Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 219484 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #420 on: March 06, 2012, 07:12:21 PM »

Adding No Metabolism to Spirit Form. I don't think I need to increase the cost because of the change. Holler if you disagree.

Ugh. Spirit Form is already too damn long and it only gets longer.

Description: You are an incorporeal spirit form, able to pass through walls and other barriers in the mortal world. Thresholds still have an almost physical reality to you, however.
Skills Affected: Many, especially Conviction.
Note: This power may not normally be attached to Human Form, Feeding Dependency, an Item Of Power, Magical Self-Enhancement, or any other power that can "turn off" the powers it is attached to.. The Astral Projection and Manifestation upgrades, if taken, entirely remove this restriction except with regards to Human Form.
Insubstantial. You are invisible, inaudible, and incorporeal. This means that you can neither affect nor be affected by physical things, except as dictated under Vulnerabilities and Manifestation. Any magic that you cast is also incorporeal, and useless against anything physical. However, you can perceive the physical world normally, and under some circumstances it may be possible for physical characters to perceive and communicate with you. Characters with this power may affect each other freely.
Shaped By Belief. Your very existence is defined by belief. As a result, you are not closely bound by physical reality.You do not need to eat or sleep or breathe. Furthermore, you do not excrete wastes and you do not age. You are immune to both poison and disease. You may make Maneuvers and Declarations with Conviction to define your physical form and the nature of your interactions with the world.
Vulnerabilities. Certain physical things can harm you despite your intangibility. These things include ghost dust, fire, and sunlight. What's more, you cannot cross thresholds at all.
Manifestation [-2]. Once per scene, you may force yourself to manifest physically. This negates this power until the scene ends, you choose to become immaterial, or you get taken out in a physical conflict. Using this trapping is an insane act for a ghost, and as such this trapping may not be possessed by sane ghosts. (Other forms of spirit might not have this limitation.)
Poltergeist [-1]. You can exert a tiny amount of force on the material world. Normally this does nothing of importance, but when machinery is around you can often interfere with it. You may use Conviction to make maneuvers disrupting physical machinery.
Spiritual Physics Abuse [-1]. The laws of physics only affect you if you think they should. Teleportation is possible for you. You may substitute your Conviction skill for your Might skill when exerting force, your Athletics skill when moving, or for any other physical skill as the GM feels is appropriate.
Mind = Matter [-0]. Your body and your mind are the same thing. You have one stress track that is used for both mental and physical stress. Its length is determined by your Conviction skill. Toughness powers apply to this track, but mental stress automatically satisfies catches. Consequences taken on this track do not recover naturally unless you provide some form of special justification, generally involving the absorption of memories. More severe consequences require more elaborate justifications.
Astral Projection [-1]. You are a physical creature, but you can leave your body when you feel inclined. You normally do not have access to this power, but you may gain access to it any time by taking a supplemental action. When you do so, your physical body is unconscious and immobile. You may return to your physical body at any time by physically entering it with a supplemental action.
Involuntary Projection/Manifestation [+1]. (Requires Astral Projection or Manifestation) You have no control over whether or not you are corporeal at any given time. Choose a condition in collaboration with the GM. This condition determines whether or not this power is active at any given time.
Possession [-1]. You may enter the bodies of others, combining your power with theirs. Given a willing host, you may enter that host's body as a supplemental action. This allows you to control their body, using your own skills for all rolls. While you possess a host, you have access to all of your own powers and those of your host's powers that your GM deems appropriate. The host's skills may modify yours, at the GM's discretion. Physical stress is inflicted on the host, not on you, and the host's physical stress track is not affected. If you cast spells while in another characters body, you must pay for those spells with your own mental stress. However, your host suffers backlash for you. A character who is being possessed may not act, but they may force the possessor out of their body at any time.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #421 on: March 07, 2012, 04:47:31 AM »
Went over the wiki power page. Here are the powers that I think are non-redundant given what we already have:

Bindings [-1]
Description: You're able to forge metaphysical links to things and people, increasing your magical influence.
Link Forged: Whenever you make a pact with an entity, an entity eats food imbued with your power, or you have sexual intercourse with an entity, you place an aspect on that target that reflects the link you share. The pact link lasts until the entity has fulfilled its end of the bargain. The others last until the link is broken, however the GM feels that would be accomplished.
Link Exploited: As long as you have a link to the target, you are considered to be a ritual link to him, and may target him with thaumaturgy without need for any additional links. This also satisfies any requirements that the target belong to you or make a pact with you before using glamours or other fairy powers on him. However, the link goes back to you as well, and the target may use ritual magic against you, or may be used as a ritual component to send ritual magic against you. This may be worth a fate point depending on how badly you had it coming.
Mutual Bond: [-1] Both you and the individual you create the link with need to take this power, though only one of you need purchase Bindings. The two of you are considered to have the ability to exchange compels as per the benefits of sponsored magic. This represents a bond between near equals. Sponsored magic is better for when a powerful entity gives a much less powerful one significant magical power in addition to these benefits.

Glamourous [-1]
Description: Constant illusions enhance your beauty.
Sex Appeal: The magic you weave shifts your appearance slightly, making you appear like a person's version of an ideal man/woman. This gives you a +2 to social skills for any situation in which physical attractiveness is a major contributing factor. Anyone trying to describe your physical appearance does so at a -1 penalty for purposes of identifying you.
Not Even Skin Deep: Magical investigation, and especially the Sight quickly pierces this ability. Mirrors, even those found in cameras, reflect your true form.

Mime [-2]
Description:When someone else is performing an action you may copy their movements to do what they do. Usually this ability involves a bit of psychic talent to predict what someone else is about to do a split second before they do it and instinctively copy it. Either that or read the impulses their brain sends to their body and map that flow onto your own body.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Awareness.
Mimic: You may use the lower or either your investigation or another person's skill to copy that person's actions. When doing so you must copy their motions exactly. You may mimic certain stunts they have if copying their movements would logically give you that benefit. If someone is sniping with guns 3, and you have investigation 4, then you can roll 3 plus 4dF to shoot a similar gun. If someone is parrying an attack, you cannot use mimicry to parry an attack from a different angle. It's not just using the same skill, you have to perform their actions exactly the way they did it. If used for social skills, you must say the exact same words they used, though you need not copy tone or accent. (Example: An enemy says "If you think you can stand against me, you're going down." You shake your head and say "You're going down," copying his body language.)
Mirror: You may use mimicry to parry melee attacks if you're carrying a similar weapon to your opponent, or barehanded if they are using their bare hands. You may not benefit from any counterattack stunts or stunts like Step into the Blow. However, if they hit you that means you're about to hit them with the mirrored attack and they must make a dodge roll against that free attack, rolling their athletics against your investigation. They may not parry.
Mime: You can use investigation to mimic someone else's movements just for artistic purposes or to annoy them.
Learn by Seeing: After observing someone perform a skill for a set amount of time you may use investigation to complement that skill on your own in similar circumstances for an amount of time 2 point up on the time increment chart.

Telepathy [-2]
Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder; your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.
Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)
An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

Reading the Surface [-1]
Description: You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind.
Parsing the Waves. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Mind Meld [-1]
Description: You have the ability to possess someone in a benevolent way. Having you in one's head is a good thing, since you can help but not exert control.
Musts: You need some way to become insubstantial in order to enter the target's body.
Assist Vessel. When someone is possessed by you, they gain the full effect of any powers or stunts you have. What's more, they may use your skills instead of their own.
Co-Pilot [-1]: The person possessed by you gains the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power with you as the demon.

Swarm of Nasties (-3): Somehow, one body just isn't enough. Whether you're turning into a swarm of bats and flying off into the night, or a pile of venomous leeches, somebody's going to get freaked out. Requires previous shapeshifting ability.

When turned into a swarm, gain
Physical immunity (catch is area attacks + normal weaknesses)
Demonic Copilot (either your subconscious desires or actual demons)
*Everything is Big (as everything is small, but reverse the penalties and bonuses.)

In exchanged, lose all ranged attacking potential, and the ability to block.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #422 on: March 07, 2012, 04:48:46 AM »
I Hunt! [-2]
Description: When you choose to hunt someone, you find them.
Musts: This target is usually used by wildfae hunters, but others may take it.
Skills Affected: Lore, athletics, weapons, guns, fists, might, survival, and anything else used to hunt.
The Game Is Afoot: You may spend a fate point to declare a particular individual or creature your quarry. This has similar effects to righteousness, giving you a +1 to all rolls to hunt the individual, but the effect is immediately ended if you take any compels to sidetrack you, refuse any compels to keep you on the hunt, kill or capture your quarry, or spend a fate point to choose a new quarry. With GM approval, the hunt may be for something more ethereal. Things like "I will win her heart" or "I will find my lost sword" might be acceptable, so long as the quest has themes of pursuing, finding, and conquering.
Relentless Pursuit: Any time the quarry uses a supernatural ability to escape, you may copy its effect to pursue them. If they open a portal to the nevernever and close it behind them, you can walk into the nevernever as well. If they run away with supernatural speed, you gain a burst of speed. Powers are only mimicked when they are necessary to follow the target and only for purposes of pursuing the target. You could use inhuman speed to follow the quarry, but not to suddenly jump out of the way of a bullet. If the quarry stops running and gets in a car, they're no longer using inhuman speed and you can no longer mimic the power. Furthermore, if someone uses an evocation to turn into mist, you can turn into mist as well. But you can't suddenly use evocation to trap them with a wind spell. You gain temporary access to the effects not full access to the power.

Blood Magic [-1]
Description: You give your lifeblood as a sacrifice to fuel your magic.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability.
Skills Affected: Conviction
Power in the Blood: You may spend physical stress to cast a spell or to add power to a spell just as you would mental stress.
Deep Hurting: You may also take physical consequences to fuel magic, as you would mental consequences. These consequences add power at 1 and 1/2 times their normal value, but may not benefit from any regeneration powers or magical healing on consequences you get that power bonus from. The Blood Drinker vampirism power clears minor consequences as usual.

Magic Mimicry [-1]
Description: You can copy any magic spells you see in action.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability. Sponsored magic grants certain bonuses as part of its cost, and that may include this power as a large part of it.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Magus See, Magus Do: This acts similarly to refinement that gives you access to a new element, only instead of that element you can cast any spell you've seen done before, even if you only saw it once.

Aquatic Caster [-1]
Description: Your magic is in tune with water and is not disrupted by its flow.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability. Sponsored magic often grants unique bonuses, and this may be one of them.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
You can cast magic on water, from underwater, or through flowing water without difficulty. If you have any senses that work underwater, you may cast magic on any target you can sense in that way, even when murky or deep water obscure normal sight.

Signature Spell [-1]
Description: You have a single spell that you can perform better than any others.
Musts: You do not need to have other magical abilities, but if you do the bonuses from this power stack with any bonuses you get from them.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Favorite Spell: You gain +2 control and +1 power or +2 power and +1 control (choose which when you take the power) to a single spell. If you have no other magical abilities, then this is the only spell you can cast.

Magical Healing [-1]
Description: You are trained in the ways of healing, and can work healing more effectively than most mages.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability. Sponsored magic grants certain bonuses as part of its cost, and that may include this power as a large part of it.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Variations: This spell clears physical stress but varieties could exist for mental or social stress.
Treatment: You may clear a stress box on you or an ally by casting a spell with at least as much power as the number of the box in question. A 4 power evocation could clear any of a character's first 4 stress boxes. You may justify beginning recovery on a consequence with a power of spell at least equal to the consequence's value.
Cure: You may clear multiple stress boxes at once, and even reduce the severity of consequences by 1 step by summoning enough power. The chart below lists effects.
1 Power: Clears 1st stress box.
3 Power: Clears first 2 stress boxes.
6 Power: Clears first 3 stress boxes.
10 Power: Clears first 4 stress boxes.
12 Power: Clears all stress boxes and all minor consequences.
16 Power: Same as 12 power, plus lowers a moderate consequence to mild.
22 Power: Same as 16 power, plus lowers a severe consequence to moderate.
30 Power: Same as 22 power, plus lowers an extreme consequence to severe.
40 Power: (With GM approval) Revives a character from death assuming character's body is still in relatively good condition. The character comes back with all consequence slots filled but a clear stress track. Additionally, he must take a [-1] Stunt Back from the Dead Which grants no bonuses. If the revived character lacks the refresh, he may trade in one of his stunts or powers to make up for it. Note: excessive injuries raise the difficulty. Having the head cut off raises it to at least 50. Someone's who's burnt to ashes just isn't coming back even with 1000 power.

Note the Second: Death is a continuum in Dresden Files, not a set point. Even after "death" a few of your cells are still alive for awhile. A revivification spell provides enough juice for them to replicate and reconstruct the body. This shouldn't be a violation of the 5th law, though wardens may not see it that way.

Final Note: Just because the chart lists power levels for certain amounts of healing doesn't mean you're not abusing the rules to get those shifts of power.

Dedicated to the cause [-1].
Description: You effectively count as being in ‘true love’, or whatever the actual catch effect is , when facing a White court vampire, as your dedication to your 'mission' and what is stands for prevents you from being swayed by their powers.
Effects: Immunity form White Court powers. They probably don't like you very much either!

Fairy Truth

Description: You are more believable, but you cannot lie.
Musts: You must be a fairy, changeling, or for some other reason be unable to lie but willing to deceive.
Skills Affected: Deceit, some others.
No Lying: Everything you say is considered to be on your power. If say any fact that is not true, or break any promise, you immediately gain an extreme consequence. However...
Aura of Honesty: You have a +1 to convincing anyone of the truth of your words, whether or not they're familiar with fairy lore. This even works as a +1 to deceit in social situations to convince someone of the truth of what you meant but didn't technically say. And of course a lore roll of 1 is enough to know that fairies always tell the truth even if they do so with weasel words.

Potent Catch [+1]
Description: Your catch doesn't just nullify your powers, it actively harms you. Take an additional 3 damage when presented with your catch. Additionally, you may not come near or use any items associated with your catch. For example a fairy with this ability may not use an iron weapon, even if he or she is only holding it by a non-metallic handle.

Immortal Nature [-1]
Description: You are an Immortal, ageless from the time of your first death, and you are not alone... yet. Now is the time of the Gathering, and there can be only one.
(Original Source material can be found here:
Note: In terms of game effects, the uses of this ability are so minor and inherently balanced that they're almost cosmetic; hence the low cost.
Musts: The Immortal Template is required to take this power.
Options: None.
Skills Affected: Lore
Ageless: As a side-effect of your supernatural existence, your lifespan is extended indefinitely. You also may not reproduce in any fashion. In game terms these will rarely have relevance.
Awareness: You automatically sense the presence of other immortals within 2 to 4 zones - determined by the GM in whatever manner best suits the story - as if you had succeeded on a Lore: Mystic Perception roll. However, those Immortals become aware of you even as you become aware of them, so no advantage is ever gained by either. This ability does not determine direction, distance, or number, only that one or more Immortals are in the area. This effect occurs each time a new Immortal is encountered, but only once per scene for any Immortal. Other creatures may perceive this aspect of you through a Lore check, though success is not guaranteed.
Holy Ground: No Immortal knows for certain what would happen if they killed another on holy ground, they only know that they absolutely mustn't. It is suggested that the Rulebreaker power be used in these situations, however, GMs are free to set their own penalties for violating this rule. Suggestions for optional penalties include negating this power entirely, at which point Father Time returns to collect his due, or inflicting an extreme consequence as if the Immortal had broken a magically binding oath.
The Quickening: For taking the head of another Immortal, you are immediately granted a Fate point, which you always receive no matter how often you take a head. Taking an Immortal's head also allows the Immortal to purchase stunts or powers which the defeated Immortal possessed, provided you have the refresh to do so.
The Catch: Decapitation. This power sets an automatic catch of decapitation for all toughness powers acquired by an Immortal, and no other catch may be defined for those powers. It is worth either +1 for Inhuman level toughness powers, or +3 for all others. This catch applies when the Immortal is Taken Out by physical stress and consequences, and the opponent chooses to specifically behead the Immortal as part of their victory conditions. If the opponent does not choose to do so, the Immortal recovers according to the power's normal function. Physical consequences taken that involve the neck area are also subject to the catch and do not benefit from toughness powers.

Some of these are really similar to powers already on the list, but are here because those powers are not yet really finished. So having multiple versions of them will likely be useful.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #423 on: March 09, 2012, 07:39:34 AM »
Added some options to Long Reach to replace some of the cut powers.

Not totally happy with the wording here, if someone wants to help they should feel free.

Description: You have very long arms or some other advantage that lets you punch someone from the other side of a room.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons, other skills
Long Reach. You have a basic range of one zone. Among other benefits, this extends the distance at which you may make unarmed and melee weapon attacks, maneuvers, blocks, and grapples.
Extended Reach [-1]. You have a basic range of three zones. Among other benefits, this extends the distance at which you may make unarmed and melee weapon attacks, maneuvers, blocks, and grapples.
Restricted Reach [+1]. (Requires Extended Reach) Your Extended Reach power applies only to a specific type of action, like swinging swords or picking pockets.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #424 on: March 10, 2012, 03:15:34 AM »
So, there's this power called Hollow that I wrote a while back. It looks like this:

Description: You are hollow. There's enough space inside you for a person to curl up in.
Skills Affected: None
Hollow. You may hide objects inside your body. This gives a +4 bonus to any attempt to conceal something.
Living Armour. You may place another character inside your body, if they are willing or helpless. While a character is inside you, you make their physical defense rolls for them. In addition, add your physical armour to theirs. Obviously, a character who is inside moves when you do. A character who is inside you may not take any non-mental actions without first escaping.
Size Limit. A normal-sized character with this power may contain up to one normal-sized human or an equivalent volume and mass of other matter. Diminutive size divides storage capacity by 10, while Hulking Size multiplies it by 10, Titanic Size multiplies it by 100, and Unthinkable Size multiplies it by 1000.
Bigger Inside [-1]. Multiply your storage capacity by 10.
Limited Freedom [-1]. Characters inside you may take social actions. This allows them to make maneuvers in combat.
Full Freedom [-1]. (Requires Limited Freedom) Characters inside you may act normally, with one exception: they may not move outside of you without first escaping.

I thought it was pretty well-written, but when I used this in game (on a gigantic nautilus that served as an underwater fortress for the Fomor to keep hostages in) I ran into an issue. Specifically, the power didn't adequately cover the attempts of the PC to break into the monster and kill the fishmen inside.

Also, I wrote another power called Hyperspace Arsenal that seems redundant with this one. It looks like this:

Hyperspace Arsenal [-2]
Description: You seem to be able to fit an entire warehouse in your pockets. No-one’s really sure where stuff goes when you’re not using it.
Skills Affected: Might
Hammerspace. You can carry a full load (as determined by your might) without hindrance in an extradimensional compartment. The compartment exists outside time, so everything in it stays exactly as it was when it was put in.
Improved Hammerspace [-2]. You can carry much more than a full load in your extradimensional compartment. Add 8 to your might to determine the capacity of your compartment.
Secure Hammerspace [-1]. Nobody but you can access your extradimensional compartment. Metal in it doesn’t trigger metal detectors and so on. If you are unconscious or dead, the compartment cannot be opened at all.

Going to combine this into one power with a whole bunch of options, as follows:

Description: You possess the ability to contain things within your own body or within an extra-dimensional space. Or perhaps within some other sort of container. Most vehicles, if treated as characters, have this power.
Skills Affected: None
Magical Compartment. You may hide objects inside a supernatural container of some kind. Doing so gives you a +4 bonus to any attempt to conceal something.
Living Armour. You may place another character inside your compartment, if they are willing or helpless. Treat the space inside your compartment as a separate zone. When someone inside this zone is attacked by someone outside of it, you may make their physical defence rolls for them. In addition, you must add your physical armour to theirs against such attacks. Obviously, a character who is inside your compartment moves when you do. A character who is inside you may not take any actions that affect anything outside of you without first escaping. Entering or leaving your compartment without your consent requires that an appropriate aspect first be invoked for effect.
Size Limit. A normal-sized character with this power may contain up to one normal-sized human or an equivalent volume  of other matter within their compartment. Diminutive size divides storage capacity by 10, while Hulking Size multiplies it by 10, Titanic Size multiplies it by 100, and Unthinkable Size multiplies it by 1000. A character with this power is impeded normally by the weight of everything inside their compartment, but they add 4 to their Might skill for the purpose of carrying such things.
Sealed Compartment [-1]. The space inside your compartment is effectively a separate world. Anything or anyone inside it cannot interact with anything outside of it at all unless worldwalking magic is used. Entering or leaving the compartment without your consent requires similar magic. This is not compatible with Non-Restrictive Compartment.
Time Stands Still [-1]. Time does not pass within your compartment. Everything inside of it is held in stasis.
Expanded Compartment [-1]. Multiply your compartment's storage capacity by 10. Add 4 to your Might skill for the purpose of carrying things inside your compartment.
Non-Restrictive Compartment [-1]. Characters inside your compartment may take social actions against you and things outside of you. This allows them to make maneuvers in combat.
Open Compartment [-1]. (Requires Non-Restrictive Compartment) Characters inside your compartment may act normally, with one exception: they may not move outside of you without first escaping.

Really not sure if this is any good.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this, I'm listening.

Impromptu survey: do people like powers that have massive lists of upgrades? Would you rather see them split into pieces?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #425 on: March 10, 2012, 07:43:23 AM »
Okay, another list update is done. Changes:

- Everything from posts 421-422 except for Immortal Nature (should not be a single power) and Mind Meld (already on the list) and Telepathy (already on the list) added.

-Hyperspace Arsenal and Hollow replaced with Magical Compartment.

-Spirit Form updated.

-Long Reach updated.

-Impossible Jumps and Inhuman Balance replaced with Superhuman Acrobatics.

-Body Of Stone, Immortality, Lesser Immortality, and Undying replaced with updated Undying, Semi-Animate, and No Metabolism.

-Covenant Bond, One Of Mind, Blood Bound, and Our Powers Combined replaced with updated Pack Instincts.

-Removed some stuff that I said I removed before, but apparently didn't.

That should all be fairly uncontroversial, since it was announced beforehand. But if you object, say so and I can change stuff.

I've also made one other change, one that was not announced beforehand. I removed the Elemental Weapon power. It seems totally redundant with Natural Weaponry around. And I can't edit it to make it less so, because the original author asked me not to mess with it. So it's gone, I guess.

It looks like this:

-2 Elemental Weapon
Musts: An Aspect Related To The Power
Skill(s): Weapons
The user is able to summon a two-handed weapon made of an element of his choosing. A claymore of fire, a greataxe of ice, a hammer of rock, and a spear of lightning are all possible.
Large Weapon: Your Elemental Weapon is a large weapon, rated at Weapon 3.
Always at Hand: Your Elemental Weapon requires no sheath. It can be summoned to your hand for a Supplemental Action, and dispelled as a free action.
Attuned: Your Elemental Weapon is attuned to you. If it leaves your hand, whether dropped, thrown, or disarmed, it will vanish. A Supplemental Action may summon it to your hand again.
Made of the Elements: Your Elemental Weapon may fulfill Catches if thematically appropriate.
-1 Elemental Mastery
You may now summon two different weapons of differing elements, if you so choose.
-1 Elemental Control
When using your elemental weapon, gain a +1 to all rolls using it.
-1 Elemental Armor
You can extend your weapon's element into an armor that coats your entire body. It is automatically Armor: 1 versus most physical harm, and +2 versus the same element.

Anyone bothered by its removal?

New list length: 46 pages, 24834 words, 149080 characters.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #426 on: March 10, 2012, 10:10:15 AM »
If you get rid of natural weaponry, I'd consider adding its armour option to natural weaponry. And yeah, I like the massive lists of upgrades, they feel very customisable.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #427 on: March 10, 2012, 10:05:16 PM »
I like the armour option too, but I think that Inhuman Toughness + Human Form covers it pretty well.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #428 on: March 20, 2012, 02:03:31 AM »
Huh, I expected to get more flak for Magical Compartment. I didn't think it was all that well-written.

Whatever. Here are the things I plan to tackle next.

Blood Magic:

Blood Magic [Spellcraft; -1]
Musts: The ability to perform evocation
Blood Magic: You may substitute physical stress for mental stress inflicted by your own evocations. When using this power, it's all or nothing; you must choose to take all mental stress as physical stress, or none.

Blood Magic [-1]
Description: You give your lifeblood as a sacrifice to fuel your magic.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability.
Skills Affected: Conviction
Power in the Blood: You may spend physical stress to cast a spell or to add power to a spell just as you would mental stress.
Deep Hurting: You may also take physical consequences to fuel magic, as you would mental consequences. These consequences add power at 1 and 1/2 times their normal value, but may not benefit from any regeneration powers or magical healing on consequences you get that power bonus from. The Blood Drinker vampirism power clears minor consequences as usual.

Aquatic Magic:

Fomor Magic [-0]
Description: You're a Fomor, not a human. Your magic reflects that.
Effect: Your magic is never impeded or removed by the presence of running water. Instead, you suffer penalties when casting magic in areas that lack water almost entirely, like deserts or indoor areas without running water.

Aquatic Caster [-1]
Description: Your magic is in tune with water and is not disrupted by its flow.
Musts: You must have thaumaturgy, evocation, sponsored magic, or some other form of magical ability. Sponsored magic often grants unique bonuses, and this may be one of them.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
You can cast magic on water, from underwater, or through flowing water without difficulty. If you have any senses that work underwater, you may cast magic on any target you can sense in that way, even when murky or deep water obscure normal sight.

Shadow Manipulation:

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
This reminds me of some powers I helped set up for a shadow-user I GMed.
Dark Void -1
Effects: You can increase the shadows within a zone. Add the aspect sticky aspect Increased Shadows, by using discipline. This can be opposed by a counterspell.
Myrrk Void: Your shadow-increasing skills rival the Myrrk itself. Give a +1 to attempts to create shadows, and add the aspect Near-Myyrk alongside Increased Shadows.
Shadow Warp -2
You can travel from shadow to shadow with a distance up to one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll stealth against all nearby enemies' alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an attack as a supplametal action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow).

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
Description: You are able to use your shadow to physically manipulate objects, not only that but your shadow is malleable to your will. You can stretch it across great distances or coalesce it into a small area.
Options: This ability costs 1 refresh to start and has several upgrades to it.
Skills Affected: Fists, Might
Shadowy Hand. You can manipulate objects with your shadow. You can lift objects in accordance with your might, and attack using fists. Each zone away from you reduces the effectiveness of your might and fists roll by 1. The closer you are, the more effective your shadow is. Using your shadow on something in the same zone as you is easier, and you gain a +1 bonus to any such roll. In addition if you possess inhuman strength or greater your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Deeper Shadows [-1]. Increase the weapon rating of attacks made with your shadows by +2.
Lasting Shadows [-1]. Your shadows take longer to dissipate, allowing you to spread your attention across a battlefield. Any aspect placed with Shadow Manipulation automatically becomes sticky.
Wall of Shadows [-1]. Your shadows have become so dense, so impenetrable that creatures without the cloak of shadows ability are almost utterly incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Manipulation to create a defensive block opposed by alertness.
Shadows Fall [-1]. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should be, allowing you to attack a whole zone with it (at a -2 penalty).

Hunger Magic:

Hunger Magic [-1]
Description: You can channel the life force you've stolen to sate your hunger in order to bolster your spells.
Musts: Feeding Dependency, Some sort of Spellcasting
Skills Affected: None
Reach Into the Well. You may invoke one spellcasting related aspect for the cost of two hunger stress without paying a fate point.
Deeper Reserves. Since you've learned to use stolen life force for other purposes, you've also had to expand your capacity to store it. You gain one mild hunger consequence.


Telepathy [-2]
Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder, your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.
Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)
An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

Reading the Surface [-1]
Description: You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind.
Parsing the Waves. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Being A Swarm:

Swarm of Nasties (-3): Somehow, one body just isn't enough. Whether you're turning into a swarm of bats and flying off into the night, or a pile of venomous leeches, somebody's going to get freaked out. Requires previous shapeshifting ability.
When turned into a swarm, gain
Physical immunity (catch is area attacks + normal weaknesses)
Demonic Copilot (either your subconscious desires or actual demons)
*Everything is Big (as everything is small, but reverse the penalties and bonuses.)
In exchanged, lose all ranged attacking potential, and the ability to block.

Description: Rather than one entity, your body is made from a multitude of lesser creatures, making you more difficult to harm.
Musts: This power comes with its own specific Catch (see page 185). If you suffer physical consequences, they must take into account the non-singular nature of your body; a demon with a body made from five-hundred-and-two stone crabs is unlikely to suffer a Broken Arm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills.   
Chipping Away. Physical attacks cannot inflict more than one stress on you at a time; no matter how devastating the blow, it can only target a small part of your “body”. The effects of this power are applied after additions and subtractions from weapons and armour; wielding a sword will not appreciably increase one’s ability to fight off a swarm of bees (by the same token, bees do not classically benefit from wearing kevlar).
Specific Catch. Unlike other Toughness powers, Swarm Body comes with its own preset Catch, which offers no discount. The effects of this power are completely bypassed by area attacks; that is, those attacks that encompass a great majority of the target’s body. Diminutive insect swarms would be thus affected by sprayed insecticide, while a human-sized enemy would be vulnerable to flamethrowers or suitable evocations, and even larger swarms might require more extreme measures to seriously damage. Note that a clever maneuver might force a swarm into a confined space or formation, and thereby reduce the size of the attack necessary to harm it.

Mental Toughness:

Inhuman Stoicism [-2]
Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse then the average human.
Musts: No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Hard to Twist. You naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Hard to Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Supernatural Stoicism [–4]
Description: Your mind can handle trauma that would normally destroy a person.
Musts: This ability replaces Inhuman Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Harder to Twist. You naturally have Armor:2 against all mental stress.
Harder to Break. You have four additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Mythic Stoicism [–6]
Description: The durability of your mind is beyond the mortal scale.
Musts: You must have permission to purchase this ability. This ability replaces Inhuman or Supernatural Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Nearly Impossible to Twist. You naturally have Armor:3 against all mental stress.
Nearly Impossible to Break. You have six additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Inhuman Mental Resilience (-1)
You add 1 to your mental stress track. There is no catch vs this power, and you can not take other powers that would increase your mental stress. (Stoicism for instance.)

Supernatural Mental Resilience (-2)
Add 2 boxes to your mental stress. This power otherwise acts like Inhuman Mental Resilience.

Mythic Mental Resilience (-3)
Add 3 boxes to your mental stress. This Power otherwise functions like inhuman mental Resilience.

Powers That Negate All Creatures Are Equal Before God:

The Catch and Only the Catch (-3)
Life for Mortals is not fair, get over it!
Must: 1 Toughness Power
World Don’t Work That Way!: Your Toughness Powers can only be overcome by the Catch and only the Catch.  This Power counts as a Toughness Power for determining total cost.
(Designer  Note: If the Catch for the Toughness Powers are too unreasonable a Game Master can disallow a Player from choosing this Power; so as to prevent some super-munchkin from taking an absurd Catch and making it the only way to harm them.)

[-3] There Is No Salvation
There are many powers in the world that make it their business to level the playing field and give inferior creatures a "fair" chance by rewarding their inferiority.
Sometimes though, rejoice, despair, Fate does not care. This is where you come in; removing all external crutches you put all creatures in their rightful place in the world.
Effect: Pay a Fate point. For the duration of the scene, only your actual catch can negate your toughness and recovery powers.


Description: You don't have a mind. Either you mindlessly obey others or you simply execute a complex program.
Musts: You must take an aspect to represent the thing that you use instead for a mind. For example, THE MERLIN'S PROPERTY or PROGRAMMED TO KILL.
Skills Affected: Mental and social skills
Note: This power requires excellent justification if taken by a character with positive refresh. Not for balance reasons, but for logical reasons. As such, this power is mostly unsuitable for player characters.
No Mind. As a mindless creature, you cannot be attacked mentally. Duh. You have no mental stress track and never take mental stress. You are not immune to social stress, but social attacks and maneuvers have no effect on your actions even if you are taken out. So unless someone wants to ruin your reputation or credibility, there's no point attacking you socially.
Incapable Of Thought. Not being able to think has its downsides. You may not use any skill trapping that, in the GM's opinion, involves thought.
Superior Instincts/Programming [-1]. The complexity of your program or your instincts is impressive. Select one skill trapping. Ignore the effects of Incapable Of Thought on that trapping. This trapping may be purchased multiple times.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #429 on: March 23, 2012, 05:24:37 PM »
Let's start with aquatic magic. I'm dropping Fomor Magic because vultur's Sponsored Magic makes it redundant and I like the other power better anyway. Here's a cleaned up version of the other power:

Description: Your magic is in tune with water and is not disrupted by its flow.
Musts: You must possess some kind of spellcasting ability in order to take this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Aquatic Spellcasting. Your magic is not impeded by water, running or otherwise.


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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #430 on: March 26, 2012, 11:02:56 PM »
Alright, now for Blood Magic.

Making it optional presents some issues, so I made it mandatory. Which makes it more of a disadvantage than an advantage for most characters. So I dropped the price to 0.

Saw no need for the special consequence interaction, so I got rid of it.

I kinda regret making this not work with Size powers, but this would be kinda silly with Unthinkable Size.

Description: Your magic comes from the energy of your body, rather than from the energy of your mind.
Musts: You must possess some kind of spellcasting ability in order to take this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Blood Magic. If you would take a mental stress hit to power a spell or an enchanted item, you take an equal physical stress hit instead. This physical stress automatically satisfies all Catches and ignores all armour. Furthermore, it bypasses extra stress boxes from Size powers.

Any objections?

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #431 on: March 26, 2012, 11:08:05 PM »
Alright, now for Blood Magic.

Making it optional presents some issues, so I made it mandatory. Which makes it more of a disadvantage than an advantage for most characters. So I dropped the price to 0.

Saw no need for the special consequence interaction, so I got rid of it.

I kinda regret making this not work with Size powers, but this would be kinda silly with Unthinkable Size.

Description: Your magic comes from the energy of your body, rather than from the energy of your mind.
Musts: You must possess some kind of spellcasting ability in order to take this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Blood Magic. If you would take a mental stress hit to power a spell or an enchanted item, you take an equal physical stress hit instead. This physical stress automatically satisfies all Catches and ignores all armour. Furthermore, it bypasses extra stress boxes from Size powers.

Any objections?

But Surely big things have more blood, no objections here.
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #432 on: March 26, 2012, 11:24:10 PM »
Yeah, but maybe they also need more blood to fuel their spells.

Sometimes fluff must be adjusted to suit mechanical necessities.

If you can think of a balanced way to make Blood Magic work with Size, I'm listening.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #433 on: March 27, 2012, 07:47:58 PM »
Found an old power that I apparently missed when building the master list today. So I'll add it to the list, and when I get around to doing so I'll revise it.

Take a look:

Intellectus Of War [-3]
Musts: High Aspect that Corresponds to this (Scion of a War God, Empowered by a War Spirit)
Key Skill: Fists, Weapons, Gun, Drive
You are a living embodiment of combat. Anything is a weapon in your hands. You could man a tank even if the last time you were on Earth was when gunpowder was considered an innovation.

You may substitute your Fists and Guns skill with Weapons. Furthermore, you can substitute Weapons for any skill roll as long as it could be considered an attack or the vehicle could be considered a weapon (so your Weapons skill could not substitute your Drive skill, unless the vehicle was a tank, a fighter jet, or you were actively trying to run someone over with it). You are considered proficient in any weapon or weaponized vehicle, and you could substitute for other crew, within reason (so you could operate a two-man fighter by yourself, but a battleship is right out). You instinctively know how to maintain weapons and weaponized vehicles, though you cannot teach anyone else how to (so if the item is beyond the capacity for one person to maintain and you're alone or with unqualified people, you're SOL).

You may not gain these bonuses in terms of spellcraft, except for the purposes of aiming an Enchanted Item.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #434 on: March 28, 2012, 02:48:13 AM »
Now to revise the Mental Resilience chain. The only meaningful change I'm making is the removal of the pointless incompatibility with Stoicism.

Description: Your mental strength is beyond human limits - but only slightly. Elder wizards often have this power, which lets them outlast their younger peers in Evocation contests.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Inhuman Mental Resilience. Add one box to the length of your mental stress track.

Description: Your mental strength is incredible. Senior Council members and other extremely strong wizards often have this power.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Supernatural Mental Resilience. Add two boxes to the length of your mental stress track.

Description: You have more mental strength than perhaps anything else on the planet. This power is generally possessed by the greatest wizards in history and by semi-divine beings.
Skills Affected: Conviction.
Mythic Mental Resilience. Add three boxes to the length of your mental stress track.

Any objections?