Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 217384 times)

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #510 on: May 31, 2012, 05:46:27 AM »
I'm open to the possibility that my biases might be screwing this up. What changes would you suggest?
I suggested what I honestly believe to be the best solution earlier: leave it to compels.

Bear in mind that animals, while dumb, are not Mindless. You can social-fu them with Survival and control them with Domination.
I'm not talking about animals in the sense of mammals, birds, or even fish, here.  I'm talking about insects, spiders, etc.  I'm talking about things with brains that most people would barely recognize as such.  Things with less computing power in their network of neurons than you likely have in whatever PC you're using to access the internet.
I mean, good luck attempting to use any sort of communication recognizable as language to persuade a mosquito to go bite someone else...
Heck, any entity capable of following the command 'acquire a weapon from those present on this table right in front of you' would be absurd without also having the ability to use the Scavenging trapping of Survival. ('gather sticks from the surrounding woods and bring them here')

For a computer, retrieving info isn't hard. But zombies and golems and super-sized microbes and other such things, who are the typical users of Mindless, are totally incapable of such actions.
A standard computer is definitely Mindless.  A computer doesn't need to be notably 'complex' or 'impressive' to be able to store and retrieve data.  The exclusion of an entity controlled by a computer among your list of 'typical users' is thus a prime example of those arbitrary definitions.
On the other hand, a computer DOES need to be notably complex/impressive in order to achieve many of the capabilities NOT listed in this power, such as much of Athletics.

Maybe I should group trappings together so that they can be purchased together for a discount with Superior Programming. That'd let robots be made at reasonable costs.

I'm not convinced that this would be sufficient as a fix (in fact, I highly suspect that it would not be, though I'll await an actual examination before making a definitive conclusion), but I can definitely see it as a distinct improvement.

As for your uncertainty regarding Crafting: insects build structures of a complexity rivaling modern humans, and surpassing ancient ones, and almost any Golem is going to be capable of Breaking Things.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #511 on: May 31, 2012, 05:56:19 AM »
A Mindless creature can still gather sticks, if it doesn't have to do any real searching. It could pick a weapon off of a table, but not out from under a pile of metal scraps.

In other words, it can work just fine until it runs into something that would require an actual dice roll. But even a difficulty 0 roll will stop it cold.

Does that make sense?

If not, I doubt letting Mindless beings do complex perception will have any real consequences. The list of banned trappings is pretty long, maybe too long.

Anyway, computer-controlled beings aren't really in-genre. So I don't expect to see too many of 'em. So I'm treating them as an unusual case.

This power is not for robots but applicable to zombies. It's for zombies but applicable to robots. If you need to buy some upgrades to run a robot off of it, that's fine by me.

I figure that a Golem probably breaks stuff with Might rather than Craftsmanship, but you're probably right. I'll leave Craftsmanship off the list.

PS: Now that the vagueness of the power has been addressed, you're mostly criticizing it based on semi-mechanical reasons of "making sense", right? I want to make sure that I have the issues right here.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #512 on: May 31, 2012, 07:22:59 AM »
A Mindless creature can still gather sticks, if it doesn't have to do any real searching. It could pick a weapon off of a table, but not out from under a pile of metal scraps.

In other words, it can work just fine until it runs into something that would require an actual dice roll. But even a difficulty 0 roll will stop it cold.

Does that make sense?
One of the most common reasons for dice rolls on simple actions is a time constraint.  I do not see why having a time constraint would mean automatic utter failure for a mindless being on a task that it is otherwise capable of completing satisfactorily.
And if a golem can pick a target designated to it out of a room of not-target (chairs, tables, other people, it's creator/master...) I don't see why it would be fundamentally automatically incapable of identifying the halberd in the scrap metal.

PS: Now that the vagueness of the power has been addressed, you're mostly criticizing it based on semi-mechanical reasons of "making sense", right? I want to make sure that I have the issues right here.
Yes, the over-arching game-melting-ness of the previous version is successfully, well, minimized, in this version.

No, 'making sense' is not the sole issue remaining.  I also believe that the current incarnation of the exception upgrade is substantially overcosted and that the current list of banned trappings is both too large and too fixed.
I do not believe that robots should require either substantially more refresh than golems or their own equivalent power.  I believe that this power is capable of representing both equally without bias.  Just not in its current form.
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Offline eri

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #513 on: May 31, 2012, 09:49:56 AM »
How about instead of restricting it to a specific list of trappings that are forbidden, you say something like:

"Incapable Of Thought. Not being able to think has its downsides. There are some skill trappings you may never use. Have the GM go through the skill list and cross out trappings that your specific type of mindless would not logically be able to use. The following list is suggested as forbidden for golems, but you may need to adjust for robots: [insert list here]
Superior Instincts/Programming [-1]. The complexity of your program or your instincts is impressive. Select up to three skill trappings. Ignore the effects of Incapable Of Thought on those trappings. This trapping may be purchased multiple times."

A bit better maybe? You may want some kind of set number for least amount of skill trappings to be forbidden and you might want to have some kind of cummulative price increase for each time you take Superiour Instincts/Programming

I also suggest reminding the GM that social consequences may come to the "owner" of the mindless thing instead of the thing itself. If the owner is known, that is.
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Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #514 on: May 31, 2012, 12:36:31 PM »
I also suggest reminding the GM that social consequences may come to the "owner" of the mindless thing instead of the thing itself. If the owner is known, that is.

Consequences resulting from an attack on one entity cannot instead place the resulting aspect on another entity.

Social attacks against the creator/owner of a Mindless entity might, in their narrative description, reference the Mindless entity, but they would not mechanically be directed at it, nor defended against by it.

Your edit to the power, on the other hand, brings us right back to the game-meltingly-awful uncertainty that this power contained in its previous version.  A power with concrete drawbacks defined at the whim of the GM cannot be balanced outside of a single instance (ie. one particular GM in one particular game for one particular character and even possibly represented by one particular player, in some cases).
It contains the comparatively minuscule improvements over that previous version of a recommended list for a single vague category of potential users of the power and allowing 3 trappings to be excluded at a time for no additional cost.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #515 on: May 31, 2012, 07:32:01 PM »
I agree with Tedronai's most recent post.

One of the most common reasons for dice rolls on simple actions is a time constraint.  I do not see why having a time constraint would mean automatic utter failure for a mindless being on a task that it is otherwise capable of completing satisfactorily.

I suppose that, given time, you could just try everything until something works. Or perhaps time constraints never force a roll, but often make difficulties increase to the point that failure is a meaningful possibility.

Both answers are a bit kludge-y though.

No, 'making sense' is not the sole issue remaining.  I also believe that the current incarnation of the exception upgrade is substantially overcosted and that the current list of banned trappings is both too large and too fixed.
I do not believe that robots should require either substantially more refresh than golems or their own equivalent power.  I believe that this power is capable of representing both equally without bias.  Just not in its current form.

Aight, I'll see what I can do.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #516 on: June 01, 2012, 03:07:21 AM »
Consequences resulting from an attack on one entity cannot instead place the resulting aspect on another entity.

Social attacks against the creator/owner of a Mindless entity might, in their narrative description, reference the Mindless entity, but they would not mechanically be directed at it, nor defended against by it.

A power with concrete drawbacks defined at the whim of the GM cannot be balanced outside of a single instance (ie. one particular GM in one particular game for one particular character and even possibly represented by one particular player, in some cases).

I didn't mean game-mechanic consequences, just regular ones ;)

...and apparently I didn't read far enough back in the discussion. Sorry. Don't have time to go back now, but might my edit be improved by defining a few lists of forbidden trappings for some different classes of mindless beings and saying pick one? That's sort of what I meant in the first place. (Though I've always been a fan of adapting things on a case by case basis, so maybe that's just my style...) Once the GM's made a list for, say, zombies, he would presumably stick to that list for all other zombies, right?
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #517 on: June 01, 2012, 09:06:03 PM »
...might my edit be improved by defining a few lists of forbidden trappings for some different classes of mindless beings and saying pick one?


That's fairly similar to what I intend to do, actually. I'm going to subtract some trappings from the list, then require people to add a few from a second list.

Unless that turns out not to work. We'll see.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #518 on: June 02, 2012, 06:01:11 AM »
Aight, took another crack at Mindless. Decided not to add variations because frankly it's complicated enough. So I just shortened the list of banned effects somewhat.

Also, Shadow Manipulation is done. Whoop de do.

Description: You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, cloak yourself in darkness, and even blind people.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Stealth
Note: It's not mandatory, but this Power is generally taken alongside Cloak Of Shadows. Characters who want to carry out physical actions with their shadow should take another Power to represent that ability, like Long Reach or Telekinesis or Channelling.
Shadow Manipulation. You may use your Discipline or Stealth skill to control shadows, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against perception. This effect's range is limited only by your line of sight.

Description: You don't have a mind. Either you mindlessly obey others or you simply execute a complex program or you operate entirely on instinct.
Musts: You must take an aspect to represent the thing that you use instead for a mind. For example, THE MERLIN'S PROPERTY or PROGRAMMED TO KILL.
Skills Affected: Mental and social skills
Note: This power requires excellent justification if taken by a character with positive refresh. Not for balance reasons, but for logical reasons. As such, this power is mostly unsuitable for player characters.
No Mind. As a mindless creature, you cannot be attacked mentally. Duh. You have no mental stress track and never take mental stress. You are not immune to social stress, but you cannot be persuaded or frightened or otherwise influenced mentally. So unless someone wants to ruin your reputation or credibility, there's no point attacking you socially.
Incapable Of Thought. Not being able to think has its downsides. You may never use the listed trappings of the following skills: Burglary (Casing, Infiltration), Contacts (All Trappings), Conviction (All Trappings), Deceit (All Trappings), Discipline (All Trappings), Empathy (All Trappings Except Social Initiative), Intimidation (Provocation, Interrogation, Social Attacks), Investigation (Examination), Lore (Common Ritual, Magical Versions Of Banned Scholarship Trappings), Performance (All Trappings), Presence (Command), Rapport (All Trappings), Resources (All Trappings), Scholarship (Research And Lab Work, Computer Use, Medical Attention), Survival (Animal Handling, Camouflage). In addition, all of your actions are limited by your brainlessness. Your knowledge rolls are simply the regurgitation of stored data, your ability to build things is simply a matter of following memorized procedures, and so on. This has no mechanical effect, though, and should be handled with Compels.
Superior Instincts/Programming [-1]. The complexity of your program or your instincts is impressive. Select one skill trapping. Ignore the effects of Incapable Of Thought on that trapping. This trapping may be purchased multiple times.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #519 on: June 03, 2012, 08:14:13 PM »
Should I assume that these are good since I haven't taken any flack for them yet?

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #520 on: June 03, 2012, 08:34:40 PM »
Shadow Manipulation is a bit ill-defined as to the scope of aspects it creates, but otherwise seems good.

Mindless...there are still a few trappings on there that I'd call questionable, and I still dislike the approach on principle, but it is vastly improved.  I'd be prepared to just let it pass at this point.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #521 on: June 05, 2012, 05:07:34 AM »
Good enough for me.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #522 on: June 10, 2012, 09:30:24 PM »
Updated the list again.

Current length is 48 pages, 25 534 words, and 153 861 characters. File size is 81 KB.

Added a bunch of stuff from this thread and the normal Custom Powers thread.

Didn't do any quality control, so there's some new stuff that needs work.

Didn't remove anything except the old versions of the new Powers.

Planning another update soon, to add Bag Of Tricks and the various in-progress canon Power rewrites on this board.

I'm not totally satisfied with the categories we have here. Minor Abilities is absolutely bloated. I think maybe we should add some more categories...any suggestions?

Here's what I added:

Description: Your magic is in tune with water and is not disrupted by its flow.
Musts: You must possess some kind of spellcasting ability in order to take this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Aquatic Spellcasting. Your magic is not impeded by water, running or otherwise.

Description: Your magic comes from the energy of your body, rather than from the energy of your mind.
Musts: You must possess some kind of spellcasting ability in order to take this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Blood Magic. If you would take a mental stress hit to power a spell or an enchanted item, you take an equal physical stress hit instead. This physical stress automatically satisfies all Catches and ignores all armour. Furthermore, it bypasses extra stress boxes from Size powers.

Intellectus Of War [-3]
Musts: High Aspect that Corresponds to this (Scion of a War God, Empowered by a War Spirit)
Key Skill: Fists, Weapons, Gun, Drive
You are a living embodiment of combat. Anything is a weapon in your hands. You could man a tank even if the last time you were on Earth was when gunpowder was considered an innovation.
You may substitute your Fists and Guns skill with Weapons. Furthermore, you can substitute Weapons for any skill roll as long as it could be considered an attack or the vehicle could be considered a weapon (so your Weapons skill could not substitute your Drive skill, unless the vehicle was a tank, a fighter jet, or you were actively trying to run someone over with it). You are considered proficient in any weapon or weaponized vehicle, and you could substitute for other crew, within reason (so you could operate a two-man fighter by yourself, but a battleship is right out). You instinctively know how to maintain weapons and weaponized vehicles, though you cannot teach anyone else how to (so if the item is beyond the capacity for one person to maintain and you're alone or with unqualified people, you're SOL).
You may not gain these bonuses in terms of spellcraft, except for the purposes of aiming an Enchanted Item.

Description: Your mental strength is beyond human limits - but only slightly. Elder wizards often have this power, which lets them outlast their younger peers in Evocation contests.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Inhuman Mental Resilience. Add one box to the length of your mental stress track.

Description: Your mental strength is incredible. Senior Council members and other extremely strong wizards often have this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Supernatural Mental Resilience. Add two boxes to the length of your mental stress track.

Description: You have more mental strength than perhaps anything else on the planet. This power is generally possessed by the greatest wizards in history and by semi-divine beings.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Mythic Mental Resilience. Add three boxes to the length of your mental stress track.

Minor Magic [-0]: You are either a budding apprentice, a late bloomer, or otherwise have a very minor talent for magic. While not capable of true Evocation or Thaumaturgy, you can tag your high concept once per scene without spending a fate point, to perform very minor magical feats. You must have an aspect related to your magical talent, such as I DIDN'T KNOW I COULD DO THAT or BUDDING PYROMANCER, and may be subject to compels when your magical talent gets out of your control. With time, effort, and/or instruction, you may be able to upgrade to Channeling, Rituals, Evocation, or Thaumaturgy (spending the appropriate refresh). If so whichever full spell casting power you take replaces this power.

A Pox on Both Your Houses [–1]
Description: Your faith in evil is such that even the protection of a threshold withers under your glower.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
A Pox on Both Your Houses. By your very presence in or outside of a place, you may attempt to decrease the strength of its threshold — assuming your abilities aren’t already dampened too low by a threshold for this power to work. If your Conviction (After any Threshold Dampening) is higher than the Natural Threshold Rating of a particular place (i.e. before any characters’ Bless This House are added in), You may make a Conviction roll, lowering the place’s Natural Threshold Rating by the number of shifts you roll above the Threshold Rating (To a minimum of 1). Multiple individuals who have this power can stack the effects, making a coven of those Faithful to Demons or the Unholy a force to be reckoned with. And woe to anyone who is so foolish as to invite one of them in.

Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse than that of the average human.
Note: This power has no effect on mental stress that is paid as a cost to use a Power or to accomplish something else. It can, and generally should, be attached to an appropriate mental Catch.
Skills Affected: Conviction, other mental skills.
Hard To Twist. You naturally have armour 1 against all mental stress.
Hard To Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.
Universal Toughness [+1]. If you possess Inhuman or better Toughness, the cost of this Power is reduced by 1.

Description: You can shrug off mental traumas that would utterly destroy a normal person.
Note: This power has no effect on mental stress that is paid as a cost to use a Power or to accomplish something else. It can, and generally should, be attached to an appropriate mental Catch.
Skills Affected: Conviction, other mental skills.
Harder To Twist. You naturally have armour 2 against all mental stress.
Harder To Break. You have four additional boxes of mental stress capacity.
Universal Toughness [+varies]. If you possess Inhuman Toughness, the cost of this Power is reduced by 1. If you possess Supernatural or Mythic Toughness, the cost of this Power is reduced by 2.

Description: The durability of your mind is preposterous.
Note: This power has no effect on mental stress that is paid as a cost to use a Power or to accomplish something else. It can, and generally should, be attached to an appropriate mental Catch.
Skills Affected: Conviction, other mental skills.
Nearly Impossible To Twist. You naturally have armour 3 against all mental stress.
Nearly Impossible To Break. You have six additional boxes of mental stress capacity.
Universal Toughness [+varies]. The cost of this Power is reduced by 1 for each level of Toughness that you have.

Description: Your body is made from a multitude of lesser creatures, making you more difficult to harm.
Note: This power often has a drastic effect on the range of physical consequences that its user can take, and many characters with it will be unable to use conventional weapons and armour. This is not part of the Power's effects, and should be treated as a Compel if it ever impedes a character. This power is usually, but not always, taken with the Amorphous Form Power.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills.
Chipping Away. Single-target attacks don't hurt you much, no matter how deadly they are. Whenever you would suffer physical stress from an attack that does not encompass your entire body, you take only a single point of stress.

Description: The world is not fair. Some beings are just immune to the things that are supposed to make it so.
Skills Affected: None.
Note: While all custom powers are optional, this one is extra-optional. If you don't like it thematically or if you think it encourages an undesirable arms-race mentality, don't use it.
Unequal Before God. All Creatures Are Equal Before God is useless against you. The same applies to the Catch-satisfying effect of Sacred Guardian and all similar effects.

Description: You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, cloak yourself in darkness, and even blind people.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Stealth
Note: It's not mandatory, but this Power is generally taken alongside Cloak Of Shadows. Characters who want to carry out physical actions with their shadow should take another Power to represent that ability, like Long Reach or Telekinesis or Channelling.
Shadow Manipulation. You may use your Discipline or Stealth skill to control shadows, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against perception. This effect's range is limited only by your line of sight.

Description: You don't have a mind. Either you mindlessly obey others or you simply execute a complex program or you operate entirely on instinct.
Musts: You must take an aspect to represent the thing that you use instead for a mind. For example, THE MERLIN'S PROPERTY or PROGRAMMED TO KILL.
Skills Affected: Mental and social skills
Note: This power requires excellent justification if taken by a character with positive refresh. Not for balance reasons, but for logical reasons. As such, this power is mostly unsuitable for player characters.
No Mind. As a mindless creature, you cannot be attacked mentally. Duh. You have no mental stress track and never take mental stress. You are not immune to social stress, but you cannot be persuaded or frightened or otherwise influenced mentally. So unless someone wants to ruin your reputation or credibility, there's no point attacking you socially.
Incapable Of Thought. Not being able to think has its downsides. You may never use the listed trappings of the following skills: Burglary (Casing, Infiltration), Contacts (All Trappings), Conviction (All Trappings), Deceit (All Trappings), Discipline (All Trappings), Empathy (All Trappings Except Social Initiative), Intimidation (Provocation, Interrogation, Social Attacks), Investigation (Examination), Lore (Common Ritual, Magical Versions Of Banned Scholarship Trappings), Performance (All Trappings), Presence (Command), Rapport (All Trappings), Resources (All Trappings), Scholarship (Research And Lab Work, Computer Use, Medical Attention), Survival (Animal Handling, Camouflage). In addition, all of your actions are limited by your brainlessness. Your knowledge rolls are simply the regurgitation of stored data, your ability to build things is simply a matter of following memorized procedures, and so on. This has no mechanical effect, though, and should be handled with Compels.
Superior Instincts/Programming [-1]. The complexity of your program or your instincts is impressive. Select one skill trapping. Ignore the effects of Incapable Of Thought on that trapping. This trapping may be purchased multiple times.

Supernatural Orator [-1]
Your words have a weight that beggars belief you can literally change people minds with your words. Your social attacks do mental stress.

A thousand words in one. [-1] You can say a lot in a very little time, your can attack mental and socially during physical combat.

Words with the weight of worlds [-2] Your words are unnaturally effective and any attack you make with them has a weapon rating of 4.

to fast to perceive (-2) (requires speed powers)
You may use your athletics skill instead of stealth, you can also sprint and sneak in the same action. 

To fast to perceive (-2) (requires speed power)
Enemies with a lower alertness than your athletics takes a -2 penalty to trying to block your attacks as they can't properly see your movements.

Shape-shifting Weapon [-1] Your weapon is weightless in your hands and can change its shape either remaining the same size or shrinking. (attache to a IoP)

Giant Weapons [-1] (requires shape-shifting weaponry) Your weapon can now be made much bigger (add +2 to base weapons rating) Giant Weapons are very large and noticeable (at least person sized).

Mega Weapons (requires giant weapon) [-2] Your weapons can become obscenely over sized (car sized or Bigger) they hit for an extra 4 stress and have a zone wide radius of damage.

Giga Weapons (requires mega weapons) [-2] Your weapon can become unbelievably massive (house sized or bigger) they hit for an extra 6 stress and have a two zone radius.

Charging. The maximum Charge is 300%, this can be spent on other things, but the way to recharge is by absorbing large amounts of energy be it magical, electrical, solar.
The first way is by taking stress from an energy-based attack, you get 10% for each 1 stress taken. The second way is through taking a basic action to charge from an large energy source (no batteries), the most common electricity, each source has a Charge rating
and if you charge from it you gain 10% per point of Charge rating (Charge:4 gives 40%). You also have Armor:2 against all energy-based attacks.
Energy Overload. You can spend up to 60% Charge to make an energy-based attack. Roll Weapons to attack, and the Weapon rating is 1/10% ( 10% makes Weapon:1). This can also be a zonewide attack as long as you pay more then 30% Charge (Weapon:3 Zonewide) , It can also be range but only as long as you pay 40% ( Weapon:4 Range, maybe Zonewide).
Cellular Augmentation. By infusing the excess energy into your cells you can increase their growth rate, efficiency, and strength by enormus amounts. You can pay to increase any physical abilities (Strength, Speed, Toughness, Recovery) by one step for each payment, you can increase them from, Nothing to Inhuman-40%, Inhuman to Supernatural 70%, Supernatural to Mythic 120%. These abilities purchased only last for the duration of the scene unless canceled.
Dead Battery. You need at least 40% Charge to use this ability, if you have under 40% or 0% then you cannot use any of the abilities except Charging, if this is put on an Item of Power, the IOP won't function.

Teleportation [-3]
You can teleport from one space to another bypassing any attempt to interdict your movement.
Unfettered Movement: This allows you to ignore all penalties and blocks against movement, you can move unfettered in any direction through any barrier only limited by your movement speed (athletics roll). Any one holding on to you when you teleport (say someone grappling you) will be transported with you if they can hold on (beat a might roll vs the athletics moving roll).
[-1] Long Range Teleportation: You can teleport great distances. Outside of combat you can declare you are anywhere regardless of transportation limitations.
[+1] Sight Affirmed Teleportation : Visual barriers count as a barrier against movement with teleportation.

Spectral Light Wings [-2]
You can generate wings of pure light, they work in the same fashion as normal wings but can be created at will.
Also add +2 to your presence rolls against opponents that can be impressed by wings of transcendent white light. (non-supernaturally aware, religious).

Purpose [+1] Requires at least 2 refresh worth of affected Powers
You can only use these powers when you are fulling your specified purpose (such as slaying demons etc) these powers are not available at any other time.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #523 on: June 12, 2012, 01:42:27 AM »
Might call one:

Supernatural Stunts - Stunts that require powers to take.


Offering up power escalation here: (It was inevitable) 8)

There Comes A Time When Even Gods Must Die [-2]
Description:Your divine sanction is on par with the Archangels or perhaps greater.  You have been chosen to stand against the darkness and your attacks are anathema to them. 
Musts: You must possess a poweror powers that already bypass Catches.
Skills Affected: Conviction
Note: While all custom powers are optional, this one is extra-optional. If you don't like it thematically or if you think it encourages an undesirable arms-race mentality (which it does), don't use it.
Effects: A Shining Light In The Darkness: Your attacks that bypass Catches are capable of bypassing Immunities including "There Is No Salvation".
Repellent Conviction: If your conviction is greater than your weapon rating; you may add one stress to all attacks that bypass the Catch.


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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #524 on: June 12, 2012, 02:20:13 AM »
Ha. Ha.

What's the Supernatural Stunt comment referring to?