Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 217030 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #645 on: August 13, 2012, 01:01:40 AM »
Logically, though, if they have a Sponsor, they *aren't* a Pure Mortal anymore

Whether someone counts as mortal is not clearly defined and as such you cannot draw such a conclusion with confidence.

I would prefer that sponsorship be available through the base rules. But since it isn't, a -0
Power is the way to go.

(Letting mortals take some -0 Powers is a decent houserule anyway.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #646 on: August 13, 2012, 01:18:13 AM »
I'm not certain we were discussing Flurry specifically - it's why I clarified my statement to:If Flurry can only use the two "Enhanced" attack modifiers it looks more like it's in the 'why bother' category.  If I have interpreted correctly, it's probably never going to be worth giving yourself a mental consequence to hit for one extra physical stress in an exchange. 

On the other hand, if you can add Holy Strike you do 7 extra stress at a cost of 8 mental.  Add Piercing Attack and you're doing 12 extra stress (assuming everyone has Armor:1 it's 17 more if you make it Armor:2) for a cost of 11 mental stress.  Add Whirlwind Attack and you'll do that 12 or 17 extra physical stress to everyone in the zone for 14 mental stress.  Do note, that's extra stress - a Claws opponent is doing 3-5 per exchange depending on armor.  Ms Flurry is doing that 3-5 plus the listed extra.

So it goes from worthless to near take out to OMG you wiped a zone!

Which is why I'll repeat:  Multiple effective actions in one turn is overpowered.

Edit:  Also have to say the +X mental stress cost seems overly complex.  I used a spreadsheet to calculate the numbers above.  Not going to pull up Calc in a game.   :-\

The idea is that the actions are only slightly effective.

I don't think it's very's just addition. Count costs, add. Why would you need calc?

Wiping a zone for that cost seems fair to me.

After all, you can do that with Ritual too.

I'd be up for a test fight sometime.  I'm just not sure how such things work over the internet.   Never done it. 

My schedule is odd, but I could work something out.

I enjoy being proved wrong when I'm a pessimist. 

Tell you what, I'll start a thread on the PbP board sometime later today or tomorrow. We'll work it out there.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #647 on: August 13, 2012, 02:56:25 AM »
I don't think it's very's just addition. Count costs, add. Why would you need calc?
To check different scenarios quickly.

Wiping a zone for that cost seems fair to me.

After all, you can do that with Ritual too.
So you want to make evoc the same as thaumaturgy?
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #648 on: August 13, 2012, 09:20:41 PM »
So you want to make evoc the same as thaumaturgy?

Well, that was stupid of me.

I meant Channeling.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #649 on: August 14, 2012, 06:10:31 AM »
My silly mistakes aside...

I'm hoping to update the list within a day or so. I'm leaving for a vacation in Switzerland soon, and my internet access will be curtailed there.

So, here's the plan.

I'm going to add:

LIMITATION [+varies]
Description: Your abilities are limited in some way.
Note: Suffering from the negative consequences of taking this Power will often, but not always, be a Compel. If the importance of this Power changes during play, it might be necessary to change its cost or compensate with Compels.
Skills Affected: None.
Limited Powers. Attach this Power to at least one other Power that you possess. Then, select a circumstance. Whenever that circumstance applies, you are treated as though you did not possess the attached abilities.
Rebate. This Power reduces the Refresh cost of the attached Powers. The percentage that the cost is reduced by depends upon how commonly the limitation on your Powers will cause problems for you.
  • If it will matter rarely (perhaps once every 6 sessions or so), reduce the cost by one-sixth.
  • If it will cause problems from time to time (in some, but not all, sessions), reduce the cost by one fourth.
  • If it will be a frequent impediment (once a session on average), reduce the cost by half.
  • If it will prevent you from using your Powers except in unusual situations (no more than once a session on average), reduce the cost by three fourths.

At the GM's discretion, difficult-to-classify limitations might grant a rebate in between two of the suggested ones. Decimal costs should be rounded to the nearest integer, with GMs rounding halves based on what cost seems more appropriate.

Description: God, or some similar force, protects you and yours.
Skills Affected: None.
Bless This House. Whenever you are inside a threshold, add 2 to the strength of that threshold.
Armour Of Faith. You may take an action in a conflict or a few seconds outside of one to call upon the protective power of god. This lets you give armour 3 against all physical stress to any number of characters for the rest of the scene, at the cost of 1 Fate Point per character.

Description: You radiate holiness.
Musts: You must have the Righteousness Power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Conviction, attack skills.
Holy Touch. Your presence is like holy water, which can hurt or drive away many monsters. This allows you to use your Conviction skill for maneuvers and Declarations based around the use of holy power, and may expand the range of Compels that you can inflict. All of your attacks satisfy Catches that have to do with Holy Stuff, and any attack you make against a character that is vulnerable to holy power inflicts two additional stress. As a general rule, vulnerability to holy power involves having a relevant Catch or High Concept.

Description: You can do a thing. A special thing, that cannot be done by most people. Maybe you can control clouds of smoke, maybe you can inflict fear by shouting. Or maybe you can summon the aid of two thousand invisible squirrels. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Any.
Incite Effect. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill plus two to perform maneuvers and blocks related to that type of effect against anything you can touch. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.
At Range [-1]. You may use Incite Effect at a range of one zone.
At Long Range [-1]. (Requires At Range) You may use Incite Effect on anything within your line of sight.
Incite Physical Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict physical stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Endurance to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Avoidable Physical Effect [-0]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect At Range) The targets of your Incite Physical Effect attacks defend with Athletics.
Incite Mental Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict mental stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Discipline to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Potent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) Attacks that you make with Incite Effect are weapon 4.
Incite Protective Effect [-1]. You may use your the skill that you use for Incite Effect to defend against physical attacks.
Incite Restrictive Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may use Incite Effect to grapple targets within the range of this Power, using the skill that you use for Incite Effect. Grappling with a physical effect inflicts physical stress, while grappling with a mental effect inflicts mental stress.
Incite Mass Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may make spray attacks and zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect. If you attack your own zone, then you are affected normally by the attack. Even if you lack the At Range upgrade, targets defend against your zone attacks as though you had it. This upgrade does not affect your ability to maneuver, and no penalty is incurred when attacking a zone with it.
Incite Explosive Effect [+1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You may not make non-zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect.
Incite Selective Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You do not harm yourself when attacking your own zone.
Incite Persistent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) When attacking a zone with Incite Effect, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
Incite Additional Effect [-1]. You may select another effect to create with this Power. You may also select another skill to use that effect with. If the other upgrades that you have are appropriate for the new effect, you may use them with it. You may also upgrade the new effect separately.

Description: You can improve your performance in combat by channelling magical energy.
Skills Affected: Combat skills.
Special Techniques. You know three techniques from the following list. You may enhance your physical attacks and defences with them by taking a mental stress hit with a value equal to the combined cost of the techniques that you're using. You must declare technique use before rolling. You may only use any given technique once per roll. At the GM's discretion, techniques beyond the ones presented here might exist. These techniques may not enhance spells or non-physical attacks.
  • Enhanced Accuracy (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced attack roll.
  • Enhanced Defence (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced defence roll.
  • Enhanced Damage (1 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.
  • Enhanced Resilience (1 stress): Add 2 to your armour against a single physical attack.
  • Spectral Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack interacts with spirits and other immaterial things as though they were solid.
  • Distant Strike (2 stress): Add 3 zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
  • Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without a penalty or a risk of hitting yourself.
  • Piercing Attack (3 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour, regardless of the source of that armour.
  • Flurry (4 stress): Replace the enhanced attack with up to four attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a penalty equal to the number of attacks made, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.
More Techniques [-1]. You know three additional techniques. You may take this upgrade more than once, but you cannot take any technique more than once.

Description: You can see the future, or at least determine its shape somehow.
Skills Affected: Lore.
Divination. Add a Divination trapping to your Lore skill. Use that trapping for Assessments, Declarations, and knowledge rolls related to what will happen in the future.
Visions. The GM can cause you to have an infallibly-accurate vision of the future whenever he or she feels inclined.
I Saw That Coming. You may use your Lore skill for the Avoiding Surprise trapping of the Alertness skill.

Description: You can predict the actions of your opponents in combat, making it very difficult to get the drop on you.
Skills Affected: Alertness, sometimes Lore.
Always Prepared. Add two to your Alertness skill (or, if you have the Prophecy Power, your Lore skill) when using its Combat Initiative and Avoiding Surprise trappings.
Precognition. Whenever you are attacked, you may attempt to Assess the person attacking you with your Alertness skill. The person attacking you may defend with the skill that they're attacking you with. If you succeed, the GM should reveal either one of the target's Aspects or an Aspect that applies to their attack. Aspects revealed this way should generally be useful in the scene that they are revealed in, and they can often be tagged to increase defence rolls against the attacks that revealed them.
Application Of Prophecy. If you possess the Prophecy Power, you may use your Lore skill for the Precognition trapping of this Power and the Combat Initiative trapping of the Alertness skill.

IMMUNITY [-varies]
Description: You are completely immune to some form of harm.
Note: The cost examples provided here are intended for the hypothetical average game. In unusual games, they may need to be adjusted. In some rare cases, it may qualify as a Compel when this Power does not apply.
Skills Affected: Many.
Immunity. Pick a type of stress. You are immune to that type of stress. This may prevent certain maneuvers and blocks from functioning, at the GM's discretion.
Variable Cost. The cost of this Power depends on the type of stress selected.
•Completely trivial immunities, like drunk-ness or bad smells, are free.
•Very narrow ones, like monkey wrenches or seduction attempts or falling damage, cost 1 Refresh.
•Narrow immunities like poison or acid or magically induced despair cost 2 Refresh.
•Immunity to a single common thing, like metal weaponry or explosions or fear, costs 3 Refresh.
•Immunity to a broad group of things, like the physical attacks of the undead or mental magic, costs 4 Refresh.
•Immunity to an extremely broad group of things, like all magic (including indirect spells) or all unarmed attacks, costs 5 Refresh.
•Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) except something very common, like the attacks of women, costs 6 Refresh.
•Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) except something unusual, like the attacks of immortal beings, costs 7 Refresh.
•Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) with a small loophole, like the attacks of genderless beings, costs 8 Refresh.
•Immunity to all mental stress costs 9 Refresh
•Immunity to all physical stress costs 22 Refresh.
•Immunity to both costs 30 Refresh.

Description: You know things. More things than you ought to know.
Musts: You must have an Aspect related to your knowledge.
Skills Affected: Knowledge skills.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You can learn or already know absolutely anything by making a successful roll with an appropriate knowledge skill. (If no skill seems appropriate, use Lore or Scholarship.) The difficulty of these rolls is set by the GM. If your knowledge is limited somehow, like by the sum total of all written information, resolve such limitations through Compels.
Dangerous Knowledge [-1]. Whenever you fail a knowledge roll, you may choose to succeed automatically. If you do so, you suffer a weapon 0 mental attack with an accuracy equal to the difficulty of the knowledge roll that you failed. Use your Discipline to defend against this attack. At the GM's discretion, you may be able to pay some other cost (in Fate Points, consequences, or something else) in order to know something without an attack.
Mental Library [-1]. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Superior Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Searchable Mental Library [-1]. (Requires Mental Library) All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

Description: Your magic is different from everyone else's. Where most practitioners cast spells with mental strength and magical knowledge, you use other methods.
Musts: You must possess at least one spellcasting power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Any three.
Alternate Magical Paradigm. Pick three skills. For the purposes of any spellcasting powers you possess, use the first in place of your Conviction, the second in place of your Discipline, and the third in place of your Lore.

Magic Siphoning Punch [-1]
Your punch's (physical attacks) drain the magic out of an opponent (do mental stress) to opponents with a magic power (sponsored magic or evocation).  Enemies taken out by your punches have their magic stolen from them permanently when this happens you a free recovery period.

Demonic Co-Pilot [-0]
You have a demonic co-pilot in your head.
Ask your GM to stat out your co-pilot disembodied skills these should proportional to your refresh.
Your co-pilot can maneuver to help or hinder your actions (say it decided to give you the berserk rage aspect which could be tagged for a +2 to attacking someone but could be invoked against you in heavy negotiations) according to it's agenda.
Fight for control: Every so often your demonic co-pilot might stop trying to influence you and directly fight you for control of your body (a discipline conflict) this shouldn't happen more than once a session and only when the gm deems appropriate and should be played out in character.

Time Accel [-2]
You have the ability to boost your relative speed to the rest of the world, this slows the world down from your perspective but each instant you spend like this is physically and mentally draining.
You can spend mental up to the limit of the size of your stress track to boost your physical attack or defense rolls.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 08:58:15 PM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #650 on: August 14, 2012, 06:11:19 AM »
Description: Some or all of your powers come from eating something. Probably something weird.
Skills Affected: Discipline.
Restricted Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other power that you possess. You must also choose a thing and an amount of that thing that you must consume in order to use those powers. Which powers and foods may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. This power provides a variable Refresh rebate depending on how much power is selected with it. If 2 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +1. If 6 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +2. If 10 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +3. And so on. The above values assume that the food is rare or morally objectionable, like significant amounts of human blood or huge piles of cash. If the food is acquired easily and without guilt, or only with extreme measures, add or subtract an appropriate amount from the Refresh total used to calculate the rebate. If more Refresh is attached to this power than is required for the rebate received, this power provides a free mild hunger consequence for each additional Refresh.
Feeding. You are capable of consuming whatever your food is. Furthermore, when you do so, you may remove any hunger consequences that you possess and recover any powers that you lost to your hunger. If you consume an insufficient amount of your food, you may receive partial benefits at the GM's discretion.
Limited Reserves. At the end of any scene in which you use one or more of your restricted powers, you must roll your Discipline skill against a number equal to the combined Refresh value of the restricted powers that you used. If you fail this roll, you must take consequences or sacrifice restricted powers with a total Refresh value and/or stress value equal to the amount that you failed by. If you do not or can not, you are taken out. This usually means that you die, get incapacitated, or go mad with hunger, but other fates are also possible depending on the character and the situation.

Adjustments for easy or difficult foods:

-4 A few hours of sunlight, other small downtime requirements
-3 Normal food in unusually large amounts, other stuff that's no real effort
-2 Weird stuff like copper, large amounts of downtime like sleeping for a week straight
-1 Diamonds, people singing about you, other stuff that's impractical but not really difficult
0 Blood, rare radioactive materials, other difficult stuff, massive downtime like spending months in prayer
+1 Vampire blood, other difficult and dangerous stuff
+2 Human sacrifices, other stuff that's a big deal, ridiculous downtime like meditating for a decade
+3 Angel feathers, other stuff that pretty much requires a quest
+4 Planets, other nearly impossible stuff

Description: For whatever reason, you have access to a few minor magical trinkets.
Skills affected: Contacts, Resources, Burglary, Lore.
Enchanted Items: You have four potions, each with a strength equal to your Contacts, Resources, Burglary, or Lore skill. You may not increase their strength in any way. At the beginning of each session, you must declare which potions you have on hand.
More Trinkets [-1]. You have four additional potions. Furthermore, you may choose to leave potion slots open to be filled later with Declarations.

Sponsor [-0]: Your character is sponsored by a higher power.
Effects: Sponsored assistance: You may invoke an aspect in exchange for a point of debt to your sponsore, as per the Sponsored magic rules (YS288)

Description: Either you've studied a branch of magic long enough to understand and use it intuitively, or you're a being of such singular power that a unique form of magic emanates from you.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, others.
Self-Sponsored Magic. This Power is in all ways identical to Sponsored Magic, except that it lacks an external sponsor. The Compels resulting from the debt taken to fuel this power are therefore obviously not connected to any external agenda; instead, they are linked to your Aspects like normal Compels.

Description: You can use a few scraps of a sponsor's magical power.
Musts: You must select a type of Sponsored Magic when you take this Power.
Note: If you have the Evocation Power, then reduce the cost of this Power by 1 and ignore the item slots that it normally provides.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Sponsored Channelling. You may cast evocations as though you possessed the selected Sponsored Magic. This does not allow you to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation, and any special extra benefits provided by the selected Sponsored Magic are not available to you. But you may take Sponsor Debt normally.
Item Slots. Sponsored Channelling comes with two free Focus Item slots.

Description: You can use a few scraps of a sponsor's magical power.
Musts: You must select a type of Sponsored Magic when you take this Power.
Note: If you have the Thaumaturgy Power, then reduce the cost of this Power by 1 and ignore the item slots that it normally provides.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Sponsored Ritual. You may cast rituals as though you possessed the selected Sponsored Magic. This does not allow you to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation, and any special extra benefits provided by the selected Sponsored Magic are not available to you. But you may take Sponsor Debt normally.
Item Slots. Sponsored Ritual comes with two free Focus Item slots.

I'm going to attach a disclaimer saying that the following have been rewritten:

Incite Emotion
Holy Touch
Bless This House
The Catch
Human Form
Feeding Dependency
Living Dead
Breath Weapon
Spirit Form
Pack Instincts
Physical Immunity

I'm going to remove:

Mnemosyne's Shadow [-2]
Description: Normally filed beside similar abilities like Cassandra's Tears and Prescience, with Mnemosyne's Shadow you learn things without previouse experience or exposure to the subject matter. You literally pull knowledge out of thin air. You Know things....
Billy: "Where does their knowledge come from Bob? "
Bob: "That's still being debated. Mnemosyne is just the popular theory. It could be any number of things including a form of ranged Psychometry or a version of The Sight."
Skills Affected: Lore
Musts: Must have a High Concept or Trouble that reflects the ability and can be compelled frequently. Examples: The High Concept Mnemosyne's Errand Boy  or the Troubles Knows Way Too Much or Insufferable Know-it-all.
Strange Knowledge: You can use your Lore Skill to get Answers about a subject for a Scene. The difficulty of the Lore check set by the GM should reflect not just how general the knowledge is, but also how secret it is. However, you can't control the breadth or the accuracy of the information gained. You almost always get fairly random knowledge in addition to what is being looked for.  For example, if you use the Shadow to gain knowledge about a Clued-in Mobster you may get information about not only his known aliases, but also his shoe size, favorite foods, number of sexual conquests, etc. If using it to find out the combintation to the safe, you might get every combination the safe has ever used and the significance of the digits to the safe's owner.
Dangerous Knowledge: For a price, you can get potentially "Game-breaking" pieces of knowledge such as the Dark Sorcerer's True Name. The Price is negotiated with the GM the same way as an escalated compel. Information such as this that could potentially break a storyline could be worth as little as a few Fate Points or as much as a Serious Mental Consequence.

Description: Your knowledge is so extensive that you have no need for printed libraries. This power can represent a perfect memory, a computer in your head, knowledge of everything ever written down, or a number of other things.
Musts: You must have an aspect reflecting your extensive knowledge.
Skills Affected: Lore, Scholarship, possibly others
Mental Library. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You are no longer bound by the normal human limits on knowledge. You may make assessments and declarations concerning things that you cannot observe directly, either looking back through your memories to examine the thing again or perceiving that thing in mysterious and incomprehensible ways. Players should work together with the GM to work out the exact limits of this power.
Improved Mental Library [-1]. Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Instant Recall [-1]. All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away
Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.
Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.
Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.
Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

The Mist Control[-2]
You can control and create mist
Obscure: With a moment of concentration, you may draw or create a large amount of mist into an area obsuring the vision of everyone but you. This counts as a zone wide block at discipline +2 against perception which is not necessarily pierced when discovered. The block last until it's summoner banishes it or it is dispersed (by magic or a very big fan etc).
Decieve [-1]: Perception is warped in the mist friends can see enemies where friends should be and many an army have torn itself a part under its thick blanket, you can make manouvres at discipline +2 on anyone in your mist.
Nightmare (requires Decieve)  [-2]: Those in your mist may see monsters and horrors floating in the mist that may scar them for life, you can make mental attacks on anyone in the mist at discipline +2.
No way out [-1]: Once you have entered the mist it is nearly impossible to leave, attempts to leave the mist are blocked at discipline +2 this is part of the main block on perception.
Deep Mists [-1]: Your mist can cover up too three zones
Spiritual Disruption [-2] Your attacks satisfy the catch of Ghost, also If you succeed in hitting a spirit as well as dealing normal stress you also inflict the aspect 'extreme pain'.

Description: You can cause your shadow, and the shadows around you, to behave in unnatural and bizarre ways. This allows you to make world-class shadow puppets, cloak yourself in darkness, and even blind people.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Stealth
Note: It's not mandatory, but this Power is generally taken alongside Cloak Of Shadows. Characters who want to carry out physical actions with their shadow should take another Power to represent that ability, like Long Reach or Telekinesis or Channelling.
Shadow Manipulation. You may use your Discipline or Stealth skill to control shadows, allowing you to perform maneuvers and create blocks against perception. This effect's range is limited only by your line of sight.

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #651 on: August 14, 2012, 06:12:15 AM »
Description: You are able to shape reality to your whim, as if the entire world was simply a dream of yours.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 2. Furthermore, you need take only a -1 penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky. Furthermore, you need not take any penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.
Reality Binding [-1]. You may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight, using the normal grappling rules to do so. Substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Create Hazard [-1]. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.

Crimson Eyes of Destruction [-4]
With the help of your crimson eyes of destruction you can destroy people and objects on a conceptual level. You can use your eyes to carry out a mental attack on anyone within range (1 zone default) you roll conviction to attack (will to destroy) vs the enemies conviction (will to live) if the attack is successful you gain +4 stress bonus to damage. Enemies taken out by this power are obliterated leaving nothing behind but gore.

Self-Sponsored Magic -4, plus or minus additional constraints
You've studied a branch of magic long enough to understand and use it intuitivly without resorting to complex rituals. Pick a magical theme or element as per traditional Sponsored Magic, when casting a spell any Sponsor Debt you gain now act as Compels on your Aspects that you DO NOT gain Fate Points from, likewise you must still pay Fate Points to resist a Compel. A GM may allow you to Self-Compel to pay off a part of your Debt, but you would still not gain any Fate Points (Self-Compels or regular Compels that do not pay off Debt still earn Fate Points normally).

Sponsored Channeling [-2]
Like sponsored magic, but only for evocation effects that fit the sponsor's theme. It allows you to use your sponsored powers to bypass Toughness (as normal) and to go into debt by invoking an aspect without spending a Fate point.
Cost one less refresh if character already has evocation. Note that (if the sponsor agrees) this can be improved to the regular form of Sponsored Magic for [-2] (or the regular cost of Sponsored Magic - whichever is less).

Sponsored Ritual [-2]
Like sponsored magic, but only for thaumaturgy effects that fit the sponsor's theme. If applicable it allows you to use your sponsored powers to bypass Toughness (as normal) and to go into debt by invoking an aspect without spending a Fate point. It does not allow you to cast thaumaturgy effects at evocation speeds.
Cost one less refresh if character already has thaumaturgy. Note that (if the sponsor agrees) this can be improved to the regular form of Sponsored Magic for [-2] (or the regular cost of Sponsored Magic - whichever is less). 

Prophetic Visions [-1]
Bits and Pieces: Once per scene, this character may roll Lore against a target of Good (+3) to make an assessment or declaration regarding the scene or a character in it.  This represents flashes of insight and relevant info being pulled out of the character's otherwise difficult to interpret visions.  For an Assessment, the GM determines what aspect is revealed, while for a Declaration, the player may invent a suitable aspect, so long as the GM and other players approve. These aspects may be tagged/invoked as usual. This ability may not be used repeatedly to assess/declare aspects regarding the same character encountered across multiple scenes.
I've Done This Already: In exchange for a Fate point, this character may roll Lore in place of any other skill, except as an attack in combat.  This represents a vision in which the character sees himself performing the action in the future, so he already knows what to do.
Major Prophecy: The GM has license to give this character a major vision, usually about once per session, describing its contents and possibly asking for a Lore or other roll to interpret it.  These visions tend to reveal one or more important but vague aspects that exist in every scene until the prophecy is fulfilled.  The player is encouraged to remind the GM of this power, as it can provide good plot hooks and potentially compels on the character's reactions to these visions.

Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques - When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

Spectral Light Wings [-2]
You can generate wings of pure light, they work in the same fashion as normal wings but can be created at will.
Also add +2 to your presence rolls against opponents that can be impressed by wings of transcendent white light. (non-supernaturally aware, religious).

Purpose [+1] Requires at least 2 refresh worth of affected Powers
You can only use these powers when you are fulling your specified purpose (such as slaying demons etc) these powers are not available at any other time.

And I'm going to tinker with a few things, as follows:

I'm going to rename the Catch to Limitation, to avoid confusion.
I'm going to make minor aesthetic edits to Swarm Body and Aura Of Power.
I'm going to reformat Teleportation. Maybe I'll edit the mechanics a bit too, if w&m thinks my edits are okay.
I'm going to give Floating Eyes a bit more power.
I'm going to add a physical stress using variant for Supernatural Martial Arts.
I'm going to add anti-grapple stuff to Dangerous Aura and Damage Shield. Might make Dangerous Aura affect people moving through your zone too, and maybe I'll clear up its timing.
I'm going to increase the range of Incite Effect.
I'm going to mess with Feeding Dependency a bit to take into account Becq's critiques.
I'm going to reduce the cost of the Magical Worksite upgrade to Magical Workshop by 1, because it seems weak.
I'm going to make the time-stopping compartment upgrade require the separate-world compartment upgrade.
I'm going to finalize Immunity, which I meant to do a while ago.

If I have time after all that, I'll do a project on the various types of Possession. Said project will probably involve a Domination rewrite.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #652 on: August 14, 2012, 08:18:08 PM »

I'm going to finalize Immunity, which I meant to do a while ago.

If I have time after all that, I'll do a project on the various types of Possession. Said project will probably involve a Domination rewrite.

Re: Immunity - hurray!

Re: Possession and Domination - sounds fun!

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #653 on: August 14, 2012, 10:36:07 PM »
That's what I like to hear.

Anyway, I took care of the easy stuff. Now for the moderately difficult stuff.

Assuming everybody is okay with these changes, there are only three things left to do:

I'm going to mess with Feeding Dependency a bit to take into account Becq's critiques.
I'm going to finalize Immunity, which I meant to do a while ago.

And, though this wasn't on the original plan:

I'm going to make it clear whether Incite Effect grapples get the +2 bonus that Incite Effect gives for normal blocks. Currently, I'm leaning towards giving it to them. Because otherwise, mundane Strength-based grapples seem superior.

I'm going to reformat Teleportation. Maybe I'll edit the mechanics a bit too, if w&m thinks my edits are okay.


Teleportation [-3]
You can teleport from one space to another bypassing any attempt to interdict your movement.
Unfettered Movement: This allows you to ignore all penalties and blocks against movement, you can move unfettered in any direction through any barrier only limited by your movement speed (athletics roll). Any one holding on to you when you teleport (say someone grappling you) will be transported with you if they can hold on (beat a might roll vs the athletics moving roll).
[-1] Long Range Teleportation: You can teleport great distances. Outside of combat you can declare you are anywhere regardless of transportation limitations.
[+1] Sight Affirmed Teleportation : Visual barriers count as a barrier against movement with teleportation.

Description: Your eyes aren't in your skull: instead, they fly around under your psychic control.
Note: Taking this power means that you don't have normal eyes.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Lore, (Discipline)
Faraway Eyes. Your eyes can move around independently of you, although they must stay roughly within a mile of your main body. You can see through them, making appropriate skill checks as normal. They do not have access to any of your powers (except for appropriate Supernatural Senses) but they act as though they had Wings and Diminutive Size. Their skills are equal to your skills. They cannot attack or maneuver. It requires a supplemental action to direct them. If they are damaged, you take the damage in the form of mental stress.
Eyes Above Me. You get +2 to your Alertness skill and to the perception trapping of Lore when both of your eyes are nearby. However, you take a -2 penalty to those rolls when both of your eyes are away from you. Also, you are blind when your eyes are not present.
Power Channel [-1]. Pick one of your other powers. Your eyes have access to that power. If that power requires you to take an action, then you must take an action in order to have your eyes use it.

Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity, or maybe it's something else along those lines.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This power works against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1].This power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

Description: Standing near you is dangerous.
Dangerous Aura. This power makes a Fair physical attack against Endurance (or Athletics, as decided when this power is taken) at weapon 0 against each character in your zone each turn. This power can be turned off and does not affect the user.
Extra-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Great attacks.
Super-Dangerous Aura [-1]. (Requires Extra-Dangerous Aura) This power makes Fantastic attacks.
Hyper-Dangerous Aura [-1]. (Requires Super-Dangerous Aura) This power attacks at weapon 2.
Mental Aura [-1]. This power inflicts mental stress and is resisted with Discipline.
Large Aura [-1]. This power affects everyone within one zone.
Vast Aura [-1]. (Requires Large Aura) This power affects everyone within three zones.

Description: You can do a thing. A special thing, that cannot be done by most people. Maybe you can control clouds of smoke, maybe you can inflict fear by shouting. Or maybe you can summon the aid of two thousand invisible squirrels. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Any.
Incite Effect. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill plus two to perform maneuvers and blocks related to that type of effect against anything you can touch. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.
At Range [-1]. You may use Incite Effect at a range of one zone.
At Long Range [-1]. (Requires At Range) You may use Incite Effect on anything within your line of sight.
Incite Physical Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict physical stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Endurance to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Avoidable Physical Effect [-0]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect At Range) The targets of your Incite Physical Effect attacks defend with Athletics.
Incite Mental Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict mental stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Discipline to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Potent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) Attacks that you make with Incite Effect are weapon 4.
Incite Protective Effect [-1]. You may use your the skill that you use for Incite Effect to defend against physical attacks.
Incite Restrictive Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may use Incite Effect to grapple targets within the range of this Power, using the skill that you use for Incite Effect. Grappling with a physical effect inflicts physical stress, while grappling with a mental effect inflicts mental stress.
Incite Mass Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may make spray attacks and zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect. If you attack your own zone, then you are affected normally by the attack. Even if you lack the At Range upgrade, targets defend against your zone attacks as though you had it. This upgrade does not affect your ability to maneuver, and no penalty is incurred when attacking a zone with it.
Incite Explosive Effect [+1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You may not make non-zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect.
Incite Selective Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You do not harm yourself when attacking your own zone.
Incite Persistent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) When attacking a zone with Incite Effect, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
Incite Additional Effect [-1]. You may select another effect to create with this Power. You may also select another skill to use that effect with. If the other upgrades that you have are appropriate for the new effect, you may use them with it. You may also upgrade the new effect separately.

Description: You can improve your performance in combat by channelling magical energy.
Skills Affected: Combat skills.
Special Techniques. You know three techniques from the following list. You may enhance your physical attacks and defences with them by taking a mental stress hit with a value equal to the combined cost of the techniques that you're using. You must declare technique use before rolling. You may only use any given technique once per roll. At the GM's discretion, techniques beyond the ones presented here might exist. These techniques may not enhance spells or non-physical attacks.
  • Enhanced Accuracy (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced attack roll.
  • Enhanced Defence (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced defence roll.
  • Enhanced Damage (1 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.
  • Enhanced Resilience (1 stress): Add 2 to your armour against a single physical attack.
  • Spectral Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack interacts with spirits and other immaterial things as though they were solid.
  • Distant Strike (2 stress): Add 3 zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
  • Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without a penalty or a risk of hitting yourself.
  • Piercing Attack (3 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour, regardless of the source of that armour.
  • Flurry (4 stress): Replace the enhanced attack with up to four attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a penalty equal to the number of attacks made, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.
More Techniques [-1]. You know three additional techniques. You may take this upgrade more than once, but you cannot take any technique more than once.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #654 on: August 14, 2012, 10:37:16 PM »

Description: You can teleport from one space to another. Very convenient.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
Unfettered Movement. You may ignore all zone borders and all penalties or blocks that would normally impede your movement, unless those blocks are specifically designed to block teleportation. You may also move freely in three dimensions, though this Power does not prevent you from falling to the ground. If you are being grappled or otherwise grabbed when you move, the character holding onto you must roll Might against your movement roll. If they succeed they come with you; if they fail their grasp is broken.
Rapid Teleportation [-1]. Add four to your Athletics when using it to move with this Power. In addition, you may move an additional zone when taking a supplemental action to move with this Power.
Long-Distance Teleportation [-1]. (Requires Rapid Teleportation) You may teleport to any place in the world given a few minutes. At the GM's discretion, this effect may be limited by the speed of light.
Sight-Affirmed Teleportation [+1]. Your movement is impeded by anything that blocks your vision. Apply blocks and penalties that apply to your vision to your movement, and do not ignore them with the base effect of this Power.

Description: You possess a number of small sub-beings that act as extensions of yourself. Perhaps you can send your eyes out ahead of you, or perhaps you're hooked up to a network of little robots. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Lore.
Drones. You have two drones. These drones are small characters, with skills equal to your own. They share none of your Powers, with the exception of Supernatural Senses. They possess the Diminutive Size Power. They also have 1 Refresh of other abilities, generally either a Supernatural Sense or Wings. You share the senses of your drones, and you may speak through them. They do not act independently, and it requires a supplemental action to direct them. If you wish to have a drone take an actual action other than moving, you must use a full action to direct it. If they are damaged, you take the damage in the form of mental stress. 
Power Channel [-1]. Pick one of your other powers. Your eyes have access to that power.
More Drones [-1]. You have a lot of drones. If you need an exact number for whatever reason, a dozen is about right.

Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity, or maybe it's something else along those lines.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Do Not Touch. This Power inflicts a -1 penalty on all attempts to grab or hold you. Characters may choose to ignore this penalty, but if they do so then you may roll to inflict stress upon them as though you were defending against an unarmed attack with accuracy 0. At the GM's discretion, Stunts and Powers that provide odd methods of grappling may negate this effect.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This Power works against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This Power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1]. This Power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This Power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This Power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

Description: Standing near you is dangerous.
Dangerous Aura. Whenever another character spends any part of their action inside your zone, this Power makes a Fair attack against their Endurance at weapon 0. The attack occurs at the end of the target's action. This power can be turned off and does not affect the user.
Can't Touch This. Add two to the weapon rating of this Power's attacks against characters that spend their actions grappling you. At the GM's discretion, Stunts and Powers that provide odd methods of grappling may negate this effect.
Avoidable Aura [-0]. This Power makes attacks against Athletics instead of Endurance.
Extra-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Great attacks.
Super-Dangerous Aura [-1]. (Requires Extra-Dangerous Aura) This power makes Fantastic attacks.
Hyper-Dangerous Aura [-1]. (Requires Super-Dangerous Aura) This power attacks at weapon 2.
Mental Aura [-1]. This power inflicts mental stress and is resisted with Discipline.
Large Aura [-1]. This power affects everyone within one zone.
Vast Aura [-1]. (Requires Large Aura) This power affects everyone within three zones.

Description: You can do a thing. A special thing, that cannot be done by most people. Maybe you can control clouds of smoke, maybe you can inflict fear by shouting. Or maybe you can summon the aid of two thousand invisible squirrels. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Any.
Incite Effect. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill plus two to perform maneuvers and blocks related to that type of effect against anything you can touch. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.
At Range [-1]. You may use Incite Effect on anything within your line of sight.
Incite Limited Effect [+1]. (Requires At Range) Do not add two to your skill when using Incite Effect. This upgrade is not compatible with Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect.
Incite Physical Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict physical stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Endurance to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Avoidable Physical Effect [-0]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect At Range) The targets of your Incite Physical Effect attacks defend with Athletics.
Incite Mental Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict mental stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Discipline to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Potent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) Attacks that you make with Incite Effect are weapon 4.
Incite Protective Effect [-1]. You may use your the skill that you use for Incite Effect to defend against physical attacks.
Incite Restrictive Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may use Incite Effect to grapple targets within the range of this Power, using the skill that you use for Incite Effect. Grappling with a physical effect inflicts physical stress, while grappling with a mental effect inflicts mental stress.
Incite Mass Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may make spray attacks and zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect. If you attack your own zone, then you are affected normally by the attack. Even if you lack the At Range upgrade, targets defend against your zone attacks as though you had it. This upgrade does not affect your ability to maneuver, and no penalty is incurred when attacking a zone with it.
Incite Explosive Effect [+1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You may not make non-zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect.
Incite Selective Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You do not harm yourself when attacking your own zone.
Incite Persistent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) When attacking a zone with Incite Effect, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
Incite Additional Effect [-1]. You may select another effect to create with this Power. You may also select another skill to use that effect with. If the other upgrades that you have are appropriate for the new effect, you may use them with it. You may also upgrade the new effect separately.

Description: You can improve your performance in combat by channelling magical energy.
Skills Affected: Combat skills.
Special Techniques. You know three techniques from the following list. You may enhance your physical attacks and defences with them by taking a mental stress hit with a value equal to the combined cost of the techniques that you're using. You must declare technique use before rolling. You may only use any given technique once per roll. At the GM's discretion, techniques beyond the ones presented here might exist. These techniques may not enhance spells or non-physical attacks.
  • Enhanced Accuracy (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced attack roll.
  • Enhanced Defence (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced defence roll.
  • Enhanced Damage (1 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.
  • Enhanced Resilience (1 stress): Add 2 to your armour against a single physical attack.
  • Spectral Strike (2 stress): The enhanced attack interacts with spirits and other immaterial things as though they were solid.
  • Distant Strike (2 stress): Add 3 zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
  • Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without a penalty or a risk of hitting yourself.
  • Piercing Attack (3 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour, regardless of the source of that armour.
  • Flurry (4 stress): Replace the enhanced attack with up to four attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a penalty equal to the number of attacks made, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.
More Techniques [-1]. You know three additional techniques. You may take this upgrade more than once, but you cannot take any technique more than once.
Overdrive [-0]. You spend physical stress instead of mental stress to use your techniques. Spending physical stress this way bypasses all armour and all extra physical stress boxes from Powers.
Varied Techniques [-1]. You may spend either physical or mental stress in order to use your techniques. Spending physical stress this way bypasses all armour and all extra physical stress boxes from Powers.

PS: The test fight thread is up.
PPS: I'm considering moving the whole pile of area attack trappings off to a separate Power. Might be more elegant.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #655 on: August 15, 2012, 01:06:06 AM »
"PS: The test fight thread is up."

I must be lacking in mental capacity atm...where is this thread?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #656 on: August 15, 2012, 01:19:10 AM »
It's on the Play-By-Post forum.

What do you think of the changes here? Any objections?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #657 on: August 15, 2012, 01:32:24 AM »
It's on the Play-By-Post forum.

What do you think of the changes here? Any objections?

Can I use the following in one exchange?

•Enhanced Accuracy (1 stress): Add 1 to the enhanced attack roll


•Distant Strike (2 stress): Add 3 zones to the range of the enhanced attack.
or: •Enhanced Damage (1 stress): The enhanced attack inflicts 2 additional stress.


•Piercing Attack (3 stress): The enhanced attack ignores all armour, regardless of the source of that armour. or  •Whirlwind Attack (3 stress): You may apply your attack to an entire zone within its range, without a penalty or a risk of hitting yourself.


•Flurry (4 stress): Replace the enhanced attack with up to four attacks. Each of those attacks suffers a penalty equal to the number of attacks made, but all of them benefit from whatever techniques enhanced the original enhanced attack.

In one exchange if I spend all four stress boxes?

1 - 2 - 3 - 4?

Making 2 - 4 attacks at + 1 accuracy, +2 stress (or at a distance), ignore armor (or hit a zone)?

(yes I know the attacks woudl suffer - 2 to 4 accuracy from flurry [ they still could gain +1 from the 1 stress technique however])

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #658 on: August 15, 2012, 01:53:34 AM »
No. You pay for all the techniques you want to use on your attack at once.

So 1-2-3-4 does 10 stress.

This isn't necessarily good or makes consequences better at soaking up technique costs, but it also means you'll need your consequences more.

Should I make that more clear?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #659 on: August 15, 2012, 05:21:53 AM »
No. You pay for all the techniques you want to use on your attack at once.

So 1-2-3-4 does 10 stress.

This isn't necessarily good or makes consequences better at soaking up technique costs, but it also means you'll need your consequences more.

Should I make that more clear?

Yeah, maybe.