Author Topic: help with the Dresden Files Character Manager?  (Read 2031 times)

Offline beachhead1973

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help with the Dresden Files Character Manager?
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:57:08 PM »
I am using version (I think that's it)

and it will not recognize any of my character's elemental specializations, or thaumaturgical specialization.

when I fill in all three specializations, it still says it needs one more than appears with a drop-down menu.

I am not using any custom elements, not specializations.

it lest me save, but when I try to look at the character sheet, it gives me an error message and refuses. it gives me a continue option, which puts it into an eternal loading loop, a quit option which shuts down the program and a X-box which closes the error and lets me keep working.

When I tried to load a partial file as a save, it gave me the same warning.

any thoughts?