Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 223745 times)

Offline benign

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #225 on: December 16, 2011, 07:33:50 PM »
Sure, I'll get right to it. Getting rid of the lawbreaker one is fine, I threw that in there as an afterthought and agree that it's probably too ornery to deal with here (better discussed at individual gaming tables). Would it be ok to give this sponsored magic the special trait that it can use evocations to inflict mental stress? Or is that just inherently so powerful that it should be avoided?

The flavor is the most fun thing with sponsored magics, anyway, so the ability will survive no matter what.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #226 on: December 16, 2011, 07:47:36 PM »
It's pretty damn powerful. Probably worth 3-4 refresh on its own.

Though Psychomancy evothaum can inflict mental stress anyway. It just won`t have a weapon rating.

So yeah, I`d recommend something else as an extra benefit. Maybe something to do with illusions.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #227 on: December 16, 2011, 08:03:09 PM »
It's pretty damn powerful. Probably worth 3-4 refresh on its own.

Definitely controversial, and further dependent on disregarding the apparently canon inclusion of mental effects in basic Spirit evocation.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #228 on: December 16, 2011, 08:06:58 PM »
And a perfunctory edited version, pending your thoughts.

Foxfire [-4]
Description: A gift from the fox spirits of legend allows you to cloud minds, fool the senses, and even drive people to insanity.
Sponsor: The fox spirits of Eastern legend, AKA nine-tailed foxes, huli jing, kumiho, kitsune, and many other names. Contrary to many modern interpretations, fox spirits tend to be unrepentant monsters with a taste for human flesh, though benevolent individuals exist. Many scholars compare the diversity of fox spirit myths to faerie lore in European traditions, though the two are (probably) distinct supernatural genera. Fox spirits are often worshiped, or at least placated, in traditional shrines.
Agenda: Seduction, illusion, the gaining of status and wealth through dishonorable means or Faustian bargains. Foxfire prefers to be used in indirect ways, but when grave insult or disrespect is offered, it kindles brightly with the desire for vengeance.
Evocation: Foxfire evocations are often limned in ghostly blue or red flames. Foxfire employs raw spiritual energy channeled in the form of voracious insubstantial fire It is quick to take hold and consume, but just as quick to burn out or be quenched.
Thaumaturgy: Foxfire can be employed to manipulate emotional states, create durable illusions, and to cause effects in a target household that resemble a haunting or demon possession. When used offensively it has a the unique preference for inflicting mental stress, the fire that burns cold but sears the soul.
Evothaum: Foxfire allows its user to cast Photomancy and Psychomancy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: When using foxfire for maneuvers that cloud or deceive the senses (illusions, maneuvers to inflict certain consequences), the spell gets a number of free extra shifts for duration equal to the caster's ranks in the deceit skill. The original maneuver must still be successful for this to take effect.

Tell me if you think the new extra benefit is trying too hard to be clever.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 08:19:07 PM by benign »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #229 on: December 16, 2011, 08:38:12 PM »
Though Psychomancy evothaum can inflict mental stress anyway. It just won`t have a weapon rating.
Do you mean that Evothaum uses the power Shifts as a direct attack only, rather than Declared Power Shifts = Weapon Rating?
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #230 on: December 16, 2011, 09:10:30 PM »
Those extra benefits seem extremely powerful when they're applicable, though maneuvers never inflict consequences.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #231 on: December 16, 2011, 09:35:03 PM »
Exactly, and the thing is you can still only tag the aspects once. Since you (or an ally) are usually setting those aspects up for a more or less immediate tag, the extra duration is nice but only really powerful if you have someone on the team with so many fate points that they need a recurring place to spend a bunch of them over and over.

Where I see it potentially being quite nice is in using thaumaturgy to set up aspects, since those extra shifts for duration go quite far. But then again, making up a few extra shifts is much easier when casting a ritual than an evocation, so while the shifts are nice they still don't seem OP.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #232 on: December 16, 2011, 09:42:11 PM »
The canonicity of mental evocation attacks is controversial, but their power is not. I think.

And yes, computerking, that is what I mean. It`s an extrapolation from the way that the Heart-Exploding Spell works, and I think it`s a reasonable one.

I like the new foxfire. The extra benefit is an effective +5 power, which would normally be way too much. But maneuver duration rarely matters, so it shouldn`t be a problem.

Though I have little experience with Thaumaturgy maneuvers, which might break this. I dunno.

Offline benign

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #233 on: December 16, 2011, 10:21:16 PM »
My feeling is that thaumaturgy maneuvers don't break foxfire because it is usually a relatively simple matter to find extra shifts to feed your ritual. A player who really wants to get it done will do it, this bonus is simply a nice way to skip that preparation step when doing the relatively niche application of thaumaturgy rituals that apply to a target and somehow warp their senses.

Thanks for the feedback.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #234 on: December 16, 2011, 11:09:39 PM »
The canonicity of mental evocation attacks is controversial, but their power is not. I think.

Their value-unto-themselves in refresh certainly would seem to be, if your estimate is any guide.
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #235 on: December 17, 2011, 03:01:23 AM »
Perhaps. I`m balancing against All Creatures Are Equal Before God here.

If you would like to discuss this, please make a new thread. This one has a topic of its own.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #236 on: December 17, 2011, 04:16:11 AM »
Description: You can project the world of the word into the real world. Nothing from the world of the word can exist without context as it would lose its meaning and therefore its existence. Monsters drawn from books remain monsters and heroes, heroes.
Sponsor: Bibliomancy draws upon the world of words for its powers. The world of words is essentially a conglomeration of everything ever written, from novels to textbooks. It is not actually sentient, but it has a sort of will nonetheless.
Agenda: The world of words has no concrete agenda, but it is generally in favour of knowledge and against the destruction of books. Sometimes it will try to force reality into the shape of a novel.
Evocation: Bibliomantic evocations make use of the Word element. Word evocations generally function by bringing things from the world of words into reality. This can create almost any evocation effect, but it requires access to written material containing the desired effect.
Thaumaturgy: Bibliomantic rituals can blur the line between text and truth, perform a wide variety of divinations with a textual thematic, create books or other associated objects, and open portals to certain realms.
Evothaum: Bibliomancers may summon creatures from books, divine written things, and create written materials with the speed and methods of evocation.
Extra Benefits: A Bibliomancer adds two to his or her Resources skill when using it to determine Library quality or to purchase a new Library. In addition, a Bibliomancer may use a Library of any sort as an Arcane Sanctum of an equal rating.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #237 on: December 17, 2011, 07:01:01 AM »
Evocation: Bibliomantic evocations make use of the Word element. Word evocations generally function by bringing things from the world of words into reality. This can create almost any evocation effect, but it requires access to written material containing the desired effect.

This seems to be edging into 5-refresh territory, to me.  If not blowing right through it.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #238 on: December 17, 2011, 09:02:29 PM »

I figured that "you need a book" was about as broad as the restrictions on Spirit evocation.

If you think it's too much, it can be toned down. Any suggestions?

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #239 on: December 17, 2011, 10:05:20 PM »
I'd compare it instead to Soulfire's 'all agenda-compatible thaumaturgy', which, by my reckoning, makes up the greatest part of Soulfire's 5th refresh.

That said, I don't think it needs to be 'toned down' at all, but rather just needs to be costed appropriately.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.