Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222377 times)

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #390 on: February 24, 2012, 07:45:01 PM »
Agreed totally.  Hunting and Autumn go hand in hand.
Indeed, didn't the Wild Hunt happen on/near Halloween in Dead Beat?
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #391 on: February 24, 2012, 07:57:05 PM »
Alright, I'll add some hunting flavour.

Then I'll write up some Self-Sponsored Magics.

Then I'll toss of all of this onto a separate list and we'll get back to custom powers proper.

That's the plan, anyhow.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #392 on: February 24, 2012, 11:35:25 PM »
Alright, I've got 5 self-sponsored magics here. I'm quite happy with them, as I think that they fill in some missing spots in the rules.

Description: Dragons have their own magic, and it's not the same as the magic of humans. It's stronger and less controlled, more primal and less civilized. It works through control of the basic building blocks of reality: True Names and the elements.
Sponsor: This magic is usually self-sponsored, but sometimes a mortal Emissary to a Dragon will be granted use of it.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda. But when granted to a mortal Emissary, it promotes the acquisition of wealth and power for the Emissary's draconic master.
Evocation: Dragon Magic generally resembles fire when used for evocation, but the use of raw elemental energy associated with air or water is also possible. Dragon Magic spells are often emitted from the mouths of their casters.
Thaumaturgy: Dragon Magic rituals generally make use of True Names or elemental energies. Spells related to one's treasure are common as well.
Evothaum: Dragon Magic may be used to cast rituals with the speed and methods of evocation when the target's True Name is known to the caster.
Extra Benefits: A character with Dragon Magic may use pieces of his treasure in place of traditional foci. A treasure-focus must be an object precious for its material composition or artistic merits, and it may not contain more focus slots than its Resources value. The chief advantage of a treasure-focus is that as long as the creator still owns it, he may use it without having it at hand. This property of Dragon Magic does quite a bit to encourage the traditional draconic propensity for well-defended treasure hordes.

Description: The White Council looks down on Focused Practitioners, but specialization has its merits. Through obsessive devotion to one element, it is possible to acquire abilities that a generalist cannot match.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Pyromancy may be used to cast fire evocations.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Pyromancy may be used to cast rituals that create, make use of, or control fire in some way.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with Superior Pyromancy may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Superior Pyromancy can use his fire power bonus in place of his complexity bonus for rituals that can be cast with Superior Pyromancy.
Note: Powers similar to this one could exist for elements other than fire.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Arthur Langtry, the Merlin, has developed his skill with wards so fully as to stop an army of vampires in the middle of a fight without use of a threshold.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in wards in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Warding does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Warding does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Warding allows its user to cast wards with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with this power may cast wards freely without need for a threshold.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Conjuring is normally a laborious process that creates false-looking objects, but a master can conjure perfectly realistic objects with a simple wave.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in conjuration in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Conjuration does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Conjuration does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Conjuration allows its user to cast conjuration rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: When a character with this power uses Conjuration to create an object, that object is indistinguishable from the real thing unless analysed with magic.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Rashid, the Gatekeeper, is so practiced at worldwalking that navigating the border between worlds is no harder than climbing a staircase for him.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in transportation and worldwalking in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Worldwalking does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Worldwalking does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Worldwalking allows its user to cast transportation and worldwalking rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: You may use Investigation or Lore to find places where the border between Earth and the Nevernever is weak. In addition, you may use your Lore skill instead of your Survival skill while in the Nevernever.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Please criticize.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #393 on: February 25, 2012, 01:46:01 AM »
I plan to do a writeup of several Items of Power from real life mythology, and I noticed you're also going over IoP in this thread as well. Would you like me to post them here instead of a different thread?

Then I'll write up some Self-Sponsored Magics.
I came up with this! /feels special  ;D
Or someone else came up with an identical idea and posted it before I did. /feels stupid  :o

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #394 on: February 25, 2012, 02:55:34 AM »
The Item of Power Master List thread is probably the best place for that. It's on the Resources board.

And I have no idea who originally came up with the self-sponsored magic writeup on the list. Might have been you, might have been someone else.

Makes little difference, though. It's the same idea regardless.

Any comments on the powers? Even something lame like "Super awesome!" or "These are the worst powers ever!" is useful.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #395 on: February 25, 2012, 03:02:05 AM »
The Item of Power Master List thread is probably the best place for that. It's on the Resources board.
Will do!

And I have no idea who originally came up with the self-sponsored magic writeup on the list. Might have been you, might have been someone else.
I could probably find where I posted it, but it doesn't really matter, I was just being silly.

Any comments on the powers? Even something lame like "Super awesome!" or "These are the worst powers ever!" is useful.
I haven't gone through all of them, but some, like the Telekinesis/Telepathy powers and the Anti-Faith powers, just really do not seem to fit the setting at all, and thus I am opposed to them on that principle.

That said, I feel that they should be included anyway, as well the other powers that don't fit the setting,  in case someone just wants to use the system for their own game. (I remember seeing a Jedi template being thrown around once or twice, for example)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #396 on: February 25, 2012, 03:27:26 AM »
I haven't gone through all of them, but some, like the Telekinesis/Telepathy powers and the Anti-Faith powers, just really do not seem to fit the setting at all, and thus I am opposed to them on that principle.

That said, I feel that they should be included anyway, as well the other powers that don't fit the setting,  in case someone just wants to use the system for their own game. (I remember seeing a Jedi template being thrown around once or twice, for example)

I actually just meant about the five self-sponsored magics. But if you critique the whole list, I'll certainly appreciate it.

I agree that we should include powers that don't fit the setting at all. Binding the rules too closely to the setting stifles possibilities.

Offline JayTee

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #397 on: February 25, 2012, 03:48:26 AM »
If you were to place the updated versions on the front page, I could go over all of them. Granted my feedback will be highly limited, as I do not feel totally in-tune with the system.

As for the Self-Sponsored Magics listed, they look pretty cool, although I am curious as to why some of them are priced lower than others.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #398 on: February 25, 2012, 04:01:52 AM »
Front page? Updated versions? What do you mean by that?

The lower-priced ones have the Evocation/Thaumaturgy discounts built in.

Offline JayTee

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #399 on: February 25, 2012, 04:05:28 AM »
First page, sorry. If you were to post the updated powers on the first page of the thread, I could go over them and tell you my opinion of them as a regular player.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #400 on: February 25, 2012, 05:59:33 AM »
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Have you considered co-opting an idea from Unknown Armies and requiring some set behavior to pay off 'sponsor' debt?  Without something, I don't see how debt can / will work for these. 
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #401 on: February 25, 2012, 06:21:07 AM »
Alright, I edited the first post to include the dropbox link.

For self-sponsored magic, the sponsor compels are just ordinary aspect compels. Shouldn't make a difference to balance, since as far as I know sponsor compels are pretty much the same as ordinary compels.

Text of self-sponsored magic:

Self-Sponsored Magic -4, plus or minus additional constraints
You've studied a branch of magic long enough to understand and use it intuitivly without resorting to complex rituals. Pick a magical theme or element as per traditional Sponsored Magic, when casting a spell any Sponsor Debt you gain now act as Compels on your Aspects that you DO NOT gain Fate Points from, likewise you must still pay Fate Points to resist a Compel. A GM may allow you to Self-Compel to pay off a part of your Debt, but you would still not gain any Fate Points (Self-Compels or regular Compels that do not pay off Debt still earn Fate Points normally).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #402 on: February 25, 2012, 11:21:01 PM »
Alright, now to make a separate master list for Sponsored Magics.

If you have any feedback on its contents (and I hope you do) please post it here.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #403 on: February 27, 2012, 03:40:17 AM »
Okay, I've updated the master list again.

Changes are as follows:

-All Sponsored Magic moved to new Sponsored Magic list.

-Alternate spellcasting system powers from way back dug up and added.

-Bound Spiritual Entity updated.

-Reality Warper updated.

-Probability Manipulation updated.

-Hunger Magic added.

-Healing added.

-Aura Of Power added.

-Captivate added.

-Displacement updated.

-Life Is Tasty and Life is delicious added.

-Body Of Stone added.

-Natural Weaponry updated.

-Heat Vampire added.

-Perfected Toughness added.

-Transformation Sequence and Our Powers Combined added.

-Dangerous Aura updated.

Despite the fact that every single Sponsored Magic has been removed, the list's length continues to grow. Current length: 42 and a bit pages, in 12-point Times New Roman.

Link's in the first post.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #404 on: February 27, 2012, 09:59:05 PM »
Yet another update, this one to clear out stuff that I meant to get rid of ages ago.

Changes are as follows:

-Traceing removed. (Tracing is still there.)

-Immaterial Edge removed.

-Conceptual Killer removed.

-Vacuum Air Blade removed.

-Infinity Chain removed.

-Manifest Bloodlust removed.

-Perfected Killing Intent removed.

To-do list:

-Add some options to Long Reach.
-Fix some issues with Hollow.
-Combine the various immortality powers.
-Combine the various teamwork powers.
-Make a "Conceptual Killer" Sponsored Magic.
-Update IoP list with new submissions.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 01:23:19 AM by Sanctaphrax »