Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222635 times)

Offline Viatos

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #150 on: July 12, 2011, 06:15:14 AM »

I think this is pretty reasonable for what it does, yeah.

Description: Your powers only function at very short range.
Musts: A Spellcasting ability whose range is normally sensory.
Skills Affected: Varies
Martial Mojo. Your Spellcasting ability only functions within your zone. As a small respite, you are immune to your own zone-wide spells as long as they do not cause any fallout.

Description: Shifting forms is extremely painful.
Musts: A Shapeshifting ability.
Skills Affected: Endurance
Painful Transformation. Choose one form you have access to. Whenever you shift forms, unless it is into the chosen form, you immediately receive a Mild Physical Consequence related to the stress of transformation.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #151 on: July 13, 2011, 02:43:09 AM »
Not bad. However:

I don't see why Painful Transformation should be limited to shapeshifting.


Martial Mojo needs playtesting. Rebates are dangerous ground, as are things that boost evocation.

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #152 on: July 16, 2011, 03:26:22 AM »
Re: Martial Mojo - it may be a much easier sell as a +0 modifier. Personal immunity could be worth quite a lot, especially if the GM doesn't automatically give it.

How *do* other GMs ordinarily handle Zonewide effects on the caster's own Zone?
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #153 on: July 16, 2011, 03:53:00 AM »
You hit yourself.

Zonewide effects are very powerful, so they don't get the benefit of a generous interpretation.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #154 on: July 16, 2011, 05:38:25 PM »
Is any of this in a Google Spreadsheet or some such document? You can share those for multiple editors.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #155 on: July 16, 2011, 08:18:20 PM »
I'm afraid not. I actually don't know how to do that.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #156 on: July 24, 2011, 02:41:53 AM »

I admit, I've been procrastinating. It's easy to forget about a thread when A) you're waiting for a response and B) you've reached the least pleasant part of it.

Anyway, here are some more powers from the other thread:

[-1] Covenant Bond - You have a contract that connects you to a supernatural creature of some sort or another. This link allows for a level of unparalleled teamwork boardering close to the impossible. When maneuvers one of the pair has created, the other can tag it for +3 instead of the ordinary +2.

[-2] One of Mind - Your contract with each other has brought you close together, so much so you have trancended self to become more then the sum of your parts. When in the same zone as each other maneuvers taken to benefit your partner are rolled at +2. Additionally you may communicate mind to mind with your other half, staying in sync with each other regardless of distance. Mechanically when one succeeds in a relevant roll (such as Lore, Scholarship, or Alertness) the other shares in that success.

Absorption [-3]: You can feed off the energy of your enemies attacks.
Anytime an Enemy physically hits you in combat (he succeeds his attack roll) you gain a temporary aspect relating to being charged which can be freely tagged once.

Elemental Absorption: [-2]; You can feed off a certain element. (fire, air, earth, spirit, water)
Anytime someone attacks you or you come into contact with your element you can gain a temporary aspect relating to being charged up which you can freely tag once.

Mind Scape Battlefield [-3]: You can drag an opponent stupid enough to look you in the eyes to mental battlefield (after a conviction contest) whilst you are fighting in this mental battlefield both you and your target lie prone. In the mental battlefield you no access to powers that require you body, but can fight with your conviction and discipline rather than fists, weapons and guns. Attacks in the mindscape battlefield do mental stress and if  an opponent is taken out this is justification for posession if a person has the power.

Blink Fighter [-2] - Becuase of your inhuman speed you attacks are much harder to avoid.
Add your athletics bonus from Speed Powers to your phsyical attack accuracy. (Dosen't stack with any other forms of accuracy boost.)

The Catch and Only the Catch (-3)
Life for Mortals is not fair, get over it!
Must: 1 Toughness Power
World Don’t Work That Way!: Your Toughness Powers can only be overcome by the Catch and only the Catch.  This Power counts as a Toughness Power for determining total cost.

(Designer  Note: If the Catch for the Toughness Powers are too unreasonable a Game Master can disallow a Player from choosing this Power; so as to prevent some super-munchkin from taking an absurd Catch and making it the only way to harm them.)

Void of Faith (-4)
Believing against Belief  is a funny and frightening thing.
Must: Must have a High Concept that rejects the faith entirely, and can never have or take any True Faith or Spellcraft Powers.
“I Care Not for Your Superstitious Beliefs!”: You ignore the effects of Bless This House has on Thresholds.
“I Reject Your Faith!”:   You gain Physical Immunity to all Holy/Unholy damage that ignores the general rule of “Faith Trumps All”.

Composite Personality [-2]
You are not alone in your mind, you have access to dozens of other minds, memories and skills.

Skill Shuffle.You may shuffle around your skills for a different configuration while changed (using the same number of skill points and following the same rules as during character creation, page 65), so long as any purely physical skill are not given a higher value by the change. (Might, Endurance, Athletics) 

See-Saw Mentality (Requires Composite Personality) [-2] When one personality is pushed down another is pushed up.
You are immune to unnatural mental stress but any mental damage greater than your mental stress track forces you to change personality. 

The Power of the Blood- [-4]
Description: A true blooded elder vampire can draw a form of magical power from the life in the blood they have stolen. This power can be used to manipulate the blood of others and the blood of the vampire itself. The power of the blood works like evocation though cause hunger stress rather than mental stress.

+2 Focus Item Slots etc

Potential uses of Power: [evocation examples]:Controlling blood flow, causing internal injury, blood projectiles, [thaumaturgy at the speed of evocation examples]: blood chemistry alteration, blood binding (mental control) and blood tracking.     

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #157 on: July 24, 2011, 02:58:34 AM »
The Catch and Only the Catch (-3)
Life for Mortals is not fair, get over it!
Must: 1 Toughness Power
World Don’t Work That Way!: Your Toughness Powers can only be overcome by the Catch and only the Catch.  This Power counts as a Toughness Power for determining total cost.
How does this differ from Physical Immunity?  Other than the price.

Composite Personality [-2]
You are not alone in your mind, you have access to dozens of other minds, memories and skills.

Skill Shuffle.You may shuffle around your skills for a different configuration while changed (using the same number of skill points and following the same rules as during character creation, page 65), so long as any purely physical skill are not given a higher value by the change. (Might, Endurance, Athletics) 
I'd recommend basing this off of Mimic Abilities's "Mimic Skill" cost.
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"Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength."  - Eric Hoffer

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #158 on: July 24, 2011, 05:33:40 AM »
The Catch And Only The Catch is not even slightly close to similar to Physical Immunity.

It just seems that way because of unclear writing.

Really, all it does is negate All Creatures Are Equal Before God.

Composite Personality was modeled off of Beast Change, I think. But I suppose that could be changed.


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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #159 on: July 25, 2011, 11:33:21 AM »
On Dream or Reality:

People seem to be confused as to why, when I originally wrote up the power, there was the Illiteracy and Rapid Eye Movement sections.

The answer is simple, I wrote it up for a specific character. These things made sense for the character, and so they went in with Dream or Reality.

On Red Hot Knives:

The original version is more than stunt powerful, it only doesn't seem like it because you are doing your order of operations incorrectly. It is Red Hot Knives, meant for somebody with Off-Hand training. In that Situation it works like this:

(Weapon 2 + 3 Red Hot Knives)*1.5, rounded up. That means a dual dagger wielding red hot knives user casts a fire evocation and the next exchange he is attacking at Weapon 8, a +5 Stress increase. The formula without Red Hot Knives would have been (Weapon 2)*1.5, rounded up.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 11:36:39 AM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #160 on: July 25, 2011, 05:42:09 PM »
People seem to be confused as to why, when I originally wrote up the power, there was the Illiteracy and Rapid Eye Movement sections.

Those always made sense to me.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #161 on: July 29, 2011, 01:44:52 AM »
This list is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #162 on: November 13, 2011, 04:34:31 AM »
Argh. The longer I take to do this, the bigger the job gets.

Description: You don't have a mind. Either you mindlessly obey others or you simply execute a complex program.
Musts: You must take an aspect to represent the thing that you use instead for a mind. For example, THE MERLIN'S PROPERTY or PROGRAMMED TO KILL.
Skills Affected: Mental and social skills
Note: This power requires excellent justification if taken by a character with positive refresh. Not for balance reasons, but for logical reasons. As such, this power is mostly unsuitable for player characters.
No Mind. As a mindless creature, you cannot be attacked mentally. Duh. You have no mental stress track and never take mental stress. You are not immune to social stress, but social attacks and maneuvers have no effect on your actions even if you are taken out. So unless someone wants to ruin your reputation or credibility, there's no point attacking you socially.
Incapable Of Thought. Not being able to think has its downsides. You may not use any skill trapping that, in the GM's opinion, involves thought.
Superior Instincts/Programming [-1]. The complexity of your program or your instincts is impressive. Select one skill trapping. Ignore the effects of Incapable Of Thought on that trapping. This trapping may be purchased multiple times.

Description: You are hollow. There's enough space inside you for a person to curl up in.
Skills Affected: None
Hollow. You may hide objects inside your body. This gives a +4 bonus to any attempt to conceal something.
Living Armour. You may place another character inside your body, if they are willing or helpless. While a character is inside you, you make their physical defense rolls for them. In addition, add your physical armour to theirs. Obviously, a character who is inside moves when you do. A character who is inside you may not take any non-mental actions without first escaping.
Size Limit. A normal-sized character with this power may contain up to one normal-sized human or an equivalent volume and mass of other matter. Diminutive size divides storage capacity by 10, while Hulking Size multiplies it by 10, Titanic Size multiplies it by 100, and Unthinkable Size multiplies it by 1000.
Bigger Inside [-1]. Multiply your storage capacity by 10.
Limited Freedom [-1]. Characters inside you may take social actions. This allows them to make maneuvers in combat.
Full Freedom [-1]. (Requires Limited Freedom) Characters inside you may act normally, with one exception: they may not move outside of you without first escaping.

Description: For whatever reason, people you grab stay grabbed without any effort from you.
Skills Affected: Might
Superior Hold. When you hold another character in a grapple, you may take a supplemental action to apply a Superior Hold to them. If you do so, you may continue to grapple them on subsequent turns without taking an action.
Swallow Whole. [+1] Gulp. You may only apply Superior Holds to characters smaller than you.

Phouka Beast Change: Your beast form is mutable.  While you may only change into one animal, you can change into variations of the same one.  You can change coloration and alter size and weight by up to 50% (smaller or larger ~ lighter or heavier). This grants a +3 to any roll used to dupe people into thinking you aren't the same animal they saw before.

 This is only being created for an NPC I want to post on the generic NPC thread...would it even be worth another refresh or just a -0 and have a high concpet related to shapechaing fae?

Gift of the Spriggan: -3:  You have the ability to drastically alter your size. This power allows a character to shift to a smaller form identical to diminuitive size or a larger form; identical to hulking size.

-1: The change is done as a supplemental action, still only once per round.

Inhuman Dexterity [-2]
+1 to accuracy with weapons where dexterity matters 
+1 to weapons parry
+2 to any non combat roll that is based off manual dexterity (lock-picking, pick-pocketing, magic tricks etc.)

Supernatural Dexterity [-4]
+2 to accuracy with weapons where dexterity matters
+2 to weapons parry
+4 to any non-combat roll that is based off manual dexterity (lock-picking, pick-pocketing, magic tricks etc.)
Mythic Dexterity [-6]
+3 to accuracy with weapons where dexterity matters
+3 to weapons parry
+6 to any non-combat roll that is based off manual dexterity (lock-picking, pick-pocketing, magic tricks etc.)

The Eyes of the King [-4]
This ability requires eye contact between the target and the holder of this power. The holder of this power can plant a suggestion in his opponents subconscious which must be obeyed. Planting this suggestion requires a presence maneuver to make eye contact (usually vs empathy) and gives the aspect "commanded". The target of this attack then suffers an mental attack at the holders presence vs discipline each round until he is either taken out (when he will automatically obey the command) or he chooses to obey the command. To remove this command would require magical assistance the complexity for such a ritual would have to beat the original maneuver roll.

Description: You are an incorporeal spirit form, able to pass through walls and other barriers in the mortal world. Thresholds still have an almost physical reality to you, however.
Skills Affected: Many, especially Conviction.
Note: This power may not normally be attached to Human Form, Feeding Dependency, an Item Of Power, Magical Self-Enhancement, or any other power that can "turn off" the powers it is attached to.. The Astral Projection and Manifestation upgrades, if taken, entirely remove this restriction except with regards to Human Form.
Insubstantial. You are invisible, inaudible, and incorporeal. This means that you can neither affect nor be affected by physical things, except as dictated under Vulnerabilities and Manifestation. Any magic that you cast is also incorporeal, and useless against anything physical. However, you can perceive the physical world normally, and under some circumstances it may be possible for physical characters to perceive and communicate with you. Characters with this power may affect each other freely.
Shaped By Belief. Your very existence is defined by belief. As a result, you are not closely bound by physical reality. You may make Maneuvers and Declarations with Conviction to define your physical form and the nature of your interactions with the world.
Vulnerabilities. Certain physical things can harm you despite your intangibility. These things include ghost dust, fire, and sunlight. What's more, you cannot cross thresholds at all.
Manifestation [-2]. Once per scene, you may force yourself to manifest physically. This negates this power until the scene ends, you choose to become immaterial, or you get taken out in a physical conflict. Using this trapping is an insane act for a ghost, and as such this trapping may not be possessed by sane ghosts. (Other forms of spirit might not have this limitation.)
Poltergeist [-1]. You can exert a tiny amount of force on the material world. Normally this does nothing of importance, but when machinery is around you can often interfere with it. You may use Conviction to make maneuvers disrupting physical machinery.
Spiritual Physics Abuse [-1]. The laws of physics only affect you if you think they should. Teleportation is possible for you. You may substitute your Conviction skill for your Might skill when exerting force, your Athletics skill when moving, or for any other physical skill as the GM feels is appropriate.
Mind = Matter [-0]. Your body and your mind are the same thing. You have one stress track that is used for both mental and physical stress. Its length is determined by your Conviction skill. Toughness powers apply to this track, but mental stress automatically satisfies catches. Consequences taken on this track do not recover naturally unless you provide some form of special justification, generally involving the absorption of memories. More severe consequences require more elaborate justifications.
Astral Projection [-1]. You are a physical creature, but you can leave your body when you feel inclined. You normally do not have access to this power, but you may gain access to it any time by taking a supplemental action. When you do so, your physical body is unconscious and immobile. You may return to your physical body at any time by physically entering it with a supplemental action.
Involuntary Projection/Manifestation [+1]. (Requires Astral Projection or Manifestation) You have no control over whether or not you are corporeal at any given time. Choose a condition in collaboration with the GM. This condition determines whether or not this power is active at any given time.
Possession [-1]. You may enter the bodies of others, combining your power with theirs. Given a willing host, you may enter that host's body as a supplemental action. This allows you to control their body, using your own skills for all rolls. While you possess a host, you have access to all of your own powers and those of your host's powers that your GM deems appropriate. The host's skills may modify yours, at the GM's discretion. Physical stress is inflicted on the host, not on you, and the host's physical stress track is not affected. If you cast spells while in another characters body, you must pay for those spells with your own mental stress. However, your host suffers backlash for you. A character who is being possessed may not act, but they may force the possessor out of their body at any time.

Description: Many supernatural abilities can be mimicked through an application of spellcasting. But that requires specialization, of the sort that this power represents.
Musts: A character must possess the Evocation, Channeling, and/or Sponsored Magic powers in order to use this one. Other powers to link this power to are also required.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Limited Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other supernatural power that you possess. Which powers may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. The selected powers are disabled, and the character gets a rebate equal to one-third of the powers' total cost.
Magical Self-Enhancement. This power allows the user to grant themselves access to the selected powers through evocation. Such evocations may be of any element that makes sense, and they may be offensive or defensive. The power required of an evocation that grants powers is equal to the total refresh cost of the granted powers plus the intended duration. The user may extend this effect using the normal rules for the extension of evocation, and they may choose to grant themselves only a few of the selected powers. This also allows them to grant lesser versions of the selected powers. For example, a character who had selected Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed with this power may grant themselves Inhuman Strength for 5 exchanges with a 7-shift evocation.
Magical Enhancement [-varies]. This option removes the rebate from Magical Self-Enhancement, making the total cost of the power 0. In exchange, it gives the user the ability to cast power-granting evocations on other characters. Please note that these evocations cannot be zone-wide.

Description: For some reason, physical injury doesn't even bother you.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline
Feel No Pain. You are immune to pain, and suffer no stress from attacks based on upon pain. You automatically succeed at any roll made to endure or ignore your own suffering. More importantly, your physical consequences cannot be tagged or invoked.
No Pain, Just Gain. It takes an excessive amount of punishment to put you down for good. You may take an additional mild physical consequence.

Description: You can exert physical force with the power of your mind alone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline
Mind Over Matter. You may use your mind to exert force upon targets within your line of sight. This allows you to use all applications of the Might skill at a distance, using your Conviction skill instead of your Might skill. You may also perform other physical tasks mentally with your line of sight, using your Discipline skill to represent your dexterity.
Telekinetic Attacks. You may make physical attacks and maneuvers against targets within your line of sight using your mental powers. These attacks and maneuvers are controlled with Discipline and may be made with or without a melee weapon. Attacks made with this power without a weapon are weapon: 2.
Blades Of Force [-1]. When using Telekinetic Attacks without a weapon, your attacks are weapon: 4.
Force Field [-1]. You are protected by a shell of telekinetic power. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks or to create physical blocks.
Telekinetic Self-Propulsion [-2]. Your telekinesis is strong enough to let you carry yourself. This allows you to fly as though you had the Wings power, using Discipline instead of Athletics to move around in the air.
Metaphysical Strength [-0]. (Requires Inhuman Or Better Strength) Your Strength powers apply to your Telekinesis rather than to your physical body. This increases your Conviction when using it to lift or break things, helps with your mental grapples, and increases the stress inflicted by your Telekinetic Attacks.
Unification Of Mind And Body [-1]. (Requires Metaphysical Strength) Your Strength powers apply to both your Telekinesis and your physical body. This provides all the benefits of Metaphysical Strength alongside all the benefits of ordinary strength.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #163 on: November 13, 2011, 04:37:02 AM »
Description: Through training, natural inclination, or ritualistic treatment of your body, you've come to be an optimal vessel for a supernatural entity to inhabit, capable of inviting them in (or firmly showing them the door) as the mood takes you.
Musts: You must have some Aspect referencing your ability to act as a host, which is replaced by a more specific one whenever you actually serve as a vessel, detailing your current “passenger”. Generally, characters with this power have some other ability to interact with spirits, whether through the Ghost Speaker power or Thaumaturgy, but this is not a requirement.
Skills Affected: Any skills appropriate to whatever you are hosting.
Medium. While in physical contact with an insubstantial creature, or one who could become insubstantial, you may attempt to become a vessel for their consciousness as a free action. The creature feels a slight tug on its form, and (if it is willing) will be drawn into your body, where you can telepathically communicate (this includes sharing memories, etc, and largely ignores normal time constraints on conversations). They may also speak through you, with your permission, and are protected from thresholds and running water as though they were possessing you (see Our World, page 35). You may only act as a vessel to a single creature at once in this manner. The creature may leave whenever it pleases, and you may forcibly eject it by taking one point of mental stress (though it gains the sticky aspect Been Inside Your Head for the remainder of the scene, which will aid it in any further mental assault). A creature that is aware you possess this power (through assessment of your related aspect or previous experience) may make contact itself (ignoring any usual limits of perception), though you must still willingly invite them into your form for this power to take effect.

Distant Medium [-1]. You may attempt to become a vessel for creatures up to one zone away, drawing them in without the need to touch them.

Willing Steed [-1]. You benefit from the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power (page 175), but instead of it applying only when you are shapeshifted, it applies only when you are acting as a vessel for an insubstantial creature, granting you +1 to all rolls that are in line with the nature or agenda of your spiritual passenger in exchange for the usual mental stresses. You may ignore the effects of this power by convincing your passenger to back off and let you work, or by suffering one point of mental stress to suppress it for that exchange. Note that consequences incurred from suppressing a passenger will not be in line with the passenger’s agenda, as is the norm with Demonic Co-Pilot; forcing a vessel into a mental wrestling match is more likely to result in brain damage than a pliable host.

Horse Power [-Varies]. The Willing Steed upgrade is a prerequisite for this one. You benefit from the effects of the Mimic Abilities power (page 176), but rather than acquiring your powers by defeating and diminishing (or outright killing) an opponent, you get them “on loan”, from your passenger. In essence, for as long as you have a passenger that is willing to offer aid, you may assign your mimic points to powers or stunts it possesses. At the end of any scene in which these abilities were used, you must roll Discipline against the total refresh cost of the used abilities, as if you were being attacked, with the results described in Demonic Co-Pilot. Your passenger cannot avoid this; even if they are not attempting to twist your mind, mental contamination will still occur. Since your powers rely on the continued co-operation and presence of a suitable passenger, the refresh that you must allocate to this power is reduced by two; in other words, you can acquire two “free” points of abilities from your passenger, in addition to any purchased with mimic points. You must still assign at least one point of refresh to this upgrade.

Reverse Possession [-3]. You no longer need a creature’s permission to become (or continue being) a vessel for it. If a valid target refuses your offer of possession, you may roll Discipline as a psychic attack against them, inflicting stress and consequences until they concede and become your passenger, or are broken and forced into you as a result of being taken out. If a passenger attempts to leave your body without your permission (or you simply decide to torment them) you may roll Discipline against their Conviction, with a success preventing them from taking any action and inflicting a single point of mental stress; this is effectively a mental grapple.

Spirit Eater [-1]. The Horse Power and Reverse Possession upgrades are prerequisites for this one. If you use the mental grapple provided by Reverse Possession to take out a passenger, you may utterly destroy them, and thereby indefinitely retain any of the powers they could have granted you through Horse Power, just as described in Mimic Powers. Alternatively, you may permanently acquire those powers at the normal refresh cost, as part of a sheet-rewrite, as consuming the spirit works deep changes on your body and soul.

Legion [-1, -2 or -3]. You may have more than passenger at once; the one-point version of this power allows a maximum of three passengers, while the two-point version allows up to seven passengers, and the three-point version allows an unlimited number of distinct passengers. This does not increase the bonuses provided by Willing Steed or Horse Power, but does increase their breadth.

Specific Vessel [+1]. You can only serve as a vessel for one specific kind of creature (i.e. demons, spirits, ghosts, loa, angels, Outsiders, etc), a restriction which should flavour the mandatory aspect listed in “Musts” accordingly. Note that this upgrade cannot provide more refresh than the overall cost of the Spirit Vessel power.

Description: Two heads are better than one, and many hands make light work; you can split off a single copy of yourself, which shares your memories and abilities. Depending on the upgrades taken, this power could represent the fission of an ooze demon, the splitting up of a swarm of lesser creatures, or even the magical duplicative hair of Sun Wukong.
Skills Affected: Physical skills.   
Cloning Blues. You may produce a single, exact copy of yourself as a supplemental action. This copy is indistinguishable physically, though mystical observation shows it to be a construct of ectoplasm. The copy has the same skills, stunts and powers as you, and has your memories at the time of creation; the only mechanical difference (besides the normal vulnerabilities of ectoplasmic constructs) is that their High Concept is “Copy of a [Original High Concept]”. You have no special ability to communicate with your copy (outside of invoking their High Concept to guess what they’ll do next), and do not learn what they learn unless you recall them (requiring a free action while in physical contact), at which point they dissolve into ectoplasm and you gain all their memories since they were created. You and your copy have separate stress tracks; however, your supply of consequences remains the same, and must be split between the two of you. You do not cash out (see page 206) for consequences suffered by your copy. If your copy is killed (rather than being recalled) you may not generate a new one until the next scene (if you are killed, your copy immediately dissolves into ectoplasm). Note that despite having the same powers as you, your copy does not acquire their own item slots from spellcraft powers, and cannot create its own copies through this power.

We Are Many [-1]. This upgrade increases the number of copies that you can have active at the same time by one. You may take this upgrade multiple times, increasing the number of potential copies by one for each purchase. Note that, should one of your copies be killed, it does not completely remove your ability to create new ones until the next scene; it simply reduces the maximum number you can create this scene by one.

Von Neumann’s Magic [-2]. The We Are Many upgrade is a prerequisite for this one. Your copies can create copies of their own using this power. They use the creating copy’s memories, rather than your own, but are otherwise created just as described in Cloning Blues. They are still your copies, and therefore cannot exceed the number of copies you may have active at once.

Distant Recall [-1]. This upgrade allows you to recall your copy from a distance as a free action, instantly dissolving it into the ectoplasm from which it was formed. If you have a Hive Mind (below), this upgrade becomes free.

Hive Mind [-2]. You and your copy share minds. You know everything they know, and vice-versa, allowing real-time sharing of information and memories without the need for recall. This has numerous applications, and adds two shifts to any maneuver made by you or your copy to co-ordinate an action with the other (see page 208). However, with this upgrade, you and your copy share the same mental stress track; this means that you are treated as the same target for the purposes of psychic attacks, allowing them to damage both of you at once. In addition, you and your copy both suffer from the taggable aspect produced by taking a mental consequence, regardless of which of you actually “spent” the consequence in question. Other appropriate temporary aspects might also "spill over" in this way.

Ontological Inertia [-0]. This upgrade cannot be taken by characters with positive refresh. Upon taking this upgrade, your copies become just as “real” as you are (arguably, not very), making the question of who the original is rather moot. As a result, rather than imploding into ectoplasm upon your death, your copies will remain intact (and may produce another copy to replace you, if they have that ability). This will sometimes result in one of your copies acquiring true independence, at which point it becomes a separate character with the ability to create its own roster of copies; a number of creatures native to the Nevernever reproduce in this manner.

Split Skills [+4]. Rather than being able to produce exact duplicates of yourself, you must split your power amongst the bodies you produce, resulting in a set of weaker copies. Whenever you produce a copy, all of its skills default to Mediocre (+0). You must provide it with skills by reducing your own and adding an equivalent number of skill points to its sheet (see page 65). For example, by reducing a Superb (+5) skills to Good (+3), you would acquire two skill points to raise one of your copy’s skills to Fair (+2). Skill points taken from one skill need not be spent on that same skill; it is acceptable to reduce your Might in order to increase your copy’s Lore. Your copy may not have any skill ratings higher than your original score in that skill. Keep a record of your character’s original skill ratings; they return to their previous level once the copy is recalled (if the copy is killed, it is treated as being recalled one scene later).
Split Power [+Varies]. This upgrade provides you with refresh equal to half the total refresh cost of your supernatural powers (excluding Multiple Bodies, but including any refresh spent on We Are Many), rounded down. Whenever you produce a copy, you must total up the cost of your supernatural powers (excluding Multiple Bodies) and divide it by two. This is the new refresh cost of the powers you and your copy may possess. You must first spend this refresh on powers that are core to your High Concept (i.e. (i.e. Living Dead for a Zombie or Lawbreaker for a Warlock), and you cannot produce a copy without such powers. Often, this will result in a simple reduction of power; splitting Supernatural Toughness into two iterations of Inhuman Toughness, or reducing Evocation and Refinement into two iterations of Channelling. You cannot provide your copy with supernatural powers you do not possess any version of. If you have any spare refresh, you may temporarily assign it to appropriate powers for you or your copy.

Keep a record of your character’s original powers; they return to normal once the copy is recall (if the copy is killed, it is treated as being recalled one scene later). If you can produce more than one copy, then you must divide the refresh cost of your supernatural powers evenly again between yourself and each copy, each time you produce one. It would probably be wise to produce a number of "templates" based on the kind of power-sets you could give different numbers of clones, to save time.


Description: Rather than one entity, your body is made from a multitude of lesser creatures, making you more difficult to harm.
Musts: This power comes with its own specific Catch (see page 185). If you suffer physical consequences, they must take into account the non-singular nature of your body; a demon with a body made from five-hundred-and-two stone crabs is unlikely to suffer a Broken Arm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills.   
Chipping Away. Physical attacks cannot inflict more than one stress on you at a time; no matter how devastating the blow, it can only target a small part of your “body”. The effects of this power are applied after additions and subtractions from weapons and armour; wielding a sword will not appreciably increase one’s ability to fight off a swarm of bees (by the same token, bees do not classically benefit from wearing kevlar).

Specific Catch. Unlike other Toughness powers, Swarm Body comes with its own preset Catch, which offers no discount. The effects of this power are completely bypassed by area attacks; that is, those attacks that encompass a great majority of the target’s body. Diminutive insect swarms would be thus affected by sprayed insecticide, while a human-sized enemy would be vulnerable to flamethrowers or suitable evocations, and even larger swarms might require more extreme measures to seriously damage. Note that a clever maneuver might force a swarm into a confined space or formation, and thereby reduce the size of the attack necessary to harm it.

Burn Life[-2]: You can take a single physical consequence (or all of them to turn yourself into a death curse styled walking bomb)  to add twice its value in weapons rating to your attack that turn as you burn yourself out to become more powerful.

Description: Your knowledge is so extensive that you have no need for printed libraries. This power can represent a perfect memory, a computer in your head, knowledge of everything ever written down, or a number of other things.
Musts: You must have an aspect reflecting your extensive knowledge.
Skills Affected: Lore, Scholarship, possibly others
Mental Library. Your memories constitute a library on every subject that you are familiar with. The rating of the library on a given subject is equal to the skill that is used for knowledge of that subject. You may access this library freely, and other characters may use it by questioning you in detail.
Inexplicable Knowledge. You are no longer bound by the normal human limits on knowledge. You may make assessments and declarations concerning things that you cannot observe directly, either looking back through your memories to examine the thing again or perceiving that thing in mysterious and incomprehensible ways. Players should work together with the GM to work out the exact limits of this power.
Improved Mental Library [-1]. Increase the rating of each of your mental libraries by two.
Instant Recall [-1]. All research using your mental library is two time increments faster.

Description: You are solid to both ghosts and men, like a cat.
Musts: A character must possess the Ghost Speaker power in order to use this one. This power is not compatible with Spirit Form.
Skills Affected: Many.
Dual Nature. Your body is solid to both material and immaterial objects. You may interact normally with characters that have the Spirit Form power and other incorporeal things. This also allows such things to interact normally with you, so be careful around violently-inclined spirits.

True Seeing [-2]
A more specialised form of The Sight allows you to pierce any Power that hides somethings True Appearance from you. Might that be a Veil, Glamour or Shapeshifting.

Cost: -1
Description: Just like the Vampires of the olden days, you cannot be photographed. Be it film, digital, or video, you never show up as more than a blur, or a burst of video static. Butters would say it’s a very specialized form of Mana Static, which only affects visual recording devices. Kincaid would say it’s a great way to get past Security devices.

Musts: A suitably vampiric, magical or "Sneaky Supernatural" High Concept

Skills Affected: Stealth

Imageless provides a constant “semi-veil” of +4 to Stealth rolls against photographic attempts to detect you, and +4 to all direct attempts to defend against having your picture taken.

When unaware of or not trying to avoid surveillance, attempts to get an identifying picture of you suffer a -2 to the Performance rolls for photo or video quality.

Reflectionless: [-1] Your reflection is similarly prevented from occurring, reducing up to 3 points of penalties on stealth rolls where reflective surfaces could reveal your position.

Crimson Eyes of Destruction [-4]
With the help of your crimson eyes of destruction you can destroy people and objects on a conceptual level. You can use your eyes to carry out a mental attack on anyone within range (1 zone default) you roll conviction to attack (will to destroy) vs the enemies conviction (will to live) if the attack is successful you gain +4 stress bonus to damage. Enemies taken out by this power are obliterated leaving nothing behind but gore.   

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #164 on: November 13, 2011, 04:38:08 AM »
Cost: -3
Activation Speed: Supplemental Action
Description: There have been many precedents of high-speed fighters utilizing persistence of vision to fool their enemies to attacking where they aren’t. This power takes that to another level, allowing a life-and-death game of Three-card Monte with your own body on the line.

Musts: Supernatural Speed, or Mythic Speed, or the Faster than the Eye or Like the Wind  trappings from those respective speed powers.

Skills Affected: Athletics, Weapons, Fists, Guns

Twin Me: You move quickly between two points in the same zone, stopping slightly in each one, so that it seems that there are two of you. You gain +2 to defense rolls, as your attacker can’t be sure which one of you to attack at what time.  You also gain +2 to your attack rolls, for similar reasons.

Triple Threat: Similar to the Twin Me power, but only available if you have Mythic Speed or Like the Wind. Three of you will seem to be in the zone at the same time, providing +3 to attacks and Defense.

Multiplicity: [-2]: For a Fate point, you can sacrifice some of your individual speed power bonuses and the bonuses to attack and defense in the above trappings for a scene; but in trade you receive a more powerful result: Your multiple images can seemingly attack and defend separately. Your multiple selves have your (natural) Alertness for Initiative, and cannot move more than 1 zone away from the other(s), but are allowed to attack different targets (Or the same target multiple times!). Be careful, though, you still only have one Stress track and set of Consequences, and your multiple selves can all be hit!

Notes: At any point you can stop using this power as a free action, and can choose which multiple stays. In the case of Multiplicity your initiative does not regain the benefits of your speed bonuses until the beginning of the next exchange.

Self-Sponsored Magic -4, plus or minus additional constraints

You've studied a branch of magic long enough to understand and use it intuitivly without resorting to complex rituals. Pick a magical theme or element as per traditional Sponsored Magic, when casting a spell any Sponsor Debt you gain now act as Compels on your Aspects that you DO NOT gain Fate Points from, likewise you must still pay Fate Points to resist a Compel. A GM may allow you to Self-Compel to pay off a part of your Debt, but you would still not gain any Fate Points (Self-Compels or regular Compels that do not pay off Debt still earn Fate Points normally).

Conceptual Thaumaturgy [-2]
As a massively skilled practitioner of the arts you can cast Thaumaturgical spells up to your starting complexity without the props by working through the magic in your head. As the spell is taking place in your head you can only take backlash instead of fallout when casting.  This allows on the fly casting of low level Thaumaturgical spells at some risk to the caster.

Horrific Imagery [-2] Your Illusions are so vile they can cause serious mental harm to those who view them.
You can use your illusion creating powers (evocation, glamours etc) to cause mental stress instead of its usual function. (this would allow mental attack spells with spirit illusions and allow those with the glamours ability to roll there seemings roll as a mental attack.)

Description: Most spellcasters use incantations, but for you the effects of magic words are far more pronounced. This makes your spells stronger, but much slower to cast.
Musts: You need some form of spellcasting to take this power.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Magical Chant. When you tag an incantation-based aspect to boost a spellcasting roll, add an additional two to your roll.
Incantation Dependency. Whenever you cast a spell without tagging or invoking an incantation-based aspect, subtract two from your spellcasting roll.

Skepticism beyond Reason [-1]
Description: People believe in many things. You believe they're idiots. Religion is hogwash. Monsters are just silly legends. Magic doesn't exist. You have faith in science and reason and nothing will sway you from it.
Musts: This power does not count as a supernatural ability, but every other supernatural power you take increases the cost of this power by 1. After all, it's hard to cast a fireball one round and then say you don't believe in magic the next. Your must have a high concept referencing your complete disbelief in the supernatural.
There Must Be a Rational Explanation: Your disbelief in the Supernatural is solid. You always have a +2 bonus to resist belief in the supernatural, and those trying to convince you get no benefit from declarations that are based on the truth of their claims or the strength of their conviction. You may defend against all such attacks with either conviction or scholarship. Treat any attempt to convince you of the supernatural, or any use of a supernatural power in your presence as a social attack.
True Nonbeliever: Your belief in science is absolute. Petty things like "witness accounts," "evidence," or "personal experience" won't shake your faith. You believe science holds the potential to solve all mankind's problems, if only it weren't held up by those superstitious flat-earthers. Symbols of science count as symbols of your faith, and satisfy appropriate catches on monsters. Your house and any place of science are treated as holy ground when you are present, and you raise their thresholds by 2.
I Don't Believe in Fairies: Your presence satisfies the catch on all faekind. Additionally, you deal damage against tulpas and any other constructs whose existence is based solely on belief in them.
This Can't Be Happening: [-1] Your utter disbelief in the supernatural gives you +2 to avoid the effects of any supernatural influence on you. However, you automatically oppose any helpful supernatural effects at +2 as well. By default you resist with the higher of conviction or scholarship.

Chaos Magic / The blessing of the Un-Named
Drawing on the Power of the Nameless God of Chaos you are able to cast spells that fit into its essential nature, chaos, destruction, madness and the bending of reality. Making uses of it might cause ripples in the very nature of causality which may have many manifold effects. (some sort of hexing effect possibly effecting npc's).
Costs:4 refresh and some connection to chaos are needed to have this power. 
Benefits: Gain a +1 to control and Complexity on spells of that twist somethings nature.
In addition, Chaos magic may be used as an element for evocation, allowing evocation spell effects that encourage chaos, madness and the bending of reality.This includes the ability to produce effects along the lines of entropomancy (page 285), Psychomancy (page 286) and Diabolism (page 284) with evocation's speed and methods.

Geis [-1]
An Oath given is an Oath kept: Instead of taking a mild consequence in social combat, you may take an aspect, representing an oath sworn to that person instead. You may never have more than one of these aspects at any given time, so you would have to fulfil your oath before making a new one. The aspect is permanent, until you have fulfilled your oath or reconciled in another way.

I'll take your word for it: If an opponent is taken out in social conflict from your attack, you can place an aspect on him that represents an oath given to you. You may invoke it to enforce that oath or make the target reconcile in some other way. You may never have more than one person bound to you like that.

Magic-Tech [-4]
Description: Your magic, unlike most, mixes well with technology. In fact they are fast friends, and with them together you are able to create strange mechanical devices that beggar imagination.
Note: The cost is -4 refresh unless you already practice another kind of true magic (e.g., Evocation, page 180, or Thaumaturgy, page 181), in which case the cost is reduced by 1 for each ability you already possess.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Scholarship
Magical Cooperation. Your magic no-longer disrupts technology, you can rely on technology, but it can also rely on you. You are no-longer able to hex devices but they will not fail on you.
Knowledge Transparency. For you there is no difference between Scholarship and Lore. You may use them interchangeably.
Arcane Constructs. Anything that you build that has a magical component and also has a technological component benefits from the amalgam of both. You main gain a +2 bonus to rolls with such devices by invoking an appropriate aspect and taking a point of sponsor debt. Enchanted Items which feature both technology and magic have +1 Strength and +1 Uses.

Life Eater [-2] attache to an Item of Power
Every time you kill someone with this blade the life energy is stored (in the form of complexity) which can be used later in a ritual.

Physical Renewal
Refresh Cost: -8
Through some quirk of fate, you have been given the power to recover from wounds like no other. For a Fate Point once per scene, you may heal from All non-Extreme, physical-based consequences, be they Mild, Moderate, or Severe, as a Full Action. Such power does not come without cost, as your will is taxed to the limit doing this, and your body is just barely healed of your consequences: Your Mental and Physical stress tracks are filled as a result of using this power(if not already filled). Strenuous activity after this healing is not recommended. (Note: Consequences taken before using this power still count toward Fate Point gains if you Concede or are Taken Out)

[Family] Shifter [-4]
Description: Your shapeshifting abilities are limited to one family of creatures. For example you might only be able to shapeshift into any type of canine/feline/avian creature.
Musts: You must choose a type of creature that you can shapeshift into.
Skills Affected: Varies
Limited Multiform. You may take on nearly any form so long as it falls within the family of creatures you've chosen.
Limited Skill Shuffle. At the end of the day most cats or most dogs have the same types of skills, just in varying degrees, a tiger might have a higher might rating than a tabby cat. You may build only one alternate skill configuration, but may choose three skills which may be adjusted from form to form within that configuration.
Function Follows These Forms. You have two form points which you may use to gain temporary access to powers that make sense given your chosen family of creatures.
Extra Form Points [-]. You may purchase an extra form points at a one for one ration to refresh spent.
A Family Understanding [+1]. Your understanding of your chosen family of creatures is expansive. You may purchase the pact instincts power for free.

Sponsored Magic Bibliomancy  [-4] You can project the world of the word (book) into the real world. Nothing from the world of the word can exist without context as it would lose its meaning and therefor its existence, monster drawn from books remain monsters and heroes, heroes. (all Evocation effects of this power fall under the element words and all focus items for this powers are books.)

Magic Eater[-2] -  Anyone who makes the mistake of targeting a magic eater with magic shouldn't be surprised when it back fires dramatically.

When ever targeted by magic a magic eater can spend their turn in advance to wrestle control of a spell from the caster (direct discipline contest). Succeeding this contest allows the magic eater to redirect the spell to his chosen target.