Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 222602 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #120 on: June 19, 2011, 02:58:43 AM »
Bunch of reasons.

1. The Powers section in YS contains Items Of Power.
2. There should be an Item Of Power list on this board somewhere. Why not here?
3. Someone asked me to.

Truth is, I'm a sucker for online requests. It's not exactly that I don't like saying no...I just tend to get interested in things very easily. Actually, this quality of mine is the only reason that I GM EtA.

Also, every previous attempt at an IoP list has failed. I wanted to correct that.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #121 on: June 19, 2011, 03:55:31 AM »
Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Alertness, Stealth
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-6] Mythic Speed. The Boots grant speed such as is only known in myth — myths often featuring the boots themselves. They don't actually make your steps 21 miles long, but the speed that they give you can make it seem that way.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #122 on: June 19, 2011, 04:09:08 AM »
Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one.  
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Investigation, Lore, Survival
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots.  
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-2] Swift Transition. With these boots, short hops through the Nevernever are easy to accomplish.
[-2] Worldwalker. These boots let you walk anywhere you please. Crossing the globe in a short walk is simple.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #123 on: June 19, 2011, 04:24:01 AM »
And now I'm done with Items Of Power.

I think.

Man, that feels good.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #124 on: June 23, 2011, 04:06:11 AM »
I've decided to give the Items Of Power their own thread, at least for now.

Finishing this list is going to take a while, and in the meantime it'd be a good idea to have an Item Of Power Master List.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #125 on: June 25, 2011, 12:57:01 AM »
Alright, now for Minor Abilities. A rather long and rather poorly defined category of powers. Slightly over 10 pages long when copy-pasted into Word.

Before I get to the actual rewriting, I'm going to repost the list of Minor Abilities. Then, I'm going to list the ones that I intend to remove from the list. I'd appreciate some feedback on that step, since I don't want to remove anything without good reason.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #126 on: June 25, 2011, 12:58:29 AM »
Minor Abilities

No Matter The Strength [-2]

The Might bonus from strength powers and the Athletics bonus from speed powers do not aid characters in escaping your grapples.

No Matter The Power [-2] (Requires No Matter The Strength)

Your grapples automatically satisfy the catch for all toughness powers other than Physical Immunity.

Conceptual Killer:
[-2] Description: You can kill anything no matter what it is even if it does not have a body
For a fate point you can attack anything with weapons, this can be a song, a disease, a concept or even a memory. The more entrenched a concept the harder it is to kill.

Vacuum Air Blade [-1]
Your speed with the blade is so fast you can create a current of wind to hit your enemy in the distance
Description: When wielding a sword you now have a range of up to three zones 

Infinity Chain - [- 2]?
Description:You carry a weapon with a range only limited by your perception
Your attacks have a range of your alertness (someone with good alertness has an effective range of three zones)

Manifest Bloodlust [-0]: +1 to attacks on an opponent you have already hit, free recovery after a kill one time a scene, feeding Dependency: so a Discipline Hunger track etc

Perfected Killing Intent (require manifest bloodlust) [-1] you can boost your swordsmanship by surrendering to your killing intent. 
Re-skinned Holy Guardian except instead of using mental stress you use your hunger stress track all other rules apply.

Scarlet Sword Form [-2] - You burn your life force to push your body to its true potential, this causes a real change in a person anatomy as their muscles bulge and blood fills their eyes turning them scarlet.

You must take a minor consequence or higher (if the slot is filled) to activate the warp spasm in which your Weapons Roll is increased by 2 and gives you access to the powers below. 

Crimson Blade (requires Scarlet Sword Form) [-3]: You project life energy into your sword this manifests as a red energy surrounding the blade allowing the blade to parry anything and increasing its weapons rating by your conviction. 

Scarlet Wave [-1] Requires Crimson Blade, you can attack everyone in an area with your sword by reducing its weapon rating by 2.  This manifests as a line of red energy forming out of the end of your blade.

Curved Cut [-1] Requires Crimson Blade: You can curve your attack so that they do not come from where they appear to come from this allows you to make ambush an opponent with your weapons attack for a fate point. 

Minor Magic [-1]

Magical talent is primarily gained through maternal bonds, but what about the paternal bonds? In some people whose fathers have gross magical talent, a faint spark of magic appears.
Minor Rituals: You can use rituals with 5 shifts or less of effect
Minor Evocation: You can create evocations from any element of 1 shift or less

The Mist Control[-2]
You can control and create mist

Obscure: With a moment of concentration, you may draw or create a large amount of mist into an area obsuring the vision of everyone but you. This counts as a zone wide block at discipline +2 against perception which is not necessarily pierced when discovered. The block last until it's summoner banishes it or it is dispersed (by magic or a very big fan etc).

Decieve [-1]: Perception is warped in the mist friends can see enemies where friends should be and many an army have torn itself a part under its thick blanket, you can make manouvres at discipline +2 on anyone in your mist.

Nightmare (requires Decieve)  [-2]: Those in your mist may see monsters and horrors floating in the mist that may scar them for life, you can make mental attacks on anyone in the mist at discipline +2.

No way out [-1]: Once you have entered the mist it is nearly impossible to leave, attempts to leave the mist are blocked at discipline +2 this is part of the main block on perception.

Deep Mists [-1]: Your mist can cover up too three zones

Spiritual Disruption [-2] Your attacks satisfy the catch of Ghost, also If you succeed in hitting a spirit as well as dealing normal stress you also inflict the aspect 'extreme pain'.

Reality Warper [-2]
You are able to shape reality to your whim, as if the entire world was simply a dream of yours.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations and maneuvers related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon: 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.

Description: You don't need tools to make things. Your magical powers/your communion with the small gods of the world/the toolkit implanted in your stomach/something else will suffice.
Skills Affected: Craftsmanship
Magical Workshop. You are always considered to have access to a workshop with a rating equal to your Craftsmanship skill.
Magical Worksite [-2]. Your workshop expands in scale, allowing you to handle the construction of entire buildings single-handedly. You are always considered to have the assistance of a full team of workers with all appropriate tools and machinery when attempting to build or repair stuff.

[-3] There Is No Salvation

There are many powers in the world that make it their business to level the playing field and give inferior creatures a "fair" chance by rewarding their inferiority.
Sometimes though, rejoice, despair, Fate does not care. This is where you come in; removing all external crutches you put all creatures in their rightful place in the world.
Effect: Pay a Fate point. For the duration of the scene, only your actual catch can negate your toughness and recovery powers.

Description: Your eyes aren't in your skull: instead, they fly around under your psychic control.
Note: Taking this power means that you don't have normal eyes.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Lore, (Discipline)
Faraway Eyes. Your eyes can move around independently of you, although they must stay roughly within a mile of your main body. You can see through them, making appropriate skill checks as normal. They do not have access to any of your powers (except for appropriate Supernatural Senses) but they act as though they had Wings and Diminutive Size. Their skills are equal to your skills. They cannot attack or maneuver. It requires a supplemental action to direct them. If they are damaged, you take the damage in the form of mental stress.
Eyes Above Me. You get +2 to your Alertness skill and to the perception trapping of Lore when both of your eyes are nearby. However, you take a -2 penalty to those rolls when both of your eyes are away from you. Also, you are blind when your eyes are not present.
Power Channel [-1]. Pick one of your other powers. Your eyes have access to that power. If that power requires you to take an action, then you must take an action in order to have your eyes use it.

Size Doesn't Matter...: -1 (-2)?
Effect: You may wield any weapon regardless of might or endurance requirements.  Tripod support weapons? No problem.  Zweihanders? Child's play. Boat mounted  6 or 8 gauge shotguns for duck hunting? All are within the realm of possiblities for you.

...But It Sure Does Help: requires above power -1     
Effect: Most any weapon you can manage to hold one handed you can wield in combat..also one handed.  (likely quite abusable with two weapon training stunt)

-2 Elemental Weapon
Musts: An Aspect Related To The Power
Skill(s): Weapons
The user is able to summon a two-handed weapon made of an element of his choosing. A claymore of fire, a greataxe of ice, a hammer of rock, and a spear of lightning are all possible.
Large Weapon: Your Elemental Weapon is a large weapon, rated at Weapon 3.
Always at Hand: Your Elemental Weapon requires no sheath. It can be summoned to your hand for a Supplemental Action, and dispelled as a free action.
Attuned: Your Elemental Weapon is attuned to you. If it leaves your hand, whether dropped, thrown, or disarmed, it will vanish. A Supplemental Action may summon it to your hand again.
Made of the Elements: Your Elemental Weapon may fulfill Catches if thematically appropriate.

-1 Elemental Mastery
You may now summon two different weapons of differing elements, if you so choose.

-1 Elemental Control
When using your elemental weapon, gain a +1 to all rolls using it.

-1 Elemental Armor
You can extend your weapon's element into an armor that coats your entire body. It is automatically Armor: 1 versus most physical harm, and +2 versus the same element.

Gambler [-1]
Description: You have the ability to manipulate probability in a limited way. But it's far from risk free; in fact, the risk is the reason that it works.
Effect: At any time you may pay any number of fate points to make a bet with the GM. If the GM rejects the bet, you get your fate point(s) back. If he accepts and you win, you get back twice the number of fate points that you paid. Some GMs may allow odds other  than double or nothing, but they are in no way obliged to.

Uncontrolled Power [+1]
Description: You character cannot control his or her powers.  Maybe they react to emotional distress, or some other subconscious cue.
Notes: This is a one time discount applying to however many powers the character cannot control.  If the character has more than -4 Refresh in uncontrolled powers, this discount raises to a +2.

[-0] Lesser Immortality: You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

[-3] Immortality: As lesser Immortality in addition you cease to age and remain permanently at the age of acquiring this ability (EX: A man in his mid-twenties will always look like he‘s in his mid-twenties even two thousand years later), and cannot be aged magically. You are also immune to all poisons and diseases, both magical and mundane, and do not need to breath.

Undying [-0]
Deathless. Unless utterly destroyed or killed by special means, you will eventually recover from any fatal wound. No "death" result is ever permanent unless special means are used (as determined by your creature type).
Estranged. Most people around you feel uncomfortable, as if they can tell that you are different from others. Take a -1 Penalty on all Rapport and Deceit based maneuvers or attacks you make.

Impossible Jumps [-1]
Description: Gravity doesn't seem to apply to you the way it does to normal people. You can jump like a video game character when you want to.
Skills Affected: Athletics
Superhuman Leap. You get +4 to all athletics rolls made to jump.
Limited Antigravity. You are completely immune to falling damage. You never need a running start to jump properly.
Double Jump [-2]. You can jump off of empty air. When rolling for jump distance, you may roll twice and add the results. When jumping during a conflict, you can remain in midair for a full exchange. Furthermore, you can dodge normally in midair.
Goomba Stomp [-1]. You can hurt someone pretty badly by jumping on them. You can use your athletics skill to attack in melee. If combined with double jump, you may skip an action in order to remain in midair for an exchange and reroll the attack.

Hyperspace Arsenal [-2]
Description: You seem to be able to fit an entire warehouse in your pockets. No-one’s really sure where stuff goes when you’re not using it.
Skills Affected: Might
Hammerspace. You can carry a full load (as determined by your might) without hindrance in an extradimensional compartment. The compartment exists outside time, so everything in it stays exactly as it was when it was put in.
Improved Hammerspace [-2]. You can carry much more than a full load in your extradimensional compartment. Add 8 to your might to determine the capacity of your compartment.
Secure Hammerspace [-1]. Nobody but you can access your extradimensional compartment. Metal in it doesn’t trigger metal detectors and so on. If you are unconscious or dead, the compartment cannot be opened at all.

Stonewalk [-1]
Description: You can move through rock, stone, and most earth-based substances with ease. Either you are a strong and fast digger, or you can literally pass through stone like a ghost. You are assumed to be able to navigate as you go, but to actually be able to sense through solid substances, you need to take an appropriate Supernatural Sense.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Earth Elemental, or Subterranean Behemoth.
Skills Affected: Athletics.

Passwall. You can ignore stone, rock or earth-related zone borders of up to 3 shifts. You still need to make a movement or supplemental action to cross the zone.
Death from Below! You can ambush your opponents by hiding below the ground, near the surface of a stone- or rock-based zone border, or even above a tunnel, and springing from your hiding place when they get too close. You get a free +2 to your Stealth roll once per scene to set up an Ambush (page 142). You can usually detect when your target is in position, but if they are using Stealth, you get a +2 to your Alertness roll to feel them approaching if they are in contact with the same surface that is hiding you. You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene, but you must make a movement or supplemental action in order to get in position (per the Passwall effect) to make another Ambush. You can use this ability to Ambush your opponents several times, but if they survive this ploy long enough they may find ways to take advantage of your predictability. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Stonefeint [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you get a free +2 to one Attack roll per scene if there is significant stone or rocky terrain for you to use to your advantage, You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Greater Stonewalk [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you can ignore 6 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders.
Epic Stonewalk [-2]. Take this upgrade instead of Greater Stonewalk. You can ignore 9 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders, and you can make an Athletics check to tunnel through any remaining shifts.
Tunnel [+1]. Your ability to move through stone relies on burrowing, and you leave a tunnel behind you as you go. This can be an advantage for allies, but it can also lead pursuers straight to you. You also make noise as you move through the earth, which won't necessarily negate the first use of Death from Below!, but may interfere with any subsequent uses of that ability. You also leave telltale furrows, cracks or lines as you pass. Using this ability places the scene aspect Unstable Tunnels, which can be tagged by anyone. This cannot reduce the total cost of your Stonewalk abilities below -1.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #127 on: June 25, 2011, 12:59:20 AM »
Displacement [-1]
Description: You are not where you appear to be. A glamor or other optical effect obscures your true location, making it difficult for opponents to properly target you.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Cloaked Malk, or Nevernever Mugger.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
Missed Me, Missed Me. You gain a +2 bonus to your Athletics for the purpose of defending against attacks. This bonus does not require your attention or concentration: should you be successfully ambushed, this bonus will remain, granting you a minimum Athletics of Fair (+2). You may also use this bonus to any Athletics check to perform a maneuver intended to confound or disorient an opponent. If you take a Full Defense action, this bonus is increased to +4.
Blinking [-1]. When you purchase this upgrade, your power is not an optical effect: you are actually changing positions rapidly during combat, by stepping back and forth between the Nevernever and the real world. In addition to the Missed Me, Missed Me effect, you may set up an Ambush (page 142) as a supplemental action every round. However, anyone who can simultaneously perceive the real world and the Nevernever is immune to this effect.

Edit: it will be up to the GM how to handle any complications of the Nevernever aspect of Blinking. The simplest answer is that Blinking creates a sort of proto-Demesne wherever it happens to be, which does not in itself attract (or make it vulnerable to) any of the Nevernever denizens which may be coterminous with that current location.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques - When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

"Noob security systems" (requires IP?... Please) [-1]
If you access the network inside of a building using your "IP?...Please." power, you will be able to see the layout of all the security systems.  For the price of a fate point, you can temporarily turn them all off as well.

Traceing -2:
You can manifest any non-balistic weapon you have seen as a supplemental action. With this ability you can buy Modular Abilities which can be used to represent the imbued abilites of any items of power you are copying. Like True Seeming’s you are limited to only manifesting one item at time.

Strategist of the Gods [-1]

Description: During battle, you connect to your allies on an almost telepathic level.  Under your guidance their actions are like that of a well-oiled fighting machine, flowing from one enemy to another.

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to tactics, battles, or war (i.e., "Son of Ares").

Effect: During combat - and without their input - you may direct the actions of allies.  This directed action must be described simply and within their abilities (attack that foe, grapple the large one, trip the fast enemy, etc).  Your allies need not follow this action, but if they do they are given the temporary aspect of "Guided by (Player Name)".  This aspect may be tagged for free once during the combat; but subsequent uses require the use of a Fate Point.  This aspect will be removed if you move out of range of the tactician (greater than 2 zones away).

Antimagic Field [Minor Power; -1]
Antimagic Field: Evocation spells cast within your zone inflict one extra mental stress on the caster.

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
This reminds me of some powers I helped set up for a shadow-user I GMed.
Dark Void -1
Effects: You can increase the shadows within a zone. Add the aspect sticky aspect Increased Shadows, by using discipline. This can be opposed by a counterspell.
Myrrk Void: Your shadow-increasing skills rival the Myrrk itself. Give a +1 to attempts to create shadows, and add the aspect Near-Myyrk alongside Increased Shadows.
Shadow Warp -2
You can travel from shadow to shadow with a distance up to one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll stealth against all nearby enemies' alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an attack as a supplametal action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow).

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
Description: You are able to use your shadow to physically manipulate objects, not only that but your shadow is malleable to your will. You can stretch it across great distances or coalesce it into a small area.
Options: This ability costs 1 refresh to start and has several upgrades to it.
Skills Affected: Fists, Might
Shadowy Hand. You can manipulate objects with your shadow. You can lift objects in accordance with your might, and attack using fists. Each zone away from you reduces the effectiveness of your might and fists roll by 1. The closer you are, the more effective your shadow is. Using your shadow on something in the same zone as you is easier, and you gain a +1 bonus to any such roll. In addition if you possess inhuman strength or greater your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Deeper Shadows [-1]. Increase the weapon rating of attacks made with your shadows by +2.
Lasting Shadows [-1]. Your shadows take longer to dissipate, allowing you to spread your attention across a battlefield. Any aspect placed with Shadow Manipulation automatically becomes sticky.
Wall of Shadows [-1]. Your shadows have become so dense, so impenetrable that creatures without the cloak of shadows ability are almost utterly incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Manipulation to create a defensive block opposed by alertness.
Shadows Fall [-1]. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should be, allowing you to attack a whole zone with it (at a -2 penalty).

Inhuman Balance [–1]
Description: You have an uncanny ability to balance on small surfaces.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth
You can stand on and walk along ropes, cables, and narrow ledges without a problem. You also take no penalties for running through uneven terrain as you carefully pick your way through the stones and roots over which most others would trip. You aren't a spider, however, and cannot hold your footing against extreme weather conditions or flying demons trying to disrupt you, but you do get a +2 to skill checks to stay situated.

-2 Immaterial Edge (+2 weapons rating, this blade ignores the first 2 points of armour and also counts as the catch for ghosts and other disembodied spirits.)

-0 Manifested Blade (As the blade is not truly of the mortal world keeping it in this world requires mental effort, summoning the item for a scene requires a point of mental stress at the end of the scene unless another point of stress is taken the item will disappear until summoned again.)

-2 Spiritual Weapon ( As a weapon designed to sever the soul from the body its blows do more than physical harm, the blade can cause mental stress instead physical stress, anyone taken out this way will die as their soul is separated from their body leaving no signs of physical harm.)

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

Phantom Slashes [–2] - You can choose when the damage of your attacks come into effect, this allows you to stack stress so that it all comes in to effect at the same instant or choose that it never comes into effect. 

[-1] Emperor Blessed Tech - All ritually consecrated tech wielded by a Grey Knight is immune to being hexed.

Transcendent Music [-4]
You can play an instrument with a level of skill and subtlety that you can almost make rocks cry and sooth the hearts of the darkest of people.

Superlative Musician: +4 to normal performance rolls with your instrument of choice
Listen to my Song: you can play an instrument so well that all in the area will stop and listen (a zone wide mental grapple at your performance skill to stop doing anything but listen to the music)
The Soothing Song: Whilst people are listening to your music they recover from mental consequences on step quicker than usual. (Inhuman Mental Recovery)

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #128 on: June 25, 2011, 01:15:11 AM »
Here's what I intend to get rid of. Please tell me if there's anything on this list that you think should be kept.

Note: Just because it isn't on this list doesn't mean it's safe. Some powers, like There Is No Salvation and No Matter The Strength, are on probation.

1. Trac(e)ing. I have no idea how this is supposed to work.
2. Immaterial Edge. Redundant given the presence of Spiritual Disruption.
3. Conceptual Killer. Better represented with Ritual.
4. Vacuum Air Blade. I'd rather modify Long Reach.
5. Infinity Chain. I'd rather modify Long Reach.
6. Gambler. We've been over this. Actually, I don't know why this is still here.
7. Undying. Too much overlap with Immortality.
8. Manifest Bloodlust. Not actually a custom power.
9. Perfected Killing Intent. Not actually a custom power.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #129 on: June 25, 2011, 03:07:36 AM »
I am a bit sad about Conceptual Killer which I really like (though I suppose I can get the same effects from incite emotion or a all things equal before god mod) but I agree its a troublesome power and should go.

Traceing is a power that I didn't get the write up for correct but I am not sure if the concept needs to go, I will have a go at re-writing it too see if I can get it too make more sense. I was aiming for a modular Item of Powers, so with traceing  you could summon up any item of power you had seen before with modular abilities.

I have no problems with you getting rid off any of the others though I still think the idea of Vacuum Air Blade is cool in a silly kind of way.  
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 03:14:26 AM by ways and means »
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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #130 on: June 25, 2011, 04:13:59 AM »
Oh, I see. So Tracing is like Unlimited Blade Works?

That could work.

I like the idea of Vacuum Air Blade too. Rest assured, I'll modify Long Reach so that it can represent the same thing.

Personally, I'd prefer to see Conceptual Killer as a type of Thaumaturgy. Maybe Sponsored Ritual. I think I'll try and write that up sometime over the next few days.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #131 on: June 25, 2011, 04:32:19 AM »
Oh, I see. So Tracing is like Unlimited Blade Works?

That could work.

Tracing is Unlimited Blade Works or at an earlier stage of the same power. With Unlimited Blade Works Shiro summons all the blades he has ever witnessed (literally thousands of them) into reality, the power is a Reality Marble (a Demesne in reality). Whereas with Tracing he can only creates one and two items at a time through remembering the structure and re-creating it in his head then using his power to bring what is in his head into reality. It is the potentially more balanced less grimm version of UBW, sorry if I am telling you anything you know.   
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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #132 on: June 25, 2011, 04:37:21 AM »
That's all new to me. I don't actually know much about the series. It's just that the time I spend on TV Tropes makes it hard not to pick up a little bit here and there.

By the way, a Tracing variant could probably also represent owning multiple Items Of Power.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #133 on: June 26, 2011, 06:58:11 AM »
Conceptual killer sounds like Mr. Teatime, from Terry Pratchett's books.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #134 on: June 26, 2011, 07:05:23 AM »
Conceptual killer sounds like Mr. Teatime, from Terry Pratchett's books.

I was aimed at more silly stuff like I cut the bitterness out of your heart with my sword (whilst not killing them) and I punch despair so hard in the face people can't help smiling for weeks or on the evil end I cut down your humanity, I destroy the concept of your city (leaving behind a large number of people who live in close proximity) and hope and faith killing.
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