Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222382 times)

Offline Rougarou

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #570 on: July 20, 2012, 03:50:11 AM »
Many reasons...
1.  Why not?
2.  They make sense in the context of a psychic power which:
 - a.  Pits mental strength (Conviction) against something.
 - b.  Uses focused concentration (Discipline) to attack.
 - c.  Relies on confidence (Presence) for weapon value.
3.  Conviction could be used in place of Presence, but Presence differentiates it from pure magic.
4.  Uni-skill powers can get boring.  Worse they're easily abused when you can grab multiple stunts & powers using the same skill.
5.  Multiple skills help discourage min-maxing.
6.  In general, this is loosely a lower powered Channeling replacement with "corpus" or body as the element.  Keeping a similar skill structure makes it easy and intuitive.

This is actually really simple to model as Channeling and might be better served by doing so rather than a custom power.
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"We called him Hobosus."
"Hobo plus Jesus. Hobosus."
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #571 on: July 20, 2012, 05:56:27 AM »
I wasn't planning on pursuing this further, but since you asked...

1.  Why not?

It cuts down on the Power's usefulness pretty heavily. If you need three skills, then only concepts for which those skills are appropriate can use the Power.

Plus it's inelegant. The Power just uses mental strength, splitting it across three skills makes it seem like a bunch of different competencies when it's really one thing.

PS: How do multiple skills discourage min-maxing? This is an honest question, not a disguised argument.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #572 on: July 20, 2012, 07:21:54 AM »
More Powers!

Each Power is preceded with a brief explanation, and followed by the Powers it's intended to replace.

If I could get some help with the problems I point out here, that'd be fantastic. And if I've made any grievous mistakes in my sleep-deprived state, please point them out.

First up, the merged knowledge Power. Every knowledge Power contained an Inexplicable Knowledge trapping, so I made that the root of the Power. I tried to represent everything that the various Powers did with upgrades. I'm a bit iffy on Dangerous Knowledge. The wording seems slightly off and I wish I could think of a good limit for it.

Description: You know things. More things than you ought to know.
Musts: You must have an Aspect related to your knowledge.
Skills Affected: Knowledge skills.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You can learn or already know absolutely anything by making a successful roll with an appropriate knowledge skill. (If no skill seems appropriate, use Lore or Scholarship.) The difficulty of these rolls is set by the GM. If your knowledge is limited somehow, like by the sum total of all written information, resolve such limitations through Compels.
Dangerous Knowledge [-1]. Whenever you fail a knowledge roll, you may choose to succeed automatically. If you do so, you suffer a weapon 0 mental attack with an accuracy equal to the difficulty of the knowledge roll that you failed. Use your Discipline to defend against this attack. At the GM's discretion, you may be able to pay some other cost (in Fate Points, consequences, or something else) in order to know something without an attack.
Mental Library [-1]. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Superior Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Searchable Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

Mnemosyne's Shadow [-2]
Description: Normally filed beside similar abilities like Cassandra's Tears and Prescience, with Mnemosyne's Shadow you learn things without previouse experience or exposure to the subject matter. You literally pull knowledge out of thin air. You Know things....
Billy: "Where does their knowledge come from Bob? "
Bob: "That's still being debated. Mnemosyne is just the popular theory. It could be any number of things including a form of ranged Psychometry or a version of The Sight."
Skills Affected: Lore
Musts: Must have a High Concept or Trouble that reflects the ability and can be compelled frequently. Examples: The High Concept Mnemosyne's Errand Boy  or the Troubles Knows Way Too Much or Insufferable Know-it-all.
Strange Knowledge: You can use your Lore Skill to get Answers about a subject for a Scene. The difficulty of the Lore check set by the GM should reflect not just how general the knowledge is, but also how secret it is. However, you can't control the breadth or the accuracy of the information gained. You almost always get fairly random knowledge in addition to what is being looked for.  For example, if you use the Shadow to gain knowledge about a Clued-in Mobster you may get information about not only his known aliases, but also his shoe size, favorite foods, number of sexual conquests, etc. If using it to find out the combintation to the safe, you might get every combination the safe has ever used and the significance of the digits to the safe's owner.
Dangerous Knowledge: For a price, you can get potentially "Game-breaking" pieces of knowledge such as the Dark Sorcerer's True Name. The Price is negotiated with the GM the same way as an escalated compel. Information such as this that could potentially break a storyline could be worth as little as a few Fate Points or as much as a Serious Mental Consequence.

Access to the Akashic records [-3]
Also known as the Library of Fate, The Source of all Knowledge and the Root of Magic. The Akashic records holds all the knowledge since the begging of the cosmos.   
All Knowledge Gathered: Some one with access to the Akashic record can learn anything with a sufficiently successful scholarship roll (for balance purposes the GM gets to decide what sufficiently successful is).
Embracing Eternity: Someone with access to the Akashic records can boost their scholarship roll by taking mental stress (up to limit of the mental stress track) this involves them streaming massive quantities of information through their mind whilst searching for something specific, this method of browsing comes with the significant danger of losing your mind in the streams of data.

Description: Your knowledge is so extensive that you have no need for printed libraries. This power can represent a perfect memory, a computer in your head, knowledge of everything ever written down, or a number of other things.
Musts: You must have an aspect reflecting your extensive knowledge.
Skills Affected: Lore, Scholarship, possibly others
Mental Library. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You are no longer bound by the normal human limits on knowledge. You may make assessments and declarations concerning things that you cannot observe directly, either looking back through your memories to examine the thing again or perceiving that thing in mysterious and incomprehensible ways. Players should work together with the GM to work out the exact limits of this power.
Improved Mental Library [-1]. Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Instant Recall [-1]. All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

Next up, spellcasting with odd skills. Nothing much to see here, except that it costs 1 Refresh. I decided that making people buy each skill with stunts seemed unnecessarily punitive. Plus, this gets around the possibility of 1-skill casting while avoiding Supernatural Stunt nonsense.

Description: Your magic is different from everyone else's. Where most practitioners cast spells with mental strength and magical knowledge, you use other methods.
Musts: You must possess at least one spellcasting power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Any three.
Alternate Magical Paradigm. Pick three skills. For the purposes of any spellcasting powers you possess, use the first in place of your Conviction, the second in place of your Discipline, and the third in place of your Lore.

One of the first Powers I ever wrote was an attempt at DFRPG magical martial arts. It was called Special Techniques, and it was bad. Recently, I realized I could salvage Special Techniques while fixing Sacred Guardian by making a mental-stress-for-combat-boost toolbox Power. I like a lot about this Power, but the wording is iffy. And I'm slightly nervous about Rapid Flurry Technique. I'm still looking for more technique ideas.

Description: You can improve your performance in combat by channelling magical energy.
Skills Affected: Combat skills.
Special Techniques. You know three techniques from the following list. You may enhance your physical attacks and defences with them by taking a mental stress hit with a value equal to the combined cost of the techniques that you're using. You must declare technique use before rolling. You may only use any given technique once per roll.
  • Enhanced Offence (1 stress): Add 1 to a physical attack roll.
  • Enhanced Defence (1 stress): Add 1 to a physical defence roll.
  • Holy Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack is Holy, and satisfies all appropriate Catches.
  • Brutal Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.
  • Resist Strike (2 stress): Add 2 to your armour against a physical attack.
  • Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without risk of hitting yourself.
  • Pierce Armour (4 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour.
  • Distant Target Technique (X stress): Add X zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
  • Rapid Flurry Technique (X stress): Replace the enhanced attack with X attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a -X penalty, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.
More Techniques [-1]. You know three additional techniques. You may take this upgrade more than once.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques - When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

Sacred Guardian (Canonical)

And of course there's prophecy. This one's an obvious idea, so of course it's been done before. Here's my take. It does not include short-term King Bradley-style divination, which I think belongs in a separate Power. I'm not totally certain about the rightness of that decision, though.

Description: You can see the future, or at least determine its shape somehow.
Skills Affected: Lore.
Divination. Add a Divination trapping to your Lore skill. Use that trapping for Assessments, Declarations, and knowledge rolls related to what will happen in the future.
Visions. The GM can cause you to have an infallibly-accurate vision of the future whenever he or she feels inclined.

Prophetic Visions [-1]
Bits and Pieces: Once per scene, this character may roll Lore against a target of Good (+3) to make an assessment or declaration regarding the scene or a character in it.  This represents flashes of insight and relevant info being pulled out of the character's otherwise difficult to interpret visions.  For an Assessment, the GM determines what aspect is revealed, while for a Declaration, the player may invent a suitable aspect, so long as the GM and other players approve. These aspects may be tagged/invoked as usual. This ability may not be used repeatedly to assess/declare aspects regarding the same character encountered across multiple scenes.
I've Done This Already: In exchange for a Fate point, this character may roll Lore in place of any other skill, except as an attack in combat.  This represents a vision in which the character sees himself performing the action in the future, so he already knows what to do.
Major Prophecy: The GM has license to give this character a major vision, usually about once per session, describing its contents and possibly asking for a Lore or other roll to interpret it.  These visions tend to reveal one or more important but vague aspects that exist in every scene until the prophecy is fulfilled.  The player is encouraged to remind the GM of this power, as it can provide good plot hooks and potentially compels on the character's reactions to these visions.

Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #573 on: July 20, 2012, 11:49:19 AM »
It cuts down on the Power's usefulness pretty heavily.
No, but...

If you need three skills, then only concepts for which those skills are appropriate can use the Power.
Yes!  Intentionally so.  Not looking for a power which can be added as an afterthought simply to make a character more powerful.

Plus it's inelegant. The Power just uses mental strength, splitting it across three skills makes it seem like a bunch of different competencies when it's really one thing.
I suspect you mean it's "not efficient" - which is fine.  As noted above I want concept to trump efficiency.

PS: How do multiple skills discourage min-maxing? This is an honest question, not a disguised argument.
You've already answered that..." If you need three skills, then only concepts for which those skills are appropriate can use the Power."
“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”  - Albert Einstein

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #574 on: July 20, 2012, 10:47:33 PM »
I suspect you mean it's "not efficient"...

You suspect wrongly.

Warping flesh with my mental strength is one ability, it's weird and counterintuitive for it to depend on multiple unrelated things.

If I objected simply to the efficiency, I'd suggest changing the Refresh cost.

You've already answered that..." If you need three skills, then only concepts for which those skills are appropriate can use the Power."

That doesn't discourage min-maxing, at least not by any definition I've ever heard of the term.

Min-maxers will just take an appropriate concept, or a different Power.

Suppose you said that only characters with the blood of Dragons could use Evocation. That cuts down on concepts massively, but it does jack squat from an optimization perspective.

I confess I don't really understand the idea of discouraging min-maxing like this. It's a playstyle, you can't discourage it by making options unattractive to its practitioners.

Come to think of it, not sure why you'd want to discourage min-maxing in the first place.

PS: What do you think of the new Powers?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #575 on: July 20, 2012, 11:26:39 PM »

Description: You know things. More things than you ought to know.
Musts: You must have an Aspect related to your knowledge.
Skills Affected: Knowledge skills.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You can learn or already know absolutely anything by making a successful roll with an appropriate knowledge skill. (If no skill seems appropriate, use Lore or Scholarship.) The difficulty of these rolls is set by the GM. If your knowledge is limited somehow, like by the sum total of all written information, resolve such limitations through Compels.
Dangerous Knowledge [-1]. Whenever you fail a knowledge roll, you may choose to succeed automatically. If you do so, you suffer a weapon 0 mental attack with an accuracy equal to the difficulty of the knowledge roll that you failed. Use your Discipline to defend against this attack. At the GM's discretion, you may be able to pay some other cost (in Fate Points, consequences, or something else) in order to know something without an attack.
Mental Library [-1]. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Superior Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Searchable Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

This seems pretty good I can't really comment on the library part because I never read the rules on research (I just picked a difficulty and had PC roll against it).

Description: You can improve your performance in combat by channelling magical energy.
Skills Affected: Combat skills.
Special Techniques. You know three techniques from the following list. You may enhance your physical attacks and defences with them by taking a mental stress hit with a value equal to the combined cost of the techniques that you're using. You must declare technique use before rolling. You may only use any given technique once per roll.
  • Enhanced Offence (1 stress): Add 1 to a physical attack roll.
  • Enhanced Defence (1 stress): Add 1 to a physical defence roll.
  • Holy Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack is Holy, and satisfies all appropriate Catches.
  • Brutal Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.
  • Resist Strike (2 stress): Add 2 to your armour against a physical attack.
  • Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without risk of hitting yourself.
  • Pierce Armour (4 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour.
  • Distant Target Technique (X stress): Add X zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
  • Rapid Flurry Technique (X stress): Replace the enhanced attack with X attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a -X penalty, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.
More Techniques [-1]. You know three additional techniques. You may take this upgrade more than once.

Holy strike seems a bit odd but I suppose that was trying to emulate sacred guardian.
Does Resist Strike Stack with other Armour, does it just last for the one roll?
I would probably make pierce Armour cost 2 stress as the max Armour people get is around 3.
Rapid Flurry seems broken for the cost of 3 (flurry 2 + enhanced offense) stress a supernatural martial artist can get two attacks at  -1 penalty (or for 4 stress, 3 attacks at a -2 penalty) for  high skill levels the penalty is negligible but the extra attacks aren't.

Your prophecy powers seem fine though I personally don't like them as a gm because using them requires more forethought than I usually put into my games.

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I think.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #576 on: July 21, 2012, 01:35:53 AM »
The main reason a lot of GM's(in my experience) discourage min-maxing is because the characters tend to be one dimensional. As said in WoJ "When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail"

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #577 on: July 21, 2012, 02:06:47 AM »
PS: What do you think of the new Powers?
Re: Inexplicable Knowledge - seems interesting though probably oriented towards campaigns moving beyond a single city / location.  In the right campaign it would be a good power.

Re: Mnemnosyne's Shadow - this looks a bit expensive, is it more than a stunt allowing you to use Lore in place of Investigation?  It is more with the 'dangerous knowledge' piece but not really sure how that would work out in play.

Re: Akashic access - Meh...I like the investigative nature of the game too much to enjoy such shortcuts.

Re:  Mental Library - Not sure I get this one.  Declarations are player actions not character - so you can already do this for free.

Re: Alt Ment Para - Don't think the name fits if you're moving away from mental skills.  ;)  Not entirely sure I'd charge for simply reflavoring an existing power in any case.

Re:  Sup Martial Arts - Not sure these are powerful enough to justify the stress.  Also, may want to clarify 'more techniques' - can the same technique be take multiple times for a larger bonus?

Re:  Prophecy - Looks good, it's pretty close to a precognition power I wrote up.

Re: Min/maxing - can discuss such gaming philosophies some other time in another thread if you like.  Afraid it's been too long a day for me to be terribly interested in it now.  Besides, probably better off keeping it out of this thread.
“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”  - Albert Einstein

"Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength."  - Eric Hoffer

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #578 on: July 21, 2012, 02:59:14 AM »
Holy strike seems a bit odd but I suppose that was trying to emulate sacred guardian.
Does Resist Strike Stack with other Armour, does it just last for the one roll?
Yes and yes.
I would probably make pierce Armour cost 2 stress as the max Armour people get is around 3.
I was worried that that one would be unfair to the really heavily armoured, and the fact that it stacks with the other techniques made me nervous too. So I erred on the side of weakness. Maybe I'll drop the cost to 3 stress.
Rapid Flurry seems broken for the cost of 3 (flurry 2 + enhanced offense) stress a supernatural martial artist can get two attacks at  -1 penalty (or for 4 stress, 3 attacks at a -2 penalty) for  high skill levels the penalty is negligible but the extra attacks aren't.
I don't think the penalty ever becomes negligible, but I am a bit worried about its power. Any suggestions?
Re: Inexplicable Knowledge - seems interesting though probably oriented towards campaigns moving beyond a single city / location.  In the right campaign it would be a good power.
Okay, that's good. Not sure why it especially fits into multi-city campaigns, though.
Re: Mnemnosyne's Shadow - this looks a bit expensive, is it more than a stunt allowing you to use Lore in place of Investigation?  It is more with the 'dangerous knowledge' piece but not really sure how that would work out in play.

Re: Akashic access - Meh...I like the investigative nature of the game too much to enjoy such shortcuts.

Re:  Mental Library - Not sure I get this one.  Declarations are player actions not character - so you can already do this for free.
This stuff is supposed to have been absorbed into Inexplicable Knowledge. If that doesn't seem workable, please tell me.
Re: Alt Ment Para - Don't think the name fits if you're moving away from mental skills.  ;)  Not entirely sure I'd charge for simply reflavoring an existing power in any case.
It's Alt Mag Para, actually.

I wouldn't charge for reflavouring either, but using different skills goes beyond reflavouring.

This ties into the fleshwarping discussion, actually; a Power that can be used with different skills is stronger than one that can't.
Re:  Sup Martial Arts - Not sure these are powerful enough to justify the stress.  Also, may want to clarify 'more techniques' - can the same technique be take multiple times for a larger bonus?
I admit, the balance is pretty much a guess. If you have any suggestions, I'm listening.

And yes, I'll clarify.
Re:  Prophecy - Looks good, it's pretty close to a precognition power I wrote up.
Re: Min/maxing - can discuss such gaming philosophies some other time in another thread if you like.  Afraid it's been too long a day for me to be terribly interested in it now.  Besides, probably better off keeping it out of this thread.
Don't worry about derailing the thread, I really don't mind.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 03:02:48 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #579 on: July 21, 2012, 03:13:12 AM »
Given how many custom Powers have been rewritten, the list should probably come with a disclaimer explaining which ones.

So I'm trying to make one. Please tell me if anything is missing from this list:

Incite Emotion
Holy Touch
Bless This House
The Catch
Human Form
Feeding Dependency
Living Dead
Breath Weapon
Spirit Form
Pack Instincts
Physical Immunity

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #580 on: July 21, 2012, 04:00:57 AM »
Not sure why it especially fits into multi-city campaigns, though.This stuff is supposed to have been absorbed into Inexplicable Knowledge. If that doesn't seem workable, please tell me.
Ah, hadn't realized you were combining / replacing.  As for regional vs local campaigns, I suspect intellectus is better as long as you're local.  It's one small part of sponsored magic so probably not more than 1 refresh.  IK probably needs a bit of a boost in comparison.

I wouldn't charge for reflavouring either, but using different skills goes beyond reflavouring.
I think this is where our differing approaches make a big difference.  I generally look at description first and try to fit mechanics to it.  I think you give mechanics a higher priority.  Suffice it to say, "roll skill X to cause X+dice damage" is the same as "roll skill Y to cause Y+dice damage" as far as I'm concerned.  The differences are in the narrative.

This ties into the fleshwarping discussion, actually; a Power that can be used with different skills is stronger than one that can't.
See above.  ;)

I admit, the balance is pretty much a guess. If you have any suggestions, I'm listening.
Well, compare it to evocation / channeling which also uses the mental stress mechanic - Martial Tech is much weaker.  It adds one or two shifts/stress while costing multiple mental stress.  Evocation adds a skill trait's worth of effect and only costs one mental stress.

Personally I don't like adding a skill trait in damage - I think magic is too easily abused.  So I'd probably reduce the costs - something like 'costs one mental stress when the roll result is three or less'.  That's an off the cuff possibility though...would have to give it more thought or some testing.

Also, as a thematics and consistency issue - I'd call anything adding stress a bonus to weapon value.  That's what it is functionally.  Stress, at least when counted as boxes, is really a meta-game concept. 
“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”  - Albert Einstein

"Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength."  - Eric Hoffer

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #581 on: July 22, 2012, 03:47:43 AM »
Ah, hadn't realized you were combining / replacing.  As for regional vs local campaigns, I suspect intellectus is better as long as you're local.  It's one small part of sponsored magic so probably not more than 1 refresh.  IK probably needs a bit of a boost in comparison.

The intellectus from Place Of Power magic is limited to a small region, smaller than a city. I don't see it outdoing IK.
I think this is where our differing approaches make a big difference.  I generally look at description first and try to fit mechanics to it.  I think you give mechanics a higher priority.

For what it's worth, I don't see it as an issue of prioritization. I don't (consciously) prioritize mechanics vs narrative.

My approach is the way it is because I believe it gives better narrative and better mechanics.
Suffice it to say, "roll skill X to cause X+dice damage" is the same as "roll skill Y to cause Y+dice damage" as far as I'm concerned.  The differences are in the narrative.


That doesn't even make sense...

Obviously there's a mechanical difference between using Rapport and using Resources. This is obvious, as obvious as two and two making four. In one case you use one number, in the other you use another number.

Am I missing something here?

See above.  ;)

Not really a matter of opinion. Flexibility is a form of power.

You ever play Magic?

Decks would be much stronger if people could play cards in whatever colours they wanted.

Being able to use any Power with any skills helps characters expand their roles, and it helps people use the Power combinations they want.

Both of these contribute to character power.

For example, if it were possible to Evoke with Athletics and Endurance and Alertness, Evokers could focus much more heavily on physical combat than they can now. The pure combat Evoker concept would gain a power boost.

Well, compare it to evocation / channeling which also uses the mental stress mechanic - Martial Tech is much weaker.  It adds one or two shifts/stress while costing multiple mental stress.  Evocation adds a skill trait's worth of effect and only costs one mental stress.

Personally I don't like adding a skill trait in damage - I think magic is too easily abused.  So I'd probably reduce the costs - something like 'costs one mental stress when the roll result is three or less'.  That's an off the cuff possibility though...would have to give it more thought or some testing.

Evocation adds a skill to damage, but Evocation starts at 0. This starts at (weapon rating). And while this is a bunch of stunt-like boosts, Evocation is basically a new combat skill with all kinds of baggage. Plus Evocation costs way more.

I just don't see spellcasting as a good comparison. Combat stunts seem more similar, to me.

Ideally, this Power would be better than a combat stunt but not so much better that nobody would take a combat stunt.

Speaking of which, I've been thinking that maybe +2 defence stunts are too good. They're clearly RAW, but they're really very strong.

Also, as a thematics and consistency issue - I'd call anything adding stress a bonus to weapon value.  That's what it is functionally.  Stress, at least when counted as boxes, is really a meta-game concept.


Sorry, could you explain further?

If you mean what I think you might you also have a problem with Inhuman Strength's writeup?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #582 on: July 23, 2012, 01:41:11 AM »
Given how many custom Powers have been rewritten, the list should probably come with a disclaimer explaining which ones.

So I'm trying to make one. Please tell me if anything is missing from this list:

Incite Emotion
Holy Touch
Bless This House
The Catch
Human Form
Feeding Dependency
Living Dead
Breath Weapon
Spirit Form
Pack Instincts
Physical Immunity

Yes I agree with this list.  If somethign is missing I do not see it.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #583 on: July 23, 2012, 03:45:16 AM »
Thanks, Silverblaze. I'd been wondering about that.

Any opinion on the Powers?

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #584 on: July 23, 2012, 10:14:57 PM »
Thanks, Silverblaze. I'd been wondering about that.

Any opinion on the Powers?

Your natural weapons power is great in my opinion and should simply replace breath weapon and claws.

The rest I need to think about and run through a few scenarios in my head.

Physical Immunity we are getting to the end of and it'll likely be finished soon and ready for the list.