Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 217350 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #540 on: July 08, 2012, 11:09:48 PM »
Sorry if I'm being thick, here, but how does this differ from Human Form + Item Of Power?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #541 on: July 08, 2012, 11:19:12 PM »
I forgot about Human Form, I haven't developed an encyclopedic knowledge of this game the way I have some other ones yet. It's a good deal more restrictive than Human Form, since it has stricter effects on your powers and your equipment ties into it as well. There mechanics are pretty similar though, I'll grant you that. Human Form doesn't do everything I was looking for in a Sailor Moon-esque transformation power though. I could add a note that you only get +1 if you have Human Form, that way the benefits don't stack.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #542 on: July 08, 2012, 11:25:12 PM »
What about Human Form is inappropriate or insufficient?

Given how similar it is, I think that rewriting Human Form might be your best bet here.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #543 on: July 08, 2012, 11:50:56 PM »
It doesn't change your equipment the way your typical Magical Girl anime transformation does, at least not explicitly. That's pretty much it, though.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 12:06:26 AM by Shiniba »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #544 on: July 09, 2012, 05:30:22 AM »
Unimportant cosmetic gear could just be narrated.

Gear that actually matters could maybe be covered with a variant of:

Description: The shape(s) that you assume can include equipment.
Musts: You must have the Beast Change power or the True Shapeshifting power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Craftsmanship
Flesh Forgery. Your alternate form(s) include items that are not connected to your main body. You may create a simple item whenever you shapeshift into a an alternate form. These items disappear when you shapeshift back. If you have Beast Change, then you must select the item when you take this power. If you have True Shapeshifting, then you may create whatever you wish. However, anything more complex than a knife or a pair of pants may call for a Craftsmanship roll. Armour, thrown weapons, and one handed melee weapons created with this power are limited to rating 2, while two handed melee weapons are limited to rating 3.
Arsenal Of Flesh [-1]. You are no longer limited to creating a single item. You may a number of items, although large quantities may require a Craftsmanship roll.

Of course, that assumes that you're using Beast Change to represent the magical girl form.

Hm. Flesh Forgery looks less impressive than it did when I first wrote it.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #545 on: July 09, 2012, 06:24:25 AM »
Yeah, I suppose you guys are right. Between Human Form and other options, there's not much need for my writeup.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #546 on: July 11, 2012, 02:41:28 AM »
    Okay, here are the Powers that I plan to add next update.

    Most of 'em need work, though. Plan is to do that work before adding them.

IMMUNITY [-varies]
Description: You are completely immune to some form of harm.
Note: The cost examples provided here are intended for the hypothetical average game. In unusual games, they may need to be adjusted. In some rare cases, it may qualify as a Compel when this Power does not apply.
Skills Affected: Many.
Immunity. Pick a type of stress. You are immune to that type of stress. This may prevent certain maneuvers and blocks from functioning, at the GM's discretion.
Variable Cost. The cost of this Power depends on the type of stress selected.
  • Completely trivial immunities, like drunk-ness or bad smells, are free.
  • Very narrow ones, like monkey wrenches or seduction attempts or falling damage, cost 1 Refresh.
  • Narrow immunities like poison or acid or magically induced despair cost 2 Refresh.
  • Immunity to a single common thing, like metal weaponry or explosions or fear, costs 3 Refresh.
  • Immunity to a broad group of things, like the physical attacks of the undead or mental magic, costs 4 Refresh.
  • Immunity to an extremely broad group of things, like all magic (including indirect spells) or all unarmed attacks, costs 5 Refresh.
  • Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) except something very common, like the attacks of women, costs 6 Refresh.
  • Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) except something unusual, like the attacks of immortal beings, costs 7 Refresh.
  • Immunity to everything (on a single stress track) with a small loophole, like the attacks of genderless beings, costs 8 Refresh.
  • Immunity to all mental stress costs 9 Refresh, while immunity to all physical stress costs 13 Refresh.
  • Immunity to both costs 20 Refresh.
Description: God, or some similar force, protects you and yours.
Skills Affected: None.
Bless This House. Whenever you are inside a threshold, add 2 to the strength of that threshold.
Armour Of Faith. You may take an action in a conflict or a few seconds outside of one to call upon the protective power of god. This lets you give armour 3 against all physical stress to any number of characters for the rest of the scene, at the cost of 1 Fate Point per character.

Description: You radiate holiness.
Musts: You must have the Righteousness Power in order to take this one.
Skills Affected: Conviction, attack skills.
Holy Touch. Your presence is like holy water, which can hurt or drive away many monsters. This allows you to use your Conviction skill for maneuvers and Declarations based around the use of holy power, and may expand the range of Compels that you can inflict. All of your attacks satisfy Catches that have to do with Holy Stuff, and any attack you make against a character that is vulnerable to holy power inflicts two additional stress. As a general rule, vulnerability to holy power involves having a relevant Catch or High Concept.

THE CATCH [+varies]
Description: Your abilities are limited in some way.
Note: Suffering from the negative consequences of taking this Power will often, but not always, be a Compel. If the importance of this Power changes during play, it might be necessary to change its cost or compensate with Compels.
Skills Affected: None.
Limited Powers. Attach this Power to at least one other Power that you possess. Then, select a circumstance. Whenever that circumstance applies, you are treated as though you did not possess the attached abilities.
Rebate. This Power reduces the Refresh cost of the attached Powers. The percentage that the cost is reduced by depends upon how commonly the limitation on your Powers will cause problems for you. If it will matter rarely (perhaps once every 6 sessions or so), reduce the cost by one-sixth. If it will cause problems from time to time (in some, but not all, sessions), reduce the cost by one fourth. If it will be a frequent impediment (once a session on average), reduce the cost by half. And if it will prevent you from using your Powers except in unusual situations (no more than once a session on average), reduce the cost by three fourths. At the GM's discretion, difficult-to-classify limitations might grant a rebate in between two of the suggested ones. Decimal costs should be rounded to the nearest integer, with GMs rounding halves based on what cost seems more appropriate.

Description: Some or all of your powers come from eating something. Probably something weird.
Skills Affected: Discipline.
Restricted Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other power that you possess. You must also choose a thing and an amount of that thing that you must consume in order to use those powers. Which powers and foods may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. This power provides a variable Refresh rebate depending on how much power is selected with it. If 2 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +1. If 6 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +2. If 10 Refresh is selected, the rebate is +3. And so on. The above values assume that the food is rare or morally objectionable, like significant amounts of human blood or huge piles of cash. If the food is acquired easily and without guilt, or only with extreme measures, add or subtract an appropriate amount from the Refresh total used to calculate the rebate. If more Refresh is attached to this power than is required for the rebate received, this power provides a free mild hunger consequence for each additional Refresh.
Feeding. You are capable of consuming whatever your food is. Furthermore, when you do so, you may remove any hunger consequences that you possess and recover any powers that you lost to your hunger. If you consume an insufficient amount of your food, you may receive partial benefits at the GM's discretion.
Limited Reserves. At the end of any scene in which you use one or more of your restricted powers, you must roll your Discipline skill against a number equal to the combined Refresh value of the restricted powers that you used. If you fail this roll, you must take consequences or sacrifice restricted powers with a total Refresh value and/or stress value equal to the amount that you failed by. If you do not or can not, you are taken out. This usually means that you die, get incapacitated, or go mad with hunger, but other fates are also possible depending on the character and the situation.

Adjustments for easy or difficult foods:

-4 A few hours of sunlight, other small downtime requirements
-3 Normal food in unusually large amounts, other stuff that's no real effort
-2 Weird stuff like copper, large amounts of downtime like sleeping for a week straight
-1 Diamonds, people singing about you, other stuff that's impractical but not really difficult
0 Blood, rare radioactive materials, other difficult stuff, massive downtime like spending months in prayer
+1 Vampire blood, other difficult and dangerous stuff
+2 Human sacrifices, other stuff that's a big deal, ridiculous downtime like meditating for a decade
+3 Angel feathers, other stuff that pretty much requires a quest
+4 Planets, other nearly impossible stuff

Flesh Tyranny
Description: You coerce an individual's muscles, bones, and even blood locking them in place or causing damage for a time.
Notes: Targets must be living beings. This has no effect on constructs and a reduced effect on undead. Range is normally two zones but may be extended by taking a -1 per additional zone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Presence.
- Oppression of Flesh. With concentration you can lock and individual's muscles in place, preventing them from moving. Use Conviction to establish and maintain your movement block. Targets oppose it with Athletics, Might, or movement related skills.
- Subjection of Blood. You cause damage by slowing and stiffening a target's blood. (Does not affect undead.) Use Discipline to cause damage, normally resisted by Endurance or Might.
- Cruelty of Bone. By concentrating on locking the victim's skeletal structure together you make movement slow and painful. (Effect is halved against undead.) Use Discipline to reduce a target's movement by two for half Presence (round down) exchanges.

Description: For whatever reason, you have access to a few minor magical trinkets.
Skills affected: Contacts, Resources, Burglary, Lore.
Enchanted Items: You have four potions, each with a strength equal to your Contacts, Resources, Burglary, or Lore skill. You may not increase their strength in any way. At the beginning of each session, you must declare which potions you have on hand.
More Trinkets [-1]. You have four additional potions. Furthermore, you may choose to leave potion slots open to be filled later with Declarations.

True Glamours[-8]
Veils. With a moment of concentration, you may draw a veil over something (not particularly large—maybe the size of a small, tight group of people), hiding it from sight and other means of detection, as with the Minor Veils effect of Glamours. Use your Discipline or Deceit at +4 to oppose any efforts to discover the veil. You may set aside this +4 bonus to draw a veil over a whole zone.
Seemings. You are able to cause someone or something to appear to be other than what it is. You may use your Discipline or Deceit skill to oppose any efforts to discover that the seeming is something other than real.
Greater True Seemings. You may create up to five objects—and with some difficulty, even ephemeral creatures— out of ectoplasm. You can create creatures with up to -15 Refresh and 35 Skill Points. And even some machines. You may use your Discipline or Deceit skill to oppose any efforts to discover that the seeming is something other than real.

Access to the Akashic records [-3]
Also known as the Library of Fate, The Source of all Knowledge and the Root of Magic. The Akashic records holds all the knowledge since the begging of the cosmos.   
All Knowledge Gathered: Some one with access to the Akashic record can learn anything with a sufficiently successful scholarship roll (for balance purposes the GM gets to decide what sufficiently successful is).
Embracing Eternity: Someone with access to the Akashic records can boost their scholarship roll by taking mental stress (up to limit of the mental stress track) this involves them streaming massive quantities of information through their mind whilst searching for something specific, this method of browsing comes with the significant danger of losing your mind in the streams of data.[/list]
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 03:05:54 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #547 on: July 11, 2012, 03:44:35 AM »
Okay, reread the Powers in my last post.

The faith Powers and Bag Of Tricks seem fine.

The Akashic Record Power probably shouldn't be handled on its own. It overlaps with the Mnemosyne's Shadow Power and the Mental Library Power. Best to merge them all into one Power.

Flesh Tyranny would work as a physical Incite Emotion.

Feeding Dependency is a pain. Not sure how to fix it. Could I get some help?

I have no idea what to do with True Glamours. I don't want to throw it out, but I can't think of anything better.

Immunity needs a few small tweaks, as discussed in the other thread.

The Catch isn't as bad as I thought it was. I think a quick reformat would fix the problems I have with it. Like so:

THE CATCH [+varies]
Description: Your abilities are limited in some way.
Note: Suffering from the negative consequences of taking this Power will often, but not always, be a Compel. If the importance of this Power changes during play, it might be necessary to change its cost or compensate with Compels.
Skills Affected: None.
Limited Powers. Attach this Power to at least one other Power that you possess. Then, select a circumstance. Whenever that circumstance applies, you are treated as though you did not possess the attached abilities.
Rebate. This Power reduces the Refresh cost of the attached Powers. The percentage that the cost is reduced by depends upon how commonly the limitation on your Powers will cause problems for you.
  • If it will matter rarely (perhaps once every 6 sessions or so), reduce the cost by one-sixth.
  • If it will cause problems from time to time (in some, but not all, sessions), reduce the cost by one fourth.
  • If it will be a frequent impediment (once a session on average), reduce the cost by half.
  • If it will prevent you from using your Powers except in unusual situations (no more than once a session on average), reduce the cost by three fourths.

At the GM's discretion, difficult-to-classify limitations might grant a rebate in between two of the suggested ones. Decimal costs should be rounded to the nearest integer, with GMs rounding halves based on what cost seems more appropriate.

Does anyone see any issues with that Catch writeup?

PS: I think that this version of The Catch might cover Human Form. Am I onto something here?

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #548 on: July 11, 2012, 03:53:44 AM »
PS: I think that this version of The Catch might cover Human Form. Am I onto something here?

I'm pretty sure that, with a few relatively minor tweaks, it could cover basically all Refresh rebates
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #549 on: July 11, 2012, 04:07:31 AM »

Item Of Power wouldn't be Item Of Power to me if you couldn't lend it out.

And I like the idea that Feeding Dependency is a constant mechanical struggle. Makes the idea of struggling against your dark side feel more real.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #550 on: July 11, 2012, 04:51:14 AM »
It is my understanding that an Item of Power will not grant its benefits to just anyone to whom it is lent, nor that one can gain its benefits without paying for those powers at least temporarily.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.

Offline Rougarou

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #551 on: July 11, 2012, 12:04:37 PM »
It is my understanding that an Item of Power will not grant its benefits to just anyone to whom it is lent, nor that one can gain its benefits without paying for those powers at least temporarily.

It can be loaned to someone at the cost of a fate point spent by the owner for every scene in which it is loaned out and functioning. The recipient pays nothing.
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"We called him Hobosus."
"Hobo plus Jesus. Hobosus."
- From a DFRPG campaign.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #552 on: July 12, 2012, 05:48:55 PM »
It's not exactly a great idea most of the time, but the fact that loaning an item is possible makes items feel a lot more item-like to me.

Any suggestions re: True Glamours and Feeding Dependency?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #553 on: July 13, 2012, 04:11:08 PM »
You can create creatures with up to -15 Refresh and 35 Skill Points. - True Glamours.

This creates a way to make infinite help in combat.  It also allows a 9 refresh cahracter to create 15 refresh body guards (they don't need free will so all points can be spent....even if they can't....14 is 6 more than 8.)

Yeah Thaumaturgy can do this with summoning or constructs - but it takes time.  It requires a roll, or several.  At evocation speed it requires a mental stress.  To do this effectively it requires focus items and refinement.

True Glamours requires none of that.

I dislike that part of it.

I may be in the minority, but it is still my opinion.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #554 on: July 13, 2012, 06:07:10 PM »
I agree with Silverblaze on this. I suppose you could add a note that it's not available to PCs, but that would be pretty strange, espcially if you allow fae PCs.