Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222558 times)

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2011, 04:51:31 PM »
OK, using the Math! that I show here, here's a comparison of straight up damage values for the two different implementations of multiple appendages:

great base skill, weapon 0, defender has great skill
1 action expected damage: 0.91

Your version:
1 action at +4, 2 actions at +3 (Damage: 1.90)
4 actions at +3 (Damage: 1.98)

My version (total pool 8, max +4):
2 actions at +4 (Damage: 1.82)
4 actions at +2 (Damage: 0.94)


Compared to a hypothetical weapon: 8 for -4 refresh claws.
Expected damage: 5.58


great base skill, weapon 4, defender has great skill
1 action (damage: 3.24)

Your version:
1 action at +4, 2 actions at +3 (Damage: 7.55)
4 actions at +3 (Damage: 8.61)

My version (total pool 8, max +4):
2 actions at +4 (Damage: 6.49)
4 actions at +2 (Damage: 5.09)


Compared to a hypothetical single weapon 12 attack (damage: 7.91)


Will do up the math for the more powerful design space later...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #61 on: May 20, 2011, 01:09:21 AM »
Thank you for this excellent analysis, crusher_bob.

It looks to me as if my approach is reasonable.

This is because the storm of Good attacks will look pretty lame against an Epic defence. And it's not game-breaking against a Good one either.

Thing is, your approach looks even better, mathematically.

But I don't like the way that your approach works best with a two-hit spray. I want to see huge flurries, and I want them to be balanced.

Tall order, I know. Maybe I'm being unreasonable.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2011, 01:25:37 AM »
Alright, rereading Swing For The Fences and Emotional Vampire here.


Alright. Swing For The Fences has a flawed writeup. It's advantages are clearly meant to be balanced out by the defence penalty, but that's written so that it doesn't always apply. I think that's a mistake on Evil Hat's part. (Small one, though. I feel kinda bad about picking on them for it.)

I had previously read Emotional Vampire's "psychological attack" as mere description. But you're right, it should probably be considered a full out attack. I think I'll be enforcing the "touch" part of Feeding Touch rather harshly from now on. Either that, or I can read "inciting the emotion and feeding on it as a single action" in a downright self-deceptive way.

PS: Incite Emotion's writeup says maneuvers at +2 and Lasting Emotion says you can use that trapping to attack. Your reading is totally reasonable, but I think I'll stick with mine.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2011, 02:02:51 AM »
Hitting people with an out of context attack is way too easy in this game.  That's why I don't like the implementation of incite emotion.  I also don't like the various resisted with: (some skill other than athletics) attacks sometimes made with evocation.  It's like saying "My group thought they were badass until I made them use basket-weaving or die. hur, hur hur."  In other implementations of FATE, where, AFAIK, weapon values usually aren't used, an out of context attack is usually just another way of saying, "Do +2 damage."  But in DFRPG, where weapon values are such a big deal, it can be saying "Do +8 damage" instead.

Hero/champions is one of the few games I've seen that mostly gets the cost of out of context attack right.  They generally cost between 2 and 2.5 times as much as a regular attack.

Gravity attacks are in the books AND in the RAW.  That is hardly GM mumbo jumbo.

I really don't like relying on ridiculously high attack roll monsters vs a group with super high defense because on a bad roll, a PC can get hit /hard/.

I am talking about submerged+ campaigns here.  In feet wet campaigns, perhaps only using one style of attack in appropriate.  In higher level campaigns, a GM has to get creative in order to give PCs a challenge that won't instantly take out one member of the party at a time.

I also don't like the various resisted with: (some skill other than athletics) attacks sometimes made with evocation.]I also don't like the various resisted with: (some skill other than athletics) attacks sometimes made with evocation.

But this is exactly why evocation is cool - the creativity that can go into attacks or defenses.  That's like saying you dislike the entire foundation of the DFRPG.  Or is it that it's ok for PCs, but NPCs should all be eternally stupid and randomly swing weapons with no maneuvers or creative attacks at all?

It's like saying "My group thought they were badass until I made them use basket-weaving or die. hur, hur hur."

This is offensive.  I'm not sure why my comment brought out the attitude.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 02:06:34 AM by BumblingBear »
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2011, 02:52:54 AM »
Personally, I like the idea of an attack vs. Might or some other such thing.

The execution, though...

It would feel pretty lousy to invest heavily in Athletics before getting gravity-pounded. Maybe once in a while it'd be fun, I guess. But I'd like it to be possible for a character to be legitmately hard to kill, and letting attacks hit any skill takes away from that.

Also, wizards really don't need extra power. But that's another issue.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2011, 03:05:10 AM »
Personally, I like the idea of an attack vs. Might or some other such thing.

The execution, though...

It would feel pretty lousy to invest heavily in Athletics before getting gravity-pounded. Maybe once in a while it'd be fun, I guess. But I'd like it to be possible for a character to be legitmately hard to kill, and letting attacks hit any skill takes away from that.

Also, wizards really don't need extra power. But that's another issue.

Toughness powers make a PC harder to kill across the board.  In my experience with the system, more stress boxes makes a character much tougher to take out than just adding a point or two to a defense roll.

I hear what you are saying, though. 

It's hard to walk that fine line sometimes between making a character feel powerful and rewarding their power choices.. and providing a challenge.  I think it's hard to do both at the same time unless you have several different types of enemies that all shine against various members of the group.

It's like a RPG skew on rock-paper-scissors. :P
Myself: If I were in her(Murphy's) position, I would have studied my ass off on the supernatural and rigged up special weapons to deal with them.  Murphy on the other hand just plans to overpower bad guys with the angst of her short woman's syndrome and blame all resulting failures on Harry.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2011, 06:10:12 AM »
This is offensive.  I'm not sure why my comment brought out the attitude.

I'll apologize for the wording then.


It turns out that balancing multiple different forms of attack vs multiple different forms of defense is actaully a pretty hard problem.

Where everyone attacks with A, and everyone defends with B, any imbalances are obvious.  And barring that, it gets down to either randomness or whatever interesting tactical maneuvers our system allows us.

But when you have different forms (or contexts) of attack and defense, and semblance of balance can quickly go out the window.  It's still possible to keep things under control with careful system design, but allowing attacks to change context 'for free' (like letting evocation attack different skills) throws balance right out the window.


1 argument against:

All Creatures are Equal before God costs around -3 refresh by itself, and gets you the ability to ignore the toughness powers the other guys has. 

Letting evocation attack other skills lets you ignore defensive powers (for example, you can ignore any amount of bonus defense granted by speed powers), but you don't pay anything extra for it.

Next, as the characters become more powerful, this ability becomes more powerful as well.  When the average (physical) defense is +2, and the average out of context defense is +0, making an out of context attack is around the same as +2 to attack.  But when the average defense is +8 and the average out of context defense is +4, then your ability to change contexts is worth +4.  And if you can pick and choose your context, then you can probably find an even better option, since the skill pyramid explicitly prevents you from being good at everything.


Now, why am I jumping up and down about this sort of thing when it comes to attacks, but am nearly silent about it on the subject of maneuvers?

Because you can (in theory) defend against any maneuver already with the skill of the defenders choice.

Some guy is using investigation to try to have intimate knowledge of your day to day routine or something like that.

All of these defenses might be possible:
(Investigation) I already know all the tricks people watching me might be using.  It's going to be much harder to find stuff about me.

(Resources) My wall of money makes it very hard for you.  Just about anywhere I go, the security guards take their jobs seriously, all the locks are up to date, and so on.  Heck, the people who pick up my garbage are probably paid more that you are, so bribing them to look through my garbage is just not going to work.

(Discipline) When the war started, the White Council sent out this 'how to avoid being ganked' pamphlet.  Sure doing all  that stupid stuff is hard, but as a wizard who does powerful magic all the time, doing stupid little stuff to not die horribly is already something I'm do every day.  These security measures are just another little ritual to add to my already ritual laden day.  And I'm not going to screw them up anymore than I'd break a ritual circle by accident.

(Deceit) I lie so well that presenting untruths is second nature.  You think you are going to find out anything true about me by going trough my garbage?

(Or any other justification you want to come up with)


But wait, you say, that means that players will generally be defending against maneuvers with their best skills!  Of course! they make offensive maneuvers with their best skills too.  So the context of the maneuver is generally going to be negotiable, and probably not that unfair.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2011, 02:06:40 AM »
Rewritten Not Amphibious, but only in order to reformat it. Tell me if it looks off.

Description: You are not able to breathe air.
Musts: You must have the Aquatic power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Endurance
Not Amphibious. You can't survive outside of the water; if at any time you are not submerged you gain a "Suffocating" aspect. This aspect remains until you are once again able to breathe water. So long as you have that aspect, the enviroment makes a Fantastic (+6) physical attack against your Endurance each exchange. Once you concede or are taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop. However, the damage is already done; without medical attention and re-introduction into your necessary environment, you will soon die.

I'll finalize Extra Appendages sometime this weekend, probably by offering both crusher_bob's method and mine as options. At this point, I think that neither is clearly superior.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 05:33:17 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2011, 04:35:12 AM »
Description: You are very very very large. You are at least the size of a house, and at the very largest you stand as tall as a skyscraper.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your size. Almost all characters with this power also have high levels of Strength and Toughness, but it's not actually required. Same goes for Long Reach.
Note: This ability is always in effect unless you can shapeshift.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Stealth, others
Very Easy To Hit, Very Hard To Hurt. You're a pretty big target, giving any attacker +2 to hit you when target size is a factor. But that increase in body mass means that you can soak up more punishment, adding four boxes to the length of your physical stress track.
Everything Is Tiny. You cannot interact meaningfully with any object of any reasonable size. You also cannot enter buildings or other enclosed spaces, with few exceptions. The GM is free to impose arbitrarily large zone borders on you if you try to pass through openings of limited size. However, you get +4 to all attempts to lift or break stuff on top of the bonus from Strength powers. Also, you get +3 to your Athletics when trying to cover distance with your enormous stride.
Big Is Frightening. You get +4 on any Intimidation attempt against a target likely to consider your size an advantage.
Very Easy To Detect Your Stealth is automatically considered to be Terrible -1 (-3) and you can never gain any shifts on a Stealth roll.

Description: You are incredibly, unbelievably, unrealistically large. You are at the very least larger than a skyscraper, and you could be up to city-sized.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your size. Almost all characters with this power also have high levels of Strength and Toughness, but it's not actually required. Same goes for Long Reach, and for Physical Immunity to human-scale weaponry.
Note: This ability is always in effect unless you can shapeshift.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Stealth, others
Nearly Impossible To Miss, Nearly Impossible To Hurt. You're a pretty big target, giving any attacker +5 to hit you when target size is a factor. But that increase in body mass means that you can soak up more punishment, adding ten boxes to the length of your physical stress track.
Everything Is Miniscule. You cannot interact meaningfully with any object of any reasonable size. You also cannot enter buildings or other enclosed spaces, with very few exceptions. The GM is free to impose arbitrarily large zone borders on you if you try to pass through openings of limited size. However, you get +8 to all attempts to lift or break stuff on top of the bonus from Strength powers. Also, you get +6 to your Athletics when trying to cover distance with your enormous stride.
Big Is Terrifying. You get +6 on any Intimidation attempt against a target likely to consider your size an advantage.
Impossible To Ignore Don't even think about Stealth. You are literally visible from miles away.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2011, 05:18:27 AM »
I got tired of thinking about how to modify Breath Weapon, so I decided to make something new.

Description: Your body contains some kind of weapon.
Note: You have to pick one type of weapon (eg. fire breath, metal claws, three-foot tusks) when you take this power.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Natural Weaponry. Your body contains a weapon with a rating of 2. This weapon has a no range, is not capable of spray attacks, benefits from Strength powers, and is wielded with the Fists skill.
Potent Weaponry [-1]. Your natural weapon has a rating of 4.
Defensive Weaponry [-1]. Your natural weapon may be wielded with Weapons and used with the defence trapping of that skill.
Ranged Weaponry [-1]. Your natural weapon has a range of one zone and is capable of spray attacks. It may be wielded with the Fists, Weapons, or Guns skill. It cannot be used with the defence trapping of Weapons.
Long-Range Weaponry [-1]. (Requires Ranged Weaponry) Your natural weapon has a range of three zones.
Area Weaponry [-1]. (Requires Ranged Weaponry) Your natural weapon may be used to make zonewide attacks at a -2 penalty.
Superior Area Weaponry [-1]. (Requires Area Weaponry) You suffer no penalty when making zonewide attacks with your natural weapon.

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #70 on: May 21, 2011, 05:26:47 AM »
Finally, at fantastic skill and weapon 6, vs fantastic defense
For comparison:
1 attack: (damage 4.41)
1 attack with weapon 14: (damage 9.08)

Your version:
1 action at +6, 2 actions at +3 (damage; 6.28)
1 action at +5, 3 actions at +3 (damage 5.79)
1 action at +4, 4 actions at +3 (damage 5.54)
6 actions at +3 (damage 5.62)

My version (total pool 10, max +6)
1 action at +6, 1 action at +4 (damage 6.20)
2 actions at +5 (damage 5.96)
1 action at +4, 2 actions at +3 (damage 3.66)
5 actions at +2 (damage 1.65)


Now, for a look at whether maneuver stacking is unbalanced.


For comparison, equal skills
1 maneuver, base chance: .58
1 maneuver, with +2 (example: incite emotion): 0.86

Great skill:

your version
1 action at +4, 2 actions at +3 (~ 1.41 aspects placed)
4 actions at +3 (~ 1.66 aspects placed)

To mine (total pool 8, max +4):
2 actions at +4 (~ 1.17 aspects placed)
4 actions at +2 (~ 1.04 aspects placed)


And fantastic skill:

Your version:
1 action at +6, 2 actions at +3 (~ 0.867 aspects)
1 action at +5, 3 actions at +3 (~ 0.84 aspects)
1 action at +4, 4 actions at +3 (~ 0.83 aspects)
6 actions at +3 (~ 0.85 aspects)

My version (total pool 10, max +6)
1 action at +6, 1 action at +4 (~ 0.85 aspects)
2 actions at +5 (~ 0.83 aspects)
1 action at +4, 2 actions at +3 (~ 0.54 aspects)
5 actions at +2 (~ 0.32 aspects)


So, at the higher end, not really any more effective that incite emotion, which is only -1.  But make a note to not let characters do things like stack incite emotion with the multiple limb bonus, or like an anime into which tentacle monsters have been introduced, things will quickly get out of hand.


So it looks like your version of the power is probably closer to being worth -4, though the math of my solution is more elegant.  Hmpf.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #71 on: May 21, 2011, 05:32:32 AM »
I'm quite happy with all of these except where grappling is concerned. They need work there.

Description: Your body isn't solid the way one would expect. It's made of either a stretchy, rubberlike substance or an out and out liquid.
Skills Affected: Might
No Hole Too Small. You can squeeze underneath a door if need be. You may ignore all barriers that aren't sealed.
Difficult To Grab. Your body isn't easy to hold. You get +2 to all attempts to avoid or escape a grapple.
No Internal Anatomy [-1]. You don't have the easily damaged organs that most people rely on. You have armour 2 against all attacks that rely on precision or piercing damage.
Living Rope [-1]. You can literally wrap your body around someone. It's quite helpful when wrestling. You get +1 to all rolls made to grapple or escape a grapple.

Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity, or maybe it's something else along those lines.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This power works against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1].This power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

Description: Standing near you is dangerous.
Dangerous Aura. This power makes a Fair physical attack against Endurance (or Athletics, as decided when this power is taken) at weapon 0 against each character in your zone each turn. This power can be turned off and does not affect the user.
Extra-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Great attacks.
Super-Dangerous Aura [-1]. (Requires Extra-Dangerous Aura) This power makes Fantastic attacks.
Hyper-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power attacks at weapon 2.
Mental Aura [-1]. This power inflicts mental stress and is resisted with Discipline.
Large Aura [-1]. This power affects everyone within one zone.
Vast Aura [-1]. (Requires Large Aura) This power affects everyone within three zones.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 02:21:13 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #72 on: May 21, 2011, 05:39:35 AM »
Alright, I think crusher_bob has shown that the power more or less works either way. So Extra Appendages will ultimately be a compromise of sorts mechanically.

Description: You have very long arms or some other advantage that lets you punch someone from the other side of a room.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons
Long Reach. Your unarmed and melee weapon attacks, maneuvers, blocks, and grapples have a range of one zone.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #73 on: May 21, 2011, 05:56:36 AM »
Semi-final draft of Extra Appendages. Hope it works for everyone.

I'm thinking of tacking a restriction onto Excellent Coordination, in order to balance it against Superb Coordination. (Because it's more powerful as-is.) This restriction would force the user to divide their spray attack evenly or as close to evenly as possible.


Oh, and one other thing: I think that this is it for Creature Features.

Description: You have some extra arms (or other limbs) which make you pretty darn good at multasking in combat.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Multiple Targets. You may make spray attacks with anything, within reason.
Mix And Match. You may use multiple different weapons in a single spray attack. Use the lowest applicable skill. You may also make attack-like (offensive, not navel gazing) maneuvers as part of a spray attack.
Flurry Of Blows [-1]. You may direct multiple attacks (or maneuvers) within a single spray at one character.
Excellent Coordination [-1]. For each purchase of this trapping, add 1 to the accuracy of each attack or maneuver within spray attacks that you make. This cannot increase accuracy beyond the number of shifts that you had to split up between attacks in the first place. This trapping may be purchased up to twice and is mutually exclusive with Superb Coordination.
Superb Coordination [-1]. For each purchase of this trapping, add 2 to the total pool of shifts that you may divide among attacks and maneuvers when making a spray attack. You may not apply more shifts to any one attack or maneuver than you had to split up before the bonus from this trapping. This trapping may be purchased up to twice and is mutually exclusive with Excellent Coordination.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #74 on: May 23, 2011, 04:33:21 AM »
New powers. I'll add them to the list later.

But first, I intend to write up the Item Of Power section with decent formatting.

No Matter The Strength [-2]

The Might bonus from strength powers and the Athletics bonus from speed powers do not aid characters in escaping your grapples.

No Matter The Power [-2] (Requires No Matter The Strength)

Your grapples automatically satisfy the catch for all toughness powers other than Physical Immunity.

Conceptual Killer:
[-2] Description: You can kill anything no matter what it is even if it does not have a body
For a fate point you can attack anything with weapons, this can be a song, a disease, a concept or even a memory. The more entrenched a concept the harder it is to kill.

Vacuum Air Blade [-1]
Your speed with the blade is so fast you can create a current of wind to hit your enemy in the distance
Description: When wielding a sword you now have a range of up to three zones 

Infinity Chain - [- 2]?
Description:You carry a weapon with a range only limited by your perception
Your attacks have a range of your alertness (someone with good alertness has an effective range of three zones)

Manifest Bloodlust [-0]: +1 to attacks on an opponent you have already hit, free recovery after a kill one time a scene, feeding Dependency: so a Discipline Hunger track etc

Perfected Killing Intent (require manifest bloodlust) [-1] you can boost your swordsmanship by surrendering to your killing intent. 
Re-skinned Holy Guardian except instead of using mental stress you use your hunger stress track all other rules apply.

Scarlet Sword Form [-2] - You burn your life force to push your body to its true potential, this causes a real change in a person anatomy as their muscles bulge and blood fills their eyes turning them scarlet.

You must take a minor consequence or higher (if the slot is filled) to activate the warp spasm in which your Weapons Roll is increased by 2 and gives you access to the powers below. 

Crimson Blade (requires Scarlet Sword Form) [-3]: You project life energy into your sword this manifests as a red energy surrounding the blade allowing the blade to parry anything and increasing its weapons rating by your conviction. 

Scarlet Wave [-1] Requires Crimson Blade, you can attack everyone in an area with your sword by reducing its weapon rating by 2.  This manifests as a line of red energy forming out of the end of your blade.

Curved Cut [-1] Requires Crimson Blade: You can curve your attack so that they do not come from where they appear to come from this allows you to make ambush an opponent with your weapons attack for a fate point. 

Minor Magic [-1]

Magical talent is primarily gained through maternal bonds, but what about the paternal bonds? In some people whose fathers have gross magical talent, a faint spark of magic appears.
Minor Rituals: You can use rituals with 5 shifts or less of effect
Minor Evocation: You can create evocations from any element of 1 shift or less

The Mist Control[-2]
You can control and create mist

Obscure: With a moment of concentration, you may draw or create a large amount of mist into an area obsuring the vision of everyone but you. This counts as a zone wide block at discipline +2 against perception which is not necessarily pierced when discovered. The block last until it's summoner banishes it or it is dispersed (by magic or a very big fan etc).

Decieve [-1]: Perception is warped in the mist friends can see enemies where friends should be and many an army have torn itself a part under its thick blanket, you can make manouvres at discipline +2 on anyone in your mist.

Nightmare (requires Decieve)  [-2]: Those in your mist may see monsters and horrors floating in the mist that may scar them for life, you can make mental attacks on anyone in the mist at discipline +2.

No way out [-1]: Once you have entered the mist it is nearly impossible to leave, attempts to leave the mist are blocked at discipline +2 this is part of the main block on perception.

Deep Mists [-1]: Your mist can cover up too three zones

Spiritual Disruption [-2] Your attacks satisfy the catch of Ghost, also If you succeed in hitting a spirit as well as dealing normal stress you also inflict the aspect 'extreme pain'.

Reality Warper [-2]
You are able to shape reality to your whim, as if the entire world was simply a dream of yours.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations and maneuvers related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon: 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.

Description: You don't need tools to make things. Your magical powers/your communion with the small gods of the world/the toolkit implanted in your stomach/something else will suffice.
Skills Affected: Craftsmanship
Magical Workshop. You are always considered to have access to a workshop with a rating equal to your Craftsmanship skill.
Magical Worksite [-2]. Your workshop expands in scale, allowing you to handle the construction of entire buildings single-handedly. You are always considered to have the assistance of a full team of workers with all appropriate tools and machinery when attempting to build or repair stuff.

[-3] There Is No Salvation

There are many powers in the world that make it their business to level the playing field and give inferior creatures a "fair" chance by rewarding their inferiority.
Sometimes though, rejoice, despair, Fate does not care. This is where you come in; removing all external crutches you put all creatures in their rightful place in the world.
Effect: Pay a Fate point. For the duration of the scene, only your actual catch can negate your toughness and recovery powers.

Description: Your eyes aren't in your skull: instead, they fly around under your psychic control.
Note: Taking this power means that you don't have normal eyes.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Lore, (Discipline)
Faraway Eyes. Your eyes can move around independently of you, although they must stay roughly within a mile of your main body. You can see through them, making appropriate skill checks as normal. They do not have access to any of your powers (except for appropriate Supernatural Senses) but they act as though they had Wings and Diminutive Size. Their skills are equal to your skills. They cannot attack or maneuver. It requires a supplemental action to direct them. If they are damaged, you take the damage in the form of mental stress.
Eyes Above Me. You get +2 to your Alertness skill and to the perception trapping of Lore when both of your eyes are nearby. However, you take a -2 penalty to those rolls when both of your eyes are away from you. Also, you are blind when your eyes are not present.
Power Channel [-1]. Pick one of your other powers. Your eyes have access to that power. If that power requires you to take an action, then you must take an action in order to have your eyes use it.