At the end of the day, the Catch is as much a reflection of narrative impact as anything else. And the WCV Catch just doesn't come up that much, and that's alright. The best that tends to happen is that True Love ends up being the equivalent of a landmine. For Thomas, it has some serious life impacts, but those are story effects: weaponizing True Love in a combat situation just is not happening in the source materials, and we have to do some serious stretching to try to weaponize it in our own games.
... should have been included, verbatim, somewhere in the Catch section of YW185. I completely agree; the Catch's value should track its narrative significance, since that defines its value to the character's interests in the story. The problem is that the system for calculating the Catch value is flawed, in that it's too formulaic and misses the whole "narrative impact" angle; this is then obscured by fudging Catch values for the White Court without explanation, which irks me just a bit (... especially after creating an NPC and working out the Catch value yourself, to find it's inexplicably inconsistent with the template... so, maybe a misprint... better check the intertubes... *three hours later*...).
Okay, anyone who's tired of reading about this can stop here; I've made my non-argumentative points
Onward: Gotta disagree with the "rules and novels are in harmony" crowd. Under "Access," there have to be more symbols and trappings of True Love in any one city, town or village than all the Swords of the Cross in the world. It's the essence of conflict and story, and the Dresdenverse would be a boring and desolate place without it. Besides, hasn't True Love turned up in relatively benign places in the books? (I vaguely recall a, er... something... being used defensively to burn a Raith, uh... at some point... between books, um ... 3 and ... 10?) And if the White Court switched places with the Red, I guarantee you the White Council would have figured out a way to weaponize True Love. As for "Knowledge," I know that we see this through the lens of Harry and his White Court brother, which makes the White Court a little more central than the norm. But even taking that into account, the White Court is inarguably a Big Player, whatever their size. There's no way this universal and poetic weakness has not made the rounds, filtering down through the ranks of the White Council and others. This is not "personal knowledge required." Jade Court Catch? Sure. White Court Catch? No. And even if I'm wrong about one of "Access" or "Knowledge", you still can't get "+0" out of the rules. Ergo, my confusion and irritation are justified, with insurance. QED.
I hereby declare myself the victor of a forum debate. This has never happened before: Accordingly, I further declare myself the victor of the Internet.
Fulfillment at last.