Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222352 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #945 on: June 01, 2013, 05:10:16 AM »
Hunger Magic [-1]
Description: You can channel the life force you've stolen to sate your hunger in order to bolster your spells.
Musts: Feeding Dependency, Some sort of Spellcasting
Skills Affected: None
Reach Into the Well. You may invoke one spellcasting related aspect for the cost of two hunger stress without paying a fate point.
Deeper Reserves. Since you've learned to use stolen life force for other purposes, you've also had to expand your capacity to store it. You gain one mild hunger consequence.

Life is Tasty: -1
Musts: one of the vampiric feeding powers
This power grants you the effects of supernatural recovery when using the "taste of death". At all other times you are considered to have your normal rate of recovery.

Life is delicious: -1
Must: life is tasty
With each additional life you take per scene you can clear your physical stress strack. The standard once per scene for the full taste of death recovery still applies.

Description: Some or all of your powers come from eating something. Probably something weird.
Skills Affected: Discipline.
Restricted Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other power that you possess. You must also choose a thing and an amount of that thing that you must consume in order to use those powers. Which powers and foods may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. This power provides a variable Refresh rebate depending on how much power is selected with it. If 2 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +1. If 6 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +2. If 10 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +3. And so on. The above values assume that the food is rare or morally objectionable, like significant amounts of human blood or huge piles of cash. If the food is acquired easily and without guilt, or only with extreme measures, add or subtract an appropriate amount from the Refresh total used to calculate the rebate. If more Refresh is attached to this power than is required for the rebate received, this power provides a free mild hunger consequence for every two additional Refresh or part thereof.
Feeding. You are capable of consuming whatever your food is. Furthermore, when you do so, you may remove any hunger consequences that you possess and recover any powers that you lost to your hunger. If you consume an insufficient amount of your food, you may receive partial benefits at the GM's discretion.
Limited Reserves. At the end of any scene in which you use one or more of your restricted powers, you must roll your Discipline skill against a number equal to the combined Refresh value of the restricted powers that you used. If you fail this roll, you must take consequences or sacrifice restricted powers with a total Refresh value and/or stress value equal to or greater than the amount that you failed by. If you do not or can not, you are taken out. This usually means that you die, get incapacitated, or go mad with hunger, but other fates are also possible depending on the character and the situation.

Adjustments for easy or difficult foods:

-4 Really easy stuff like an ordinary battery, small downtime requirements like a few hours of sunlight
-3 Weird but easy stuff like a hundred pounds of food
-2 Expensive or otherwise inconvenient stuff like 100-year-old paintings, large amounts of downtime like sleeping for a week straight
-1 Stuff that requires some work like a day-long ceremony involving 33 people.
0 Stuff with consequences like enough blood to make a victim pass out, massive downtime like spending months in prayer
+1 Stuff that requires special circumstances like vampire blood
+2 Plot-relevant stuff like a ritualistic human sacrifice, ridiculous downtime like meditating for a decade
+3 Stuff that pretty much requires a quest like an angel's feather
+4 Something nearly impossible like a planet

Magic Siphoning Punch [-1]
Your punch's (physical attacks) drain the magic out of an opponent (do mental stress) to opponents with a magic power (sponsored magic or evocation).  Enemies taken out by your punches have their magic stolen from them permanently when this happens you a free recovery period.

Offline S1C0

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #946 on: June 01, 2013, 07:39:04 AM »
At Sanctaphrax

Any thoughts about space based powers

any type would do a variety would be epic.

please and thank you.
Vae Victus

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #947 on: June 01, 2013, 07:53:40 AM »
Depends what you mean by safe based, doesn't it?

Just off the top of my head it can probably be modeled with Supernatural Senses and Incite Effect whatever you have in mind though.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #948 on: June 01, 2013, 08:06:33 AM »
Teleportation, Incite Effect, Long Reach, and Displacement can all be used to model some kind of spatial manipulation.

And of course there's the Space Manipulation Sponsored Magic.

But yeah, it depends what you mean by space based.

Offline S1C0

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #949 on: June 01, 2013, 09:32:10 PM »
At Sanctaphrax

Sorry for the confusion I Am about to go to the moon for a mission to stop nazi loup garou

From starting the first planet war i needed powers that were special for Outer space only stuff
Vae Victus

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #950 on: June 02, 2013, 05:36:58 AM »
Some kind of Wings variant would be handy for getting around in space. No Metabolism would also be handy because breathing is kind of hard in space.

Telepathy, Pack Instincts, or knowing sign language might also be worthwhile since there's no sound in space.

Wearing a space suit would be about as good as all of that, though.

You could also try taking an "only in space" Limitation on a Power or two...but if you'll be picking these up as temporary Powers for a space adventure then that Limitation will never come up and so it'll provide no rebate.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #951 on: July 08, 2013, 02:30:50 PM »
Centuries of Experience
Cost: -1 refresh, must have high concept related to longevity, skill points
You get two experience points per scene.
You may leave a number of skill points unspent.  These unspent skill points become a pool of Experience Points, available each session.  Your skills must still follow a pyramid. 
Before any skill roll, you may instead to choose to expend a number of experience points and use that value instead. You may not spend more experience points than your campaign's skill cap+2 on a single roll.
Example: Spending 6 experience points would mean you rolled as if your skill were Fantastic, instead of whatever its actual value is.  You may not spend more experience points than your campaign's skill cap+2 on a single roll.
The experience points from unspent skills are replenished at your next refresh.

Versatile Experience
Cost: -1 refresh, requires Centuries of Experience
You gain 2 additional experience points per scene.  This may be purchased multiple times.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #952 on: July 31, 2013, 07:56:21 PM »
Are the experience points refreshed per Refresh or per scene? Or is that an intentional difference between the two?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #953 on: July 31, 2013, 11:32:24 PM »
The basic 2 and the 2 from each purchase of Versatile Experience refresh each scene. The points from unspent skill points refresh when Fate Points do.

At least, that's how I understand it.

Offline Taran

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #954 on: August 30, 2013, 01:35:11 AM »
Having made a character with this power and having spoken with sactaphrax I'd like to clarify some questions

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Can you teleport other willing subjects?  Can you teleport unwilling targets?

I'm not fond of how this power interacts with a grapple either.

My suggestions:
- I think a grapple should interfere with the teleport.  If they fail to beat the grapple, they shouldn't still teleport.  They should stay put.  I think it's bonus enough to allow a sprint action or supplemental move while in a grapple since that's normally not allowed. 

- Maybe teleporting one other person should be an upgrade.  I'm not sure that's worth a refresh though. Thoughts?

- Teleporting a group should be an upgrade.  One extra person for each rank in althletics (including the bonus from Rapid Teleportation)

Anyways, just putting it out there for people to pick at...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #955 on: August 30, 2013, 05:27:01 AM »
Can you teleport other willing subjects?  Can you teleport unwilling targets?

The answers by the RAW are clearly maybe. But I think the answers should be yes and sometimes.

Teleporting with allies is a neat trick and could be useful in a wide variety of situations, but I can't see it breaking any games. So if someone already has a fairly pricey Power like Teleportation, I'm inclined to let them do it.

I'd probably let people teleport with as many allies as they can carry. Maybe let them take one person even if they can't lift them, or maybe not.

As for enemies, I'd probably let you teleport with an enemy if you've grappled them. Probably with an extra restriction to prevent people from teleporting enemies into the sky and dropping them to kill them instantly.

I'm not fond of how this power interacts with a grapple either.

My suggestions:
- I think a grapple should interfere with the teleport.  If they fail to beat the grapple, they shouldn't still teleport.  They should stay put.  I think it's bonus enough to allow a sprint action or supplemental move while in a grapple since that's normally not allowed.

That could work.

But what's wrong with the way it works right now?

Offline Taran

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #956 on: August 30, 2013, 01:04:35 PM »
#the grappling
It just seems that even if the grappler has the upper hand he's at a disadvantage even when he succeeds.  And it's a good way to weaponize the power. My first thought was to pair this ability with Physical Immunity Falling Damage and teleport people in the air.

Offline bobjob

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #957 on: August 30, 2013, 02:41:08 PM »
#the grappling
It just seems that even if the grappler has the upper hand he's at a disadvantage even when he succeeds.  And it's a good way to weaponize the power. My first thought was to pair this ability with Physical Immunity Falling Damage and teleport people in the air.

How would you adjudicate damage from teleporting someone into the air? How do they defend?

I don't have the book with me right now, but is falling damage covered in RAW?
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #958 on: August 30, 2013, 04:55:54 PM »
Falling damage is covered in Raw.  It's 5 stress for every 10 feet of falling.  Your athletics result gives you armour against the damage.  I'd probably just say that every zone up = another level of falling damage.

The way it stands now is if the teleporter is grappled he can teleport away.  If he succeeds, he's free and if he fails the grappler goes with him - wherever the teleporter wants.  So imagine a teleporter with the aquatic power teleporting the grappler under water or Fire immunity into lava etc...  Or even teleporting the grappler into a zone surrounded by allies.  There's no advantage for the grappler IMO.  Granted, except for the last, all those examples are situational.  At the very least, it should be grapplers choice to teleport with the opponent or prevent them from escaping.

I'd just say that if the grappler succeeds the teleporter is still trapped, if the grappler fails, the teleporter can do a sprint action.  Maybe I'm just being paranoid about it being abused :P

Offline bobjob

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #959 on: August 30, 2013, 04:59:59 PM »
I'd just say that if the grappler succeeds the teleporter is still trapped, if the grappler fails, the teleporter can do a sprint action.  Maybe I'm just being paranoid about it being abused :P

Same for me. Like I said, I've been in several games where powers like that were abused by teleporting people hundreds of feet in the air and then letting them fall to their death, which has sadly jaded me enough that I'm like "NOT AS AN ATTACK" right off the bat. Hell, one of my big bad guys in Mutants and Masterminds was dealt a fatal blow that way. Like, second round.

*Update* Of course, this was after our Canonball analog flew out of the sun (like a freaking hawk), right through the bad guy and into a building completely demolishing it. The bad guy was a futuristic sentinel based on Nimrod with the ability to sense and analyze mutant capabilities and adapt his powers to defeat them. So for Canonball, he went insubstantial with the ability to boost speed on touch. Canonball hit him at like mach 1... and had his speed boosted 10 times while heading in a downward angle about 150 feet in the air. After he woke up in the sewer after going through multiple floors of this building he was not happy with me :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 05:06:09 PM by bobjob »
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby