Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 220720 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #555 on: July 13, 2012, 10:17:00 PM »
I doubt you're in the minority, Silverblaze.

I dislike it too, but I don't see any way to remove it without making the Power entirely pointless.

And I'm not sure how to fix it without removing it.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #556 on: July 14, 2012, 02:53:03 AM »
oh i forgot to differenciate on the power that you can only have one such creature at a time and five applies to any other objects of acceptable size.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 02:57:23 AM by KnightOrbis »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #557 on: July 14, 2012, 08:36:10 AM »
That makes it less bad.

But it's still a problem.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #558 on: July 14, 2012, 02:13:10 PM »
Incite Emotion is possibly the most-hacked Power in the game. People use it and variants of it for all kinds of things. And people have come up with plenty of custom upgrades for it.

It's been suggested (by devonapple, IIRC) that Incite Emotion should just be Incite Effect. I like this suggestion, especially since it gives us the chance to merge a great number of custom Powers into one.

This is as good a time as any to write Incite Effect.

So, I gathered up all the custom Powers I could find that seemed like they might be included in Incite Effect. Not all of them need to be included; Reality Warper, Dream Manipulation, Vogon Poetry, and Shadow Manipulation are all probably better as their own Powers. Heat Vampire, the social tree, and Spiritual Weapon might be in the same boat, I dunno.

But having them here ought to be helpful, given how important Incite Emotion is to the balance of the game. I remember trying to write up mental Natural Weaponry a while back, Incite Emotion got in the way.

And the rest of the list really ought to be compressed into Incite Effect.

I'm not entirely sure how to go about this. Would anyone be up for a chatroom meeting to discuss Incite Effect?

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away
Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.
Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.
Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.
Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

Flesh Tyranny
Description: You coerce an individual's muscles, bones, and even blood locking them in place or causing damage for a time.
Notes: Targets must be living beings. This has no effect on constructs and a reduced effect on undead. Range is normally two zones but may be extended by taking a -1 per additional zone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Presence.
- Oppression of Flesh. With concentration you can lock and individual's muscles in place, preventing them from moving. Use Conviction to establish and maintain your movement block. Targets oppose it with Athletics, Might, or movement related skills.
- Subjection of Blood. You cause damage by slowing and stiffening a target's blood. (Does not affect undead.) Use Discipline to cause damage, normally resisted by Endurance or Might.
- Cruelty of Bone. By concentrating on locking the victim's skeletal structure together you make movement slow and painful. (Effect is halved against undead.) Use Discipline to reduce a target's movement by two for half Presence (round down) exchanges.

The Mist Control[-2]
You can control and create mist
Obscure: With a moment of concentration, you may draw or create a large amount of mist into an area obsuring the vision of everyone but you. This counts as a zone wide block at discipline +2 against perception which is not necessarily pierced when discovered. The block last until it's summoner banishes it or it is dispersed (by magic or a very big fan etc).
Decieve [-1]: Perception is warped in the mist friends can see enemies where friends should be and many an army have torn itself a part under its thick blanket, you can make manouvres at discipline +2 on anyone in your mist.
Nightmare (requires Decieve)  [-2]: Those in your mist may see monsters and horrors floating in the mist that may scar them for life, you can make mental attacks on anyone in the mist at discipline +2.
No way out [-1]: Once you have entered the mist it is nearly impossible to leave, attempts to leave the mist are blocked at discipline +2 this is part of the main block on perception.
Deep Mists [-1]: Your mist can cover up too three zones
Spiritual Disruption [-2] Your attacks satisfy the catch of Ghost, also If you succeed in hitting a spirit as well as dealing normal stress you also inflict the aspect 'extreme pain'.

Description: You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, cloak yourself in darkness, and even blind people.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Stealth
Note: It's not mandatory, but this Power is generally taken alongside Cloak Of Shadows. Characters who want to carry out physical actions with their shadow should take another Power to represent that ability, like Long Reach or Telekinesis or Channelling.
Shadow Manipulation. You may use your Discipline or Stealth skill to control shadows, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against perception. This effect's range is limited only by your line of sight.

-2 Spiritual Weapon ( As a weapon designed to sever the soul from the body its blows do more than physical harm, the blade can cause mental stress instead physical stress, anyone taken out this way will die as their soul is separated from their body leaving no signs of physical harm.)

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

Description: You are able to shape reality to your whim, as if the entire world was simply a dream of yours.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 2. Furthermore, you need take only a -1 penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky. Furthermore, you need not take any penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.
Reality Binding [-1]. You may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight, using the normal grappling rules to do so. Substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Create Hazard [-1]. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.

Crimson Eyes of Destruction [-4]
With the help of your crimson eyes of destruction you can destroy people and objects on a conceptual level. You can use your eyes to carry out a mental attack on anyone within range (1 zone default) you roll conviction to attack (will to destroy) vs the enemies conviction (will to live) if the attack is successful you gain +4 stress bonus to damage. Enemies taken out by this power are obliterated leaving nothing behind but gore.

Manipulate Dream -2
This power allows the character to incite or alter a target's dreams. In general, this is a contest of Deceit vs the victim's Discipline - success allows the character to lay an Aspect on the dreamscape, which can be tagged or invoked to ease further manipulations, or the use of other powers such as Dream Vampirism. Aspects on dreams can be environmental ("everything grows dark"), emotional ("everything is inexplicably frightening"), or an incorporated element or monster ("beware the jabberwock"). [Mortals can take a Lucid Dreaming stunt for Discipline, which allows them to use this power on their own dreams, which counters the manipulations of others]

Heat Vampire [-1]
You can and must with feeding dependency plunder the life energy of living things around you in the form of body heat. To do this you can roll discipline against an a opponents endurance to steal their body heat this ability has an effective range of a zone.
Taste of death- Once per seen after plundering enough heat to kill an opponent you can take a free recovery period, recovering from all stress and minor consequences (or higher with recovery powers).
Plunder (Required Heat Vampire) [-1]  Your heat stealing ability now has a weapon rating of 2. This also increases the range of the ability to 2 zones.
Snap Freeze [-1] (requires Plunder) Your heat stealing ability now has a weapon rating of 4. This also increase the effective range of the ability to 3 zones.
Field of Cold:[-2] You can plunder the heat of everyone in a zone and gain a free tag of the 'empowered' aspect for  every enemy you kill after the first in a scene.

Supernatural Orator [-1]
Your words have a weight that beggars belief you can literally change people minds with your words. Your social attacks do mental stress.

A thousand words in one. [-1] You can say a lot in a very little time, your can attack mental and socially during physical combat.

Words with the weight of worlds [-2] Your words are unnaturally effective and any attack you make with them has a weapon rating of 4.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #559 on: July 16, 2012, 04:47:06 AM »
Okay, I gave Incite Effect some serious thought.

Description: You can do a thing. A special thing, that cannot be done by most people. Maybe you can control clouds of smoke, maybe you can inflict fear by shouting. Or maybe you can summon the aid of two thousand invisible squirrels. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Any.
Incite Effect. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill plus two to perform maneuvers and blocks related to that type of effect against anything you can touch. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.
At Range [-1]. You may use Incite Effect at a range of one zone.
At Long Range [-1]. (Requires At Range) You may use Incite Effect on anything within your line of sight.
Incite Physical Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict physical stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then you may choose whether targets use their Endurance or their Athletics to defend against these attacks when you acquire the ability to make them at range. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may defend against these attacks as though they were ordinary Fists attacks.
Incite Mental Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict mental stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Discipline to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may also defend against these attacks as though they were ordinary Fists attacks.
Incite Potent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) Attacks that you make with Incite Effect are weapon 4.
Incite Protective Effect [-1]. You may use your the skill that you use for Incite Effect to defend against physical attacks.
Incite Restrictive Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may use Incite Effect to grapple targets within the range of this Power, using the normal grappling rules to do so. Substitute the skill that you use for Incite Effect for your Might skill when grappling someone this way. When you take a supplemental action to inflict stress with an Incite Effect grapple, you inflict the type of stress that you inflict when attacking with that effect.
Incite Mass Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may make spray attacks and attack zones with Incite Effect. If you attack your own zone, then you are affected normally by the attack. Even if you lack the At Range upgrade, targets defend against your zone attacks as though you had it.
Incite Explosive Effect [+1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You may not make non-zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect.
Incite Selective Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You do not harm yourself when attacking your own zone.
Incite Persistent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) When attacking a zone with Incite Effect, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
Incite Additional Effect [-1]. You may select another effect to create with this Power. You may also select another skill to use that effect with. If the other upgrades that you have are appropriate for the new effect, you may use them with it.

I'm not totally happy with what I have here, but it's a good first draft.

It's too long, kinda clunky in places, and one or two bits are in need of more playtesting. But there's only one problem that really bugs me:
Some of the abilities that Incite Effect should represent have Line Of Sight range. Incite Emotion has 1 zone of range. Charging an extra point of Refresh to make the range longer would be make Shadow Manipulation-type things overpriced.

But making the standard At Range Incite Emotion upgrade extend range to LoS would be a free buff to Incite Emotion, which is already pretty powerful.


For reference, here's what Incite Effect is meant to replace:

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away
Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.
Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.
Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.
Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

Flesh Tyranny
Description: You coerce an individual's muscles, bones, and even blood locking them in place or causing damage for a time.
Notes: Targets must be living beings. This has no effect on constructs and a reduced effect on undead. Range is normally two zones but may be extended by taking a -1 per additional zone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Presence.
- Oppression of Flesh. With concentration you can lock and individual's muscles in place, preventing them from moving. Use Conviction to establish and maintain your movement block. Targets oppose it with Athletics, Might, or movement related skills.
- Subjection of Blood. You cause damage by slowing and stiffening a target's blood. (Does not affect undead.) Use Discipline to cause damage, normally resisted by Endurance or Might.
- Cruelty of Bone. By concentrating on locking the victim's skeletal structure together you make movement slow and painful. (Effect is halved against undead.) Use Discipline to reduce a target's movement by two for half Presence (round down) exchanges.

The Mist Control[-2]
You can control and create mist
Obscure: With a moment of concentration, you may draw or create a large amount of mist into an area obsuring the vision of everyone but you. This counts as a zone wide block at discipline +2 against perception which is not necessarily pierced when discovered. The block last until it's summoner banishes it or it is dispersed (by magic or a very big fan etc).
Decieve [-1]: Perception is warped in the mist friends can see enemies where friends should be and many an army have torn itself a part under its thick blanket, you can make manouvres at discipline +2 on anyone in your mist.
Nightmare (requires Decieve)  [-2]: Those in your mist may see monsters and horrors floating in the mist that may scar them for life, you can make mental attacks on anyone in the mist at discipline +2.
No way out [-1]: Once you have entered the mist it is nearly impossible to leave, attempts to leave the mist are blocked at discipline +2 this is part of the main block on perception.
Deep Mists [-1]: Your mist can cover up too three zones
Spiritual Disruption [-2] Your attacks satisfy the catch of Ghost, also If you succeed in hitting a spirit as well as dealing normal stress you also inflict the aspect 'extreme pain'.

Description: You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, cloak yourself in darkness, and even blind people.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Stealth
Note: It's not mandatory, but this Power is generally taken alongside Cloak Of Shadows. Characters who want to carry out physical actions with their shadow should take another Power to represent that ability, like Long Reach or Telekinesis or Channelling.
Shadow Manipulation. You may use your Discipline or Stealth skill to control shadows, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against perception. This effect's range is limited only by your line of sight.

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

Description: You are able to shape reality to your whim, as if the entire world was simply a dream of yours.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 2. Furthermore, you need take only a -1 penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky. Furthermore, you need not take any penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.
Reality Binding [-1]. You may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight, using the normal grappling rules to do so. Substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Create Hazard [-1]. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.

Crimson Eyes of Destruction [-4]
With the help of your crimson eyes of destruction you can destroy people and objects on a conceptual level. You can use your eyes to carry out a mental attack on anyone within range (1 zone default) you roll conviction to attack (will to destroy) vs the enemies conviction (will to live) if the attack is successful you gain +4 stress bonus to damage. Enemies taken out by this power are obliterated leaving nothing behind but gore.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #560 on: July 16, 2012, 06:12:22 PM »
Would it be easier if we just didn't allow Incite Effect [-1] powers to have LoS built in, and instead restrict them to the zone occupied by their wielder?
Since Incite Emotion [-1] is restricted to touch only with +2 to manuever rolls, having an Incite Effect that is limited to the wielder's zone but functions as an area attack seems fair.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #561 on: July 17, 2012, 05:12:56 AM »
I don't understand what you are saying. Could you please explain?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #562 on: July 17, 2012, 12:24:45 PM »
Alright. Mechanically speaking, I understand the disparity that you have found between the base Incite Emotion power and some of the base Incite Effect powers like Shadow Manipulation. By your current Incite Effect model, having a power that has a LoS range costs three points of refresh. What I'm recommending is that we don't allow any base Incite Effect powers that cost one point of refresh to include LoS, as is the case with Shadow Manipulation.

Also, I was wondering if it might be an acceptable alternative to allow some base Incite Effect powers to be zone-area attacks instead of touch attacks. The cost is offset as the wielder no longer gets a +2 to their roll. For example:

Light Manipulation [-1]
You have the ability to manipulate visible light, given that there is some light source present.
Skill Affected: Discipline.
Light Manipulation. You may manipulate any form of light that you can perceive within your current zone to make manuevers or blocks. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #563 on: July 18, 2012, 03:28:01 AM »
Given that Shadow Manipulation as written is not unbalanced, I'd rather make it possible. If I have to increase its cost by 1 to include a mandatory +2 bonus, that's okay...but -3 is just too high a cost.

The thing is, the range becomes substantially more important once you stack on upgrades. LoS maneuvers is fairly nice, LoS attacks and grapples is excellent.

I don't think there's much benefit to a zone-area maneuver or block. After all, maneuvers and blocks can already approximate zone effects fairly well.

That being said, I kinda like the idea of trading in the +2. I just don't think you're getting enough in exchange there.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #564 on: July 18, 2012, 03:42:31 AM »
As someone who absoulutely loved the Tzimisce in oWoD, I must ask: Would you be willing to write up a more comprehensive and powerful version of Flesh Tyranny? I'd do it myself, but I don't trust myself with custom powers.

P.S. I realize that Ritual (Biomancy) might also fit, but it's not really what I'm looking for.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #565 on: July 18, 2012, 03:55:05 AM »
Incite Restrictive Physical Flesh Manipulation At Long Range [-5] (Uses Discipline and is defended against with Endurance.)

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #566 on: July 18, 2012, 08:00:49 AM »
As someone who absoulutely loved the Tzimisce in oWoD, I must ask: Would you be willing to write up a more comprehensive and powerful version of Flesh Tyranny? I'd do it myself, but I don't trust myself with custom powers.
Don't really know the Tzimisce, so not certain what you're looking for but here's how I've rewritten it:

Flesh Tyranny [-2]
Description: You coerce an individual's muscles, bones, and even blood locking them in place or causing damage for a time.
Notes: Targets must be living beings. This has no effect on constructs and a reduced effect on undead. Range is normally two zones but may be extended by taking a -1 per additional zone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Presence.
- Oppression of Flesh. With concentration you can lock an individual's muscles in place, pitting your will against their physical endurance or might. Use Conviction to establish and maintain a movement block. Targets oppose it with Endurance or Might. At a cost of two shifts, this may be extended to cover all targets in a zone.
- Subjection of Blood. You cause damage by slowing and thickening a target's blood. (Does not affect undead or entities without a circulatory system.) Use Discipline to cause damage, normally resisted by Endurance or Might. This has a Weapon value of half Presence (round up) and may be split to affect two or more targets as if an Evocation attack.
- Cruelty of Bone. By concentrating on locking the victim's skeletal structure together you make movement painfully difficult or even impossible. Treat as either maneuver or grapple, using Conviction opposed by the target's physical skills.
- Knowledge of Body. You know your body and can push it to limits few others even consider. Once per scene, you may use Conviction in place of any single physical skill. If you spend a fate point it lasts the entire scene.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #567 on: July 18, 2012, 07:44:03 PM »
Why require 3 different skills for this? I don't see any problem with using just Conviction or just Discipline here.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #568 on: July 18, 2012, 09:13:36 PM »
Why require 3 different skills for this? I don't see any problem with using just Conviction or just Discipline here.
Many reasons...
1.  Why not?
2.  They make sense in the context of a psychic power which:
 - a.  Pits mental strength (Conviction) against something.
 - b.  Uses focused concentration (Discipline) to attack.
 - c.  Relies on confidence (Presence) for weapon value.
3.  Conviction could be used in place of Presence, but Presence differentiates it from pure magic.
4.  Uni-skill powers can get boring.  Worse they're easily abused when you can grab multiple stunts & powers using the same skill.
5.  Multiple skills help discourage min-maxing.
6.  In general, this is loosely a lower powered Channeling replacement with "corpus" or body as the element.  Keeping a similar skill structure makes it easy and intuitive.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #569 on: July 19, 2012, 07:33:41 PM »
Thanks guys. I like the different approaches; I think I might take my own shot at it in the future.