I'm with Taran here. I run 2 games, a tabletop one and a PbP one. The first game, I get a lot of mileage out of "We're On Our Own"; it represents the PCs being outlaws, people whom the public wouldn't believe even if they provided evidence of supernatural misdoings. I compel it all the time for unfriendly state troopers, unbelieving public, and so on.
The second game is basically COBRA or SHIELD. I have "Monologues and Deathtraps" to compel anytime a character would otherwise be better served to simply put two in their enemy's brain and call it a day. So basically they're ways for me to pay the players for going along with the genre tropes and not trying to break the setting too much. If I were to run a Star Trek game I would rely even more heavily on such aspects, because you can break the hell out of a Star Trek game if you're not going along with the setting tropes.