadow’s reach grows even larger. You can manipulate your shadow to stretch beyond its’ normal reach, allowing you to make attacks within a range of up two zones.

Darkest Shadow [-1]
Requires Deepest Shadow Your shadows have become so dense and impenetrable that even those creatures that make their home in the darkness are incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Mastery to create a defensive block opposed by alertness, at +2. Add +1 (stacks) to your Shadow’s weapon rating, and +2 (stacks) to stealth when in shadow/darkness.

Shadow Step [-1]
You can travel from shadow to shadow within one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll Stealth against any nearby enemies' Alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an Attack as a supplemental action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow or from your own). This power is limited to Line of Sight.

Shadow Walk [-1]
Requires Shadow Step. As World Walker, but only to and from the Realm of Shadow (GM’s discretion on where this may lead, but almost everything casts a shadow... )This also increases the range of Shadow Step, allowing direct travel from Shadow to Shadow through multiple Zones, not subject to LOS, but subject to GM discretion.
Shadow Sense This allows you to sense places where the fabric of reality is weak, and the Realm of Shadow comes closest. You may use Investigation or Lore to locate such places. Subject to GM approval, you may add +1 to any Shadow based aspects in the area.
Shadow Rift  You are able to tear a hole between this world and the Realm of Shadow, allowing people and things to pass into or out of this area of the Nevernever. This rift will only stay open for a few seconds, and requires the aspect Deep, Dark Shadows  be placed on the scene. You may only do this once per scene (or per hour, if more appropriate).
Shadow Lore Allows +2 to Investigate, Survival ,or Lore checks while in the Realm of Shadow

Shadow Bite [-1]
Requires Deep Shadows.  By attacking your opponents’ shadow directly, your shadow attacks bypass all armor or armor type powers. Anyone Taken Out in this matter will fall into a coma until the following sunrise, when their shadow will reform… unless you dictate a more extreme consequence.

Shadow Rend [-2]
Requires Deep Shadows. By attacking the opponents’ shadow directly, your shadow attacks bypass any Toughness powers, as though the attack fulfilled the ‘Catch’ on your opponent’s Toughness. Anyone Taken Out in this matter will fall into a coma until the following sunrise, when their shadow will reform… unless you dictate a more extreme consequence.

Shadow Bleed [-1]
Requires Shadow Rend. By attacking the opponent’s shadow directly, your shadow attacks add a poison effect, as your opponent’s shadow is torn apart, bleeding away into the darkness.
You may use any of your shadow attacks to perform a special maneuver in addition to the attack. This maneuver may only inflict one specific Aspect: Bleeding Shadow. You may not tag that Aspect, but during your turn in each exchange after the one you performed the special maneuver, each character with that Aspect suffers a weapon 0 physical attack against Endurance with an accuracy equal to the roll you created the Aspect with. You may perform this special maneuver against every character subject to your shadow’s attack. Outside of a conflict, the effects of these maneuvers are adjudicated by the GM. As a general rule, they quickly lead to the subject being Taken Out. Anyone Taken Out in this matter will fall into a coma until the following sunrise, when their shadow will reform… unless the damage inflicted allows you dictate a more extreme consequence.

Shadow Feed [-1]
Requires Shadow Rend. Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to Take Out an opponent by damaging their Shadow, you may absorb their shadow into your own. This allows you to ‘feed’ on their shadow, absorbing enough dark energy to take an immediate ‘free’ recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your Stress Track and mild physical consequences, and possibly larger consequences if you have an ability that lets heal quickly. Anyone Taken Out in this matter will fall into a coma until the following sunrise, when their shadow will reform… unless you dictate a more extreme consequence. Subject to GM discretion, there may occasionally be other effects, such as flashes of memory transfer, emotional crossover, etc… as a person’s Shadow is akin to their soul.

Shadow Rip [-1]
Requires Shadow Rend. When an opponent is Taken Out due to damage to their Shadow, you may tear that Shadow loose, freeing it from their body, and creating a Spectre-like creature (with the skills and powers of the original) under your control. 
Use the Spectre as a base for the Shadow, but add any Powers/Skills of the original. Note: the Shadow suffers a penalty of -1 to all skill/power rolls.
The Shadow will be viable for 1-3 scenes, or until the next sunrise, subject to GM discretion, whereupon it will fade back into the shadows from whence it came.
Anyone Taken Out in this matter will fall into a coma until the following sunrise, when their shadow will reform… unless you dictate a more extreme consequence.

The Shadow Knows [-1]
Requires Long Shadows. You are able to extend your Shadow up to 3 zones, effectively extending your Awareness/Reach. Your Shadow receives all the benefits of Shadow Mastery, as well as any other Shadow Powers you might have, and can ignore most boundaries, subject to GM discretion.

Shadow Sight [-1]
Similar to the The Sight, this allows you to peer through the Realm of Shadow, perceiving not so much the supernatural world, but the shadows it casts upon the natural world.
Shadow Senses  Your attunement to Shadow has heightened your arcane senses, allowing you to use Lore as if it were an Arcane Investigation skill, at -1 (unless the Aspects of  Shadows, Darkness or the like are directly involved in the Scene, in which case at the roll is at +1).
Shadow Touch  When your Shadow touches the shadow of another being who has supernatural potential, the GM may ask you to roll Lore to become aware of the shadow that their true nature casts, indicating that they are something other than mundanely mortal. Even on a failed roll, you may experience some sort of sense that something is ‘off’ with their shadow, without being able to pin it down.
Shadow Gaze  You have the ability to access another’s Shadow directly, but only the first time that your shadows touch for more than a moment (GM’s discretion), and only if the owner of the shadow actually has a mortal soul. You have some measure of control over this power, unless the two of you, or your shadows, are involved in some kind if close physical contact.
Effects: You and the recipient are subject to the use and effects of a Soul Gaze.
Shadow Sight  You may use Shadow Sight to open your Third Eye, but through the filter of the Realm of Shadow. This is similar to the The Sight, but instead of seeing the true nature of the world around you, you experience the Shadows cast by things as they truly are. This power is completely subject to the GM’s discretion.

Shadow Wraith [-2]
Requires The Shadow Knows. Once per night, you are able to release the greater portion of your Shadow to act independently. This creates a Shadow (use the Spectre as a base template, add all of you Skills/Powers) that is completely under your command. You may actively extend your awareness through your Shadow, speak through it, etc… as per The Shadow Knows, otherwise the Shadow acts independently. The Shadow will be viable for 1-3 scenes, or until the next sunrise, subject to GM discretion, whereupon it will fade back into the lesser shadows from whence it came. All of your Shadow based powers will be at -1 until your Shadow returns to its’ proper place.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #743 on: January 11, 2013, 07:16:55 AM »
I've also written up this one- it seems like the original post is dead, so it seemed more appropriate to post it here. Again, any feedback or thoughts are appreciated...

Living Threshold [-4]
Description: Whether through the actions of a Sponsor, the will of an Elder Power, or simply the alignment of the stars at their birth, the Character is a living channel for the energies that power Thresholds. Magic simply ‘grounds out’ upon contact with their body, eroding until it effectively ceases to be.
Musts: Must have a High Concept that directly relates to this power or its’ source.
Skills Effected: Conviction (determines the Strength of the Character’s natural Threshold); Discipline (may increase the Strength of the Character’s natural Threshold under very certain circumstances); Fists/Martial Arts/Might
Effects: This Power has the same four key functions as a standard Threshold. The Character’s Threshold Level is equal to the Character’s Conviction +2.

A Block
The Character serves as a freestanding block that does not need to be maintained, with a Threshold Level that opposes any and all effected Supernatural Actions. As a Block, it sets a minimum difficulty for the Success of those actions. The Character may also actively attempt to block Spells or Supernatural effects by interposing his/her body, or opposing them directly with Unarmed Attacks. Use either Athletics or Fists (as appropriate) vs. a Target of the Spell’s Complexity. If contact with the spell occurs, resolve it as either a Block or Suppression, depending on the Strength of the Spell or Effect.

A Target
More powerful creatures/spells may be able to assail the Character’s Threshold Level and damage it directly. In such a case, the Threshold Level may be treated as a Stress Track (one box per level, with consequences a possibility). The Threshold Level drops as it takes Stress hits. It recovers at a rate of 1 point per sunrise/sunset, or as determined by the GM. Any Attack must bypass the Block aspect of the Threshold prior to the results being determined. Depending on the nature of the Attack, and subject to GM approval, the character may elect to take physical stress in place of reducing the Threshold Level.

A Suppressor
Spell Effects and Supernatural Abilities will erode or completely disappear when they come in direct contact with the Character. In this case, all affected abilities and spell effects lose a number of shifts equal to the strength of the Threshold. If the spell affected has multiple parts to it, how the shifts are spread around may be determined on a case by case basis as decided by the GM, with input from the Character. In the case of attack abilities, this most often manifests as a reduction of the damage bonus provided, acting as a penalty to the actual attack roll only after the damage bonus has been reduced to zero. If it isn’t clear how to reduce an ability, then these reduction shifts might be spent on improving opposing effects and efforts.

A source of Harm
Creatures of pure spirit and other supernatural entities are particularly vulnerable to contact with the Character. They take damage from any physical contact with him/her, facing an attack equal to the Threshold’s strength during every exchange. Few creatures manage to hang around long in the face of such conditions, especially when their defensive abilities offer no protection whatsoever against these attacks. Depending on the creature type, some might be allowed to use a Conviction defense to resist.
Any creature affected by a Threshold suffers from Unarmed Attacks or direct physical contact with the Character as per the chart below:
Creature Type         Weapon Level (round down)
Mortal Spell Casters      Threshold Level/4
Fae, etc…         Threshold level/3
Ghosts, BC Vamps, Demons                 Threshold Level/2
Outsiders                      (Threshold Level /2) +1
Consequences should be adjusted depending on the situation or creature type.
For those affected creatures with Toughness Powers, this Character’s Unarmed Attacks should qualify as the appropriate ‘Catch’ in terms of bypassing their resistance only (although certain creatures may take additional damage, as though the ‘Catch’ was being fulfilled). A successful Grapple or a situation where sustained physical contact cannot be avoided results in damage at the full Threshold level. This effect is directly related to a creature’s relationship with a Threshold, and can easily affect creatures that are incorporeal or insubstantial.
The secondary effects that this produces (Do magically enhanced senses accurately detect the character or is there a ‘void’? Do supernatural creatures feel uncomfortable in their presence? Do evocation effects such as flame or ice have any effects? What happens if he/she travels in the NeverNever? What happens in the presence of powers such as Bless this House? ‘Healing’ of the Threshold Level may be an option worth exploring… Does the power stack with Lethal Weapons or Claws?) should be discussed with the GM ahead of time... Unless it’s more fun to just find out in game.
The Character should not be able to take any other Supernatural Abilities without specific GM approval and a damn good story (although most Mortal Stunts should be no problem), and the ability to receive beneficial magic such as healing should be viewed with extreme prejudice. The ability to receive healing or other beneficial magic should also increase the cost to -5 or higher.
This Power is intended to be as much of a pain as a boon.
This ability is not effected by Thresholds, natural or otherwise.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #744 on: January 11, 2013, 10:49:17 PM »
Those Shadow Powers look like a Template to me. Many of them are just reflavours of existing Powers, and the ones that aren't tend to contain lots of borrowed bits and pieces...I think a Shadowcaster template could handle what you're looking for better than all that.

You'll need a few custom Powers, but not that many.

Upgrades replace the required power, ‘refunding’ the cost for that power, up to +1. For example: when upgrading from Deep Shadow to Deepest Shadow, the -1 refresh for Deep Shadow is refunded, allowing you to purchase an additional -1 refresh of powers, if desired. When upgrading from Deepest Shadows to Grasping Shadows, +1 refresh is refunded, allowing you to purchase an additional -1 of powers, if desired. Each level must be purchased independently prior to any refunds being allocated.

I'm pretty sure this is a very bad idea. It basically makes upgrades free unless they cost more than their prereqs.

The Threshold Power is unfortunately difficult to understand. And I don't like the Source Of Harm mechanics. Mind if I try a rewrite?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #745 on: January 12, 2013, 02:48:51 AM »
By all means... Please have at it. That's why I brought these here. I'd really appreciate any thoughts or input you might have.
As for the refund on upgrades: it was the only way I could think of to do two things at once:
A: allow the player/character a viable power path without just taking flavored spell casting. Why spend 20+ points on a suite of powers that do less than evo/thaumaturgy?
B: slow the rate of progression. Upgrades are basically free, up to a point. Start at the same points level as a starting wizard, and see how far you get... It seems fairly balanced. Additional points of refresh come in one at a time, and at least force some choices and decisions re: progression, fate points, etc...
Although, again... If you have any suggestions on a better way to handle that, I'm all in.
Thanks for any input...

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #746 on: January 13, 2013, 07:01:01 AM »
Spellcasting isn't as overpowered as you seem to think (assuming you set reasonable complexities, keep an eye on Crafting, and don't allow mental attacks with evocation).

Characters using Strength/Speed/etc are not chumps compared to casters. This upgrade thing isn't necessary.

Anyhoo, here's my take on Living Threshold.

Stole some text from Might Over Magic.

Description: For whatever reason, your body is surrounded by a threshold like the one around a home.
Note: This Power probably isn't compatible with many other Powers. Also, it's not optional; you can't invite people past it.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Fists, Might.
Protective Threshold. All spells affect you as though their Power was reduced by your Conviction skill. In addition, anything that requires a magical being, magical item, or spell to touch you faces a Block with a strength equal to your Conviction skill. As a general rule, this includes any attack made by a magical being without a mundane weapon.
Interpose Threshold. By putting your threshold in the way of a spell, you can shut that spell down. You may use your Fists skill to defend against spells. When you are targeted by a magical attack with multiple targets, you may allow any number of other characters targeted by the same effect to use your defence roll (or the block this Power provides) in place of their own defence roll.
Destructive Threshold. You destroy ongoing spells by hitting them with your threshold. Doing so requires you to roll your Might or Fists skill against a difficulty equal to the spell's strength or complexity. If you succeed, the spell ends.
Threshold Attack. Being touched by you is pretty dangerous for beings that can't tolerate thresholds. Add 3 to the weapon rating of any unarmed attack you make against a creature that can't cross a threshold uninvited. When you grapple such a character, add 1 to the stress you inflict each round. This lets you inflict 1 stress when you would normally inflict 0. Your touch may satisfy certain Catches.
Enclosing Threshold. When you grapple a character, there is a threshold with a rating equal to the result of your grapple roll between you and your victim and the rest of the world.
Useful Threshold. You may make maneuvers and Blocks that make use of the fact that you are surrounded by a threshold.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 02:58:57 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #747 on: January 13, 2013, 07:26:32 AM »
What does it cost?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #748 on: January 13, 2013, 07:42:40 AM »
You saw nothing.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #749 on: January 13, 2013, 02:40:13 PM »
It clearly shows that you made an edit 15 seconds before you replied.