Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222585 times)

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2011, 04:35:23 AM »
Sponsored Channeling [-2]
Like sponsored magic, but only for evocation effects that fit the sponsor's theme.  It allows you to use your sponsored powers to bypass Toughness (as normal) and to go into debt by invoking an aspect without spending a Fate point.
Cost one less refresh if character already has evocation.  Note that (if the sponsor agrees) this can be improved to the regular form of Sponsored Magic for [-2] (or the regular cost of Sponsored Magic - whichever is less).

Sponsored Ritual [-2]
Like sponsored magic, but only for thaumaturgy effects that fit the sponsor's theme.  If applicable it allows you to use your sponsored powers to bypass Toughness (as normal) and to go into debt by invoking an aspect without spending a Fate point.  It does not allow you to cast thaumaturgy effects at evocation speeds.
Cost one less refresh if character already has thaumaturgy.  Note that (if the sponsor agrees) this can be improved to the regular form of Sponsored Magic for [-2] (or the regular cost of Sponsored Magic - whichever is less).

Sponsored Channeling and Sponsored Ritual cannot be bought together - doing so give you the  regular form of Sponsored Magic (which is better than these two combined).

These are the poor man's version of sponsored magic.  They aren't much different than taking either Channeling or Ritual - you are basically trading the ability to go into debt for a wider range of power than most forms of Channeling or Ritual allow.  It's also a way to explain minor talents - Joe the Untrained never have had a teacher for the magical arts, but he made a deal with Blah and this was the best he could bargain for.

I see these powers mainly used for NPC hangers on - the big dudes get full sponsored magic while the small fry get one of these powers.  It also provides a form of sponsored magic to characters who could normally only afford Channeling or Ritual.



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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #91 on: May 27, 2011, 04:42:01 AM »
We use the above in our game already.

They work fine.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #92 on: May 28, 2011, 12:13:40 AM »
Looks good. Onto the list they go.

Hm. I should get started on the Item Of Power list.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #93 on: May 28, 2011, 05:10:30 AM »
Description: A small clay oil lamp. The great philosopher Diogenes carried it during the day in his constant search for an honest man. Whether he gave it its powers or simply used them is an open question.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
[-0] Purpose. The Lamp of Diogenes was created to aid in the search for a truly honest person. Its magical powers will not function if its owner abandons that search or is themself dishonest.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Lamp of Diogenes is a lamp. If you light it, you get light.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Lamp of Diogenes is small and easily concealed.
[-1] Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes grants insight into the natures of men.
[-2] Enhanced Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes makes its owner better able to withstand the results of a Soulgaze. What's more, it increases the impact of seeing its owner's soul greatly. Add two to your Conviction skill and two to your Discipline skill when using those skills in a Soulgaze.
[-1] Searching For An Honest Man. The Lamp of Diogenes makes people's emotions obvious so as to aid its owner's search for an honest man. Add two to your Empathy skill when using it to read people.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:33:07 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #94 on: May 29, 2011, 05:39:08 AM »
Description: A carved wooden false eye, worn smooth, with a twisted grain running throughout. This eye was carved from a used gallows tree, upon which a character's trusted captain had been hung. Now, that character wears the eye as a macabre memorial... and to make use of the spirit-sight it grants.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. A false eye. Thus, in order to make use of the Gallows Eye, a character must lose an eye and place the Gallows Eye in its stead. The eye does not grant standard binocular vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Gallows Eye cannot be destroyed save by the use of a necromantic ritual similar to a ghost-binding or the Darkhallow. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Gallows Eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Gallows Eye brings the user close to the world of the dead, allowing him to see and interact with ghosts.
[-1] The Sight. Although The Gallows Eye doesn't work like a normal eye, you can see through it. The metaphorical images seen by the user when doing so will tend towards the deathly.
[-1] Spirit Sensitivity. The Gallows Eye makes it easier to see the spooky side of the world. Add two to your Lore skill when using it as a substitute for Alertness or Investigation on top of the bonus from The Sight.
[-1] Psychometry. If you stare at something through The Gallows Eye, you might see more than you want to.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #95 on: May 29, 2011, 05:59:02 AM »
Description: The sword wielded by George Washington during the American Revolution has been instilled with the power of freedom and the American Dream.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Revolution may only be wielded in support of the cause of freedom. If the wielder deprives another of free will or acts to deny the fundamental equality of all beings, then the sword will immediately fall out of the wielder's hand.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A very well made hangar-type sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Revolution is not easy to conceal, because it's a full-sized sword.
[-2] Let Freedom Ring. The wielder may draw the sword from its sheath to create a sound like a ringing bell clearly and audibly in an area including its current zone and all adjacent zones. The radius may be doubled for each point of mental stress the wielder takes when drawing the sword. Those within the affected area are protected from mind-clouding supernatural effects by a block based on an Intimidation roll made by the wielder. This same roll is used as a maneuver against any non-corporeal entities to startle them and drive them off.
[-1] True Aim. When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Sword of the Revolution grants a +1 bonus to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-3] All Creatures Are Created Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Sword of the Revolution may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point - particularly handy when facing ultra-tough Denarians or true dragons. Whatever abilities a creature may have, the job of the Sword of the Revolution is creating a mostly even playing field – or something very much like it – between mortal and monster.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2011, 06:17:27 AM »
Description: A magical cloak woven by Mother Winter. It grants a miniscule fraction of her limitless power to its wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Endurance, Discipline, Deceit
[-0] Purpose. The Cloak was made to serve the cause of Winter. It will not function except for those who are loyal to the Unseelie Court.
[-0] It Is What It Is. As named, it is a heavy, floor length cloak woven of a thread so deep blue as to be practically identical to the night sky. When worn by its owner under the stars, they are reflected in its threads as if it was a mirror. The interior is lined with pure white fur from what seems to be a polar bear, which never stains.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Cloak cannot be destroyed except through a ritual dedicating it to Summer in the presence of the Summer wellspring or the will of its weaver Mother Winter.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Cloak is rather obvious, partly because of its resemblance to the night sky.
[-2] Faerie Glamours. The wearer of the cloak may use the Glamours power. Of note, when the power of Winter or any other true magic is used, any Seemings will vanish, revealing the cloak and wearer for what they are, and cannot be reapplied for the remainder of the scene, though veils made with this power will still work.
[-2] Winter's Blessing. The fabric of Mother Winter provides protection exceeding that of mundane steel. The owner of the cloak is granted Inhuman Toughness.
[+1] The Catch (Seelie Magic). The power of Summer burns away that of Winter, penentrating the Cloak's protection.
[-1] Flight. The owner of the cloak is granted the Wings power, as the cloak billows out and transforms into 30-foot wide wings that are white on top and black below. This may not be disguised by a Seeming, though the wearer may still be Veiled.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2011, 08:48:43 PM »
Description: The Sealskin Selkie Robe is an Item Of Power very similar to those used by hexenwolves. However, it transforms you into a seal instead of a wolf.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Athletics, Discipline, Others
[-0] It Is What It Is. This is a fur robe, made from the complete skin of an adult harbor seal.  Watch out for PETA.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sealskin Selkie Robe is the skin of an actual seal. Very conspicous.
[-1] Echoes of the Beast. The Sealskin Selkie Robe gives its wearer access to some of the natural abilities of a seal. It gives a +1 bonus to hearing-based skill checks, allows the user to see in the dark, and allows rudimentary communication with aquatic life.
[-1] Beast Change. As aforementioned, the Sealskin Selkie Robe lets you turn into a seal.
[+1] Human Form. When the wearer is in seal form, the robe also grants access to the following powers:
[-1] Aquatic. Seals can't actually breathe underwater, but they might as well be able to.
[-1] Demonic Co-Pilot. The Co-pilot is an animal spirit, not a demon of rage or hunger. However, it creates a link to the wearer; if another possess the robe, it functions as a potent material link to her, as strong as her True Name and thus can be used to bind her.  Loaning the robe to someone else bonds the spirit to them. 

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2011, 10:01:34 PM »
Took a bit of artistic license with this one.

Description: A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye. The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Social and perception skills.
[-0] Purpose. This ring was made to serve Anubis. It provides no magical benefit unless its user does exactly that.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. No real practical applications.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A small ring like this one is easily concealed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Emissary of Anubis holds dominion over dead things.
[-1] Marked By Power (Anubis). This ring makes it clear that the wearer is a servant of the god Anubis.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2011, 11:33:33 PM »
Description: A hat made out of shiny tinfoil. The perfect thing to keep out government mind-control beams.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
[-0] Purpose. This item was built to protect people from dangers that don't exist. It will not function for anyone who isn't truly paranoid.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a hat made out of tinfoil. It's shiny and it makes you look like a loon.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Tinfoil Hat is shiny and very obvious.
[-8] Mental Immunity. No form of magical mind control can penentrate the Tinfoil Hat.
[+5] The Catch (Only against mind control magic). But other mental attacks ignore it completely.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #100 on: May 31, 2011, 02:44:37 AM »
Changed the name on this one. I wrote it originally, so I feel pretty confident in my right to do so.

Description: An ancient Roman flagrum. In other words, a heavy leather whip weighted with small balls of lead. It was used to whip Jesus Christ before his execution, and as a result it has acquired a great deal of magical power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Crucifixion Whip's powers come from the White God. It is only magical when used by a Christian. The bearer doesn't have to live up to any moral standard, though: this item was once used by the Spanish Inquisition.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a heavy whip. Weapon 1 when the Touch Of Agony power is not in use.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Whips are conspicous things.
[-1] Holy. As one might expect from an item that draws its power from the blood of Christ, the Crucifixion Whip is holy. Its touch is like that of holy water.
[-4] Touch Of Agony. This item is an instrument of torture, and its powers reflect that. Anyone struck by the whip suffers intense agony, like that suffered by Jesus on the cross. The Crucifixion Whip is weapon 4, is wielded with Weapons, and attacks the mental stress track. It may also be used to make Weapons maneuvers based around the infliction of pain at a +2 bonus.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #101 on: June 03, 2011, 07:55:18 AM »
But I either don't agree with or don't understand your second issue. It seems that there are two possible problems here:

1. You're concerned about the setting's consistency.
2. You feel that the existance of this power is unfair to Pure Mortals.

Now, just because something's on this list doesn't mean anyone has to use it. I personally I like the idea of technomancy, so I might give Noob Security Systems a try. While I understand that it's out of place in the default Dresden game, I feel that it'll be useful to enough games that it's worth putting on the list.

Partially both.   How does it bypass the passive hexing rules?  I tend to play Pure mortals, so there's likely a bias there.  Technology is pretty much the one "edge" pure mortals have.  The setting (as it's written in the rules and books) also points quite strongly to technology and magic being very seperate.

You may certinly see differently, and want to have technomancers in your game (I Admit to loving the concept a bit myself) so I can see it's inclusion on a list of "possible powers" such as this.

I actually play one of two characters in a game (Twins) where one of them is tech gifted, and the other magically gifted.  My character is constantly trying to both codify the "hexing effect" and circumvent it / protect against it, as well as trying to duplicate magical effects using technology.  The brother (played by a friend) is jealous of "tech boom" and is constantly trying to duplicate technology using magic.  neverminding the fun with the dichotomy.. the inter charater roleplay is Hysterical. 
For me.. giving mages access to technology takes away one of their major disadvantages, and reduces the value of a "pure mortal" in many games (plus it squashes my entire concept)

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #102 on: June 03, 2011, 02:34:53 PM »
Why's Touch of Agony (-4)?  It looks like incite emotion with the lasting and potent add ons (and with the rules reading that the attack trapping doesn't get the +2 bonus), but what's the other point for?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #103 on: June 03, 2011, 09:46:38 PM »
Touch of Agony includes a stunt moving Incite Emotion to Weapons.

As for magic vs tech:

The only people who need to worry about hexing are mortal spellcasters. Non-spellcasting magic doesn't hex unless it specifically says so.

Anyway, sounds like a fun pair of characters. Powers like Noob Security Systems would certainly screw up that dynamic.

It occurs to me that this list needs a disclaimer.

PS: I'm probably going to drop The Shifting Destiny IoP from the list. It's just too much of a hassle for me.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #104 on: June 07, 2011, 02:45:25 AM »
Description: Thor's hammer. Enough said.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. If the wielder is not worthy, Mjolnir becomes too heavy to lift.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 3 hammer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big hammer. Not easy to hide.
[-1] Never Far From Reach. Mjolnir can be thrown as a weapon up to 2 zones away (instead of the standard 1). Upon striking or missing, it returns to its owner's hand on the following exchange. This ability only works when the hammer is thrown. If the hammer caught, stuck, or taken from the bearer the hammer will not magically return.
[-1] True Aim. Mjolnir is a superlative weapon. So long as its bearer is worthy, it provides a +1 bonus to all Weapons rolls.
[-3] The Bigger They Come... Even the World Serpent must fear the impact of Mjolnir. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armour for a scene.